from twisted.internet import reactor,protocol,defer,error
from twisted.protocols.basic import NetstringReceiver
from twisted.python.failure import *
from pyscrabble.command.helper import *
from pyscrabble.constants import *
from pyscrabble import exceptions
from pyscrabble import manager
from pyscrabble import serialize
from pyscrabble import util
import re
import zlib
class ScrabbleClient(object):
The ScrabbleClient is basically the "glue" between the GUI and the Server.
It passes requests from theGUItotheServercallsbacktovariouscomponentstheGUI import
when it receives a Command from theserver import
def __init__(self, host, port, win):
Initialize the client and connect to the server
@param host: Hostname
@param port: Port
@param win: LoginWindow instance
@see: L{pyscrabble.gui.login.LoginWindow}
self.mainWin = win
self.command = CommandCreator()
self.loggingOut = False # Set to True when we are logging out, used to ignore the Error that will be raise when the connection is lost
self.errback = self.mainWin.error
c = ConnectionManager(self, host, port)
self.defer = c.defer
self.chatWin = None
self.gameWins = {}
# Client commands
def setChatWindow(self, win):
Set the ChatWindow callback
@param win: ChatFrame instance
@see: L{}
self.chatWin = win
self.chatErrback = self.chatWin.error
def addGameWindow(self, win, gameId):
Add a GameFrame callback
@param win: GameFrame instance
@param gameId: Game ID that the GameFrame holds
@see: L{}
self.gameWins[gameId] = win
def setMainWindow(self, win):
Set the MainWindow callback
@param win: LoginWindow or MainWindow instance
@see: L{pyscrabble.gui.login.LoginWindow}
self.mainWin = win
self.errback = self.mainWin.stopReactor
# Login/Logout Commands
def login(self, user, password, version):
Send the LoginCommand to the server
@param user: Username
@param password: Password
command = self.command.createLoginCommand(user, password, version )
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.errback)
# Add a new user
def createNewUser(self, username, password, isAdmin):
Create a new user on the server
@param username: Username
@param password: Password
@param isAdmin: Is Administrator (True or False)
command = self.command.createNewUserCommand(username, password, isAdmin)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
# Change password
def changePassword(self, oldpassword, newpassword):
Change password for the current user on the server
@param oldpassword: Old password
@param newpassword: New password
command = self.command.createChangePasswordCommand(newpassword, oldpassword)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
def logout(self):
Initiate the logout process
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.doDisconnect, errback=self.errback)
# Chat Commands
def getUserList(self):
Get all users on the server
command = self.command.createGetChatUsersCommand()
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
def getMessages(self):
Get offline messages
command = self.command.createGetMessagesCommand()
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
def checkMessages(self):
Check for offline messages
command = self.command.createCheckMessagesCommand()
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
def deleteMessage(self, id):
Delete an offline message
@param id: Message ID
command = self.command.createDeleteMessageCommand(id)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
def postChatMessage(self, msg):
Current user posts a server chat message
@param msg: Message text
command = self.command.createPostChatMessageCommand(msg)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
# Game commands
def getGameList(self):
Get all games on the server
command = self.command.createGetGameListCommand()
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
def joinGame(self, gameId):
Current user joins game
@param gameId: Game ID to join
command = self.command.createGameJoinCommand(gameId)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
def startGame(self, gameId):
Current user starts game
@param gameId: Game ID to start
command = self.command.createGameStartCommand(gameId)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.gameWins[gameId].error)
def leaveGame(self, gameId):
Current user leaves game
@param gameId: Game ID to leave
command = self.command.createGameLeaveCommand(gameId)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.gameWins[gameId].error)
def getLetters(self, gameId, numLetters):
Current user gets letters from agame import
@param gameId: Active Game ID
@param numLetters: Number of letters requested
command = self.command.createGetLettersCommand(gameId, numLetters)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.gameWins[gameId].error)
def sendMoves(self, gameId, moves, lettersOnBoard):
Send moves to the server
@param gameId: Game ID
@param moves: List of Moves
@param lettersOnBoard: List of Letters in the Moves
@see: L{}
@see: L{}
command = self.command.createGameSendMoveCommand(gameId, (lettersOnBoard, moves) )
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.gameWins[gameId].error)
def createGame(self, gameId, options):
Current user creates a new game
