This module displays cone or arrow glyphs scaled and colored as per
the vector data. This will work for any dataset.
This code is distributed under the conditions of the BSD license. See
LICENSE.txt for details.
Copyright (c) 2001-2002, Prabhu Ramachandran.
__author__ = "Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu_r@users.sf.net>"
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.10 $"
__date__ = "$Date: 2005/08/02 18:30:14 $"
import Base.Objects, Common
import Tkinter, tkColorChooser, math
import vtk
import vtkPipeline.vtkMethodParser
import vtkPipeline.ConfigVtkObj
debug = Common.debug
class VelocityVector (Base.Objects.Module):
""" This module displays cone or arrow glyphs scaled and colored
as per the vector data. This will work for any dataset. """
def __init__ (self, mod_m):
debug ("In VelocityVector::__init__ ()")
Common.state.busy ()
Base.Objects.Module.__init__ (self, mod_m)
self.glyph2d_src = vtk.vtkGlyphSource2D ()
self.cone = vtk.vtkConeSource ()
self.arrow = vtk.vtkArrowSource ()
self.glyph_src = self.cone
self.glyph3d = vtk.vtkGlyph3D ()
self.mapper = self.map = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper ()
self.actor = self.act = vtk.vtkActor ()
# used to orient the cone properly
self.glph_trfm = vtk.vtkTransformFilter ()
self.glph_trfm.SetTransform (vtk.vtkTransform ())
self.data_out = self.mod_m.GetOutput ()
# Point of glyph that is attached -- -1 is tail, 0 is center,
# 1 is head.
self.glyph_pos = -1
self.scale = 1.0
self.color_mode = 2 #2 is vector, 1 is scalar, -1 none
self._initialize ()
self._gui_init ()
self.renwin.Render ()
Common.state.idle ()
def __del__ (self):
debug ("In VelocityVector::__del__ ()")
if self.act:
self.renwin.remove_actors (self.act)
self.renwin.Render ()
def _initialize (self):
debug ("In VelocityVector::_initialize ()")
self.glyph2d_src.SetGlyphTypeToArrow ()
self.glyph2d_src.SetFilled (0)
self.cone.SetResolution (5)
self.cone.SetHeight (1)
self.cone.SetRadius (0.2)
self.glph_trfm.SetInput (self.glyph_src.GetOutput ())
self.orient_glyph ()
self.glyph3d.SetInput (self.mod_m.GetOutput ())
self.glyph3d.SetSource (self.glyph2d_src.GetOutput ())
self.glyph3d.SetScaleFactor (self.scale)
self.glyph3d.SetScaleModeToScaleByVector ()
self.glyph3d.SetColorModeToColorByVector ()
self.glyph3d.SetClamping (1)
dr = self.mod_m.get_vector_data_range ()
self.glyph3d.SetRange (dr)
self.map.SetInput (self.glyph3d.GetOutput ())
self.act.SetMapper (self.map)
self.map.SetScalarRange (dr)
self.map.SetLookupTable (self.mod_m.get_vector_lut ())
self.act.GetProperty ().SetLineWidth (2)
self.act.GetProperty ().BackfaceCullingOff ()
self.act.GetProperty ().FrontfaceCullingOff ()
self.act.GetProperty ().SetColor (*Common.config.fg_color)
self.center = self.data_out.GetCenter ()
self.renwin.add_actors (self.act)
# used for the pipeline browser
self.pipe_objs = self.act
def _gui_init (self):
debug ("In VelocityVector::_gui_init ()")
self.root = None
self.glyph_gui_frame = None
self.glyph_gui = None
self.glyph_var = Tkinter.IntVar ()
self.glyph_var.set (self.glyph2d_src.GetGlyphType ())
def SetInput (self, source):
debug ("In VelocityVector::SetInput ()")
Common.state.busy ()
self.data_out = source
self.glyph3d.SetInput (self.data_out)
self.do_color_mode ()
Common.state.idle ()
def save_config (self, file):
debug ("In VelocityVector::save_config ()")
file.write ("%d, %d\n"%(self.glyph_var.get (), self.glyph_pos))
p = vtkPipeline.vtkMethodParser.VtkPickler ()
for obj in (self.glyph_src, self.glyph2d_src, self.glyph3d,
self.map, self.act, self.act.GetProperty ()):
p.dump (obj, file)
def load_config (self, file):
debug ("In VelocityVector::load_config ()")
val = file.readline ()
glyph_pos = self.glyph_pos
g_t, glyph_pos = eval (val)
except TypeError: # old format
g_t = eval (val)
self.glyph_var.set (g_t)
if g_t == -2:
self.glyph_src = self.arrow
elif g_t == -1:
self.glyph_src = self.cone
p = vtkPipeline.vtkMethodParser.VtkPickler ()
for obj in (self.glyph_src, self.glyph2d_src, self.glyph3d,
self.map, self.act, self.act.GetProperty ()):
p.load (obj, file)
self.set_glyph_mode ()
self.color_mode = self.glyph3d.GetColorMode ()
if self.color_mode == 0: # I Dislike Scale colouring.
