#!/usr/bin/env python
""" A tk based color gradient editor for vtkLookupTables. Most of the
code is independent of vtk however (and also tk could be replaced by
another toolkit) so it can easlily be transfered to other
applications. Intended to be called by other scripts (embedding it is
very easy). Direct invokation via
python GradientEditor.py
shows how this widget might be used from vtk/tk applications.
This code is distributed under the conditions of the BSD license. See
LICENSE.txt for details.
Copyright (c) 2005, Gerald Knizia and Prabhu Ramachandran
__author__ = "Gerald Knizia <cgk.d@gmx.net>"
import Tkinter as tk
import tkFileDialog
import vtk
# Constants describing the behavior of the gradient editor.
# Radius around a control point center in which we'd still count a click as
# "clicked the control point"
control_point_click_tolerance = 4
# Default number of entries to generate for a lookup table.
num_lookup_table_entries = 256
def lerp(arg0,arg1,f):
"""linearly interpolate between arguments arg0 and arg1.
The weight f is from [0..1], with f=0 giving arg0 and f=1 giving arg1"""
return (1-f)*arg0 + f*arg1
def rgba_to_hsva(r,g,b,a):
"""Convert color from RGBA to HSVA.
input: r,g,b,a are from [0..1]
output: h,s,v,a are from [0..1] (h will never be 1.0)
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSV_color_space
Only difference: hue range is [0..1) here, not [0..360)."""
max_comp = max((r,g,b))
min_comp = min((r,g,b))
h = 1.0/6.0 #60.0
if ( max_comp != min_comp ):
if ( r >= g) and ( r >= b ):
h *= 0 + (g-b)/(max_comp-min_comp)
elif ( g >= b ):
h *= 2 + (b-r)/(max_comp-min_comp)
h *= 4 + (r-g)/(max_comp-min_comp)
if h < 0:
h += 1.0
if h > 1.0:
h -= 1.0
if ( max_comp != 0 ):
s = ( max_comp - min_comp )/max_comp
s = 0
v = max_comp
return (h,s,v,a)
def hsva_to_rgba(h_,s,v,a):
"""Convert color from HSVA to RGBA.
input: h,s,v,a are from [0..1]
output: r,g,b,a are from [0..1]
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSV_color_space
Only difference: hue range is [0..1) here, not [0..360)."""
(r,g,b,a) = (v,v,v,a)
h = h_ * 360.0
if ( s < 1e-4 ):
return (r,g,b,a)#zero saturation -> color acromatic
hue_slice_index = int(h/60.0)
hue_partial = h/60.0 - hue_slice_index
p = v * ( 1 - s )
q = v * ( 1 - hue_partial * s )
t = v * ( 1 - (1-hue_partial) * s )
if ( 0 == hue_slice_index ):
r, g, b = v, t, p
elif ( 1 == hue_slice_index ):
r, g, b = q, v, p
elif ( 2 == hue_slice_index ):
r, g, b = p, v, t
elif ( 3 == hue_slice_index ):
r, g, b = p, q, v
elif ( 4 == hue_slice_index ):
r, g, b = t, p, v
elif ( 5 == hue_slice_index ):
r, g, b = v, p, q
return (r,g,b,a)
class Color:
"""Represents a color and provides means of automatic conversion between
HSV(A) and RGB(A) color spaces. The color is stored in HSVA space."""
def __init__(self):
self.hsva = (0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0)
def set_rgb(self,r,g,b):
def set_rgba(self,r,g,b,a):
self.hsva = rgba_to_hsva(r,g,b,a)
def get_rgb255(self):
"""returns a tuple (r,g,b) of 3 integers in range [0..255] representing
the color."""
rgba = self.get_rgba()
return (int(rgba[0]*255), int(rgba[1]*255), int(rgba[2]*255) )
def get_rgba(self):
h,s,v,a = self.hsva
return hsva_to_rgba(h,s,v,a)
def get_hsva(self):
return self.hsva
def set_hsva(self,h,s,v,a):
self.hsva = (h,s,v,a)
def set_lerp(self, f,A,B):
"""Set self to result of linear interpolation between colors A and
B in HSVA space.