@param gameId: Game ID
@param options: Options
command = self.command.createCreateGameCommand(gameId, options)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
def passMove(self, gameId):
Current user passes his turn
@param gameId: Game ID
command = self.command.createGamePassMoveCommand(gameId)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.gameWins[gameId].error)
def pauseGame(self, gameId):
Current user pauses game
@param gameId: Game ID
command = self.command.createGamePauseCommand(gameId)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.gameWins[gameId].error)
def unPauseGame(self, gameId):
Current user unpauses game
@param gameId: Game ID
command = self.command.createGameUnpauseCommand(gameId)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.gameWins[gameId].error)
def tradeLetters(self, gameId, letters):
Current user trades letters in a game
@param gameId: Game ID
@param letters: List of Letters to trade
@see: L{}
command = self.command.createGameTradeLettersCommand(gameId, letters)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.gameWins[gameId].error)
def privateMessage(self, recipient, message):
Current user sends a private message
@param recipient: Username of recipient
@param message: Message text
command = self.command.createPrivateMessageCommand('', util.getUnicode(recipient), message)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatWin.error)
def postGameChatMessage(self, gameId, message):
Send a Game Chat message to the server
@param gameId: Game ID
@param message: Message
command = self.command.createGameChatMessageCommand(gameId, message)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.gameWins[gameId].error)
def spectateGame(self, gameId):
Current user asks to spectate game
@param gameId: Game ID to spectate
command = self.command.createGameSpectatorJoinCommand(gameId)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
def leaveSpectateGame(self, gameId):
Current user stops spectating game
@param gameId: Game ID to spectate
command = self.command.createGameSpectatorLeaveCommand(gameId)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
def setGameSpectatorChat(self, gameId, flag):
Set Game Spectator Chat
@param gameId: Game ID
@param flag: True to enable Game Spectator chat
command = self.command.createGameSpectatorChatCommand(gameId, flag)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
def setGameSpectatorsAllowed(self, gameId, flag):
Set Game Spectators allowed
@param gameId: Game ID
@param flag: True to enable Game Spectators
command = self.command.createGameSpectatorSetCommand(gameId, flag)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
def requestUserInfo(self, username):
Request user information
@param username: User info
command = self.command.createUserInfoCommand(username)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
def requestServerStats(self):
Request server stats
@param username: Server stats
command = self.command.createServerStatsCommand()
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.chatErrback)
def getServerNumUsers(self):
Get number of users on the server
command = self.command.createGetNumServerUsersCommand()
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.errback)
def notifyGameTimeExpired(self, gameId):
Notify the server that this players game time has expired
command = self.command.createGameTimeExpireCommand(gameId)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.gameWins[gameId].error)
def notifyMoveTimeExpired(self, gameId):
Notify the server that this players game time has expired
command = self.command.createMoveTimeExpireCommand(gameId)
self.defer.addCallbacks(self.sendCommand, callbackArgs=[command], errback=self.gameWins[gameId].error)
# Protocol callback
def defaultCallback(self, data):
Callback from theClientProtocol. import
This is called whenever we receive data from theserver. import
Parse the data into a Command object and figure out what to do with it
@param data: Text data that was received from theserver import
@see: L{pyscrabble.command.helper.helper.Command}
# Callback to MainWindow, it should always be available. Errors occur when the connection
# to the server is lost.
if (isinstance(data, Failure)):
if isinstance(data.value, error.ConnectionDone): # Connection closed cleanly
self.mainWin.fatalError(util.ErrorMessage("Connection to server has been lost"))
command = serialize.loads(data)
if (isinstance(command, LoginCommand)):
if (isinstance(command, ChatCommand)):
if (isinstance(command, GameCommand)):
if (isinstance(command, PrivateMessageCommand)):
def processPrivateMessageCommand(self, command):
Process a PrivateMessageCommand
@param command: PrivateMessageCommand
@see: L{pyscrabble.command.helper.PrivateMessageCommand}
if ( command.getCommand() == PRIVATE_MESSAGE_SEND ):
self.chatWin.sendPrivateMessage(command.getSender(), command.getData())
# Protocol response handlers
def processLoginCommand(self, command):
Process a LoginCommand
@param command: LoginCommand
@see: L{pyscrabble.command.helper.LoginCommand}
if ( command.getCommand() == BOOTED):
self.mainWin.fatalError(util.ErrorMessage(_("Your account has been removed from the server.")))
