# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is the Python Computer Graphics Kit.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Matthias Baas.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
# $Id: tool.py,v 1.6 2005/03/31 17:20:01 mbaas Exp $
## \file tool.py
## Contains the Tool base class.
import os, os.path, sys, optparse, re
import pluginmanager
from eventmanager import eventManager
from scene import getScene
from targetcamera import TargetCamera
from Interfaces import *
from cmds import *
import application
# Tool
class Tool:
"""Base class for command tools that process a cgkit scene.
Derived classes have to implement the init() and action() method.
The options are parsed in the constructor. To start the tool, the
run() method has to be called. This method does the following:
- Call init()
- Check if input files are given
- Load plugins
- Load input files
- Get or create a camera
- Call action()
- time_start
- time_end
- frame_start
- frame_end
The global timer will be initialized with the frame rate and the
start time.
def __init__(self, defaultoptionvar=None):
defaultoptionvar is the name of an environment variable that
contains the default options.
# Create the option parser, ...
self.optparser = self.createOptionParser()
# set the options...
scene = getScene()
timer = scene.timer()
# Parse the default options
defaultopts = None
if defaultoptionvar!=None:
if defaultoptionvar in os.environ:
optstring = os.environ[defaultoptionvar]
args = optstring.split()
defaultopts, dummy = self.optparser.parse_args(args)
# ...and parse the command line. The options are in "options"
self.options, self.args = self.optparser.parse_args(values=defaultopts)
# Print default options
if self.options.verbose:
print "Python",sys.version
if defaultoptionvar!=None:
if defaultoptionvar in os.environ:
print "Default options in %s: %s"%(defaultoptionvar, os.environ[defaultoptionvar])
print "Environment variable %s not set."%defaultoptionvar
# Determine screen resolution...
self._no_resolution_specified = False
if self.options.width==None:
self.options.width = 640
self._no_resolution_specified = True
if self.options.height==None:
self.options.height = int(self.options.width*3.0/4)
# Set the global application object to this tool class
application._app = self
# init
def init(self):
# action
def action(self):
# createOptionParser
def createOptionParser(self):
"""Create and OptionParser instance.
\return Option parser.
usage = "usage: %prog [options] inputfiles"
return optparse.OptionParser(usage)
# setOptions
def setOptions(self, optparser):
"""Set the options.
\param optparser (\c OptionParser) Option parser
optparser.add_option("-f", "--fps", type="float", default=30,
help="Frame rate")
optparser.add_option("-W", "--width", type="int", default=None,
help="Screen width")
optparser.add_option("-H", "--height", type="int", default=None,
help="Screen height")
optparser.add_option("-p", "--plugin", action="append", default=[],
help="Load a plugin file or directory")
optparser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Output info messages")
optparser.add_option("-c", "--camera", metavar="NAME",
help="Select a camera")
optparser.add_option("-b", "--begin", metavar="TIME",
help="Specify time or frame where to begin")
optparser.add_option("-e", "--end", metavar="TIME",
help="Specify time or frame where to end")
optparser.add_option("-U", "--up", metavar="AXIS",
help="Specify the up axis ('y' or 'z')")
optparser.add_option("-O", "--option", action="append", default=[],
help="Add a global scene option")
optparser.add_option("-t", "--set-time", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Set starting time directly instead of stepping there")
# run
def run(self):
"""Run the tool.
This method calls the init() and action() method.
# Custom initialization
# No input file given? Then print the help page and exit
if len(self.args)==0:
# Load plugins
# Load the input files...
for filename in self.args:
if self.options.verbose:
print 'Loading "%s"...'%filename
# Convert global settings into command line options
self.cam = self.getCamera()
# setOptionsFromGlobals
def setOptionsFromGlobals(self):
"""Convert global settings into command line options.
This method is called by the run() method after the input
files have been read. The method inspects the global settings
and modifies the command line options as appropriate.
