:  » Game-2D-3D » Pygame » pygame-1.9.1release » test » Python Open Source

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Python Open Source » Game 2D 3D » Pygame 
Pygame » pygame 1.9.1release » test »
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    import os
    pkg_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
    parent_dir, pkg_name = os.path.split(pkg_dir)
    is_pygame_pkg = (pkg_name == 'tests' and
                     os.path.split(parent_dir)[1] == 'pygame')
    if not is_pygame_pkg:
        sys.path.insert(0, parent_dir)
    is_pygame_pkg = __name__.startswith('pygame.tests.')

if is_pygame_pkg:
    from pygame.tests.test_utils import unittest
    from test.test_utils import unittest
import pygame
import pygame.gfxdraw
from pygame.locals import *

def intensity(c, i):
    """Return color c changed by intensity i

    For 0 <= i <= 127 the color is a shade, with 0 being black, 127 being the
    unaltered color.

    For 128 <= i <= 255 the color is a tint, with 255 being white, 128 the
    unaltered color.

    r, g, b = c[0:3]
    if 0 <= i <= 127:
        # Darken
        return ((r * i) // 127, (g * i) // 127, (b * i) // 127)
    # Lighten
    return (r + ((255 - r) * (255 - i)) // 127,
            g + ((255 - g) * (255 - i)) // 127,
            b + ((255 - b) * (255 - i)) // 127)

class GfxdrawDefaultTest( unittest.TestCase ):

    is_started = False

    foreground_color = (128, 64, 8)
    background_color = (255, 255, 255)

    def make_palette(base_color):
        """Return color palette that is various intensities of base_color"""
        # Need this function for Python 3.x so the base_color
        # is within the scope of the list comprehension.
        return [intensity(base_color, i) for i in range(0, 256)]

    default_palette = make_palette(foreground_color)

    default_size = (100, 100)

    def check_at(self, surf, posn, color):
        sc = surf.get_at(posn)
        fail_msg = ("%s != %s at %s, bitsize: %i, flags: %i, masks: %s" %
                    (sc, color, posn, surf.get_bitsize(), surf.get_flags(),
        self.failUnlessEqual(sc, color, fail_msg)

    def check_not_at(self, surf, posn, color):
        sc = surf.get_at(posn)
        fail_msg = ("%s != %s at %s, bitsize: %i, flags: %i, masks: %s" %
                    (sc, color, posn, surf.get_bitsize(), surf.get_flags(),
        self.failIfEqual(sc, color, fail_msg)

    def setUp(self):
        Surface = pygame.Surface
        size = self.default_size
        palette = self.default_palette
        if not self.is_started:
            # Necessary for Surface.set_palette.
            pygame.display.set_mode((1, 1))
            # Create test surfaces
            self.surfaces = [Surface(size, 0, 8),
                             Surface(size, 0, 16),
                             Surface(size, 0, 24),
                             Surface(size, 0, 32),
                             Surface(size, SRCALPHA, 16),
                             Surface(size, SRCALPHA, 32)]
            # Special pixel formats
            for i in range(1, 6):
                s = self.surfaces[i]
                flags = s.get_flags()
                bitsize = s.get_bitsize()
                masks = s.get_masks()
                if flags:
                    masks = (masks[1], masks[2], masks[3], masks[0])
                    masks = (masks[1], masks[2], masks[0], masks[3])
                self.surfaces.append(Surface(size, flags, bitsize, masks))
        for surf in self.surfaces:

    def test_pixel(self):
        """pixel(surface, x, y, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.pixel(surf, 2, 2, fg)
            for x in range(1, 4):
                for y in range(1, 4):
                    if x == 2 and y == 2:
                        self.check_at(surf, (x, y), fg_adjusted)
                        self.check_at(surf, (x, y), bg_adjusted)

