# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is the Python Computer Graphics Kit.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Matthias Baas.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
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# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
# $Id: offexport.py,v 1.2 2005/04/14 17:22:24 mbaas Exp $
import os.path, sys
from cgtypes import *
from scene import getScene
from geomobject import *
from trimeshgeom import TriMeshGeom
from polyhedrongeom import PolyhedronGeom
import pluginmanager
import cmds
# OffExporter
class OffExporter:
_protocols = ["Export"]
# extension
def extension():
"""Return the file extensions for this format."""
return ["off"]
extension = staticmethod(extension)
# description
def description(self):
"""Return a short description for the file dialog."""
return "Geomview OFF file"
description = staticmethod(description)
# exportFile
def exportFile(self, filename, root=None):
"""Export an OFF file.
root is the root of the subtree that should be exported.
self.N_flag = False
self.C_flag = False
self.ST_flag = False
# Create a list of objects that should be exported
scene = getScene()
self.objects = []
root = cmds.worldObject(root)
if root!=None:
self.objects += list(scene.walkWorld(root))
# Initialize variable flags and return number of verts and faces
numverts, numfaces = self.getNumVertsNFaces()
self.fhandle = file(filename, "w")
# Write header line
kw = ""
if self.ST_flag:
kw += "ST"
if self.C_flag:
kw += "C"
if self.N_flag:
kw += "N"
kw += "OFF"
print >>self.fhandle, kw
# Write number of vertices and faces
print >>self.fhandle, "%d %d 0"%(numverts, numfaces)
# Write vertices...
# Write faces
# writeFaces
def writeFaces(self):
"""Write the faces.
for obj in self.objects:
geom = self.convertObject(obj)
if geom==None:
# Check for primitive variables...
Cs = None
info = geom.findVariable("Cs")
if info!=None and info[1]==UNIFORM and info[2]==COLOR and info[3]==1:
Cs = geom.slot("Cs")
vo = self.voffsets[obj]
if isinstance(geom, TriMeshGeom):
for i in range(geom.faces.size()):
f = geom.faces[i]
s = "3 %d %d %d"%(f[0]+vo, f[1]+vo, f[2]+vo)
if Cs!=None:
s += " %f %f %f"%tuple(Cs[i])
print >>self.fhandle, s
for i in range(geom.getNumPolys()):
poly = geom.getPoly(i)[0]
nv = len(poly)
loop = map(lambda n: n+vo, poly)
s = ("%d "%nv)+(nv*"% d")%tuple(loop)
if Cs!=None:
s += " %f %f %f"%tuple(Cs[i])
print >>self.fhandle, s
# writeVertices
def writeVertices(self):
"""Write the vertices and corresponding varying primitive variables.
The method initializes the voffsets dictionary that contains
the vertex offsets for each object.
voffset = 0
voffsets = {}
for obj in self.objects:
geom = self.convertObject(obj)
if geom==None:
voffsets[obj] = voffset
# Check for primitive variables...
N = None
info = geom.findVariable("N")
if info!=None and info[1]==VARYING and info[2]==NORMAL and info[3]==1:
N = geom.slot("N")
Cs = None
info = geom.findVariable("Cs")
if info!=None and info[1]==VARYING and info[2]==COLOR and info[3]==1:
Cs = geom.slot("Cs")
st = None
info = geom.findVariable("st")
if info!=None and info[1]==VARYING and info[2]==FLOAT and info[3]==2:
st = geom.slot("st")
# Get the world transform to adjust the vertices...
WT = obj.worldtransform
WT3 = WT.getMat3()
# Iterate over all vertices and write the stuff...
for i in range(geom.verts.size()):
v = WT*geom.verts[i]
s = "%f %f %f"%tuple(v)
if self.N_flag:
if N!=None:
norm = WT3*N[i]
norm = norm.normalize()
s += " %f %f %f"%tuple(norm)
s += " 0 0 0"
if self.C_flag:
if Cs!=None:
s += " %f %f %f"%tuple(Cs[i])
s += " 0.666 0.666 0.666"
if self.ST_flag:
if st!=None:
s += " %f %f"%st[i]
s += " 0.0 0.0"
print >>self.fhandle, s
voffset += geom.verts.size()
self.voffsets = voffsets
# getNumVertsNFaces
def getNumVertsNFaces(self):
"""Return the total number of vertices and faces.
The method also sets the variable flags to True if there is
an object that has those variables set.
numverts = 0
numfaces = 0
for obj in self.objects:
geom = self.convertObject(obj)
if geom!=None:
numverts += geom.verts.size()
if isinstance(geom, TriMeshGeom):
numfaces += geom.faces.size()
numfaces += geom.getNumPolys()
info = geom.findVariable("N")
if info!=None and info[1]==VARYING and info[2]==NORMAL and info[3]==1:
self.N_flag = True
info = geom.findVariable("Cs")
if info!=None and info[1]==VARYING and info[2]==COLOR and info[3]==1:
self.C_flag = True
info = geom.findVariable("st")
if info!=None and info[1]==VARYING and info[2]==FLOAT and info[3]==2:
self.ST_flag = True
return numverts, numfaces
# convertObject
def convertObject(self, obj):
"""Converts an object into a polyhedron or trimesh if necessary.
The return value is a GeomObject (TriMeshGeom or PolyhedronGeom)
or None.
geom = obj.geom
if isinstance(geom, TriMeshGeom):
return geom
if not isinstance(geom, PolyhedronGeom):
# Try to convert into a polyhedron...
pg = PolyhedronGeom()
geom = pg
# Is it a PolyhedronGeom that has no polys with holes? then return
# the geom...
if isinstance(geom, PolyhedronGeom) and not geom.hasPolysWithHoles():
return geom
# Try to convert into a triangle mesh...
tm = TriMeshGeom()
return tm
return None
# Register the exporter class as a plugin class