import gtk
import wave
from pyscrabble.constants import *
from pyscrabble.lookup import *
from pyscrabble import manager
from pyscrabble import gtkconstants
from pyscrabble import util
from pyscrabble import gtkutil
COLORS = _('Colors')
CONNECTION = _('Connection')
GAMEPLAY = _('Gameplay')
LOCALE = _("Locale")
NOTIFICATIONS =_("Notifications")
SOUNDS = _("Sounds")
class OptionWindow(gtk.Window):
Options Window
def __init__(self, mainwindow, section=None):
@param mainwindow: Mainwindow instance
gtk.Window.__init__(self, gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
self.connect("destroy", self.onDestroy )
self.connect("delete_event", self.onDelete_event )
self.mainwindow = mainwindow
self.section = section
self.optionmanager = manager.OptionManager() = gtk.Tooltips()
hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 10)
hbox.pack_start( self.getOptionsMenu(), False, False, 0)
hbox.pack_start( self.getOptionsFrame(), True, True, 0)
self.add( hbox )
#self.set_resizable( False )
self.set_border_width( 10 )
def onDelete_event(self, widget, event, data=None):
Callback when the widget is deleted
@param widget:
@param event:
@param data:
def onDestroy(self, widget, data=None):
Callback when the widget is destroyed
@param widget:
@param data:
def getOptionsMenu(self):
Left nav option menu
@return: Options Menu gtk.Frame
frame = gtk.Frame()
frame.set_shadow_type( gtk.SHADOW_OUT )
self.optionsList = gtk.ListStore(str)
self.optionsView = gtk.TreeView( self.optionsList )
self.optionsView.set_headers_visible( False )
self.optionsView.connect("button-release-event", self.optionsViewClicked_cb)
col1 = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Name'))
cell1 = gtk.CellRendererText()
col1.pack_start(cell1, True)
col1.add_attribute(cell1, 'text', 0)
cell1.set_property('xpad', 5)
cell1.set_property('ypad', 5)
self.optionsView.append_column( col1 )
self.optionsList.append( [COLORS] )
self.optionsList.append( [CONNECTION] )
self.optionsList.append( [GAMEPLAY] )
self.optionsList.append( [LOCALE] )
self.optionsList.append( [NOTIFICATIONS] )
self.optionsList.append( [SOUNDS] )
frame.add( self.optionsView )
return frame
def getOptionsFrame(self):
Main options frame
@return: Main Options gtk.Frame
self.optionFrame = gtk.Frame()
# Default to Colors frame
box = gtk.HBox(False,20)
box.set_border_width( 20 )
box.pack_start(self.getColorPrefs(), False, False, 0)
self.optionFrame.add( box )
if self.section is not None:
i = self.optionsList.get_iter_first()
while i:
val = self.optionsList.get_value(i, 0)
if val == self.section:
i = self.optionsList.iter_next(i)
return self.optionFrame
def getColorPrefs(self):
Show Color Pickers
@return: gtk.Box
self.optionFrame.set_label(_("Color Preferences"))
box = gtk.VBox(False, 3)
b = gtkutil.createColorPreference(COLOR_NEW_TILE, DEFAULT_NEW_TILE, USE_COLOR_NEW_TILE, _('Tile color for current moves: '),, _('This will be the color of tiles you are currently playing'))
box.pack_start( b, False, False, 5 )
b = gtkutil.createColorPreference(COLOR_RECENT_TILE, DEFAULT_RECENT_TILE, USE_COLOR_RECENT_TILE, _('Tile color for new moves: '),, _('This will be the color of tiles that were recently played'))
box.pack_start( b, False, False, 5 )
b = gtkutil.createColorPreference(COLOR_BLANK_TILE, DEFAULT_BLANK_TILE, USE_COLOR_BLANK_TILE, _('Text color for blank tiles: '),, _('This will be the color of text on Blank tiles'))
box.pack_start( b, False, False, 5 )
b = gtkutil.createColorPreference(COLOR_NORMAL_TILE, TILE_COLORS[TILE_NORMAL], USE_COLOR_NORMAL_TILE, _('Background color for normal tiles: '),, _('This will be the background color for normal tiles'))
box.pack_start( b, False, False, 5 )
b = gtkutil.createColorPreference(COLOR_TEXT, DEFAULT_COLOR_TEXT, USE_COLOR_TEXT, _('Text color for letter tiles: '),, _('This will be the text color for letters on the tiles'))
box.pack_start( b, False, False, 5 )
b = gtkutil.createColorPreference(COLOR_LETTER, TILE_COLORS[TILE_LETTER], USE_COLOR_LETTER, _('Background color for letters: '),, _('This will be the background color for letters'))
box.pack_start( b, False, False, 5 )
