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# NeHe Tutorial Lesson: 44 - Lense Flare
# Ported to PyOpenGL 2.0 by Brian Leair 2004
# This code was created by Jeff Molofee 2000
# The port was based on the PyOpenGL tutorials and from 
# PyOpenGLContext (tests/glprint.py)
# If you've found this code useful, feel free to let me know 
# at (Brian Leair telcom_sage@yahoo.com).
# See original source and C based tutorial at http://nehe.gamedev.net
# Note:
# -----
# This code is not an ideal example of Pythonic coding or use of OO 
# techniques. It is a simple and direct exposition of how to use the 
# Open GL API in Python via the PyOpenGL package. It also uses GLUT, 
# a high quality platform independent library. Due to using these APIs, 
# this code is more like a C program using procedural programming.
# To run this example you will need:
# Python   - www.python.org (v 2.3 as of 1/2004)
# PyOpenGL   - pyopengl.sourceforge.net (v as of 1/2004)
# Numeric Python  - (v.22 of "numpy" as of 1/2004) numpy.sourceforge.net
# Python Image Library  - http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/
# #########################################################
# Please note, don't use PyOpenGL older than
# Older PyOpenGL had a bug glGetFloat () that prevents this 
# tutorial from working.

from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
import Image          # PIL
  import win32api        # GetTickCount ()
  gHaveWin32 = 1
  gHaveWin32 = 0
import sys
import time            # clock ()
import os

from glCamera import *
from glFont import *

# *********************** Globals *********************** 
# Python 2.2 defines these directly
except NameError:
  True = 1==1
  False = 1==0

# Some api in the chain is translating the keystrokes to this octal string
# so instead of saying: ESCAPE = 27, we use the following.
ESCAPE = '\033'

# Number of the glut window.
window = 0
base = None

gInfoOn = False
gFrames = 0
gStartTime = -1
gCurrentTime = -1
gFPS = -1
gCamera = None

# //##################  NEW STUFF  ##################################

qobj = None          # //the quadric for our cylinder
gcylList = None

def LoadTexture (path):
  """ // Load Image And Convert To A Texture
  path can be a relative path, or a fully qualified path.
  returns tuple of status and ID:
  returns False if the requested image couldn't loaded as a texture
  returns True and the texture ID if image was loaded
  # Catch exception here if image file couldn't be loaded
    # Note, NYI, path specified as URL's could be access using python url lib
    # OleLoadPicturePath () supports url paths, but that capability isn't critcial to this tutorial.
    Picture = Image.open (path)
    return False, 0

  glMaxTexDim = glGetIntegerv (GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE)

  WidthPixels = Picture.size [0]
  HeightPixels = Picture.size [1]

  if ((WidthPixels > glMaxTexDim) or (HeightPixels > glMaxTexDim)):
    # The image file is too large. Shrink it to fit within the texture dimensions
    # support by our rendering context for a GL texture.
    # Note, Feel free to experiemnt and force a resize by placing a small val into
    # glMaxTexDim (e.g. 32,64,128).
    raise RuntimeError, "Texture image (%d by %d) is larger than supported by GL %d." % (WidthPixels, HeightPixels, glMaxTexDim)

  # Create a raw string from the image data - data will be unsigned bytes
  # RGBpad, no stride (0), and first line is top of image (-1)
  pBits = Picture.tostring("raw", "RGBX", 0, -1)

  # // Typical Texture Generation Using Data From The Bitmap
  texid = glGenTextures(1);                      # // Create The Texture
  glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texid);                # // Bind To The Texture ID
  glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL_LINEAR);    # // (Modify This For The Type Of Filtering You Want)
  glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL_LINEAR);     # // (Modify This For The Type Of Filtering You Want)

  # // (Modify This If You Want Mipmaps)
  glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, WidthPixels, HeightPixels, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pBits);

  # Cleanup (this would all happen automatically upon return... just spelling it out)
  # // Decrements IPicture Reference Count
  Picture = None
  return True, texid          # // Return True (All Good)

