from pyscrabble import constants
from pyscrabble import gtkconstants
from pyscrabble import manager
from pyscrabble import util
from pyscrabble import gui
from twisted.internet import reactor
import gtk
import pango
def fatalError(data):
A Fatal error has occurred. Usually it means the connection to the server has been lost.
Show a dialog and then quit
@param data: ErrorMessage data
s = _("Error: A Fatal Error has occurred")
s1 = _("The application will now close")
dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=None, type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK, message_format="")
dialog.set_title(_("Error: Fatal Error"))
dialog.set_markup("<big>%s: %s. %s.</big>" % (s,data.getErrorMessage(),s1))
response =
def setupStockItems():
Setup stock images
widget = gtk.DrawingArea()
factory = gtk.IconFactory()
r = manager.ResourceManager()
buf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( r["resources"]["images"][gtkconstants.STOCK_SEND_IM_FILE] )
icon = gtk.IconSet(buf)
factory.add( gtkconstants.STOCK_SEND_IM, icon )
factory.add( gtkconstants.STOCK_COPY_URL, gtk.IconSet(widget.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_COPY, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) )
factory.add( gtkconstants.STOCK_COPY_EMAIL, gtk.IconSet(widget.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_COPY, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) )
factory.add( gtkconstants.STOCK_OPEN_URL, gtk.IconSet(widget.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) )
factory.add( gtkconstants.STOCK_OFFLINE_MESSAGE, gtk.IconSet(widget.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_NETWORK, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) )
factory.add( gtkconstants.STOCK_DEFINE, gtk.IconSet(widget.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_FIND, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) )
factory.add( gtkconstants.STOCK_SEND_MOVE, gtk.IconSet(widget.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_YES, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) )
factory.add( gtkconstants.STOCK_RESET_DEFAULT, gtk.IconSet(widget.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_UNDO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) )
factory.add( gtkconstants.STOCK_PASS, gtk.IconSet(widget.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_NO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) )
factory.add( gtkconstants.STOCK_TRADE_LETTERS, gtk.IconSet(widget.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_UNDO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) )
factory.add( gtkconstants.STOCK_SHUFFLE, gtk.IconSet(widget.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_REFRESH, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) )
factory.add( gtkconstants.STOCK_REGISTER, gtk.IconSet(widget.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_ADD, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) )
factory.add( gtkconstants.STOCK_ADD_HOSTNAME, gtk.IconSet(widget.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_COPY, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)) )
widget = None
def showAbout(menu):
Show about dialog
@param menu:
r = manager.ResourceManager()
dialog = gtk.AboutDialog()
dialog.set_name( "PyScrabble" )
dialog.set_authors( ["Kevin Conaway", "Dennis Harrison -- Testing", "Mark Lee -- Patches", "Jaderi -- Testing"] )
dialog.set_comments( "For Erin" )
dialog.set_website( constants.ONLINE_SITE )
dialog.set_website_label( constants.ONLINE_SITE )
dialog.set_logo( gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(r["resources"]["images"]["py.ico"]) )
gtk.about_dialog_set_url_hook(util.showUrl, data=constants.ONLINE_SITE)
def getSelectedItem(view, col):
Get selected column from aTreeView import
@param view: TreeView
@param col: Column number
sel = view.get_selection()
model, iter = sel.get_selected()
if (iter == None):
return None
return model.get_value(iter, col)
def copyToClipboard(widget, data):
Copy to clipboard
@param widget: Widget that activated this callback
@param data: Data to add to clipboard
clipboard = gtk.clipboard_get()
def colorReset_cb(widget, key, val, button, enable):
Reset a color option to the default option
@param widget:
@param key:
@param val:
@param button:
@param enable:
o = manager.OptionManager()
o.set_option(key, val)
button.set_color( gtk.gdk.color_parse(val) )
def colorSet_cb(widget, key, enable):
Set color preference
@param widget: Color button
@param key: Preference key
@param enable: Enable checkbox
o = manager.OptionManager()
c = widget.get_color()
color = util.colorToHexString(,,
o.set_option(key, color)
def toggleOption_cb(widget, option):
Notification preference toggled.
