ArcBall.py -- Math utilities, vector, matrix types and ArcBall quaternion rotation class
>>> unit_test_ArcBall_module ()
unit testing ArcBall
Quat for first drag
[ 0.08438914 -0.08534209 -0.06240178 0.99080837]
First transform
[[ 0.97764552 -0.1380603 0.15858325 0. ]
[ 0.10925253 0.97796899 0.17787792 0. ]
[-0.17964739 -0.15657592 0.97119039 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 1. ]]
LastRot at end of first drag
[[ 0.97764552 -0.1380603 0.15858325]
[ 0.10925253 0.97796899 0.17787792]
[-0.17964739 -0.15657592 0.97119039]]
Quat for second drag
[ 0.00710336 0.31832787 0.02679029 0.94757545]
Second transform
[[ 0.88022292 -0.08322023 -0.46720669 0. ]
[ 0.14910145 0.98314685 0.10578787 0. ]
[ 0.45052907 -0.16277808 0.8777966 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 1.00000001]]
import numpy as Numeric
def sumDot( a,b ):
return Numeric.dot (a, b)
except ImportError, err:
import Numeric
def sumDot( a,b ):
return sum (Numeric.dot (a, b) )
except ImportError, err:
print "This demo requires the numpy or Numeric extension, sorry"
import sys
import copy
from math import sqrt
# //assuming IEEE-754(GLfloat), which i believe has max precision of 7 bits
Epsilon = 1.0e-5
class ArcBallT:
def __init__ (self, NewWidth, NewHeight):
self.m_StVec = Vector3fT ()
self.m_EnVec = Vector3fT ()
self.m_AdjustWidth = 1.0
self.m_AdjustHeight = 1.0
self.setBounds (NewWidth, NewHeight)
def __str__ (self):
str_rep = ""
str_rep += "StVec = " + str (self.m_StVec)
str_rep += "\nEnVec = " + str (self.m_EnVec)
str_rep += "\n scale coords %f %f" % (self.m_AdjustWidth, self.m_AdjustHeight)
return str_rep
def setBounds (self, NewWidth, NewHeight):
# //Set new bounds
assert (NewWidth > 1.0 and NewHeight > 1.0), "Invalid width or height for bounds."
# //Set adjustment factor for width/height
self.m_AdjustWidth = 1.0 / ((NewWidth - 1.0) * 0.5)
self.m_AdjustHeight = 1.0 / ((NewHeight - 1.0) * 0.5)
def _mapToSphere (self, NewPt):
# Given a new window coordinate, will modify NewVec in place
X = 0
Y = 1
Z = 2
NewVec = Vector3fT ()
# //Copy paramter into temp point
TempPt = copy.copy (NewPt)
print 'NewPt', NewPt, TempPt
# //Adjust point coords and scale down to range of [-1 ... 1]
TempPt [X] = (NewPt [X] * self.m_AdjustWidth) - 1.0
TempPt [Y] = 1.0 - (NewPt [Y] * self.m_AdjustHeight)
# //Compute the square of the length of the vector to the point from the center
length = sumDot( TempPt, TempPt)
# //If the point is mapped outside of the sphere... (length > radius squared)
if (length > 1.0):
# //Compute a normalizing factor (radius / sqrt(length))
norm = 1.0 / sqrt (length);
# //Return the "normalized" vector, a point on the sphere
NewVec [X] = TempPt [X] * norm;