# A general OpenGL initialization function.  Sets all of the initial parameters. 
def InitGL(Width, Height):        # We call this right after our OpenGL window is created.
  global gFont, gCamera, gStartTime, gcylList, qobj

  glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH)        # Enables Smooth Color Shading
  glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)  # This Will Clear The Background Color To Black
  glClearDepth(1.0)          # Enables Clearing Of The Depth Buffer
  glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)        # Enables Depth Testing
  glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL)        # The Type Of Depth Test To Do
  glHint (GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST) # Really Nice Perspective Calculations

  status, tex = LoadTexture (os.path.join("Art","Font.bmp"))
  if (status):
    gFont = glFont ()
    gFont.SetFontTexture (tex)
    gFont.SetWindowSize (1024, 768)
    gFont.BuildFont (1.0)
    raise RuntimeError, "Failed to build font 'Art\\Font.bmp'"

  gCamera = glCamera ()
  gCamera.m_MaxHeadingRate = 1.0;      # // Set our Maximum rates for the camera
  gCamera.m_MaxPitchRate = 1.0;      # // Set our Maximum rates for the camera
  gCamera.m_HeadingDegrees = 0.0;      # // Set our Maximum rates for the camera

  # // Try and load the HardGlow texture tell the user if we can't find it then quit
  status, gCamera.m_GlowTexture = LoadTexture(os.path.join("Art","HardGlow2.bmp"));
  if (not status):
    raise RuntimeError, "Failed to load Hard Glow texture."

  # // Try and load the BigGlow texture tell the user if we can't find it then quit
  status, gCamera.m_BigGlowTexture = LoadTexture(os.path.join("Art","BigGlow3.bmp"))
  if (not status):
    raise RuntimeError, "Failed to load Big Glow texture."

  # // Try and load the Halo texture tell the user if we can't find it then quit
  status, gCamera.m_HaloTexture = LoadTexture(os.path.join("Art","Halo3.bmp"))
  if (not status):
    raise RuntimeError, "Failed to load Halo texture."
  # // Try and load the Streaks texture tell the user if we can't find it then quit
  status, gCamera.m_StreakTexture = LoadTexture(os.path.join("Art","Streaks4.bmp"))
  if (not status):
    raise RuntimeError, "Failed to load Streaks texture."

  # //##################  NEW STUFF  ##################################

  # // Just create a cylinder that will be used as occluder object
  gcylList = glGenLists(1);
  qobj = gluNewQuadric();
  gluQuadricDrawStyle(qobj, GLU_FILL); 
  gluQuadricNormals(qobj, GLU_SMOOTH);
  glNewList(gcylList, GL_COMPILE);
  # List Start
  glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  gluCylinder(qobj, 0.5, 0.5, 4.0, 15, 5);
  # List End

  # if (gHaveWin32):
  #  gStartTime = win32api.GetTickCount ()   # // Get the time the app started
  gStartTime = time.clock ();           # // Get the time the app started

  return True                  # // Initialization Went OK

# The function called when our window is resized (which shouldn't happen if you enable fullscreen, below)
def ReSizeGLScene(Width, Height):
  if Height == 0:            # Prevent A Divide By Zero If The Window Is Too Small 
    Height = 1

  glViewport(0, 0, Width, Height)    # Reset The Current Viewport And Perspective Transformation
  # // field of view, aspect ratio, near and far
  # This will squash and stretch our objects as the window is resized.
  # Note that the near clip plane is 1 (hither) and the far plane is 1000 (yon)
  gluPerspective(45.0, float(Width)/float(Height), 1, 1000.0)


def DrawGLInfo ():
  global gCamera, gFont, gFrames, gCurrentTime, gCurrentTime, gStartTime, gFPS

  projMatrix = glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX);          # // Grab the projection matrix
  modelMatrix = glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX);        # // Grab the modelview matrix

  # // Print out the cameras position
  glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
  String = "m_Position............. = %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (gCamera.m_Position.x, gCamera.m_Position.y, gCamera.m_Position.z)
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 720, 1, String);
  # // Print out the cameras direction
  String = "m_DirectionVector...... = %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (gCamera.m_DirectionVector.i, gCamera.m_DirectionVector.j, gCamera.m_DirectionVector.k);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 700, 1, String);
  # // Print out the light sources position
  String = "m_LightSourcePos....... = %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (gCamera.m_LightSourcePos.x, gCamera.m_LightSourcePos.y, gCamera.m_LightSourcePos.z);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 680, 1, String);

  # // Print out the intersection point
  String = "ptIntersect............ = %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (gCamera.m_ptIntersect.x, gCamera.m_ptIntersect.y, gCamera.m_ptIntersect.z);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 660, 1, String);

  # // Print out the vector that points from the light source to the camera
  String = "vLightSourceToCamera... = %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (gCamera.vLightSourceToCamera.i, gCamera.vLightSourceToCamera.j, gCamera.vLightSourceToCamera.k);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 640, 1, String);