The weight f is from [0..1], with f=0 giving A and f=1 giving
color B."""
h = lerp(A.hsva[0], B.hsva[0], f)
s = lerp(A.hsva[1], B.hsva[1], f)
v = lerp(A.hsva[2], B.hsva[2], f)
a = lerp(A.hsva[3], B.hsva[3], f)
self.hsva = (h,s,v,a)
class ColorControlPoint:
"""A control point represents a fixed position in the gradient
and its assigned color. A control point can have indifferent
color channels in hsv space, i.e. channels, on which its
presence does not impose any effect."""
def __init__(self, active_channels, fixed=False):
self.color = Color()
# position in the gradient table. range: [0..1].
self.pos = 0.0
# fixed control points can not be moved to other positions. The
# control points for the begin and the end of the gradient are usually
# the only fixed control points.
self.fixed = fixed
if ( 'a' != active_channels ):
self.active_channels = "rgb"
self.active_channels = "a"
def activate_channels(self,new_channels):
"""NewChannels: string consisting of the new color channel names"""
for c in new_channels:
if ( not ( c in self.active_channels ) ):
self.active_channels += c
def set_pos(self,f):
self.pos = max(min(f,1.0), 0.0)
class GradientTable:
"""this class represents a logical gradient table, i.e. an array
of colors and the means to control it via control points"""
def __init__( self, num_entries ):
self.size = num_entries
self.table = [[0.0]*self.size, [0.0]*self.size, [0.0]*self.size, [0.0]*self.size ]
self.table_hsva = [[0.0]*self.size, [0.0]*self.size, [0.0]*self.size, [0.0]*self.size ]
# ^- table[channel][index]: rgba values of the colors of the table.
# range: [0..1]^4.
# insert the control points for the left and the right end of the
# gradient. These are fixed (i.e. cannot be moved or deleted) and
# allow one to set begin and end colors.
left_control_point = ColorControlPoint(fixed=True, active_channels="hsva")
left_control_point.color.set_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
right_control_point = ColorControlPoint(fixed=True, active_channels="hsva")
right_control_point.color.set_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
self.control_points = [left_control_point, right_control_point]
# note: The array of control points always has to be sorted by gradient
# position of the control points.
# insert another control point. This one has no real function, it
# is just there to make the gradient editor more colorful initially
# and suggest to the (first time user) that it is actually possible to
# place more control points.
mid_control_point = ColorControlPoint(active_channels="hsv")
self.insert_control_point( mid_control_point )
# it is possible to scale the output gradient using a nonlinear function
# which maps [0..1] to [0..1], aviable using the "nonlin" option in the
# gui. Per default, this option is disabled however.
self.scaling_function_string = "" # will receive the function string if
# set, e.g. "x**(4*a)"
self.scaling_function_parameter = 0.5 # the parameter a, slider controlled
self.scaling_function = None # the actual function object. takes one
# position parameter. None if disabled.
def get_color_hsva(self,idx):
"""return (h,s,v,a) tuple in self.table_hsva for index idx"""
return (self.table_hsva[0][idx],self.table_hsva[1][idx],
def get_color(self,idx):
"""return (r,g,b,a) tuple in self.table for index idx"""
return (self.table[0][idx],self.table[1][idx],
def set_color_hsva(self,idx,hsva_color):
"""set hsva table entry for index idx to hsva_color, which must be
self.table_hsva[0][idx] = hsva_color[0]
self.table_hsva[1][idx] = hsva_color[1]
self.table_hsva[2][idx] = hsva_color[2]
self.table_hsva[3][idx] = hsva_color[3]
def set_color(self,idx,rgba_color):
"""set rgba table entry for index idx to rgba_color, which must be
self.table[0][idx] = rgba_color[0]
self.table[1][idx] = rgba_color[1]
self.table[2][idx] = rgba_color[2]
self.table[3][idx] = rgba_color[3]
def get_pos_index(self,f):
"""return index in .table of gradient position f \in [0..1]"""
return int(f*(self.size-1))
def get_index_pos(self,idx):
"""return position f \in [0..1] of gradient table index idx"""
return (1.0*idx)/(self.size-1)
def get_pos_color(self,f):
"""return a Color object representing the color which is lies at
position f \in [0..1] in the current gradient"""
result = Color()
#e = self.table_hsva[:,self.get_pos_index(f)]
e = self.get_color_hsva(self.get_pos_index(f))
result.set_hsva(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3])
return result
def get_pos_rgba_color_lerped(self,f):
"""return a (r,g,b,a) color representing the color which is lies at
position f \in [0..1] in the current gradient. if f is outside the
[0..1] interval, the result will be clamped to this interval"""
scaled_pos = max(min(f,1.0), 0.0)*(self.size-1)
idx0 = int(scaled_pos)
fraction = scaled_pos - idx0
idx1 = min( self.size - 1, 1 + idx0 )
r = lerp( self.table[0][idx0], self.table[0][idx1], fraction )
g = lerp( self.table[1][idx0], self.table[1][idx1], fraction )
b = lerp( self.table[2][idx0], self.table[2][idx1], fraction )
a = lerp( self.table[3][idx0], self.table[3][idx1], fraction )
return (r,g,b,a)
def insert_control_point(self,new_point):
"""Insert a new control point into the table. Does sort the control
points, but does NOT update the table."""
