# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is the Python Computer Graphics Kit.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Matthias Baas.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
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# Contributor(s):
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# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
# $Id$
import os.path
import protocols
from Interfaces import *
from slots import *
import lookat
from lightsource import LightSource
import ribexport
from math import *
# MayaSpotLight
class MayaSpotLight(LightSource):
"""This class represents a spotlight that approximates a Maya spot light.
The direction of the light is the local negative Z axis.
protocols.advise(instancesProvide=[ISceneItem, ribexport.ILightSource])
def __init__(self,
enabled = True,
color = (1,1,1),
intensity = 1.0,
decayRate = 0,
coneAngle = 40,
penumbraAngle = 0,
dropoff = 0,
useDepthMapShadows = False,
dmapResolution = 512,
useMidDistDmap = True,
useDmapAutoFocus = True,
dmapFocus = 90.0,
dmapFilterSize = 1,
dmapBias = 0.001,
target=vec3(0,0,0), # spot
LightSource.__init__(self, name=name, **params)
# target = vec3(target)
# Target
# self.target_slot = Vec3Slot(target)
# self.addSlot("target", self.target_slot)
self.enabled = enabled
self.color = vec3(color)
self.intensity = float(intensity)
self.decayRate = int(decayRate)
self.coneAngle = float(coneAngle)
self.penumbraAngle = float(penumbraAngle)
self.dropoff = float(dropoff)
self.useDepthMapShadows = bool(useDepthMapShadows)
self.dmapResolution = int(dmapResolution)
self.useMidDistDmap = bool(useMidDistDmap)
self.useDmapAutoFocus = bool(useDmapAutoFocus)
self.dmapFocus = float(dmapFocus)
self.dmapFilterSize = float(dmapFilterSize)
self.dmapBias = float(dmapBias)
def protocols(self):
return [ISceneItem]
def createPasses(self):
"""Returns a list of RenderPass objects."""
if self.useDepthMapShadows:
if self.useDmapAutoFocus:
fov = max(self.coneAngle, self.coneAngle+2*self.penumbraAngle)
fov = self.dmapFocus
shadpass = ribexport.ShadowPass(
output = [("shadow.z", "zfile", "z", {})],
light = self,
fov = fov,
resolution = self.dmapResolution,
orientoffset = mat4(1).rotation(pi, vec3(0,1,0))
return [shadpass]
return []
def shaderName(self):
"""Returns the name of the corresponding light shader or None.
return "mayaspotlight"
def shaderSource(self):
"""Returns surface shader source code as a string or None.
return """// MayaSpotLight shader
uniform color lightcolor = color "rgb" (1, 1, 1);
uniform float intensity = 1.0;
uniform float decayRate = 0;
uniform float coneAngle = 40.0;
uniform float penumbraAngle = 0.0;
uniform float dropoff = 0.0;
uniform string dmapName = "";
uniform float dmapFilterSize = 1;
uniform float dmapBias = 0.001;
uniform vector axis = normalize(vector "shader" (0,0,-1));
uniform float coneAngle2 = radians(0.5*coneAngle);
uniform float penumbra_start = coneAngle2;
uniform float penumbra_end = coneAngle2;
if (penumbraAngle<0)
penumbra_start += radians(penumbraAngle);
penumbra_end += radians(penumbraAngle);
uniform float penumbra_range = penumbra_end-penumbra_start;
illuminate(point "shader" (0,0,0), axis, penumbra_end)
vector L0 = normalize(L);
float dist = length(vtransform("world", L));
float att = 1.0;
// Penumbra
float angle = acos(L0.axis);
// Linear decay inside the penumbra
// att *= clamp(1.0-(angle-penumbra_start)/penumbra_range, 0.0, 1.0);
// Smooth decay inside the penumbra
att *= 1.0-smoothstep(penumbra_start, penumbra_end, angle);
// Dropoff
// att *= clamp(2.0-pow(exp(angle),dropoff/255), 0.0, 1.0);
// Decay
if (dist>1.0)
att /= pow(dist, decayRate);
Cl = att * intensity * lightcolor;
if (dmapName!="")
Cl *= 1.0 - shadow(dmapName, Ps, "width", dmapFilterSize, "bias", dmapBias, "samples", 32);
def shaderParams(self, passes):
"""Return a dictionary with shader parameters and their values."""
params = {"intensity":self.intensity,
"uniform color lightcolor":self.color,
"uniform float decayRate":self.decayRate,
"uniform float coneAngle":self.coneAngle,
"uniform float penumbraAngle":self.penumbraAngle,
"uniform float dropoff":self.dropoff,
if self.useDepthMapShadows and passes[0].done():
zfile = passes[0].realFilename(passes[0].output[0][0])
mapname = os.path.splitext(zfile)[0]+".map"
params["uniform string dmapName"] = mapname
params["uniform float dmapFilterSize"] = self.dmapFilterSize
params["uniform float dmapBias"] = self.dmapBias
return params