self.color_mode = 2
if self.map.GetScalarVisibility () == 0:
self.color_mode = -1
self.do_color_mode ()
self.change_glyph_pos (glyph_pos)
def config_changed (self):
debug ("In VelocityVector::config_changed ()")
self.act.GetProperty ().SetColor (*Common.config.fg_color)
def make_main_gui (self):
debug ("In VelocityVector::make_main_gui ()")
self.make_choice_gui ()
self.make_glyph_prop_gui ()
self.make_actor_gui (color=0, scalar=0)
def make_choice_gui (self):
debug ("In VelocityVector::make_choice_gui ()")
frame = Tkinter.Frame (self.root)
frame.pack (side='top', fill='both', expand=1)
self.make_glyph_choice_gui (frame)
self.make_color_mode_gui (frame)
def make_glyph_prop_gui (self):
debug ("In VelocityVector::make_glyph_prop_gui ()")
frame = Tkinter.Frame (self.root)
frame.pack (side='top', fill='both', expand=1)
self.make_glyph_position_gui (frame)
self.make_glyph_src_gui (frame)
def make_glyph_choice_gui (self, master):
debug ("In VelocityVector::make_glyph_choice_gui ()")
frame = Tkinter.Frame (master, relief='ridge', bd=2)
frame.pack (side='left', fill='both', expand=1)
rw = 0
rb = Tkinter.Radiobutton (frame, text="Normal Arrow",
variable=self.glyph_var, value=9,
rb.grid (row=rw, column=0, sticky='w')
rw = rw + 1
rb = Tkinter.Radiobutton (frame, text="Thick Arrow",
variable=self.glyph_var, value=10,
rb.grid (row=rw, column=0, sticky='w')
rw = rw + 1
rb = Tkinter.Radiobutton (frame, text="Other 2D glyph",
variable=self.glyph_var, value=0,
rb.grid (row=rw, column=0, sticky='w')
rw = rw + 1
rb = Tkinter.Radiobutton (frame, text="Cone",
variable=self.glyph_var, value=-1,
rb.grid (row=rw, column=0, sticky='w')
rw = rw + 1
rb = Tkinter.Radiobutton (frame, text="3D Arrow",
variable=self.glyph_var, value=-2,
rb.grid (row=rw, column=0, sticky='w')
rw = rw + 1
def make_color_mode_gui (self, master):
debug ("In VelocityVector::make_color_mode_gui ()")
frame = Tkinter.Frame (master, relief="ridge", bd=2)
frame.pack (side='left', fill='both', expand=1)
lab = Tkinter.Label (frame, text="Coloring mode:")
lab.grid (row=0, column=0, sticky='ew', pady=5)
self.color_var = Tkinter.IntVar ()
self.color_var.set (self.color_mode)
rb = Tkinter.Radiobutton (frame, text="No Coloring",
variable=self.color_var, value=-1,
rb.grid (row=1, column=0, sticky='w')
rb = Tkinter.Radiobutton (frame, text="Scalar Coloring",
variable=self.color_var, value=1,
rb.grid (row=2, column=0, sticky='w')
rb = Tkinter.Radiobutton (frame, text="Vector Coloring",
variable=self.color_var, value=2,
rb.grid (row=3, column=0, sticky='w')
but = Tkinter.Button (frame, text="Change Glyph Color",
but.grid (row=4, column=0, sticky='ew')
def make_glyph_src_gui (self, master):
debug ("In VelocityVector::make_glyph_src_gui ()")
frame = Tkinter.Frame (master, relief='ridge', bd=2)
frame.pack (side='left', fill='both', expand=1)
rw = 0
labl = Tkinter.Label (frame, text="Vector scale factor:")
labl.grid (row=rw, column=0, sticky='w')
self.scale_var = Tkinter.DoubleVar ()
self.scale_var.set (self.glyph3d.GetScaleFactor ())
scale_entr = Tkinter.Entry (frame, width=5, relief='sunken',
scale_entr.grid (row=rw, column=1, sticky='we')
scale_entr.bind ("<Return>", self.change_scale)
rw = rw + 1
f = Tkinter.Frame(frame)
f.grid(row=rw, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='we')
self.glyph_gui_frame = f