scene = getScene()
timer = scene.timer()
# Set additional global options
for s in self.options.option:
f = s.split("=")
name = f[0]
val = "=".join(f[1:])
scene.setGlobal(name, val)
# Set framerate
self.options.fps = scene.getGlobal("fps", self.options.fps)
# Set resolution
if self._no_resolution_specified:
w,h,a = self.getResolution()
self.options.width = w
self.options.height = h
self.options.aspect = a
# Camera
self.options.camera = scene.getGlobal("camera", self.options.camera)
# Set up direction
if self.options.up!=None:
up = self.options.up.lower()
if up=="y":
scene.up = (0,1,0)
elif up=="z":
scene.up = (0,0,1)
raise ValueError, "Invalid 'up' direction: '%s' (should be 'y' or 'z')"%self.options.up
# Set the frame rate
timer.fps = self.options.fps
# Determine end time
self.time_end = None
self.frame_end = None
if self.options.end!=None:
val, unit = self._parseTimeStr(self.options.end)
if unit=="f":
scene.timer().frame = val
scene.timer().time = val
self.time_end = timer.time
self.frame_end = timer.frame
# Determine start time (which will be set on the timer)
self.time_start = 0.0
self.frame_start = 0.0
if self.options.begin!=None:
val, unit = self._parseTimeStr(self.options.begin)
if unit=="f":
scene.timer().frame = val
scene.timer().time = val
self.time_start = timer.time
self.frame_start = timer.frame
# Set the timer to the start time...
# (either by stepping there or by setting it directly)
if self.options.set_time:
# Set the time directly
timer.time = self.time_start
# Step to the start time (so that any simulation, etc. is properly
# done)
timer.time = 0
while self.time_start-timer.time>1E-5:
if self.time_end==None:
te = "<inf>"
fe = "<inf>"
te = "%1.2fs"%self.time_end
fe = "%d"%self.frame_end
if self.options.verbose:
print "Time range: %1.2fs - %s (frames %d - %s)"%(self.time_start, te, self.frame_start, fe)
# loadPlugins
def loadPlugins(self):
"""Load plugins.
The plugins specified in the environment variable CGKIT_PLUGIN_PATH
and in the command line are loaded.
s = os.environ.get("CGKIT_PLUGIN_PATH", "")
pluginsvar = splitPaths(s)
lst = getattr(self.options, "plugin", [])
s = ";".join(lst)
s = s.replace(",", ";")
pluginsopt = splitPaths(s)
plugins = pluginsvar + pluginsopt
descs = pluginmanager.importPlugins(plugins)
for desc in descs:
if desc.status!=pluginmanager.STATUS_OK:
sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Loading plugin "%s" failed:\n'%os.path.basename(desc.filename))
# getCamera
def getCamera(self):
"""Get or create a camera object.
scene = getScene()
cname = self.options.camera
# Search for a camera...
cam = None
for obj in scene.walkWorld():
prots = obj.protocols()
if ICamera in prots:
if obj.name==cname or cname==None :
cam = obj
if cname!=None and cam==None:
raise ValueError, 'Camera "%s" not found.'%cname
# No camera? Then create a default camera...
if cam==None:
if self.options.verbose:
print "No camera set, using a default camera."
bbmin, bbmax = scene.boundingBox().getBounds()
dif = bbmax-bbmin
b1 = scene.up.ortho()
b2 = scene.up.cross(b1)
pos = dif.length()*(0.5*b1+b2) + (bbmax.z+0.5*dif.z)*scene.up
if abs(dif.z)<0.0001:
pos += 0.8*dif.length()*scene.up
cam = TargetCamera(pos = pos,
target = 0.5*(bbmin+bbmax)-0.2*(dif.z*scene.up),
fov = 50)
if self.options.verbose:
print "Camera:",cam.name
return cam
# getResolution
def getResolution(self):
"""Read the global resolution setting.
Returns a tuple (width, height, pixel aspect)
res = getScene().getGlobal("resolution", (640,480))
# If the resolution is a string, try to evaluate it
if isinstance(res, basestring):
res = eval(res)
if len(res)==2:
w,h = res
aspect = 1
elif len(res)==3:
w,h,aspect = res
raise Exception
print >>sys.stderr, "Error: Invalid resolution setting:",res
w,h,aspect = 640,480,1
return w,h,aspect
# translateKeyWordOpt
def translateKeyWordOpt(self, opt, dic, msg):
"""Translates an option value from keyword to internal value.
opt is the value of the option as specified by the user.
dic is a dictionary that translates keywords to internal values.
msg is an error message that will be passed to the ValueError
exception. msg must contain the sub string "%s" that will be
replaced with the invalid option value.
if opt==None:
opt2 = None
opt2 = opt.lower()
if dic.has_key(opt2):
return dic[opt2]
raise ValueError, msg%opt
## protected:
# _parseTimeStr
def _parseTimeStr(self, s):
"""Split a string containing a time value into the value and unit.
Returns a tuple (value, unit).
m = re.search("[a-z]*$", s)
unit = s[m.start():]
val = float(s[:m.start()])
if unit=="":
if unit not in ["f", "s"]:
raise ValueError, "Unknown time unit: '%s'"%unit
return val,unit