return box
def getNotificationPrefs(self):
Notification Options
@return: gtk.Box
self.optionFrame.set_label(_("Notification Preferences"))
box = gtk.VButtonBox()
soundOnTurn = gtk.CheckButton(_("Play sounds on turn"))
popupOnTurn = gtk.CheckButton(_("Popup on turn"))
soundOnMessage = gtk.CheckButton(_("Play sound on new message"))
popupOnMessage = gtk.CheckButton(_("Popup on new message"))
soundOnNewUser = gtk.CheckButton(_("Play sound when a user signs on"))
popupOnNewUser = gtk.CheckButton(_("Popup when a new user signs on"))
soundOnTurn.set_active( self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_SOUND_TURN, True) )
popupOnTurn.set_active( self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_POPUP_TURN, True) )
soundOnMessage.set_active( self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_SOUND_MSG, True) )
popupOnMessage.set_active( self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_POPUP_MSG, True) )
soundOnNewUser.set_active( self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_SOUND_NEW_USER, True) )
popupOnNewUser.set_active( self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_POPUP_NEW_USER, True) )
soundOnTurn.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_SOUND_TURN)
popupOnTurn.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_POPUP_TURN)
soundOnMessage.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_SOUND_MSG)
popupOnMessage.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_POPUP_MSG)
soundOnNewUser.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_SOUND_NEW_USER)
popupOnNewUser.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_POPUP_NEW_USER)
box.add( soundOnTurn )
box.add( popupOnTurn )
box.add( soundOnMessage )
box.add( popupOnMessage )
box.add( soundOnNewUser )
box.add( popupOnNewUser )
vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 3)
vbox.pack_start(box, False, False, 0)
opt = int(self.optionmanager.get_default_option(OPTION_POPUP_TIMEOUT, gtkutil.Popup.TIMEOUT))
hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 3)
a = gtk.Adjustment(value=opt, lower=1, upper=100, step_incr=1, page_incr=1, page_size=1)
spin = gtk.SpinButton(a, climb_rate=1, digits=0)
spin.connect("value-changed", self.spinChanged_cb, OPTION_POPUP_TIMEOUT)
hbox.pack_start(spin, False, False, 0)
hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Popup Timeout')), False, False, 0), _('Number of seconds a popup window is displayed'))
vbox.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 0)
return vbox
def getLocalePrefs(self):
Locale prefs
@return: gtk.Box
self.optionFrame.set_label(_("Locale Preferences"))
box = gtk.VBox(False)
box.pack_start( gtk.Label(_('Locale:')), False, False, 10 )
l = manager.LocaleManager()
model = gtk.ListStore(str,str)
for key in l.getAvailableLocales():
desc = l.getLocaleDescription(key)
model.append( [_(desc), key] )
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
combo = gtk.ComboBox(model)
combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)
box.pack_start(combo, False, False, 0)
button = gtk.Button( _("Save") )
button.connect("clicked", self.saveLocalePrefs_cb, combo)
bbox = gtk.HButtonBox()
box.pack_start(bbox, False, False, 10)
o = manager.OptionManager()
opt = o.get_default_option(LOCALE_OPTION, None)
if not opt:
i = model.get_iter_first()
while i:
val = model.get_value(i, 1)
if val == opt:
i = model.iter_next(i)
return box
def getSoundPrefs(self):
Sound prefs
@return: gtk.Box
self.optionFrame.set_label(_("Sound Preferences"))
box = gtk.VBox(False, 10)
s = _("Message Sound")
c = _("Choose")
d = _("Use Default")
msgbox = gtk.VBox(False)
msgentry = gtk.Entry()
button = gtk.Button("%s.."%c)
m_default = gtk.CheckButton("%s" % d)
bbox = gtk.VButtonBox()
msgbox_h = gtk.HBox(False, 1)
msgbox_h.pack_start(gtk.Label("%s:" % s))
msgbox_h.pack_start(msgentry, False, False, 10)
msgbox_h.pack_start(bbox, False, False, 10)
button.connect("clicked", self.chooseFile_cb, msgentry, m_default)
x = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
x.pack_start(msgbox, False, False, 0)
s = _("Game Sound")
gamebox = gtk.VBox(False)
gameentry = gtk.Entry()