if ( command.getCommand() == LOGIN_OK ):
if ( command.getCommand() == LOGOUT ):
if ( command.getCommand() == LOGIN_DENIED ):
self.mainWin.error( util.ErrorMessage(command.getData()) )
def processChatCommand(self, command):
Process a Game Chat command
@param command: ChatCommand
@see: L{pyscrabble.command.helper.ChatCommand}
if (command.getCommand() == CHAT_USERS):
users = command.getData()
self.chatWin.refreshUserList( users )
if (command.getCommand() == CHAT_JOIN):
self.chatWin.userJoinChat( command.getUsername() )
if (command.getCommand() == CHAT_MESSAGE):
self.chatWin.receiveChatMessage( command.getData() )
if (command.getCommand() == ERROR):
self.chatWin.error( util.ErrorMessage(command.getData()) )
if (command.getCommand() == INFO):
self.chatWin.infoWindow( command.getData() )
if (command.getCommand() == USER_INFO):
self.chatWin.showUserInfo( command.getData() )
if (command.getCommand() == SERVER_STATS):
self.chatWin.showServerStats( command.getData() )
if (command.getCommand() == GET_MESSAGES):
self.chatWin.showOfflineMessages( command.getData() )
def processGameCommand(self, command):
Process a GameCommand
@param command: GameCommand
@see: L{pyscrabble.command.helper.GameCommand}
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_GET_LETTERS):
self.gameWins[command.getGameId()].showLetters( command.getData() )
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_LIST):
self.chatWin.showGameList( command.getData() )
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_USER_LIST):
self.gameWins[command.getGameId()].refreshUserList( command.getData() )
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_JOIN_OK):
self.chatWin.newGame( command.getGameId(), False, command.getData() )
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_SPECTATE_JOIN_OK):
self.chatWin.newGame( command.getGameId(), True, command.getData() )
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_JOIN_DENIED):
self.chatWin.error(util.ErrorMessage( command.getData() ), True)
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_TURN_CURRENT):
self.gameWins[command.getGameId()].setCurrentTurn( command.getData() )
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_TURN_OTHER):
self.gameWins[command.getGameId()].otherTurn( command.getData() )
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_ERROR):
self.gameWins[command.getGameId()].error( util.ErrorMessage(command.getData()) )
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_SEND_MOVE):
self.gameWins[command.getGameId()].applyMoves( command.getData() )
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_ACCEPT_MOVE):
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_INFO):
#type, msg = command.getData()
log = command.getData()
#self.gameWins[command.getGameId()].info( type,msg )
self.gameWins[command.getGameId()].info( log )
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_LEAVE):
self.gameWins[command.getGameId()].leaveGame( None, clientLeaveGame = False, disableChat=command.getData() )
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_BOOT):
self.gameWins[command.getGameId()].leaveGame( None, clientLeaveGame = True, disableChat=True )
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_PAUSE):
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_UNPAUSE):
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_SPECTATOR_CHAT_SET):
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_SPECTATOR_SET):
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_SEND_STATS):
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_BAG_EMPTY):
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_SEND_SPECTATORS):
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_SEND_OPTIONS):
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_OVER):
if (command.getCommand() == GAME_DISTRIBUTION):
self.gameWins[command.getGameId()].showDistribution( command.getData() )
except KeyError: pass
# Protocol command, called by Deferred
def sendCommand(self, sock, command):
Send command data to the server
@param sock: ScrabbleClientProtocol instance
@param command: Command
@see: L{pyscrabble.command.helper.Command}
@return: C{sock}
sock.sendData( command )
return sock
def doDisconnect(self, sock):
@param sock: ScrabbleClientProtocol instance
return sock
class DefaultProtocol(NetstringReceiver):
Protocol instance responsible for the actual sending and receiving of data from theserver import
def __init__(self, connectionManager):
@param connectionManager: ConnectionManager
self._manager = connectionManager
self.defaultCallback = connectionManager.defaultCallback
def sendData(self, data):
Send data to the server
@param data: Text
self.sendString( serialize.dumps(data) )
def stringReceived(self, data):
Callback when a data string is received from theserver import
Callback to the C{defaultCallback} with the data that was received.
@param data: String received from theserver import
self.defaultCallback( zlib.decompress(data) )
def connectionLost(self, reason):
Callback when a connection to the server is lost.