Set the option name to the value of widget.get_active()
@param widget: Widget that activated this callback
@param option: Option name
o = manager.OptionManager()
o.set_option(option, int(widget.get_active()))
def createColorPreference(optionVal, defaultOptionVal, enableOptionVal, label, tips, tipText):
Create color preference box
@param optionVal:
@param defaultOptionVal:
@param enableOptionVal:
@param label:
@param tips:
@param tipText:
o = manager.OptionManager()
opt = o.get_default_option(optionVal, defaultOptionVal) #option,default
enable = gtk.CheckButton(_('Enable'))
enable.connect("toggled", toggleOption_cb, enableOptionVal) #enable option
enable.set_active(o.get_default_bool_option(enableOptionVal, True)) #enable option
cb = gtk.ColorButton(gtk.gdk.color_parse(opt))
cb.connect("color-set", colorSet_cb, optionVal, enable) #option
b = gtk.Button(stock=gtkconstants.STOCK_RESET_DEFAULT)
b.connect("clicked", colorReset_cb, optionVal, defaultOptionVal, cb, enable)
bbox = gtk.HButtonBox()
bbox.add( cb )
bbox.add( b )
bbox.add( enable )
hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 5)
l = createLeftJustifiedLabel( label ) # label
hbox.pack_start( l, True, True, 5 )
hbox.pack_start( bbox, False, False, 5)
tips.set_tip(cb,tipText) #tips
return hbox
def createLeftJustifiedLabel(text):
Create a left justified label
@param text: Label text
l = gtk.Label(text)
l.set_alignment(0., 0.4)
return l
def getIterByColumn(model, col, value):
Get a TreeIter by col num and value
@param model: TreeModel
@param col: Column Number
@param value: Column Value
@return: TreeIter
iter = model.get_iter_root()
while iter is not None:
val = model.get_value(iter, col)
if val == value:
return iter
iter = model.iter_next(iter)
def createToolButton(stock_id, label):
Create a toolbar button
@param stock_id: Stock_id
@param label: Label text
if label is not None:
button = gtk.ToolButton(gtk.image_new_from_stock(stock_id, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU), label=label)
button = gtk.ToolButton(stock_id=stock_id)
return button
class LetterPlaceHolder(gtk.Fixed):
Class to be used when a letter is dragged out of the rack
This empty placeholder will take the spot of the Letter
def __init__(self, letterBox, game_frame):
@param letterBox: Box that holds the GameLetters
@param game_frame: GameFrame instance
self.set_size_request( constants.TILE_WIDTH, constants.TILE_HEIGHT )
self.letterBox = letterBox
self.game_frame = game_frame
self.handler_id = self.connect("drag_data_received", self.swapLetter);
self.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_MOTION | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT | gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_DROP, [( "image/x-xpixmap", 0, 81 )], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY)
def swapLetter(self, widget, context, x, y, selection, targetType, eventType):
@param widget: Placeholder
@param context: Drag context
@param x:
@param y:
@param selection:
@param targetType:
@param eventType:
letter = context.get_source_widget()
if isinstance(letter, gui.pieces.GameTile):
self.game_frame.removeMove(letter, letter.x, letter.y)
if letter.getLetter().isBlank():
letter = gui.pieces.GameLetter(letter.getLetter(), self.letterBox)
if not isinstance(letter, gui.pieces.GameLetter):
letters = self.letterBox.get_children()
self.letterBox.foreach(lambda w: self.letterBox.remove(w))
for l in letters:
if id(l) == id(widget):
self.letterBox.pack_start(letter, False, False, 0)
elif id(l) == id(letter):
self.letterBox.pack_start(widget, False, False, 0)
