# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is the Python Computer Graphics Kit.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Matthias Baas.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
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# $Id: worldobject.py,v 1.3 2005/08/15 15:47:56 mbaas Exp $
## \file worldobject.py
## Contains the WorldObject class.
#from _core import WorldObject as _WorldObject
#from _core import _WorldObjectChildIterator
import _core
from Interfaces import ISceneItem,ISceneItemContainer
import protocols
import scene
from cgtypes import *
# WorldObject
class WorldObject(_core.WorldObject):
"""The base class for a world object.
A world object is a scene item that has a position and orientation in
space and that can usually be represented by 3D geometry.
- name
- transform
- pos
- rot
- scale
- pivot
- mass
If you access an attribute that's actually stored in the geom then
the attribute access is forwarded to the geom. This means you can
access the geom slots through the world object (for example, if you
attach a sphere geom to a world object, then the world object "has"
an attribute 'radius').
protocols.advise(instancesProvide=[ISceneItem, ISceneItemContainer])
def __init__(self,
transform = None,
pos = None, rot = None, scale = None,
pivot = None,
offsetTransform = None,
parent = None,
mass = None,
material = None,
visible = True,
linearvel = None,
angularvel = None,
auto_insert = True):
\param name (\c str) Object name
\param transform (\c mat4) Initial transform
\param pos (\c vec3) Initial position
\param rot (\c mat3) Initial rotation
\param scale (\c vec3) Initial scaling
\param pivot (\c vec3) Initial pivot point (takes precedence over offsetTransform)
\param offsetTransform (\c mat4) Initial offset transform
\param parent (\c WorldObject or \c str) Parent object or None
\param mass (\c float) Total mass
\param material (\c Material) Material class (or a sequence of materials)
\param visible (\c Bool) Visibility flag
\param linearvel (\c vec3) Linear velocity
\param angularvel (\c vec3) Angular velocity
\param auto_insert (\c bool) If True, the object is inserted into the
scene automatically
exec _preInitWorldObject
_core.WorldObject.__init__(self, name)
_initWorldObject(self, name=name,
transform=transform, pos=pos, rot=rot,
scale=scale, pivot=pivot,
mass=mass, material=material,
linearvel=linearvel, angularvel=angularvel,
# if offsetTransform!=None:
# self.setOffsetTransform(offsetTransform)
# if pivot!=None:
# self.pivot = pivot
# if transform!=None:
# self.transform = transform
# if pos!=None:
# self.pos = pos
# if rot!=None:
# self.rot = rot
# if scale!=None:
# self.scale = scale
# if mass!=None:
# self.mass = mass
# if material!=None:
# self.material = material
# if auto_insert:
# scene.getScene().insert(self)
def protocols(self):
return [ISceneItem, ISceneItemContainer]
def __getattr__(self, name):
if self.geom!=None and name[:2]!="__":
if hasattr(self.geom, name):
return getattr(self.geom, name)
elif self.geom.hasSlot(name):
return self.geom.slot(name).getValue()
# if self.geom!=None and self.geom.hasSlot(name):
# exec "res=self.geom.%s"%name
# return res
raise AttributeError, 'Object "%s" has no attribute "%s"'%(self.name, name)
def __setattr__(self, name, val):
if self.geom!=None and self.geom.hasSlot(name):
# print "self.geom.%s=%s"%(name, val)
exec "self.geom.%s=%s"%(name, val)
_core.WorldObject.__setattr__(self, name, val)
# This string has to be executed at the beginning of a constructor
# that has to initialize a _core.WorldObject object.
_preInitWorldObject = """
if auto_insert:
if parent==None:
parent = scene.getScene().worldRoot()
if type(parent) in [str, unicode]:
parent = scene.getScene().worldObject(parent)
name = parent.makeChildNameUnique(name)
# Common WorldObject initializations
def _initWorldObject(self, name, parent, transform=None,
pos=None, rot=None, scale=None,
pivot=None, offsetTransform=None,
mass=None, material=None, visible=True,
linearvel=None, angularvel=None,
"""Helper function for usage in constructors.
if offsetTransform!=None:
if pivot!=None:
self.pivot = vec3(pivot)
if transform!=None:
self.transform = transform
if pos!=None:
self.pos = vec3(pos)
if rot!=None:
self.rot = mat3(rot)
if scale!=None:
self.scale = vec3(scale)
if mass!=None:
self.mass = mass
if material!=None:
# Check if material is a sequence or not. If it is not a
# sequence the following line will raise an exception.
material = [material]
for i,mat in enumerate(material):
self.setMaterial(mat, i)
if linearvel!=None:
self.linearvel = vec3(linearvel)
if angularvel!=None:
self.angularvel = vec3(angularvel)
self.visible = visible
if auto_insert:
# scene.getScene().insert(self)