self.control_points += [new_point]
def sort_control_points(self):
"""Sort control points by position. Call this if the position of
any control point was changed externally. The control point array
always has to be sorted."""
def pred(x, y):
if x < y:
return -1
elif y < x:
return +1
return 0
self.control_points.sort( lambda x, y: pred(x.pos, y.pos) )
def update(self):
"""Recalculate the gradient table from the control points. The colors
are interpolated linearly between each two control points in hsva space.
control_point_indices_total = []
for point in self.control_points:
# first, recalculate the Hsva table channel-wise from the control points
for it in [("h",0),("s",1),("v",2),("a",3)]:
# take into account only control points which are active
# for the current channel
control_point_indices = filter( \
lambda x: it[0] in x[1].active_channels,
control_point_indices_total )
assert( len( control_point_indices ) >= 2 )
# we always interpolate between two adjacent control points on the
# current channel. NextIntervalBeginIdx marks the first table index
# on which the next set of control points is to be choosen.
start_point_id = -1
end_point_id = 0
start_pos = 0 #dummy value
end_pos = 0 #dummy value
next_interval_begin_idx = 0
end_point = control_point_indices[0][1]
assert( next_interval_begin_idx == 0 )
for k in range(self.size):
while( k == next_interval_begin_idx ):
# ^-- this loop makes sure that we won't attempt to
# interpolate between two control points that lie on
# each other. read "if" instead of "while".
start_point_id += 1
end_point_id += 1
start_point = end_point
start_pos = end_pos
end_point = control_point_indices[end_point_id][1]
end_pos = end_point.pos
next_interval_begin_idx = 1+control_point_indices[end_point_id][0]
# calculate float position of this entry in the gradient table
# and (linear) position in the current gradient between the
# two current control points
cur_pos = self.get_index_pos(k)
f = ( cur_pos - start_pos ) / ( end_pos - start_pos )
assert( ( 0 <= f ) and ( f <= 1 ) )
# ^-- this might happen when two control points lie on each
# other. Since this case only occurs as an intermediate case
# when dragging it is not really problematic.
#f = min( 1.0, max( 0.0, f ) )
self.table_hsva[it[1]][k] = lerp(start_point.color.hsva[it[1]],
end_point.color.hsva[it[1]], f)
assert( next_interval_begin_idx == self.size )
# convert hsva colors to rgba
for k in range(self.size):
h,s,v,a = self.get_color_hsva(k)
self.set_color(k, hsva_to_rgba(h, s, v, a))
def store_to_vtk_lookup_table(self, vtk_table, num_entries=num_lookup_table_entries):
"""Store current color table in VtkTable, an instance of
scale_xform = lambda x:x
if self.scaling_function:
scale_xform = self.scaling_function
for idx in range(num_entries):
f = scale_xform( float(idx)/(num_entries-1) )
rgba = self.get_pos_rgba_color_lerped(f)
vtk_table.SetTableValue( idx, rgba )
def scaling_parameters_changed(self):
"""Recompile the scaling function."""