button = gtk.Button("%s.." % c)
g_default = gtk.CheckButton("%s" % d)
bbox = gtk.VButtonBox()
gamebox_h = gtk.HBox(False, 1)
gamebox_h.pack_start(gtk.Label("%s:" % s))
gamebox_h.pack_start(gameentry, False, False, 10)
gamebox_h.pack_start(bbox, False, False, 10)
button.connect("clicked", self.chooseFile_cb, gameentry, g_default)
x = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
x.pack_start(gamebox, False, False, 0)
game_sound = self.optionmanager.get_default_option(SOUND_GAME_OPTION, None)
msg_sound = self.optionmanager.get_default_option(SOUND_MSG_OPTION, None)
if not game_sound:
g_default.set_active( True )
gameentry.set_text( game_sound )
if not msg_sound:
m_default.set_active( True )
msgentry.set_text( msg_sound )
bbox = gtk.HButtonBox()
button = gtk.Button(_("Save"))
button.connect("clicked", self.saveSoundPrefs_cb, msgentry, gameentry, m_default, g_default)
return box
def getConnectionPrefs(self):
Connection preferences
self.optionFrame.set_label(_("Connection Preferences"))
box = gtk.VBox(False, 3)
left = gtk.VBox(False, 3)
right = gtk.VBox(False, 3)
lr = gtk.HBox(True, 3)
proxyBox = self.getProxyInfo()
left.pack_start( gtkutil.createLeftJustifiedLabel(_('Save current username/password/host')), False, False, 0 )
left.pack_start( gtkutil.createLeftJustifiedLabel(_('Use Proxy')), False, False, 0 )
left.pack_start( proxyBox, False, False, 0 )
button = gtk.CheckButton()
button.set_active( self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_SAVE_LOGIN, True) )
button.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_SAVE_LOGIN)
right.pack_start(button, False, False, 0)
button = gtk.CheckButton()
button.set_active( self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_USE_PROXY, False) )
button.connect("toggled", self.toggleUseProxy_cb, OPTION_USE_PROXY, proxyBox)
right.pack_start(button, False, False, 0)
lr.pack_start(left, False, False, 0)
lr.pack_start(right, False, False, 0)
box.pack_start(lr, False, False, 0)
box.pack_start(self.getAdditionalHosts(), False, False, 0)
return box
def getProxyInfo(self):
Return widgets for setting proxy information
p_left = gtk.VBox(True, 3)
p_right = gtk.VBox(True, 3)
bbox = gtk.VButtonBox()
proxyTop = gtk.HBox(False, 3)
proxyBox = gtk.VBox(False, 3)
selectedProxyType = self.optionmanager.get_default_option(OPTION_PROXY_TYPE, OPTION_PROXY_HTTP)
p_left.pack_start( gtkutil.createLeftJustifiedLabel(_("Username")), False, False, 0 )
p_left.pack_start( gtkutil.createLeftJustifiedLabel(_('Password')), False, False, 0 )
p_left.pack_start( gtkutil.createLeftJustifiedLabel(_("Host")), False, False, 0 )
for field,tip in ( (OPTION_PROXY_USER, None), (OPTION_PROXY_PASSWORD, None), (OPTION_PROXY_HOST, _('Value should be <hostname>:<port>')) ):
e = gtk.Entry()
e.set_text( self.optionmanager.get_default_option(field, '') )
e.connect("changed", self.entryChanged_cb, field)
if tip is not None:, tip)
p_right.pack_start( e, False, False, 0 )
button = gtk.RadioButton(None, _('HTTP'))
button.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_PROXY_TYPE, OPTION_PROXY_HTTP)
button.set_active( selectedProxyType == OPTION_PROXY_HTTP)
#button1 = gtk.RadioButton(button, _('SOCKS V4'))
#button1.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_PROXY_TYPE, OPTION_PROXY_SOCKS4)
#button1.set_active( selectedProxyType == OPTION_PROXY_SOCKS4)
#button1 = gtk.RadioButton(button, _('SOCKS V5'))
##button1.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_PROXY_TYPE, OPTION_PROXY_SOCKS5)
#button1.set_active( selectedProxyType == OPTION_PROXY_SOCKS5)
proxyTop.pack_start(p_left, False, False, 0)
proxyTop.pack_start(p_right, False, False, 0)
proxyBox.pack_start(proxyTop, False, False, 0)
proxyBox.pack_start(bbox, False, False, 0)
proxyBox.set_sensitive(self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_USE_PROXY, False))
return proxyBox
def getAdditionalHosts(self):
Return additional hosts frame for the connection prefs
hostbox = gtk.VBox(False, 3)
frame = gtk.Frame()
frame.set_shadow_type( gtk.SHADOW_OUT )
optionsList = gtk.ListStore(str,str)
optionsView = gtk.TreeView( optionsList )