NewVec [Y] = TempPt [Y] * norm;
NewVec [Z] = 0.0;
else: # //Else it's on the inside
# //Return a vector to a point mapped inside the sphere sqrt(radius squared - length)
NewVec [X] = TempPt [X]
NewVec [Y] = TempPt [Y]
NewVec [Z] = sqrt (1.0 - length)
return NewVec
def click (self, NewPt):
# //Mouse down (Point2fT
self.m_StVec = self._mapToSphere (NewPt)
def drag (self, NewPt):
# //Mouse drag, calculate rotation (Point2fT Quat4fT)
""" drag (Point2fT mouse_coord) -> new_quaternion_rotation_vec
X = 0
Y = 1
Z = 2
W = 3
self.m_EnVec = self._mapToSphere (NewPt)
# //Compute the vector perpendicular to the begin and end vectors
# Perp = Vector3fT ()
Perp = Vector3fCross(self.m_StVec, self.m_EnVec);
NewRot = Quat4fT ()
# //Compute the length of the perpendicular vector
if (Vector3fLength(Perp) > Epsilon): # //if its non-zero
# //We're ok, so return the perpendicular vector as the transform after all
NewRot[X] = Perp[X];
NewRot[Y] = Perp[Y];
NewRot[Z] = Perp[Z];
# //In the quaternion values, w is cosine (theta / 2), where theta is rotation angle
NewRot[W] = Vector3fDot(self.m_StVec, self.m_EnVec);
else: # //if its zero
# //The begin and end vectors coincide, so return a quaternion of zero matrix (no rotation)
NewRot.X = NewRot.Y = NewRot.Z = NewRot.W = 0.0;
return NewRot
# ##################### Math utility ##########################################
def Matrix4fT ():
return Numeric.identity (4, 'f')
def Matrix3fT ():
return Numeric.identity (3, 'f')
def Quat4fT ():
return Numeric.zeros (4, 'f')
def Vector3fT ():
return Numeric.zeros (3, 'f')
def Point2fT (x = 0.0, y = 0.0):
pt = Numeric.zeros (2, 'f')
pt [0] = x
pt [1] = y
return pt
def Vector3fDot(u, v):
# Dot product of two 3f vectors
dotprod = Numeric.dot (u,v)
return dotprod
def Vector3fCross(u, v):
# Cross product of two 3f vectors
X = 0
Y = 1
Z = 2
cross = Numeric.zeros (3, 'f')
cross [X] = (u[Y] * v[Z]) - (u[Z] * v[Y])
cross [Y] = (u[Z] * v[X]) - (u[X] * v[Z])
cross [Z] = (u[X] * v[Y]) - (u[Y] * v[X])
return cross
def Vector3fLength (u):
mag_squared = sumDot(u,u)
mag = sqrt (mag_squared)
return mag
def Matrix3fSetIdentity ():
return Numeric.identity (3, 'f')
def Matrix3fMulMatrix3f (matrix_a, matrix_b):
return sumDot( matrix_a, matrix_b )
def Matrix4fSVD (NewObj):
X = 0
Y = 1
Z = 2
s = sqrt (
( (NewObj [X][X] * NewObj [X][X]) + (NewObj [X][Y] * NewObj [X][Y]) + (NewObj [X][Z] * NewObj [X][Z]) +
(NewObj [Y][X] * NewObj [Y][X]) + (NewObj [Y][Y] * NewObj [Y][Y]) + (NewObj [Y][Z] * NewObj [Y][Z]) +
(NewObj [Z][X] * NewObj [Z][X]) + (NewObj [Z][Y] * NewObj [Z][Y]) + (NewObj [Z][Z] * NewObj [Z][Z]) ) / 3.0 )
return s
def Matrix4fSetRotationScaleFromMatrix3f(NewObj, three_by_three_matrix):
