Displays a surface map with special contouring using the
vtkBandedPolyDataContourFilter. This contour filter produces filled
contours of the same color between two contour lines rather than
either a continuous color distribution or just individual contour
lines. It should work for any input dataset. It is best used for 2d
surfaces. Note that one can either specify a total number of contours
between the minimum and maximum values by entering a single integer or
specify the individual contours by specifying a Python list/tuple in
the GUI.
This code is distributed under the conditions of the BSD license. See
LICENSE.txt for details.
Copyright (c) 2001-2003, Prabhu Ramachandran.
__author__ = "Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu_r@users.sf.net>"
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.5 $"
__date__ = "$Date: 2005/09/08 18:01:42 $"
import Base.Objects
import Common
import Tkinter
import tkColorChooser
import vtk
import vtkPipeline.vtkMethodParser
import vtkPipeline.ConfigVtkObj
debug = Common.debug
class BandedSurfaceMap (Base.Objects.Module):
""" Displays a surface map with special contouring using the
vtkBandedPolyDataContourFilter. This contour filter produces
filled contours of the same color between two contour lines rather
than either a continuous color distribution or just individual
contour lines. It should work for any input dataset. It is best
used for 2d surfaces. Note that one can either specify a total
number of contours between the minimum and maximum values by
entering a single integer or specify the individual contours by
specifying a Python list/tuple in the GUI."""
def __init__ (self, mod_m):
debug ("In BandedSurfaceMap::__init__ ()")
Common.state.busy ()
Base.Objects.Module.__init__ (self, mod_m)
self.cont_fil = vtk.vtkBandedPolyDataContourFilter ()
self.cont_fil.SetScalarModeToValue ()
self.mapper = self.map = vtk.vtkDataSetMapper ()
self.map.SetInput (mod_m.GetOutput ())
self.actor = self.act = vtk.vtkActor ()
self.act.SetMapper (self.map)
self.data_range = self.mod_m.get_scalar_data_range ()
self.map.SetLookupTable (self.mod_m.get_scalar_lut ())
self.map.SetScalarRange (self.data_range)
self.map.ScalarVisibilityOn ()
self.act.GetProperty ().SetColor (Common.config.fg_color)
self.act.GetProperty ().SetLineWidth (2)
# surface mode.
self.act.GetProperty ().SetRepresentation (2)
# used for the pipeline browser
self.pipe_objs = self.act
self.renwin.add_actors (self.act)
self._gui_init ()
self.renwin.Render ()
Common.state.idle ()
def __del__ (self):
debug ("In BandedSurfaceMap::__del__ ()")
if self.act:
self.renwin.remove_actors (self.act)
self.renwin.Render ()
def _gui_init (self):
self._contour_init ()
def _contour_init (self):
debug ("In BandedSurfaceMap::_contour_init ()")
Base.Objects.Module._contour_init (self)
self.contour_on.set (0)
self.n_cnt.set ("10")
dr = self.mod_m.get_scalar_data_range ()
self.min_cnt.set (dr[0])
self.max_cnt.set (dr[1])
def SetInput (self, source):
debug ("In BandedSurfaceMap::SetInput ()")
Common.state.busy ()
dr = self.mod_m.get_scalar_data_range ()
self.map.SetInput (source)
if (dr[0] != self.data_range[0]) or (dr[1] != self.data_range[1]):
self.map.SetScalarRange (dr)
self.data_range = dr
self.min_cnt.set (dr[0])
self.max_cnt.set (dr[1])
self.do_contour ()
Common.state.idle ()
def save_config (self, file):
debug ("In BandedSurfaceMap::save_config ()")
file.write ("%d, %s, %f, %f\n"%(self.contour_on.get (),
self.n_cnt.get (),
self.min_cnt.get (),
self.max_cnt.get ()))
p = vtkPipeline.vtkMethodParser.VtkPickler ()
for obj in (self.cont_fil, self.map, self.act,
self.act.GetProperty ()):
p.dump (obj, file)
def load_config (self, file):
debug ("In BandedSurfaceMap::load_config ()")
cnt_on, n_cnt, min_cnt, max_cnt = eval (file.readline ())
self.contour_on.set (cnt_on)
self.n_cnt.set (str(n_cnt))
self.min_cnt.set (min_cnt)
self.max_cnt.set (max_cnt)
p = vtkPipeline.vtkMethodParser.VtkPickler ()
for obj in (self.cont_fil, self.map, self.act,
self.act.GetProperty ()):
p.load (obj, file)
self.do_contour ()
def config_changed (self):
debug ("In BandedSurfaceMap::config_changed ()")
self.act.GetProperty ().SetColor (Common.config.fg_color)
def make_main_gui (self, master=None):
debug ("In BandedSurfaceMap::make_main_gui ()")
"Create the GUI configuration controls for this object."
self.make_actor_gui ()
CVOF = vtkPipeline.ConfigVtkObj.ConfigVtkObjFrame
gui = CVOF(self.root, self.renwin)
t_m = ['ClippingOn']
gui.configure(self.cont_fil, get=[], toggle=t_m, get_set=[],
state=[], auto_update=1, one_frame=1)
gui.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=1)
self.make_contour_gui ()
def do_contour (self, event=None):
debug ("In BandedSurfaceMap::do_contour ()")
Common.state.busy ()
if self.contour_on.get ():
if not self.mod_m.get_scalar_data_name ():
self.contour_on.set (0)
msg = "Warning: No scalar data present to contour!"
Common.print_err (msg)
Common.state.idle ()
out = self.mod_m.GetOutput ()
if out.IsA('vtkPolyData'):
f = None
elif out.IsA ('vtkStructuredGrid'):
f = vtk.vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter ()
elif out.IsA ('vtkRectilinearGrid'):
f = vtk.vtkRectilinearGridGeometryFilter ()
elif out.IsA ('vtkStructuredPoints') or \
if hasattr (vtk, 'vtkImageDataGeometryFilter'):
f = vtk.vtkImageDataGeometryFilter ()
f = vtk.vtkStructuredPointsGeometryFilter ()
elif out.IsA('vtkUnstructuredGrid'):
f = vtk.vtkGeometryFilter()
msg = "This module does not support the given "\
"output - %s "%(out.GetClassName ())
raise Base.Objects.ModuleException, msg
if f:
f.SetInput (out)
self.cont_fil.SetInput (f.GetOutput())
self.cont_fil.SetInput (out)
self.map.SetInput (self.cont_fil.GetOutput ())
self.map.SetInput (self.mod_m.GetOutput ())
self.change_contour ()
Common.state.idle ()
def change_contour (self, event=None):
debug ("In BandedSurfaceMap::change_contour ()")
Common.state.busy ()
min_cnt = self.min_cnt.get ()
max_cnt = self.max_cnt.get ()
if max_cnt < min_cnt:
msg = "Error: Max. contour less than min. contour. "\
"Setting to defaults."
debug (msg)
dr = self.data_range
min_cnt, max_cnt = dr[0], dr[1]
self.min_cnt.set (min_cnt)
self.max_cnt.set (max_cnt)
n_cnt = eval (self.n_cnt.get ())
auto = 1
if hasattr(n_cnt, "__getitem__"):
auto = 0
if self.contour_on.get ():
if auto:
self.cont_fil.GenerateValues (n_cnt, min_cnt, max_cnt)
for i in range(len(n_cnt)):
self.cont_fil.SetValue(i, n_cnt[i])
self.cont_fil.Update ()
self.renwin.Render ()
Common.state.idle ()