optionsView.set_headers_visible( False )
col1 = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Name'))
cell1 = gtk.CellRendererText()
col1.pack_start(cell1, True)
col1.add_attribute(cell1, 'text', 0)
optionsView.append_column( col1 )
col2 = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Location'))
cell2 = gtk.CellRendererText()
col2.pack_start(cell2, True)
col2.add_attribute(cell2, 'text', 1)
optionsView.append_column( col2 )
for host,gport,wport,location in util.getAdditionalHosts():
optionsList.append( (host,location) )
frame.add( optionsView )
hostbuttonbox = gtk.HButtonBox()
button = gtk.Button( _('Add') )
button.connect("clicked", self.addHost_cb, optionsList, optionsView)
hostbuttonbox.add( button )
button = gtk.Button( _('Remove') )
button.connect("clicked", self.deleteHost_cb, optionsView)
hostbuttonbox.add( button )
hostbox.pack_start( gtkutil.createLeftJustifiedLabel(_('Additional Hosts')), False, False, 0)
hostbox.pack_start(frame, False, False, 0)
hostbox.pack_start(hostbuttonbox, False, False, 0)
return hostbox
def getGameplayPrefs(self):
Gameplay Preferences
self.optionFrame.set_label(_("Gameplay Preferences"))
box = gtk.VBox(False, 3)
left = gtk.VBox(True, 3)
right = gtk.VBox(True, 3)
left.pack_start( gtkutil.createLeftJustifiedLabel(_('Rack re-order method')), False, False, 0 )
left.pack_start( gtkutil.createLeftJustifiedLabel(_('Clear move from board on game error')), False, False, 0 )
left.pack_start( gtkutil.createLeftJustifiedLabel(_('Show tooltips for premium squares')), False, False, 0 )
left.pack_start( gtkutil.createLeftJustifiedLabel(_('Bold letter text')), False, False, 0 )
left.pack_start( gtkutil.createLeftJustifiedLabel(_('Show timestamps in 24-hour format')), False, False, 0 )
left.pack_start( gtkutil.createLeftJustifiedLabel(_('Show help at startup')), False, False, 0 )
left.pack_start( gtkutil.createLeftJustifiedLabel(_('Show public servers at startup')), False, False, 0 )
opt = self.optionmanager.get_default_option(OPTION_SWAP, OPTION_LETTER_INSERT)
model = gtk.ListStore(str,str)
model.append( [_('Insert Letters'), OPTION_LETTER_INSERT] )
model.append( [_('Swap Letters'), OPTION_LETTER_SWAP] )
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
combo = gtk.ComboBox(model)
combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)
combo.connect("changed", self.setComboValue_cb, OPTION_SWAP)
combo.set_active_iter( gtkutil.getIterByColumn(model, 1, opt))
right.pack_start(combo, False, False, 0)
button = gtk.CheckButton()
button.set_active( self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_CLEAR_ON_ERROR, True) )
button.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_CLEAR_ON_ERROR)
right.pack_start(button, False, False, 0)
button = gtk.CheckButton()
button.set_active( self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_ENABLE_T_TIPS, True) )
button.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_ENABLE_T_TIPS)
right.pack_start(button, False, False, 0)
button = gtk.CheckButton()
button.set_active( self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_TEXT_BOLD, False) )
button.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_TEXT_BOLD)
right.pack_start(button, False, False, 0)
button = gtk.CheckButton()
button.set_active( self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_24_HOUR, False) )
button.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_24_HOUR)
right.pack_start(button, False, False, 0)
button = gtk.CheckButton()
button.set_active( self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_SHOW_TIPS, True) )
button.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_SHOW_TIPS)
right.pack_start(button, False, False, 0)
button = gtk.CheckButton()
button.set_active( self.optionmanager.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_SHOW_PS, True) )
button.connect("toggled", self.toggleOption_cb, OPTION_SHOW_PS)
right.pack_start(button, False, False, 0)
lr = gtk.HBox(True, 3)
lr.pack_start(left, False, False, 0)
lr.pack_start(right, False, False, 0)
box.pack_start(lr, False, False, 0)
return box
def error(self, data, parent=None):
Show error dialog.