  # // Print out the vector that points from the light source to the intersection point.
  String = "vLightSourceToIntersect = %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (gCamera.vLightSourceToIntersect.i, gCamera.vLightSourceToIntersect.j, gCamera.vLightSourceToIntersect.k);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 620, 1, String);

  # // Let everyone know the below matrix is the model view matrix
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 580, 1, String);
  # // Print out row 1 of the model view matrix
  String = "%.02f, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (modelMatrix[0][0], modelMatrix[0][1], modelMatrix[0][2], modelMatrix[0][3]);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 560, 1, String);

  # // Print out row 2 of the model view matrix
  String = "%.02f, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (modelMatrix[1][0], modelMatrix[1][1], modelMatrix[1][2], modelMatrix[1][3]);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 540, 1, String);

  # // Print out row 3 of the model view matrix
  String = "%.02f, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (modelMatrix[2][0], modelMatrix[2][1], modelMatrix[2][2], modelMatrix[2][3]);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 520, 1, String);

  # // Print out row 4 of the model view matrix
  String = "%.02f, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (modelMatrix[3][0], modelMatrix[3][1], modelMatrix[3][2], modelMatrix[3][3]);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 500, 1, String);

  # // Let everyone know the below matrix is the projection matrix
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 460, 1, String);
  # // Print out row 1 of the projection view matrix
  String = "%.02f, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (projMatrix[0][0], projMatrix[0][1], projMatrix[0][2], projMatrix[0][3]);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 440, 1, String);

  # // Print out row 2 of the projection view matrix
  String = "%.02f, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (projMatrix[1][0], projMatrix[1][1], projMatrix[1][2], projMatrix[1][3]);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 420, 1, String);

  # // Print out row 3 of the projection view matrix
  String = "%.02f, %.02f, %.03f, %.03f" % (projMatrix[2][0], projMatrix[2][1], projMatrix[2][2], projMatrix[2][3]);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 400, 1, String);

  # // Print out row 4 of the projection view matrix
  String = "%.02f, %.02f, %.03f, %.03f" % (projMatrix[3][0], projMatrix[3][1], projMatrix[3][2], projMatrix[3][3]);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 380, 1, String);

  # // Let everyone know the below values are the Frustum clipping planes
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 320, 1, "FRUSTUM CLIPPING PLANES");

  # // Print out the right clipping plane
  String = "%.02f, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (gCamera.m_Frustum[0][0], gCamera.m_Frustum[0][1], gCamera.m_Frustum[0][2], gCamera.m_Frustum[0][3]);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 300, 1, String);

  # // Print out the left clipping plane
  String = "%.02f, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (gCamera.m_Frustum[1][0], gCamera.m_Frustum[1][1], gCamera.m_Frustum[1][2], gCamera.m_Frustum[1][3]);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 280, 1, String);

  # // Print out the bottom clipping plane
  String = "%.02f, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (gCamera.m_Frustum[2][0], gCamera.m_Frustum[2][1], gCamera.m_Frustum[2][2], gCamera.m_Frustum[2][3]);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 260, 1, String);

  # // Print out the top clipping plane
  String = "%.02f, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (gCamera.m_Frustum[3][0], gCamera.m_Frustum[3][1], gCamera.m_Frustum[3][2], gCamera.m_Frustum[3][3]);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 240, 1, String);

  # // Print out the far clipping plane
  String = "%.02f, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (gCamera.m_Frustum[4][0], gCamera.m_Frustum[4][1], gCamera.m_Frustum[4][2], gCamera.m_Frustum[4][3]);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 220, 1, String);

  # // Print out the near clipping plane
  String = "%.02f, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f" % (gCamera.m_Frustum[5][0], gCamera.m_Frustum[5][1], gCamera.m_Frustum[5][2], gCamera.m_Frustum[5][3]);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 200, 1, String);

  if(gFrames >= 100):                      # // if we are due for another FPS update
    # gCurrentTime = win32api.GetTickCount ();          # // Get the current time
    gCurrentTime = time.clock ();              # // Get the current time
    DiffTime = gCurrentTime - gStartTime;          # // Find the difference between the start and end times
    # gFPS = (gFrames / float (DiffTime)) * 1000.0;          # // Compute the FPS
    gFPS = (gFrames / float (DiffTime));          # // Compute the FPS
    gStartTime = gCurrentTime;                # // Set the current start time to the current time
    gFrames = 1;                      # // Set the number of frames to 1
    gFrames += 1;                      # // We are not due to for another update so add one to the frame count
  # // Print out the FPS
  String = "FPS %.02f" % (gFPS);
  gFont.glPrintf(10, 160, 1, String);

def DrawGLScene ():
  """ // Here's Where We Do All The Drawing """
  global gCamera, gcylList, ginfoOn

  glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);    # // Clear Screen And Depth Buffer
  glLoadIdentity();                    # // Reset The Current Modelview Matrix

