"""Config on Unix"""
import os, sys
from glob import glob
from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc
# Python 2.x/3.x compatibility
except NameError:
raw_input = input
configcommand = os.environ.get('SDL_CONFIG', 'sdl-config',)
configcommand = configcommand + ' --version --cflags --libs'
localbase = os.environ.get('LOCALBASE', '')
#these get prefixes with '/usr' and '/usr/local' or the $LOCALBASE
origincdirs = ['/include', '/include/SDL', '/include/SDL',
'/include/smpeg' ]
origlibdirs = ['/lib','/lib64','/X11R6/lib']
def confirm(message):
"ask a yes/no question, return result"
reply = raw_input('\n' + message + ' [Y/n]:')
if reply and (reply[0].lower()) == 'n':
return 0
return 1
class DependencyProg:
def __init__(self, name, envname, exename, minver, defaultlibs):
self.name = name
command = os.environ.get(envname, exename)
self.lib_dir = ''
self.inc_dir = ''
self.libs = []
self.cflags = ''
config = os.popen(command + ' --version --cflags --libs').readlines()
flags = ' '.join(config[1:]).split()
# remove this GNU_SOURCE if there... since python has it already,
# it causes a warning.
if '-D_GNU_SOURCE=1' in flags:
self.ver = config[0].strip()
if minver and self.ver < minver:
err= 'WARNING: requires %s version %s (%s found)' % (self.name, self.ver, minver)
raise ValueError(err)
self.found = 1
self.cflags = ''
for f in flags:
if f[:2] in ('-l', '-D', '-I', '-L'):
self.cflags += f + ' '
elif f[:3] == '-Wl':
self.cflags += '-Xlinker ' + f + ' '
if self.name == 'SDL':
inc = '-I' + '/usr/X11R6/include'
self.cflags = inc + ' ' + self.cflags
print ('WARNING: "%s" failed!' % command)
self.found = 0
self.ver = '0'
self.libs = defaultlibs
def configure(self, incdirs, libdir):
if self.found:
print (self.name + ' '[len(self.name):] + ': found ' + self.ver)
self.found = 1
print (self.name + ' '[len(self.name):] + ': not found')
class Dependency:
def __init__(self, name, checkhead, checklib, libs):
self.name = name
self.inc_dir = None
self.lib_dir = None
self.libs = libs
self.found = 0
self.checklib = checklib
self.checkhead = checkhead
self.cflags = ''
def configure(self, incdirs, libdirs):
incname = self.checkhead
libnames = self.checklib, self.name.lower()
if incname:
for dir in incdirs:
path = os.path.join(dir, incname)
if os.path.isfile(path):
self.inc_dir = dir
for dir in libdirs:
for name in libnames:
path = os.path.join(dir, name)
if filter(os.path.isfile, glob(path+'*')):
self.lib_dir = dir
if (incname and self.lib_dir and self.inc_dir) or (not incname and self.lib_dir):
print (self.name + ' '[len(self.name):] + ': found')
self.found = 1
print (self.name + ' '[len(self.name):] + ': not found')
class DependencyPython:
def __init__(self, name, module, header):
self.name = name
self.lib_dir = ''
self.inc_dir = ''
self.libs = []
self.cflags = ''
self.found = 0
self.ver = '0'
self.module = module
self.header = header
def configure(self, incdirs, libdirs):
self.found = 1
if self.module:
self.ver = __import__(self.module).__version__
except ImportError:
self.found = 0
if self.found and self.header:
fullpath = os.path.join(get_python_inc(0), self.header)
if not os.path.isfile(fullpath):
self.found = 0
self.inc_dir = os.path.split(fullpath)[0]
if self.found:
print (self.name + ' '[len(self.name):] + ': found', self.ver)
print (self.name + ' '[len(self.name):] + ': not found')
sdl_lib_name = 'SDL'
def main():
print ('\nHunting dependencies...')
DEPS = [
DependencyProg('SDL', 'SDL_CONFIG', 'sdl-config', '1.2', ['sdl']),
Dependency('FONT', 'SDL_ttf.h', 'libSDL_ttf.so', ['SDL_ttf']),
Dependency('IMAGE', 'SDL_image.h', 'libSDL_image.so', ['SDL_image']),
Dependency('MIXER', 'SDL_mixer.h', 'libSDL_mixer.so', ['SDL_mixer']),
DependencyProg('SMPEG', 'SMPEG_CONFIG', 'smpeg-config', '0.4.3', ['smpeg']),
Dependency('PNG', 'png.h', 'libpng', ['png']),
Dependency('JPEG', 'jpeglib.h', 'libjpeg', ['jpeg']),
Dependency('SCRAP', '', 'libX11', ['X11']),
Dependency('PORTMIDI', 'portmidi.h', 'libportmidi.so', ['portmidi']),
Dependency('PORTTIME', 'porttime.h', 'libporttime.so', ['porttime']),
#Dependency('GFX', 'SDL_gfxPrimitives.h', 'libSDL_gfx.so', ['SDL_gfx']),
if not DEPS[0].found:
print ('Unable to run "sdl-config". Please make sure a development version of SDL is installed.')
raise SystemExit
if localbase:
incdirs = [localbase+d for d in origincdirs]
libdirs = [localbase+d for d in origlibdirs]
incdirs = []
libdirs = []
incdirs += ["/usr"+d for d in origincdirs]
libdirs += ["/usr"+d for d in origlibdirs]
incdirs += ["/usr/local"+d for d in origincdirs]
libdirs += ["/usr/local"+d for d in origlibdirs]
for arg in DEPS[0].cflags.split():
if arg[:2] == '-I':
elif arg[:2] == '-L':
for d in DEPS:
d.configure(incdirs, libdirs)
for d in DEPS[1:]:
if not d.found:
if not confirm("""
Warning, some of the pygame dependencies were not found. Pygame can still
compile and install, but games that depend on those missing dependencies
will not run. Would you like to continue the configuration?"""):
raise SystemExit
return DEPS
if __name__ == '__main__':
print ("""This is the configuration subscript for Unix.
Please run "config.py" for full configuration.""")