    def test_hline(self):
        """hline(surface, x1, x2, y, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        startx = 10
        stopx = 80
        y = 50
        fg_test_points = [(startx, y), (stopx, y), ((stopx - startx) // 2, y)]
        bg_test_points = [(startx - 1, y), (stopx + 1, y),
                          (startx, y - 1), (startx, y + 1),
                          (stopx, y - 1), (stopx, y + 1)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.hline(surf, startx, stopx, y, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_vline(self):
        """vline(surface, x, y1, y2, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        x = 50
        starty = 10
        stopy = 80
        fg_test_points = [(x, starty), (x, stopy), (x, (stopy - starty) // 2)]
        bg_test_points = [(x, starty - 1), (x, stopy + 1),
                          (x - 1, starty), (x + 1, starty),
                          (x - 1, stopy), (x + 1, stopy)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.vline(surf, x, starty, stopy, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_rectangle(self):
        """rectangle(surface, rect, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        rect = pygame.Rect(10, 15, 55, 62)
        rect_tuple = tuple(rect)
        fg_test_points = [rect.topleft,
                          (rect.right - 1,,
                          (rect.left, rect.bottom - 1),
                          (rect.right - 1, rect.bottom - 1)]
        bg_test_points = [(rect.left - 1, - 1),
                          (rect.left + 1, + 1),
                          (rect.right, - 1),
                          (rect.right - 2, + 1),
                          (rect.left - 1, rect.bottom),
                          (rect.left + 1, rect.bottom - 2),
                          (rect.right, rect.bottom),
                          (rect.right - 2, rect.bottom - 2)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.rectangle(surf, rect, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)
            pygame.gfxdraw.rectangle(surf, rect_tuple, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_box(self):
        """box(surface, rect, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        rect = pygame.Rect(10, 15, 55, 62)
        rect_tuple = tuple(rect)
        fg_test_points = [rect.topleft,
                          (rect.left + 1, + 1),
                          (rect.right - 1,,
                          (rect.right - 2, + 1),
                          (rect.left, rect.bottom - 1),
                          (rect.left + 1, rect.bottom - 2),
                          (rect.right - 1, rect.bottom - 1),
                          (rect.right - 2, rect.bottom - 2)]
        bg_test_points = [(rect.left - 1, - 1),
                          (rect.right, - 1),
                          (rect.left - 1, rect.bottom),
                          (rect.right, rect.bottom)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
  , rect, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)
  , rect_tuple, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_line(self):
        """line(surface, x1, y1, x2, y2, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        x1 = 10
        y1 = 15
        x2 = 92
        y2 = 77
        fg_test_points = [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]
        bg_test_points = [(x1 - 1, y1), (x1, y1 - 1), (x1 - 1, y1 - 1),
                          (x2 + 1, y2), (x2, y2 + 1), (x2 + 1, y2 + 1)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.line(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_circle(self):
        """circle(surface, x, y, r, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        x = 45
        y = 40
        r = 30
        fg_test_points = [(x, y - r),
                          (x, y + r),
                          (x - r, y),
                          (x + r, y)]
        bg_test_points = [(x, y),
                          (x, y - r + 1),
                          (x, y - r - 1),
                          (x, y + r + 1),
                          (x, y + r - 1),
                          (x - r - 1, y),
                          (x - r + 1, y),
                          (x + r + 1, y),
                          (x + r - 1, y)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
  , x, y, r, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_arc(self):
        """arc(surface, x, y, r, start, end, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        x = 45
        y = 40
        r = 30
        start = 0  # +x direction, but not (x + r, y) (?)
        end = 90   # -y direction, including (x, y + r)
        fg_test_points = [(x, y + r), (x + r, y + 1)]
        bg_test_points = [(x, y),
                          (x, y - r),
                          (x - r, y),
                          (x, y + r + 1),
                          (x, y + r - 1),
                          (x - 1, y + r),
                          (x + r + 1, y),
                          (x + r - 1, y),
                          (x + r, y)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.arc(surf, x, y, r, start, end, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_aacircle(self):
        """aacircle(surface, x, y, r, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        x = 45
        y = 40
        r = 30
        fg_test_points = [(x, y - r),
                          (x, y + r),
                          (x - r, y),
                          (x + r, y)]
        bg_test_points = [(x, y),
                          (x, y - r + 1),
                          (x, y - r - 1),
                          (x, y + r + 1),
                          (x, y + r - 1),
                          (x - r - 1, y),
                          (x - r + 1, y),
                          (x + r + 1, y),
                          (x + r - 1, y)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(surf, x, y, r, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_not_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_filled_circle(self):
        """filled_circle(surface, x, y, r, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        x = 45
        y = 40
        r = 30
