"""Config on Darwin w/ frameworks"""
import os, sys, string
from glob import glob
from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc
class Dependency:
libext = '.a'
def __init__(self, name, checkhead, checklib, libs):
self.name = name
self.inc_dir = None
self.lib_dir = None
self.libs = libs
self.found = 0
self.checklib = checklib + self.libext
self.checkhead = checkhead
self.cflags = ''
def configure(self, incdirs, libdirs):
incname = self.checkhead
libnames = self.checklib, self.name.lower()
for dir in incdirs:
path = os.path.join(dir, incname)
if os.path.isfile(path):
self.inc_dir = dir
for dir in libdirs:
for name in libnames:
path = os.path.join(dir, name)
if os.path.isfile(path):
self.lib_dir = dir
if self.lib_dir and self.inc_dir:
print (self.name + ' '[len(self.name):] + ': found')
self.found = 1
print (self.name + ' '[len(self.name):] + ': not found')
class FrameworkDependency(Dependency):
def configure(self, incdirs, libdirs):
BASE_DIRS = '/', os.path.expanduser('~/'), '/System/'
for n in BASE_DIRS:
n += 'Library/Frameworks/'
fmwk = n + self.libs + '.framework/Versions/Current/'
if os.path.isfile(fmwk + self.libs):
print ('Framework ' + self.libs + ' found')
self.found = 1
self.inc_dir = fmwk + 'Headers'
self.cflags = (
'-Xlinker "-framework" -Xlinker "' + self.libs + '"' +
' -Xlinker "-F' + n + '"')
self.origlib = self.libs
self.libs = ''
print ('Framework ' + self.libs + ' not found')
class DependencyPython:
def __init__(self, name, module, header):
self.name = name
self.lib_dir = ''
self.inc_dir = ''
self.libs = []
self.cflags = ''
self.found = 0
self.ver = '0'
self.module = module
self.header = header
def configure(self, incdirs, libdirs):
self.found = 1
if self.module:
self.ver = __import__(self.module).__version__
except ImportError:
self.found = 0
if self.found and self.header:
fullpath = os.path.join(get_python_inc(0), self.header)
if not os.path.isfile(fullpath):
found = 0
self.inc_dir = os.path.split(fullpath)[0]
if self.found:
print (self.name + ' '[len(self.name):] + ': found', self.ver)
print (self.name + ' '[len(self.name):] + ': not found')
DEPS = [
FrameworkDependency('SDL', 'SDL.h', 'libSDL', 'SDL'),
FrameworkDependency('FONT', 'SDL_ttf.h', 'libSDL_ttf', 'SDL_ttf'),
FrameworkDependency('IMAGE', 'SDL_image.h', 'libSDL_image', 'SDL_image'),
FrameworkDependency('MIXER', 'SDL_mixer.h', 'libSDL_mixer', 'SDL_mixer'),
FrameworkDependency('SMPEG', 'smpeg.h', 'libsmpeg', 'smpeg'),
Dependency('PNG', 'png.h', 'libpng', ['png']),
Dependency('JPEG', 'jpeglib.h', 'libjpeg', ['jpeg']),
Dependency('SCRAP', '','',[]),
Dependency('PORTMIDI', 'portmidi.h', 'libportmidi', ['portmidi']),
FrameworkDependency('PORTTIME', 'CoreMidi.h', 'CoreMidi', 'CoreMidi'),
def main():
global DEPS
print ('Hunting dependencies...')
incdirs = ['/usr/local/include','/opt/local/include']
libdirs = ['/usr/local/lib','/opt/local/lib']
newconfig = []
for d in DEPS:
d.configure(incdirs, libdirs)
DEPS[0].cflags = '-Ddarwin '+ DEPS[0].cflags
return DEPS
if __name__ == '__main__':
print ("""This is the configuration subscript for OSX Darwin.
Please run "config.py" for full configuration.""")