@param data: ErrorMessage data
@see: L{util.ErrorMessage}
s = _("Error")
if not parent:
parent = self
self.dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=parent, type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK, message_format="")
self.dialog.set_markup("<big>%s: %s</big>" % (s, data.getErrorMessage()))
self.dialog.connect("response", lambda w,e: self.dialog.destroy())
def setComboValue_cb(self, combo, key):
Set combo value
@param combo: Combo widget
@param key: Option key
model = combo.get_model()
val = model.get_value(combo.get_active_iter(), 1)
self.optionmanager.set_option(key, val)
def entryChanged_cb(self, widget, option):
@param widget: Widget that activated this callback
@param option: Option name
self.optionmanager.set_option(option, widget.get_text())
def toggleOption_cb(self, widget, option, value=None):
Preference toggled.
Set the option name to the value of widget.get_active()
@param widget: Widget that activated this callback
@param option: Option name
@param value: Option value
optionValue = value
if optionValue == None:
optionValue = int(widget.get_active())
self.optionmanager.set_option(option, optionValue)
def toggleUseProxy_cb(self, widget, option, box):
Use Proxy Preference toggled
Set the option name to the value of widget.get_active() and show/hide the proxy info block
@param widget: Widget that activated this callback
@param option: Option name
@param box: Proxy box
box.set_sensitive( widget.get_active() )
self.optionmanager.set_option(option, int(widget.get_active()))
def optionsViewClicked_cb(self, widget, event):
Option menu clicked callback. Change the main option section
@param widget: Widget that activated this callback
@param event: Event information
opt = gtkutil.getSelectedItem(widget, 0)
if opt is not None and event.button == 1:
self.showOptionFrame( opt )
def showOptionFrame(self, opt):
Show option frame
@param opt: Option type
if opt is not None:
child = self.optionFrame.get_child()
if child:
self.optionFrame.remove( child )
box = gtk.HBox(False,20)
box.set_border_width( 20 )
box.pack_start( self.getNotificationPrefs(), False, False, 0 )
self.optionFrame.add( box )
if opt == SOUNDS:
box.pack_start( self.getSoundPrefs(), False, False, 0 )
self.optionFrame.add( box )
if opt == LOCALE:
box.pack_start( self.getLocalePrefs(), False, False, 0 )
self.optionFrame.add( box )
if opt == COLORS:
box.pack_start( self.getColorPrefs(), False, False, 0 )
self.optionFrame.add( box )
if opt == GAMEPLAY:
box.pack_start( self.getGameplayPrefs(), False, False, 0)
self.optionFrame.add( box )
if opt == CONNECTION:
box.pack_start( self.getConnectionPrefs(), False, False, 0)
self.optionFrame.add( box )
def chooseFile_cb(self, widget, popWidget, default):
Show file chooser
@param widget: Widget that activated this callback
@param popWidget: Widget to populate answer in
@param default: Default checkbox. Uncheck this if the user selects a file
s = _('Choose File')
dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog( s, None, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, (gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_OK) )
filter = gtk.FileFilter()
filter.set_name(_('Wav Files'))
response =
if (response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK):
str = dialog.get_filename()
default.set_active( False )
def saveSoundPrefs_cb(self, widget, msgentry, gameentry, m_default, g_default):
Save sound preferences
If Game Entry Default is checked, ignore whats in the entry field. Same for Message Entry
@param widget: Widget that activated this callback
@param msgentry: Message Sound Entry box
@param gameentry: Game Sound Entry box
@param m_default: Message Sound Default checkbox
@param g_default: Game Sound Default checkbox
if m_default.get_active():
self.optionmanager.set_option(SOUND_MSG_OPTION, '')
file = msgentry.get_text()
f =, 'rb')
self.optionmanager.set_option(SOUND_MSG_OPTION, file)