def make_glyph_gui (self):
debug ("In VelocityVector::make_glyph_gui ()")
master = self.glyph_gui_frame
if self.glyph_gui:
CVOF = vtkPipeline.ConfigVtkObj.ConfigVtkObjFrame
val = self.glyph_var.get ()
gui = None
if val == -1:
gs_m = ['Radius', 'Resolution']
gui = CVOF(master, self.renwin)
gui.configure(self.glyph_src, get=[], toggle=[], get_set=gs_m,
state=[], auto_update=1, one_frame=1)
elif val == -2:
gui = CVOF(master, self.renwin)
gui.configure(self.glyph_src, get=[], toggle=[],
state=[], auto_update=1, one_frame=1)
elif val in [0, 9, 10]:
gui = Tkinter.Frame(master)
but = Tkinter.Button(gui, text = "Configure 2D Glyph",
but.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=1)
gui.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand=1)
self.glyph_gui = gui
def make_glyph_position_gui (self, master):
debug ("In VelocityVector::make_glyph_position_gui ()")
frame = Tkinter.Frame (master, relief='ridge', bd=2)
frame.pack (side='left', fill='both', expand=1)
self.glyph_pos_var = Tkinter.IntVar ()
self.glyph_pos_var.set (self.glyph_pos)
rw = 0
labl = Tkinter.Label (frame, text="Glyph position:")
labl.grid (row=rw, column=0, sticky='ew')
rw = rw + 1
rb = Tkinter.Radiobutton (frame, text="Tail",
variable=self.glyph_pos_var, value=-1,
rb.grid (row=rw, column=0, sticky='w')
rw = rw + 1
rb = Tkinter.Radiobutton (frame, text="Center",
variable=self.glyph_pos_var, value=0,
rb.grid (row=rw, column=0, sticky='w')
rw = rw + 1
rb = Tkinter.Radiobutton (frame, text="Head",
variable=self.glyph_pos_var, value=1,
rb.grid (row=rw, column=0, sticky='w')
rw = rw + 1
def change_scale (self, event=None):
debug ("In VelocityVector::change_scale ()")
Common.state.busy ()
self.glyph3d.SetScaleFactor (self.scale_var.get ())
self.renwin.Render ()
Common.state.idle ()
def set_color_mode_gui (self, event=None):
"This sets up the data to setup the actual coloring mode."
debug ("In VelocityVector::set_color_mode_gui ()")
Common.state.busy ()
self.color_mode = self.color_var.get ()
self.do_color_mode ()
self.renwin.Render ()
Common.state.idle ()
def do_color_mode (self):
debug ("In VelocityVector::do_color_mode ()")
self.glyph3d.SetRange (self.mod_m.get_vector_data_range ())
if self.color_mode == 2: # Vector Coloring
dr = self.mod_m.get_vector_data_range ()
self.glyph3d.SetColorModeToColorByVector ()
self.map.ScalarVisibilityOn ()
self.map.SetScalarRange (dr)
self.map.SetLookupTable (self.mod_m.get_vector_lut ())
elif self.color_mode == 1: # Scalar Coloring
self.glyph3d.SetColorModeToColorByScalar ()
self.map.ScalarVisibilityOn ()
dr = self.mod_m.get_scalar_data_range ()
self.map.SetScalarRange (dr)
self.map.SetLookupTable (self.mod_m.get_scalar_lut ())
elif self.color_mode == -1: # No colouring
self.map.ScalarVisibilityOff ()
def set_actor_color (self, event=None):
debug ("In VelocityVector::set_actor_color ()")
clr = self.act.GetProperty ().GetColor ()
init_clr = "#%02x%02x%02x"%(clr[0]*255, clr[1]*255, clr[2]*255)
color = tkColorChooser.askcolor (title="Change object color",
if color[1] is not None:
Common.state.busy ()
clr = Common.tk_2_vtk_color (color[0])
self.act.GetProperty ().SetColor (*clr)
self.renwin.Render ()
Common.state.idle ()
if self.color_mode != -1:
msg = "Warning: This setting will have effect only if "\
"the coloring mode is set to 'No Coloring'."