from math import tan,atan,cos,acos,sin,asin,pow,log,exp,e,pi
self.scaling_function = None
# let python generate a new function via the exec statement. to make
# the security risk calculable, we execute that function in a local
# scope. The downside is that we have to provide math functions
# one at a time.
def_string = "def ParamFn(x): return %s " % (self.scaling_function_string)
dict = {"a":self.scaling_function_parameter, "ParamFn":None,
"atan":atan, "tan":tan, "cos":cos, "acos":acos,
"sin":sin, "asin":asin, "pow":pow, "log":log, "exp":exp, "e":e,
"pi":pi }
if ( "" == self.scaling_function_string ):
exec def_string in dict
self.scaling_function = dict["ParamFn"]
raise ValueError("failed to compile function: ", def_string )
def set_scaling_function_parameter(self,new_parameter):
"""Set the 'a' parameter of the scaling function"""
self.scaling_function_parameter = new_parameter
def set_scaling_function(self,new_function_string):
"""Set scaling function. new_function_string is a string describing the
function, e.g. 'x**(4*a)' """
self.scaling_function_string = new_function_string
def save(self, file_name):
"""Save control point set into a new file FileName. It is not checked
whether the file already exists. Further writes out a VTK .lut file
and a .jpg file showing the gradients."""
# write control points set.
file = open( file_name, "w" )
file.write( "V 1.1 Color Gradient File\n" )
file.write( "ScalingFunction: %s\n" % (self.scaling_function_string) )
file.write( "ScalingParameter: %s\n" % (self.scaling_function_parameter) )
file.write( "ControlPoints: (pos fixed bindings h s v a)\n" )
for control_point in self.control_points:
file.write( " %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n" % ( \
control_point.pos, control_point.fixed, control_point.active_channels,
control_point.color.get_hsva()[0], control_point.color.get_hsva()[1],
control_point.color.get_hsva()[2], control_point.color.get_hsva()[3] ) )
# write vtk lookup table. Unfortunatelly these objects don't seem to
# have any built in and exposed means of loading or saving them, so
# we build the vtk file directly
vtk_table = vtk.vtkLookupTable()
# replace .grad extension by .lut
vtk_table_file_name = file_name[:len(file_name)-5] + ".lut"
file = open( vtk_table_file_name, "w" )
num_colors = vtk_table.GetNumberOfTableValues()
file.write( "LOOKUP_TABLE UnnamedTable %s\n" % ( num_colors ) )
for idx in range(num_colors):
entry = vtk_table.GetTableValue(idx)
file.write("%.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f\n" % (entry[0],entry[1],entry[2],entry[3]))
# if the python image library is aviable, also generate a small .jpg
# file showing how the gradient looks. Based on code from Arnd Baecker.
import Image
except ImportError:
pass # we're ready otherwise. no jpg output tho.
Ny=64 # vertical size of the jpeg
im = Image.new("RGBA",(num_colors,Ny))
for nx in range(num_colors):
(r,g,b,a) = vtk_table.GetTableValue(nx)
for ny in range(Ny):
# replace .grad extension by .jpg
image_file_name = file_name[:len(file_name)-5] + ".jpg"
# it might be better to store the gradient as .png file, as these
# are actually able to store alpha components (unlike jpg files)
# and might also lead to a better compression.
def load(self, file_name):
"""Load control point set from file FileName and recalculate gradient
file = open( file_name, "r" )
version_tag = file.readline()
version = float(version_tag.split()[1])+1e-5
if ( version >= 1.1 ):
# read in the scaling function and the scaling function parameter
function_line_split = file.readline().split()
parameter_line = file.readline()
if ( len(function_line_split)==2 ):
self.scaling_function_string = function_line_split[1]
self.scaling_function_string = ""
self.scaling_function_parameter = float(parameter_line.split()[1])
self.scaling_function_string = ""
self.scaling_function_parameter = 0.5
new_control_points = []
while True:
cur_line = file.readline()
if not cur_line:
# readline is supposed to return an empty string at EOF
args = cur_line.split()
if ( len(args) < 7 ):
raise ValueError("gradient file format broken.")
new_point = ColorControlPoint(active_channels="")
new_point.set_pos( float( args[0] ) )
new_point.fixed = "True" == args[1] #bool( args[1] )
new_point.active_channels = args[2]
(h,s,v,a) = ( float(args[3]), float(args[4]),
float(args[5]), float(args[6]) )
self.control_points = new_control_points
class GradientControl(tk.Frame):
"""Widget which displays the gradient represented by an GradientTable
object (and does nothing beyond that)"""
def __init__(self, master, gradient_table, width, height ):
"""master: frame in which to place the control. GradientTable is the
Table to which to attach."""