self.letterBox.pack_start(l, False, False, 0)
def activate(self):
Do nothing
return True
def deactivate(self):
Do nothing
return True
class Popup(gtk.Window):
DELAY = 0.02
def __init__(self, title, text):
Toaster popup window
@param title:
@param text:
gtk.Window.__init__(self, gtk.WINDOW_POPUP)
self.move(gtk.gdk.screen_width(),gtk.gdk.screen_height()) # Start the window off to the side somewhere
self.connect("map-event", self.onMapEvent_cb)
self.connect("destroy", self.onDestroy_cb)
self.connect("delete-event", self.close_cb)
o = manager.OptionManager()
self.timeout = int( o.get_default_option(constants.OPTION_POPUP_TIMEOUT, Popup.TIMEOUT) )
self.intervals = 0
l = gtk.Label()
l.set_markup("""<span background="#FFFFFF" weight="bold">%s</span>""" % text)
hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 5)
hbox.pack_start( gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_INFO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON), False, False, 5)
hbox.pack_start( l, False, False, 3)
box = gtk.EventBox()
box.add( hbox )
box.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("#FFFFFF"))
box.connect("button-press-event", self.close_cb)
l = gtk.Label()
l.set_markup("""<span weight="bold" foreground="#FFFFFF">%s</span>""" % title)
header = gtk.EventBox()
header.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("#6699ff"))
header.add( l )
header.connect("button-press-event", self.close_cb)
vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
vbox.pack_start(header, False, False, 0)
vbox.pack_start(gtk.HSeparator(), False, False, 0)
vbox.pack_start(box, True, True, 0)
frame = gtk.Frame()
frame.set_shadow_type( gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN )
self.add( frame )
def close_cb(self, widget=None, event=None):
Close callback
@param widget:
@param event:
width, height = self.get_size()
Popup.HEIGHT_BUFFER -= height
if Popup.HEIGHT_BUFFER < 0:
Popup.COUNT = Popup.COUNT - 1
def onDestroy_cb(self, widget):
Destroy callback
@param widget:
def onMapEvent_cb(self, widget, event):
Callback when widget is mapped to the display
Show the window and set the move timer
@param widget:
@param event:
width, height = self.get_size()
self.count = Popup.COUNT
Popup.COUNT = Popup.COUNT + 1
self.max_height = Popup.HEIGHT_BUFFER
Popup.HEIGHT_BUFFER += height
self.move(gtk.gdk.screen_width() - (width + Popup.WIDTH_BUFFER), gtk.gdk.screen_height())
reactor.callLater(Popup.DELAY, self.moveWindow, up=True)
return True
def moveWindow(self, up=True):
Move the window
@param up: True to move the window up, False down
if up:
self.intervals = self.intervals + 1
self.intervals = self.intervals - 1
width, height = self.get_size()
w = gtk.gdk.screen_width() - (width + Popup.WIDTH_BUFFER)
h = gtk.gdk.screen_height() - (self.max_height * self.intervals / Popup.MAX_INTERVALS) - ((height+self.getCountBuffer()) * self.intervals / Popup.MAX_INTERVALS)
self.move(w, h)
if self.intervals == Popup.MAX_INTERVALS:
reactor.callLater(self.timeout, self.moveWindow, False)
elif self.intervals == 0:
reactor.callLater(Popup.DELAY, self.moveWindow, up)
def getCountBuffer(self):
If there are other windows shown, we need to adjust the height so the windows are stacked
return util.ternary(Popup.COUNT == 1, Popup.COUNT_BUFFER, Popup.COUNT_BUFFER - Popup.COUNT)
class TaggableTextView(gtk.TextView):
TextView that will markup text based on its content
Currently handles
- URLs
- Email addresses
def __init__(self, buffer=None):
@param buffer: gtk.TextBuffer
gtk.TextView.__init__(self, buffer)
self.connect("motion-notify-event", self.motionNotify_cb)
def insert_text(self, text):