Common.print_err (msg)
def set_glyph_mode (self, event=None):
debug ("In VelocityVector::set_glyph_mode ()")
Common.state.busy ()
val = self.glyph_var.get ()
if val == 9: # normal arrow
self.glyph_src = self.cone # reset so save/reload works
self.glyph2d_src.SetGlyphTypeToArrow ()
self.glyph2d_src.SetFilled (0)
self.glyph3d.SetSource (self.glyph2d_src.GetOutput ())
elif val == 10: # Thick arrow
self.glyph_src = self.cone # reset so save/reload works
self.glyph2d_src.SetGlyphTypeToThickArrow ()
self.glyph2d_src.SetFilled (1)
self.glyph3d.SetSource (self.glyph2d_src.GetOutput ())
elif val == 0: # Some other 2D glyph
self.glyph_src = self.cone # reset so save/reload works
self.glyph3d.SetSource (self.glyph2d_src.GetOutput ())
elif val == -1: # Cone
self.glyph_src = self.cone
self.glph_trfm.SetInput (self.glyph_src.GetOutput ())
self.glyph3d.SetSource (self.glph_trfm.GetOutput ())
elif val == -2: # 3D arrow
self.glyph_src = self.arrow
self.glph_trfm.SetInput (self.glyph_src.GetOutput ())
self.glyph3d.SetSource (self.glph_trfm.GetOutput ())
if self.root and self.root.winfo_exists():
self.renwin.Render ()
Common.state.idle ()
def set_glyph_pos (self, event=None):
debug ("In VelocityVector::change_glyph_pos ()")
Common.state.busy ()
self.change_glyph_pos (self.glyph_pos_var.get ())
self.renwin.Render ()
Common.state.idle ()
def change_glyph_pos (self, new_pos):
debug ("In VelocityVector::change_glyph_pos ()")
if self.glyph_pos == new_pos:
self.glyph_pos = new_pos
self.orient_glyph ()
def orient_glyph (self):
debug ("In VelocityVector::orient_glyph ()")
tr = self.glph_trfm.GetTransform ()
if hasattr(self, 'glyph_var'):
g_t = self.glyph_var.get()
elif self.glyph_src == self.cone:
g_t = -1
elif self.glyph_src == self.arrow:
g_t = -2
if self.glyph_pos == -1:
if g_t == -1:
tr.Translate (0.5, 0.0, 0.0)
self.glyph2d_src.SetCenter (0.5, 0.0, 0.0)
elif self.glyph_pos == 1:
if g_t == -1:
tr.Translate (-0.5, 0.0, 0.0)
elif g_t == -2:
tr.Translate (-1, 0.0, 0.0)
self.glyph2d_src.SetCenter (-0.5, 0.0, 0.0)
if g_t == -2:
tr.Translate (-0.5, 0.0, 0.0)
self.glyph2d_src.SetCenter (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
def config_glyph2d(self, event=None):
debug ("In VelocityVector::config_glyph2d ()")
conf = vtkPipeline.ConfigVtkObj.ConfigVtkObj (self.renwin)
g_t = self.glyph_var.get()
if g_t == 0:
conf.configure (None, self.glyph2d_src, get=[],
conf.configure (None, self.glyph2d_src, get=[],
toggle=['!AbortExecuteOn', '!FilledOn'],