Not for users. To create a movie use win.getMovieFrame() and then win.saveMovieFrames(filename)
makeAnimatedGIF is the main function here. Others (like mpeg codecs) may follow.
Many thanks to Ray Pascor (pascor at hotpop.com) for the public domain code on
building an optimised gif palette (makeRGBhistogram, makePalette, rgb2palette are
very heavily based on his code).
from psychopy import log
import string, time
import Image, ImageChops
from GifImagePlugin import getheader,getdata#part of PIL
import pymedia.video.vcodec as vcodec
import numpy
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# straightforward delta encoding
def makeAnimatedGIF(filename, images):
"""Convert list of image frames to a GIF animation file
using simple delta coding"""
frames = 0
fp = open(filename, 'wb')
if images[0].mode in ['RGB','RGBA']:
#first make an optimised palette
optimPalette=makePalette(images, verbose=True)
for n, im in enumerate(images):
print 'converting frame %i of %i to GIF' %(n+1,len(images))
if im.mode=='RGB':
im = rgb2palette(im, palette=optimPalette, verbose=False)
if not previous:
# global header
for s in getheader(im) + getdata(im):
# delta frame
delta = ImageChops.subtract_modulo(im, previous)
bbox = delta.getbbox()
# compress difference
if bbox:
for s in getdata(im.crop(bbox), offset = bbox[:2]):
for s in getdata(im):
previous = im.copy()
frames = frames + 1
return frames
def RgbHistogram (images, verbose=False):
"""build a histogram of the colors in the image(s)
with which we can build an optimized color palette"""
hist = None
#make a list if given only one image
if type(images)== type([]):
nImages = len(images)
images= [images]
# Form a histogram dictionary whose keys are the repr(color)
if verbose: print 'optimising palette ...'
for imgRgb in images:
dicthist = {}
xsize, ysize = imgRgb.size
numcolors = 0
for i in xrange (xsize * ysize * nImages):
color = datalist [i]
key = repr (color)
if dicthist.has_key (key): # color already exists
dicthist [key] += 1 # increment the count
else: # make a new key
dicthist [key] = 1 # instantiate a new entry and init the count
numcolors += 1
if numcolors > 256:
if verbose: print ' ... too many colors'
return None # Error flag: use PIL default color palette/dithering
if verbose: print ' ... OK'
# reform the dictionary into a sorted histogram of the form: (count, (r, g, b))
hist = []
for key in dicthist.iterkeys():
count = dicthist [key]
color = eval (key)
hist.append ( (count, color) )
#end for
hist.reverse() # make largest counts first
return hist
#end def RgbHistogram
def Getalphaindex (imgP, maskinv):
# Find the least used color (palette entry, actually)
# This will be the color to which transparency will be set when saving the file
xsize, ysize = imgP.size
hist = imgP.histogram (maskinv) # get counts for all colors having non-active alphas
indexleastused = 255 # arbitrary starting least used palette index
leastcount = xsize * ysize # max possible count
for i in xrange (len (hist)): # palette size
if hist [i] < leastcount:
leastcount = hist [i] # the count
indexleastused = i # the palette index
#end if
if hist [i] == 0: break # first 0 entry: done
#end if
return (indexleastused, leastcount)
#end def Getalphaindex
def makePalette(images, verbose=False):
palette = [] # will be [0, 0, 0, ... 255, 255, 255]
for i in xrange (256):
palette.append (i); palette.append (i); palette.append (i)
#end for
hist = RgbHistogram (images, verbose=verbose)
#check for alpha in one of the images
if type(images)==type([]):
img = images[0]
else: img = images
if hist == None: # colors > 256: use PIL dithered image & palette
# Make two lists of the colors.
colors = []
colorsAndIndices = []
for i in xrange (len (hist)):
if img.mode=='RGBA':
r, g, b, a = hist [i][1] # pick off the color tuple
r, g, b = hist [i][1] # pick off the color tuple
#end if
palette [i*3 + 0] = r
palette [i*3 + 1] = g
palette [i*3 + 2] = b
return palette
def rgb2palette (imgRgb, palette=None, verbose=False): # image could be a "RGBA"
Converts an RGB image to a palettised version (for saving as gif).
#verbose = False
imgP = None
datalist = None
size = imgRgb.size
xsize = size [0]
ysize = size [1]
hasalpha = False
if imgRgb.mode == 'RGBA':
hasalpha = True # for post=processing to create transparency
if verbose: print 'Rgb2p: Input image is RGBA'
# Create a mask and its inverse
source = imgRgb.split()
R, G, B, A = 0, 1, 2, 3 # band indices
mask = source [A].point (lambda i: i < 255 and 255) # = True on active alphas
maskinv = source [A].point (lambda i: i == 255 ) # = True on inactive alphas
#end if
# find the most popular colors, limiting the max number to 256
# any "excess" colors with be transformed later to the closest palette match
if palette==None:
numPalette= numpy.reshape(numpy.asarray(palette), [256,3])
listPalette = numPalette.tolist()
imgP = Image.new ('P', size) # Create a brand new paletted image
imgP.putpalette (palette) # Install the palette
# Rewrite the entire image using new palette's indices.
if verbose: print 'Defining the new image using the newly created palette ...'
# Each pixel gets a palette color index
if datalist == None:
datalist = list (imgRgb.getdata()) # xsize*ysize list of color 3-tuples
#end if
pxlctr = 0
colctr = 0
for yord in xrange (ysize):
for xord in xrange (xsize):
pxlcolor = list(datalist [yord*xsize + xord]) # org image color tuple
if pxlcolor in listPalette:
index = listPalette.index(list(pxlcolor))
else: index=0
#paletteindex = colorsAndIndices [index] [1] # a simple lookup
imgP.putpixel ((xord, yord), index)
if hasalpha:
indexleastused, leastcount = Getalphaindex (imgP, maskinv)
if verbose:
print 'Low color-count image: least used color index, leastcount =', indexleastused, leastcount
#end if
return (imgP, indexleastused, mask)
return (imgP)
#end if
#end def Rgb2p
def makeMPEG(filename, images, codec='mpeg1video', codecParams = None, verbose=False):
if not havePyMedia:
log.error('pymedia (www.pymedia.org) needed to make mpeg movies')
return 0
fw= open( filename, 'wb' )
t= time.time()
#set bitrate
if codec== 'mpeg1video':
bitrate= 2700000
bitrate= 9800000
#set other params (or receive params dictionary)
if codecParams == None:
codecParams= { \
'type': 0,
'gop_size': 12,
'frame_rate_base': 125,
'max_b_frames': 0,
'width': images[0].size[0],
'height': images[0].size[1],
'frame_rate': 3125,
'deinterlace': 0,
'bitrate': bitrate,
'id': vcodec.getCodecID( codec )
log.info('Setting codec to ' + str(codecParams))
encoder= vcodec.Encoder( codecParams )
for im in images:
# Create VFrame
imStr = im.tostring()
bmpFrame= vcodec.VFrame( vcodec.formats.PIX_FMT_RGB24, im.size, (imStr,None,None))
yuvFrame= bmpFrame.convert( vcodec.formats.PIX_FMT_YUV420P, im.size )
d = encoder.encode( yuvFrame )
fw.write( d.data )#this is what works!
fw.write( d )#this is what pymedia demo recommends
log.info('%d frames written in %.2f secs' % ( len(images), time.time()- t))
i= 0