Insert text into buffer
@param text: Text
self.insert_text_with_tags(text, None)
def insert_text_with_tags(self, text, tags):
Insert text with tags
@param text: Text
@param tags: Tags
buf = self.get_buffer()
items = str(text).split()
for item in items:
t = None
trailing = None
if util.isURL(item):
item, trailing = util.getURL(item)
t = buf.create_tag(foreground="blue", underline=pango.UNDERLINE_SINGLE)
t.set_data(gtkconstants.TAG_TYPE, gtkconstants.LINK_TAG)
t.connect("event", self.tagEvent, item)
elif util.isEmail(item):
item, trailing = util.getEmail(item)
t = buf.create_tag(foreground="blue", underline=pango.UNDERLINE_SINGLE)
t.connect("event", self.tagEvent, '%s%s' % ('mailto:',item))
t.set_data(gtkconstants.TAG_TYPE, gtkconstants.EMAIL_TAG)
if t:
if tags:
buf.insert_with_tags(buf.get_end_iter(), '%s' % item, tags, t)
buf.insert_with_tags(buf.get_end_iter(), '%s' % item, t)
if tags:
buf.insert_with_tags(buf.get_end_iter(), item, tags)
buf.insert(buf.get_end_iter(), item)
if trailing is not None:
for item in trailing:
buf.insert(buf.get_end_iter(), item)
buf.insert(buf.get_end_iter(), ' ')
buf.insert(buf.get_end_iter(), '\n')
buf.create_mark("end", buf.get_end_iter())
self.scroll_to_mark(buf.get_mark("end"), 0.0)
def tagEvent(self, tag, widget, event, iter, data):
Tag event
@param tag: TextTag
@param widget: self
@param event: Event
@param iter: TextIter
@param data: URL
if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS:
if event.button in (1,2):
util.showUrl(None, data, None)
return True
if event.button == 3:
message_menu = gtk.Menu()
type = tag.get_data(gtkconstants.TAG_TYPE)
if type == gtkconstants.LINK_TAG:
item = gtk.ImageMenuItem(stock_id=gtkconstants.STOCK_COPY_URL)
item.connect("activate", copyToClipboard, data)
message_menu.add( gtk.SeparatorMenuItem() )
item = gtk.ImageMenuItem(stock_id=gtkconstants.STOCK_OPEN_URL)
item.connect("activate", util.showUrl, data, None)
if type == gtkconstants.EMAIL_TAG:
item = gtk.ImageMenuItem(stock_id=gtkconstants.STOCK_COPY_EMAIL)
item.connect("activate", copyToClipboard, data.lstrip('mailto:'))
message_menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
return True
def motionNotify_cb(self, widget, event):
Motion notify over the TextView. If we hover over a link tag, change the pointer
@param widget:
@param event:
x,y = widget.window_to_buffer_coords(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT, event.x, event.y)
iter = widget.get_iter_at_location(x,y)
tags = iter.get_tags()
t = None
for tag in tags:
type = tag.get_data(gtkconstants.TAG_TYPE)
if type in (gtkconstants.LINK_TAG, gtkconstants.EMAIL_TAG):
t = tag
if t:
widget.get_window(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT).set_cursor( gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.HAND2))
widget.get_window(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT).set_cursor( gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.XTERM))
return False
class EntryWithLabel(gtk.HBox):
def __init__(self, label="", visibility = True, maxLength = None):
gtk.HBox.__init__(self, homogeneous = True, spacing = 20)
self.__label = gtk.Label(label)
self.__label.set_justify( gtk.JUSTIFY_LEFT )
self.__entry = gtk.Entry()
self.__entry.set_visibility( visibility )
if maxLength is not None:
self.pack_start( self.__label )
self.pack_start( self.__entry )
# Get text value from entry
def get_text(self):
return self.__entry.get_text()
# Set text value of entry
def set_text(self, text):
self.__entry.set_text( text )
# Set length of textbox
def setEntryWidth(self, num):
self.__entry.set_width_chars( num )