  # // We want our light source to be 50 units if front 
  # // of the camera all the time to make it look like 
  # // it is infinately far away from the camera. We only
  # // do this to the z coordinate because we want to see
  # // the flares adjust if we fly in a straight line.
  gCamera.m_LightSourcePos.z = gCamera.m_Position.z - 50.0;

  # //##################### NEW STUFF ##########################
  # // Draw our cylinder and make it "do something"
  # // Of course we do that BEFORE testing for occlusion
  # // We need our depth buffer to be filled to check against occluder objects
  glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, -20.0);
  # glRotatef(win32api.GetTickCount () / 50.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0);
  # glRotatef(win32api.GetTickCount () / 50.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0);
  glRotatef((time.clock () * 1000.0) / 50.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0);
  glRotatef((time.clock () * 1000.0) / 50.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0);

  gCamera.SetPrespective();            # // Set our perspective/oriention on the world
  gCamera.RenderLensFlare();            # // Render the lens flare
  gCamera.UpdateFrustumFaster();          # // Update the frustum as fast as possible.
  # // Check to see if info has been toggled by 1,2
  if (gInfoOn):
    DrawGLInfo();                # // Info is on so draw the GL information.                

  return True

# The function called whenever a key is pressed. Note the use of Python tuples to pass in: (key, x, y)  
def keyPressed(*args):
  global window, gCamera, gInfoOn, gFont, gcylList, qobj
  # If escape is pressed, kill everything.
  key = args [0]
  if key == ESCAPE:
    gFont.release ()
    gCamera.release ()
    gluDeleteQuadric (qobj)
    glDeleteLists (gcylList, 1)
    sys.exit ()

  if key == 'W' or key == 'w':
    gCamera.ChangePitch(-0.2);            # // Pitch the camera up 0.2 degrees

  if key == 'S' or key == 's':
    gCamera.ChangePitch(0.2);            # // Pitch the camera down 0.2 degrees
  if key == 'D' or key == 'd':
    gCamera.ChangeHeading(0.2);            # // Yaw the camera to the left
  if key == 'A' or key == 'a':
    gCamera.ChangeHeading(-0.2);          # // Yaw the camera to the right
  if key == 'Z' or key == 'z':
    gCamera.m_ForwardVelocity = 0.01;        # // Start moving the camera forward 0.01 units every frame

  if key == 'C' or key == 'c':
    gCamera.m_ForwardVelocity = -0.01;        # // Start moving the camera backwards 0.01 units every frame
  if key == 'X' or key == 'x':
    gCamera.m_ForwardVelocity = 0.0;        # // Stop the camera from moving.

  if args[0] == '1':
    gInfoOn = True;                  # // Toggle info on
  if args[0] == '2':
    gInfoOn = False;                # // Toggle info off

def main():
  global window
  # pass arguments to init

  # Select type of Display mode:   
  #  Double buffer 
  #  RGBA color
  # Alpha components supported 
  # Depth buffer
  # get a 640 x 480 window 
  glutInitWindowSize(640, 480)
  # the window starts at the upper left corner of the screen 
  glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0)
  # Okay, like the C version we retain the window id to use when closing, but for those of you new
  # to Python, remember this assignment would make the variable local and not global
  # if it weren't for the global declaration at the start of main.
  window = glutCreateWindow("Lens Flare Tutorial")

  # Register the drawing function with glut, BUT in Python land, at least using PyOpenGL, we need to
  # set the function pointer and invoke a function to actually register the callback, otherwise it
  # would be very much like the C version of the code.  
  # Uncomment this line to get full screen.

  # When we are doing nothing, redraw the scene.
  # Register the function called when our window is resized.
  # Register the function called when the keyboard is pressed.  

  # We've told Glut the type of window we want, and we've told glut about
  # various functions that we want invoked (idle, resizing, keyboard events).
  # Glut has done the hard work of building up thw windows DC context and 
  # tying in a rendering context, so we are ready to start making immediate mode
  # GL calls.
  # Call to perform inital GL setup (the clear colors, enabling modes, and most releveant -
  # consturct the displays lists for the bitmap font.
  InitGL(640, 480)

  # Start Event Processing Engine  

# Print message to console, and kick off the main to get it rolling.
if __name__ == "__main__":
  print "Hit ESC key to quit."

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