except wave.Error:
s = _("is not a valid .wav file")
self.error(util.ErrorMessage('%s %s' % (s,file)))
except IOError:
self.error(util.ErrorMessage(_('Please select a file or choose the default option')))
if g_default.get_active():
self.optionmanager.set_option(SOUND_GAME_OPTION, '')
file = gameentry.get_text()
f =, 'rb')
self.optionmanager.set_option(SOUND_GAME_OPTION, file)
except wave.Error:
s = _("is not a valid .wav file")
self.error(util.ErrorMessage('%s %s' % (s,file)))
except IOError:
self.error(util.ErrorMessage(_('Please select a file or choose the default option')))
s = manager.SoundManager()
def saveLocalePrefs_cb(self, widget, combo):
Save Locale Prefs
@param widget: Widget that activated this callback
@param combo: Combo box
model = combo.get_model()
iter = combo.get_active_iter()
opt = model.get_value(iter, 1)
o = manager.OptionManager()
o.set_option(LOCALE_OPTION, opt)
l = manager.LocaleManager()
l.setLocale( )
s = _('Please restart the application for the changes to take effect.')
def spinChanged_cb(self, button, opt):
Spin changed
@param button:
@param opt:
self.optionmanager.set_option(opt, button.get_value_as_int())
def info(self, data, parent=None):
Show info dialog.
@param data: ErrorMessage data
@see: L{util.ErrorMessage}
s = _("Info")
if not parent:
parent = self
self.dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent=parent, type=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK, message_format="")
self.dialog.set_markup("<big>%s: %s</big>" % (s, data))
self.dialog.connect("response", lambda w,e: self.dialog.destroy())
def addHost_cb(self, button, model, view):
Add an additional host
@param button:
@param model:
@param view:
def deleteHost_cb(self, button, view):
Delete an additional host
@param button:
@param view:
sel = view.get_selection()
model, iter = sel.get_selected()
if (iter == None):
return None
host = model.get_value(iter, 0)
o = manager.OptionManager(section=HOSTS_SECTION)
data = o.get_default_option(OPTION_HOSTS, None)
result = ''
if data is not None:
chunks = data.split('/')
for chunk in chunks:
if not chunk.startswith(host):
result = '%s/%s' % (result,chunk)
o.set_option(OPTION_HOSTS, result)
def showHostDialog(self, view):
Show host information dialog
@param view:
title = _("Host Information")
dialog = gtk.Dialog(title=title, flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL)
dialog.vbox.set_border_width( 5 )
header = gtk.Label()
header.set_markup("<b><big>%s:</big></b>" % title)
s = _("Host")
host = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel(label="%s: " % s, visibility=True)
dialog.vbox.pack_start( host )
s = _("Game port")
gport = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel(label="%s: " % s, visibility=True)
dialog.vbox.pack_start( gport )
s = _("Web port")
wport = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel(label="%s: " % s, visibility=True)
dialog.vbox.pack_start( wport )
s = _("Location")
location = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel(label="%s: " % s, visibility=True)
dialog.vbox.pack_start( location )
okbutton = gtk.Button(_("Ok"))
cancelbutton = gtk.Button(_("Cancel"))
okbutton.connect("clicked", self.setHost, host, gport, wport, location, dialog, view)
cancelbutton.connect("clicked", lambda b: dialog.destroy() )
def setHost(self, button, host, gport, wport, location, dialog, view):
Set host info
@param button:
@param host:
@param gport:
@param wport:
@param location:
@param dialog:
@param view
self.error(util.ErrorMessage(_('Port must be a number')))
o = manager.OptionManager(section=HOSTS_SECTION)
data = o.get_default_option(OPTION_HOSTS, '')
data = '%s%s:%s:%s:%s/' % (data, host.get_text(), gport.get_text(), wport.get_text(), location.get_text())
o.set_option(OPTION_HOSTS, data)
model = view.get_model()
for host,gport,wport,location in util.getAdditionalHosts():
model.append( (host,location) )