#! /usr/local/bin/python2.5
from random import random
from psychopy import *
#create your list of stimuli
stimList = []
for ori in range(90,180,30):
for sf in [0.5, 1.0, 2.0]:
{'sf':sf, 'ori':ori} #this is a python 'dictionary'
#organise them with the trial handler
trials = data.TrialHandler(stimList,10)
trials.data.addDataType('choice')#this will help store things with the stimuli
trials.data.addDataType('RT')#add as many types as you like
#run the experiment
for thisTrial in trials: #handler can act like a for loop
#simulate some data
thisReactionTime = random()+float(thisTrial['sf'])/2.0
thisChoice = round(random())
trials.data.add('RT', thisReactionTime) #add the data to our set
trials.data.add('choice', thisChoice)
nDone += 1 #just for a quick reference
print 'trial %i had position %s in the list (sf=%.1f)' \
%(nDone, trials.thisIndex, thisTrial['sf'])
#after the experiment
print '\n'
trials.printAsText(stimOut=['sf','ori'], #write summary data to screen
dataOut=['RT_mean','RT_std', 'choice_raw'])
trials.saveAsText(fileName='testData', # also write summary data to a text file
dataOut=['RT_mean','RT_std', 'choice_raw'])