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, borderwidth=2, relief='groove')
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.gradient_table = gradient_table
assert( gradient_table.size == width )
# ^- currently only able to use gradient tables in the same
# size as the canvas width
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self, background="white", width=width,
def update(self):
"""Repaint the control."""
self.canvas.delete(tk.ALL) # clears all lines contained.
# a look around the web (http://wiki.tcl.tk/11868) told me that
# using the PhotoImage tk-control would not be a good idea and
# that line objects work faster. While I doubt this is an optimal
# solution it currently works fast enought.
xform = self.gradient_table.scaling_function
start_y = 0
end_y = self.height
if xform:
# if a scaling transformation is provided, paint the original
# gradient under the scaled gradient.
start_y = self.height/2
# paint the original gradient as it stands in the table.
for x in range(self.width):
(r,g,b,a) = self.gradient_table.get_color(x)
self.canvas.create_line(x,start_y,x,end_y, \
fill="#%02x%02x%02x" % (int(255*r),int(255*g),int(255*b)))
if xform:
# paint the scaled gradient below
end_y = start_y
start_y = 0
for x in range(self.width):
f = float(x)/(self.width-1)
(r,g,b,a) = self.gradient_table.get_pos_rgba_color_lerped(xform(f))
self.canvas.create_line(x,start_y,x,end_y, \
fill="#%02x%02x%02x" % (int(255*r),int(255*g),int(255*b)))
class FunctionControl(tk.Frame):
"""Widget which displays a rectangular regions on which hue, sat, val
or rgb values can be modified. An function control can have one or more
attached color channels."""
class Channel:
def __init__(self, function_control, name, color_string,
channel_index, channel_mode):
"""arguments documented in function body"""
self.control = function_control #owning function control
self.name = name #'r','g','b','h','s','v' or 'a'
self.color_string = color_string
# ^-- string containing a tk color value with which to
# paint this channel
self.index = channel_index #0: r or h, 1: g or s, 2: b or v, 3: a
self.mode = channel_mode #'hsv' or 'rgb'
def get_value(self, color):
"""Return height value of the current channel for the given color.
Range: 0..1"""
if ( self.mode == 'hsv' ):
return color.get_hsva()[self.index]
return color.get_rgba()[self.index]
def get_value_index(self, color):
"""Return height index of channel value of Color.
Range: [1..ControlHeight]"""
return int( 1+(self.control.height-1)*(1.0 - self.get_value(color)) )
def get_index_value(self, y):
"""Get value in [0..1] of height index y"""
return min(1.0, max(0.0, 1.0 - float(y-1)/(self.control.height-1)))
def set_value( self, color, new_value_on_this_channel ):
"""Color will be modified: NewValue.. will be set to the color
channel *self represents."""
if ( self.mode == 'hsv' ):
hsva = [color.get_hsva()[0], color.get_hsva()[1],
color.get_hsva()[2], color.get_hsva()[3] ]
hsva[self.index] = new_value_on_this_channel
if ( hsva[0] >= 1.0 - 1e-5 ):
# hack to make sure hue does not jump back to 0.0
# when it should be at 1.0 (rgb <-> hsv xform not
# invertible there)
hsva[0] = 1.0 - 1e-5
rgba = [color.get_rgba()[0], color.get_rgba()[1],
color.get_rgba()[2], color.get_rgba()[3] ]
rgba[self.index] = new_value_on_this_channel
def set_value_index( self, color, y ):
"""Color will be modified: the value assigned to the height index
y will be set to the color channel of Color *self represents."""
self.set_value( color, self.get_index_value(y) )
def get_pos_index(self,f):
"""Return x-index for gradient position f in [0..1]"""
return int(f*(self.control.width-1))
def get_index_pos(self,idx):
"""Return gradient position f in [0..1] for x-index Idx in
return (1.0*idx)/(self.control.width-1)
def paint(self, canvas):
"""Paint current channel into Canvas (a canvas of a function control
Contents of the canvas are not deleted prior to painting,
so more than one channel can be painted into the same canvas."""