# Modifies NewObj in-place by replacing its upper 3x3 portion from the
# passed in 3x3 matrix.
# NewObj = Matrix4fT ()
NewObj [0:3,0:3] = three_by_three_matrix
return NewObj
# /**
# * Sets the rotational component (upper 3x3) of this matrix to the matrix
# * values in the T precision Matrix3d argument; the other elements of
# * this matrix are unchanged; a singular value decomposition is performed
# * on this object's upper 3x3 matrix to factor out the scale, then this
# * object's upper 3x3 matrix components are replaced by the passed rotation
# * components, and then the scale is reapplied to the rotational
# * components.
# * @param three_by_three_matrix T precision 3x3 matrix
# */
def Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f (NewObj, three_by_three_matrix):
scale = Matrix4fSVD (NewObj)
NewObj = Matrix4fSetRotationScaleFromMatrix3f(NewObj, three_by_three_matrix);
scaled_NewObj = NewObj * scale # Matrix4fMulRotationScale(NewObj, scale);
return scaled_NewObj
def Matrix3fSetRotationFromQuat4f (q1):
# Converts the H quaternion q1 into a new equivalent 3x3 rotation matrix.
X = 0
Y = 1
Z = 2
W = 3
NewObj = Matrix3fT ()
n = sumDot(q1, q1)
s = 0.0
if (n > 0.0):
s = 2.0 / n
xs = q1 [X] * s; ys = q1 [Y] * s; zs = q1 [Z] * s
wx = q1 [W] * xs; wy = q1 [W] * ys; wz = q1 [W] * zs
xx = q1 [X] * xs; xy = q1 [X] * ys; xz = q1 [X] * zs
yy = q1 [Y] * ys; yz = q1 [Y] * zs; zz = q1 [Z] * zs
# This math all comes about by way of algebra, complex math, and trig identities.
# See Lengyel pages 88-92
NewObj [X][X] = 1.0 - (yy + zz); NewObj [Y][X] = xy - wz; NewObj [Z][X] = xz + wy;
NewObj [X][Y] = xy + wz; NewObj [Y][Y] = 1.0 - (xx + zz); NewObj [Z][Y] = yz - wx;
NewObj [X][Z] = xz - wy; NewObj [Y][Z] = yz + wx; NewObj [Z][Z] = 1.0 - (xx + yy)
return NewObj
def unit_test_ArcBall_module ():
# Unit testing of the ArcBall calss and the real math behind it.
# Simulates a click and drag followed by another click and drag.
print "unit testing ArcBall"
Transform = Matrix4fT ()
LastRot = Matrix3fT ()
ThisRot = Matrix3fT ()
ArcBall = ArcBallT (640, 480)
# print "The ArcBall with NO click"
# print ArcBall
# First click
LastRot = copy.copy (ThisRot)
mouse_pt = Point2fT (500,250)
ArcBall.click (mouse_pt)
# print "The ArcBall with first click"
# print ArcBall
# First drag
mouse_pt = Point2fT (475, 275)
ThisQuat = ArcBall.drag (mouse_pt)
# print "The ArcBall after first drag"
# print ArcBall
# print
# print
print "Quat for first drag"
print ThisQuat
ThisRot = Matrix3fSetRotationFromQuat4f (ThisQuat)
# Linear Algebra matrix multiplication A = old, B = New : C = A * B
ThisRot = Matrix3fMulMatrix3f (LastRot, ThisRot)
Transform = Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f (Transform, ThisRot)
print "First transform"
print Transform
# Done with first drag
# second click
LastRot = copy.copy (ThisRot)
print "LastRot at end of first drag"
print LastRot
mouse_pt = Point2fT (350,260)
ArcBall.click (mouse_pt)
# second drag
mouse_pt = Point2fT (450, 260)
ThisQuat = ArcBall.drag (mouse_pt)
# print "The ArcBall"
# print ArcBall
print "Quat for second drag"
print ThisQuat
ThisRot = Matrix3fSetRotationFromQuat4f (ThisQuat)
ThisRot = Matrix3fMulMatrix3f (LastRot, ThisRot)
# print ThisRot
Transform = Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f (Transform, ThisRot)
print "Second transform"
print Transform
# Done with second drag
LastRot = copy.copy (ThisRot)
def _test ():
# This will run doctest's unit testing capability.
# see http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-doctest.html
# doctest introspects the ArcBall module for all docstrings
# that look like interactive python sessions and invokes
# the same commands then and there as unit tests to compare
# the output generated. Very nice for unit testing and
# documentation.
import doctest, ArcBall
return doctest.testmod (ArcBall)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Invoke our function that runs python's doctest unit testing tool.
_test ()
# unit_test ()