Callback to the C{defaultCallback} with the failture
@param reason: Failure
@see: {twisted.python.failure.Failure}
self.defaultCallback( reason )
def connectionMade(self):
Connection made
def disconnect(self):
class ConnectionManager(object):
def __init__(self, client, host, port):
@param client:
@param host:
@param port:
self._client = client
self.defaultCallback = client.defaultCallback
self._host = host
self._port = port
self.defer = defer.Deferred()
self._user = self.getProxyUser()
self._password = self.getProxyPass()
self._sendCredentials = False
self._proxyHost = None
self._proxyPort = None
def getProxyType(self):
@return: Proxy type
o = manager.OptionManager()
return o.get_default_option(OPTION_PROXY_TYPE, OPTION_PROXY_HTTP)
def getProxyUser(self):
@return: Proxy user name
o = manager.OptionManager()
return o.get_default_option(OPTION_PROXY_USER, None)
def getProxyPass(self):
@return: Proxy password
o = manager.OptionManager()
return o.get_default_option(OPTION_PROXY_PASSWORD, None)
def getProxyHost(self):
@return: Proxy password
o = manager.OptionManager()
return o.get_default_option(OPTION_PROXY_HOST, '')
def isUsingProxy(self):
@return: True if we should use a prox
o = manager.OptionManager()
return o.get_default_bool_option(OPTION_USE_PROXY, False)
def connect(self):
Initiate the connection
if ( self.isUsingProxy() ):
self._proxyHost, port = self.getProxyHost().split(':')
self._proxyPort = int(port)
except ValueError:
self._client.errback(util.ErrorMessage(_("Proxy Host must be: Hostname:Port.")))
if self._user is None or self._password is None:
self._sendCredentials = True
def makeConnection(self):
Make a connection
c = self.get_protocol()
if self.isUsingProxy() and self._proxyHost is not None:
d = c.connectTCP(self._proxyHost, self._proxyPort)
d = c.connectTCP(self._host, self._port)
d.addErrback( self.errback )
def errback(self, data):
@param data:
if isinstance(data, exceptions.ProxyAuthorizationRequiredException):
if not self._sendCredentials:
self._sendCredentials = True
def connected(self, inst):
Start running the callbacks, we've got a live connection
@param inst:
def get_protocol(self):
Get the appropriate protocol
o = manager.OptionManager()
if ( self.isUsingProxy() ):
type = self.getProxyType()
if (type == OPTION_PROXY_HTTP):
if not self._sendCredentials:
return protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, HttpProxyProtocol, self, self._host, self._port, None, None)
return protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, HttpProxyProtocol, self, self._host, self._port, self._user, self._password)
self._client.errback(util.ErrorMessage(_("Invalid proxy type")))
return protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, DefaultProtocol, self)
class HttpProxyProtocol(DefaultProtocol):
Protocol to connect through an HTTP Proxy
def __init__(self, connectionManager, host, port, user, password):
@param connectionManager:
@param host:
@param port:
@param user:
@param password:
DefaultProtocol.__init__(self, connectionManager)
self._host = host
self._port = port
self._user = user
self._password = password
self._manager = connectionManager
self._errback = connectionManager.errback
self._proxyConnected = False
def connectionLost(self, reason):
Callback when a connection to the server is lost.
If we're not connected to the server, ignore it
@param reason: Failure
@see: {twisted.python.failure.Failure}
if self._proxyConnected:
DefaultProtocol.connectionLost( self,reason )
def connectionMade(self):
Connection made, send the proxy request
if self._user is None and self._password is None:
s = 'CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n' % (self._host, self._port)
s = util.b64encode('%s:%s' % (self._user, self._password))
s = 'CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.0\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic %s \r\n\r\n' % (self._host, self._port, s)
def dataReceived(self, data):
Data received handler
@param data: Incoming data
if not self._proxyConnected:
code = self.getReponseCode(data)
if code == 200:
self._proxyConnected = True
if code == 407:
type, realm = self.getAuthMethod(data)
self._errback( exceptions.ProxyAuthorizationRequiredException(type,realm) )
DefaultProtocol.dataReceived(self, data)
def getReponseCode(self, data):
Get proxy http response code
@param data: Response data
@return: response code
return int( data.split()[1] )
def getAuthMethod(self, data):
Get proxy http response code
@param data: Response data
@return: tuple of auth-type,auth-realm
lines = data.split('\r\n')
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('Proxy-Authenticate'):
pattern = re.compile('Proxy-Authenticate: (.*) realm=\"(.*)\"')
match = pattern.match(line)
if match:
type, match =,
return type, match