table = self.control.table
# only control points which are active for the current channel
# are to be painted. filter them out.
relevant_control_points = filter( \
lambda x: self.name in x.active_channels,
table.control_points )
# lines between control points
for k in range( len(relevant_control_points) - 1 ):
cur_point = relevant_control_points[k]
next_point = relevant_control_points[1+k]
canvas.create_line( self.get_pos_index(cur_point.pos),
fill = self.color_string )
# control points themself.
for control_point in relevant_control_points:
x = self.get_pos_index( control_point.pos )
y = self.get_value_index( control_point.color )
radius = 3
canvas.create_rectangle( x - radius, y - radius, x + radius,
y + radius, outline = '#000000' )
def __init__(self, master, gradient_table, color_space, width, height,
on_table_changed = None ):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, borderwidth=2, relief='groove')
"""Initialize a function control widget on tkframe master.
OnTableChanged: Callback function taking a bool argument of meaning
'FinalUpdate'. FinalUpdate is true if a control point is dropped,
created or removed and false if the update is due to a control point
currently beeing dragged (but not yet dropped)
ColorSpace: String which specifies the channels painted on this control.
May be any combination of h,s,v,r,g,b,a in which each channel
occurs only once."""
self.on_table_changed = on_table_changed
self.table = gradient_table
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.gradient_table = gradient_table
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self, background="white", \
width=self.width, height=self.height)
self.channels = []
# add the channels
Channel = FunctionControl.Channel
for c in color_space:
if c == 'r':
self.channels += [Channel(self, "r", "red", 0, 'rgb' )]
elif c == 'g':
self.channels += [Channel(self, "g", "green", 1, 'rgb' )]
elif c == 'b':
self.channels += [Channel(self, "b", "blue", 2, 'rgb' )]
elif c == 'v':
self.channels += [Channel(self, "v", "#7f7f7f", 2, 'hsv' )]
elif c == 'h':
self.channels += [Channel(self, "h", "#ff0000", 0, 'hsv' )]
elif c == 's':
self.channels += [Channel(self, "s", "#ffafaf", 1, 'hsv' )]
elif c == 'a':
self.channels += [Channel(self, "a", "#000000", 3, 'hsv' )]
# generate a list of channels on which markers should
# be bound if moved on the current channel. since we interpolate
# the colors in hsv space, changing the r, g or b coordinates
# explicitely means that h, s and v all have to be fixed.
self.active_channels_string = ""
for channel in self.channels:
self.active_channels_string += channel.name
if ( ( 'r' in color_space ) or ( 'g' in color_space ) or ( 'b' in color_space ) ):
for c in "hsv":
if ( not ( c in self.active_channels_string ) ):
self.active_channels_string += c
if ( color_space == 'a' ):
# alpha channels actually independent of all other channels.
self.active_channels_string = 'a'
self.canvas.bind( "<ButtonRelease-1>", self.on_left_button_up )
self.canvas.bind( "<Button-1>", self.on_left_button_down )
self.canvas.bind( "<ButtonRelease-3>", self.on_right_button_up )
self.canvas.bind( "<Button-3>", self.on_right_button_down )
self.canvas.bind( "<Motion>", self.on_mouse_move )
self.cur_drag = None #<- [channel,control_point] while something is dragged.
def update(self):
"""Repaint the control."""
canvas = self.canvas # shortcut...
for channel in self.channels:
def find_control_point(self, x, y):
"""Check if a control point lies near (x,y) or near x if y == None.
returns [channel, control point] if found, None otherwise"""
for channel in self.channels:
for control_point in self.table.control_points:
# take into account only control points which are
# actually active for the current channel
if ( not ( channel.name in control_point.active_channels ) ):
point_x = channel.get_pos_index( control_point.pos )
point_y = channel.get_value_index( control_point.color )
y_ = y
if ( None == y_ ):
y_ = point_y
if ( (point_x-x)**2 + (point_y-y_)**2 <= control_point_click_tolerance**2 ):
return [channel, control_point]
return None
def on_left_button_down(self, event):
self.cur_drag = self.find_control_point( event.x, event.y )
def on_left_button_up(self, event):
if self.cur_drag:
self.table_config_changed( final_update = True )
self.cur_drag = None
def on_right_button_down(self, event):
def table_config_changed(self, final_update):
"""Called internally in the control if the configuration of the attached
gradient table has changed due to actions of this control.
