"""Provides functions for logging error and other messages to one or more
files and/or the console, using python's own logging module. Some warning
messages and error messages are generated by PsychoPy itself. The user can
generate more using the functions in this module.
There are various levels for logged messages; ranging from ERROR, through
WARNING, to INFO and DEBUG. When setting the level for a particular log
(file or console) the user can set the minimum level that is required
for messages to enter the log. For example, setting a level of INFO will
result in INFO, WARNING and ERROR messages to be recorded but not DEBUG
By default, PsychoPy will record messages of WARNING level and above to
the console and INFO upwards to a psychopy.log in the current directory. The user
can silence both by setting them to receive only CRITICAL messages, which
(PsychoPy doesn't use) using the commands;
from psychopy import log
from os import path
import logging
_packagePath = path.split(__file__)[0]
ERROR = logging.ERROR#40
WARNING = logging.WARNING#30
INFO = logging.INFO#20
DEBUG = logging.DEBUG#10
error = logging.error
warning = logging.warning
info = logging.info
debug = logging.debug
console = logging.StreamHandler() #create a handler for the console
console.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)-s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', '%y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
#the default 'origin' of the log messages
_rootLogger = logging.getLogger('')
_rootLogger.addHandler(console)# add the console logger to receive all root logs
_rootLogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) #the minimum to be sent
class LogFile:
"""Creates an object for logging events to a file (of which is
def __init__(self, filename,
filemode = 'a', level=INFO,
format = '%(asctime)-s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
dateFormat='%y-%m-%d %H:%M'):
- filename
- filemode = 'a'(ppend) or 'w'(rite). The latter will remove the previous file
- level = the minimum level of the messages to be entered into the log
- format = a string defining the format of messages
- datefmt = a string specifying just the date part of the message
self._log = logging.FileHandler(filename, filemode)
#~ self._log = logging.basicConfig(level=level,
#~ format=format, datefmt=datefmt,
#~ filename=filename, filemode=filemode)
formatter = logging.Formatter(format, dateFormat)
def setLevel(self, level):
"""Sets the current level for this log (numerically)
The values correspond to:
- 40:Error
- 30:Warning
- 20:Info
- 10:Debug"""
def getLevel(self):
"""Returns the current level for this log (numerically)
The values correspond to:
- 40:Error
- 30:Warning
- 20:Info
- 10:Debug
return self._log.level
#psychopyLog = LogFile('psychopy.log', 'a', level=ERROR)