#!/usr/bin/env python
# For MinGW build requires Python 2.4 or better and win32api.
"""Quick tool to help setup the needed paths and flags
in your Setup file. This will call the appropriate sub-config
scripts automatically.
each platform config file only needs a "main" routine
that returns a list of instances. the instances must
contain the following variables.
name: name of the dependency, as references in Setup (SDL, FONT, etc)
inc_dir: path to include
lib_dir: library directory
lib: name of library to be linked to
found: true if the dep is available
cflags: extra compile flags
import msysio
import mingwcfg
import sys, os, shutil
def print_(*args, **kwds):
"""Simular to the Python 3.0 print function"""
# This not only supports MSYS but is also a head start on the move to
# Python 3.0. Also, this function can be overridden for testing.
msysio.print_(*args, **kwds)
def confirm(message):
"ask a yes/no question, return result"
reply = msysio.raw_input_("\n%s [Y/n]:" % message)
if reply and reply[0].lower() == 'n':
return False
return True
def is_msys_mingw():
"""Return true if this in an MinGW/MSYS build
The user may prompted for confirmation so only call this function
if msysio.is_msys():
return 1
if ('MINGW_ROOT_DIRECTORY' in os.environ or
return confirm("Is this an mingw/msys build")
return 0
def prepdep(dep, basepath):
"add some vars to a dep"
if dep.libs:
dep.line = dep.name + ' ='
for lib in dep.libs:
dep.line += ' -l' + lib
dep.line = dep.name + ' = -I.'
dep.varname = '$('+dep.name+')'
if not dep.found:
if dep.name == 'SDL': #fudge if this is unfound SDL
dep.varname = '$('+dep.name+')'
dep.found = 1
inc = lid = lib = ""
if basepath:
if dep.inc_dir: inc = ' -I$(BASE)'+dep.inc_dir[len(basepath):]
if dep.lib_dir: lid = ' -L$(BASE)'+dep.lib_dir[len(basepath):]
if dep.inc_dir: inc = ' -I' + dep.inc_dir
if dep.lib_dir: lid = ' -L' + dep.lib_dir
libs = ''
for lib in dep.libs:
libs += ' -l' + lib
if dep.name.startswith('COPYLIB_'):
dep.line = dep.name + libs + lid
dep.line = dep.name+' =' + inc + lid + ' ' + dep.cflags + libs
def writesetupfile(deps, basepath, additional_lines):
"create a modified copy of Setup.in"
origsetup = open('Setup.in', 'r')
newsetup = open('Setup', 'w')
line = ''
while line.find('#--StartConfig') == -1:
line = origsetup.readline()
while line.find('#--EndConfig') == -1:
line = origsetup.readline()
if basepath:
newsetup.write('BASE = ' + basepath + '\n')
for d in deps:
newsetup.write(d.line + '\n')
lines = origsetup.readlines()
for line in lines:
useit = 1
if not line.startswith('COPYLIB'):
for d in deps:
if line.find(d.varname)!=-1 and not d.found:
useit = 0
if useit:
def main():
additional_platform_setup = []
if (sys.platform == 'win32' and
# Note that msys builds supported for 2.6 and greater. Use prebuilt.
(sys.version_info >= (2, 6) or not is_msys_mingw())):
print_('Using WINDOWS configuration...\n')
import config_win as CFG
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
print_('Using WINDOWS mingw/msys configuration...\n')
import config_msys as CFG
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
print_('Using Darwin configuration...\n')
import config_darwin as CFG
additional_platform_setup = open("Setup_Darwin.in", "r").readlines()
print_('Using UNIX configuration...\n')
import config_unix as CFG
if os.path.isfile('Setup'):
if "-auto" in sys.argv or confirm('Backup existing "Setup" file'):
shutil.copyfile('Setup', 'Setup.bak')
if not "-auto" in sys.argv and os.path.isdir('build'):
if confirm('Remove old build directory (force recompile)'):
shutil.rmtree('build', 0)
deps = CFG.main()
if deps:
basepath = None
for d in deps:
prepdep(d, basepath)
writesetupfile(deps, basepath, additional_platform_setup)
print_("""\nIf you get compiler errors during install, doublecheck
the compiler flags in the "Setup" file.\n""")
print_("""\nThere was an error creating the Setup file, check for errors
or make a copy of "Setup.in" and edit by hand.""")
if __name__ == '__main__': main()