Forwards the update/change notice."""
if self.on_table_changed:
def on_right_button_up(self, event):
# toggle control point. check if there is a control point
# under the mouse. If yes, delete it, if not, create one
# at that point.
cur_control_point = self.find_control_point(event.x, None)
if cur_control_point:
# found a marker at the click position. delete it and return,
# unless it is a fixed marker (at pos 0 or 1)..
if ( cur_control_point[1].fixed ):
# in this case do nothing. Fixed markers cannot be deleted.
# since there was no marker to remove at the point, we assume
# that we should place one there
new_control_point = ColorControlPoint(active_channels = self.active_channels_string)
# set new control point color to the color currently present
# at its designated position
new_control_point.color = self.table.get_pos_color(new_control_point.pos)
self.table.insert_control_point( new_control_point )
self.table_config_changed( final_update = True )
def on_mouse_move(self, event):
# currently dragging a control point?
if self.cur_drag:
channel = self.cur_drag[0]
point = self.cur_drag[1]
if ( not point.fixed ):
point.set_pos( channel.get_index_pos(event.x) )
point.activate_channels( self.active_channels_string )
channel.set_value_index( point.color, event.y )
self.table_config_changed( final_update = False )
class GradientEditor(tk.Toplevel):
"""The gradient editor window, i.e. the thing that contains the gradient
display, the function controls and the buttons."""
def __init__(self, master, vtk_table, on_change_color_table = None):
"""Initialize the gradient editor window.
master: Owning widget, for example a tk root object.
VtkTable: Instance of vtkLookupTable, designating the table which is
to be edited.
OnChangeColorTable: Callback function taking no arguments. Called
when the color table was changed and rendering is requested."""
# Inner dimensions of the color control gui-elements in pixels.
gradient_preview_width = 300
gradient_preview_height = 50
channel_function_width = gradient_preview_width
channel_function_height = 80
tk.Toplevel.__init__(self, master)
self.title("Color Gradient Editor")
self.minsize( gradient_preview_width+4, gradient_preview_height + 5 * \
channel_function_height + 50 )
self.gradient_table = GradientTable(gradient_preview_width)
self.vtk_color_table = vtk_table
# create controls.
self.gradient_control = GradientControl(self, self.gradient_table,
gradient_preview_width, gradient_preview_height )
def on_gradient_table_changed( final_update ):
# update all function controls.
for control in self.function_controls_hsv:
# repaint the gradient display or the external windows only
# when the instant*** options are set or when the update was final.
if final_update or ( 1 == self.show_instant_gradients.get() ):
if final_update or ( 1 == self.show_instant_feedback.get() ):
self.gradient_table.store_to_vtk_lookup_table( self.vtk_color_table )
self.on_gradient_table_changed = on_gradient_table_changed
self.function_control_rgb = FunctionControl(self, self.gradient_table,
"rgb", channel_function_width, channel_function_height,
label = tk.Label( self, text = "rgb" )
label.grid(row=1, column=0)
self.function_controls_hsv = []
for it in [("hue",2), ("sat",3), ("val",4), ("alp", 5) ]:
control = FunctionControl(self, self.gradient_table,
it[0][0], channel_function_width, channel_function_height,
on_gradient_table_changed )
label = tk.Label( self, text = it[0] )
label.grid(row=it[1], column=0)
# buttons and the instruction label get into an own subframe for
# easier control.
button_frame = tk.Frame(self)
ok_button = tk.Button(button_frame, text="ok", command=self.ok)
#CancelButton = tk.Button(ButtonFrame, text="cancel", command=self.Cancel)
spacer = tk.Frame(button_frame, width=10 )
save_button = tk.Button(button_frame, text="save", command=self.save_gradient)
load_button = tk.Button(button_frame, text="load", command=self.load_gradient)
spacer = tk.Frame(button_frame, width=10 )
label = tk.Label(button_frame,text="instant:")
# these two buttons control whether gradient and render target
# updates are executed during movement of control points or
# only at the end of such changes.
self.show_instant_gradients = tk.IntVar()
self.show_instant_gradients.set(1) # enable instant gradients by default
self.show_instant_feedback = tk.IntVar()
self.show_instant_feedback.set(0) # disable instant feedback by default
instant_gradient_button = tk.Checkbutton(button_frame, text="grad")
instant_feedback_button = tk.Checkbutton(button_frame, text="feed")
instruction_label = tk.Label(button_frame,
text="left button: move point; right click: toggle point")
# insert a ratio button which decides whether the controls for nonlinear
# scaling of the gradient are shown and activated.
self.nonlinear_scaling_enabled = tk.IntVar()
nonlinear_enabled_button = tk.Checkbutton(button_frame, text="nonlin")
# the controls for the nonlinear scaling also get into an own frame.
# this one can be shown or hidden when the "nonlin"-button is pressed
nonlin_frame = tk.Frame(self)
self.nonlin_frame = nonlin_frame
label = tk.Label(nonlin_frame, text="f(x) =")
label.grid(row=0, column=0)
self.nonlinear_function_string = tk.StringVar()
self.nonlinear_function_string.set( "x**(4*a)" )
function_edit = tk.Entry(nonlin_frame, width=35,
function_edit.bind("<Return>", self.nonlinear_function_string_changed )
function_edit.grid(row=0, column=1)
label = tk.Label(nonlin_frame, text="param a:")
label.grid(row=1, column=0)
self.parameter_scale = tk.Scale(nonlin_frame, from_=0.0, to=1.0,
resolution=0.001, length=250, orient="horizontal")
lambda event: self.nonlinear_parameter_scale_changed(final_update=True))
lambda event:self.nonlinear_parameter_scale_changed(final_update=False))
self.parameter_scale.grid(row=1, column=1)
label = tk.Label(nonlin_frame, text= \
"f(x) should map [0..1] to [0..1]. It rescales the gradient.")
# finally, write the current gradient out into main program
on_gradient_table_changed(final_update = True)
def nonlinear_scaling_option_changed(self):
"""called when the 'nonlin'-button is pressed to toggle if nonlinear-
scaling is activated and the corresponding controls are shown"""
if ( 1 == self.nonlinear_scaling_enabled.get() ):
# activate the nonlinear scaling controls
# disable the nonlinear scaling controls (and the scaling)
self.nonlin_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT, anchor=tk.NW)
def nonlinear_parameter_scale_changed(self,final_update):
"""Event Handler for the nonlinear-parameter scaling bar. FinalUpdate
is true on ButtonRelease and False on Motion"""
self.on_gradient_table_changed(final_update = final_update)
def nonlinear_function_string_changed(self,event):
"""Invoked when Return is pressed in the nonlinear-function edit"""
self.on_gradient_table_changed(final_update = True)
def ok(self):
def save_gradient(self):
filetypes = [("Gradient Files","*.grad"),("All Files","*")]
file_name = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".grad",
if file_name:
# there is probably a way to find out which file type the user
# actually selected. But since I don't know it and also don't really
# know how to find it out, i rely on this error prone method...
if ( ".lut" == file_name[len(file_name)-4:] ):
def load_gradient(self):
filetypes = [("Gradient Files","*.grad"), ("All Files","*")]
file_name = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(defaultextension=".grad",
if file_name:
self.on_gradient_table_changed(final_update = True)
if self.gradient_table.scaling_function:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# prepare a vtk window with an actor for visible feedback. Don't be
# be scared, the actual gradient editor code is only 3 lines long,
# the rest is setup of the scene.
from vtk.tk import vtkTkRenderWidget
from math import cos
root = tk.Tk()
render_frame = tk.Frame(root)
render_widget = vtkTkRenderWidget.vtkTkRenderWidget(render_frame,
width=512, height=512 )
render_window = render_widget.GetRenderWindow()
renderer = vtk.vtkRenderer()
image_data = vtk.vtkImageData()
N = 72
method = image_data.SetScalarComponentFromFloat
except AttributeError:
method = image_data.SetScalarComponentFromDouble
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
a = float(i)/N
b = float(j)/N
v = 0.5 + 0.5*cos(13*a)*cos(8*b+3*a*a)
v = v**2
geometry_filter = vtk.vtkImageDataGeometryFilter()
warp = vtk.vtkWarpScalar()
normal_filter = vtk.vtkPolyDataNormals()
data_mapper = vtk.vtkDataSetMapper()
data_actor = vtk.vtkActor()
table = vtk.vtkLookupTable()
# the actual gradient editor code.
def on_color_table_changed():
editor = GradientEditor(root,table,on_color_table_changed)