        fg_test_points = [(x, y - r),
                          (x, y - r + 1),
                          (x, y + r),
                          (x, y + r - 1),
                          (x - r, y),
                          (x - r + 1, y),
                          (x + r, y),
                          (x + r - 1, y),
                          (x, y)]
        bg_test_points = [(x, y - r - 1),
                          (x, y + r + 1),
                          (x - r - 1, y),
                          (x + r + 1, y)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(surf, x, y, r, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_ellipse(self):
        """ellipse(surface, x, y, rx, ry, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        x = 45
        y = 40
        rx = 30
        ry = 35
        fg_test_points = [(x, y - ry),
                          (x, y + ry),
                          (x - rx, y),
                          (x + rx, y)]
        bg_test_points = [(x, y),
                          (x, y - ry + 1),
                          (x, y - ry - 1),
                          (x, y + ry + 1),
                          (x, y + ry - 1),
                          (x - rx - 1, y),
                          (x - rx + 1, y),
                          (x + rx + 1, y),
                          (x + rx - 1, y)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.ellipse(surf, x, y, rx, ry, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_aaellipse(self):
        """aaellipse(surface, x, y, rx, ry, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        x = 45
        y = 40
        rx = 30
        ry = 35
        fg_test_points = [(x, y - ry),
                          (x, y + ry),
                          (x - rx, y),
                          (x + rx, y)]
        bg_test_points = [(x, y),
                          (x, y - ry + 1),
                          (x, y - ry - 1),
                          (x, y + ry + 1),
                          (x, y + ry - 1),
                          (x - rx - 1, y),
                          (x - rx + 1, y),
                          (x + rx + 1, y),
                          (x + rx - 1, y)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.aaellipse(surf, x, y, rx, ry, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_not_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_filled_ellipse(self):
        """filled_ellipse(surface, x, y, rx, ry, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        x = 45
        y = 40
        rx = 30
        ry = 35
        fg_test_points = [(x, y - ry),
                          (x, y - ry + 1),
                          (x, y + ry),
                          (x, y + ry - 1),
                          (x - rx, y),
                          (x - rx + 1, y),
                          (x + rx, y),
                          (x + rx - 1, y),
                          (x, y)]
        bg_test_points = [(x, y - ry - 1),
                          (x, y + ry + 1),
                          (x - rx - 1, y),
                          (x + rx + 1, y)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.filled_ellipse(surf, x, y, rx, ry, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_pie(self):
        """pie(surface, x, y, r, start, end, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        x = 45
        y = 40
        r = 30
        start = 0  # +x direction, including (x + r, y)
        end = 90   # -y direction, but not (x, y + r) (?)
        fg_test_points = [(x, y),
                          (x + 1, y),
                          (x, y + 1),
                          (x + r, y)]
        bg_test_points = [(x - 1, y),
                          (x, y - 1),
                          (x - 1, y - 1),
                          (x + 1, y + 1),
                          (x + r + 1, y),
                          (x + r, y - 1),
                          (x, y + r)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.pie(surf, x, y, r, start, end, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_trigon(self):
        """trigon(surface, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        x1 = 10
        y1 = 15
        x2 = 92
        y2 = 77
        x3 = 20
        y3 = 60
        fg_test_points = [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)]
        bg_test_points = [(x1 - 1, y1 - 1),
                          (x2 + 1, y2 + 1),
                          (x3 - 1, y3 + 1),
                          (x1 + 10, y1 + 30)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.trigon(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_aatrigon(self):
        """aatrigon(surface, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        x1 = 10
        y1 = 15
        x2 = 92
        y2 = 77
        x3 = 20
        y3 = 60
        fg_test_points = [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)]
        bg_test_points = [(x1 - 1, y1 - 1),
                          (x2 + 1, y2 + 1),
                          (x3 - 1, y3 + 1),
                          (x1 + 10, y1 + 30)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.aatrigon(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_not_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_filled_trigon(self):
        """filled_trigon(surface, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        x1 = 10
        y1 = 15
        x2 = 92
        y2 = 77
        x3 = 20
        y3 = 60
        fg_test_points = [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3),
                          (x1 + 10, y1 + 30)]
        bg_test_points = [(x1 - 1, y1 - 1),
                          (x2 + 1, y2 + 1),
                          (x3 - 1, y3 + 1)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.filled_trigon(surf, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_polygon(self):
        """polygon(surface, points, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        points = [(10, 80), (10, 15), (92, 25), (92, 80)]
        fg_test_points = (points +
                          [(points[0][0], points[0][1] - 1),
                           (points[0][0] + 1, points[0][1]),
                           (points[3][0] - 1, points[3][1]),
                           (points[3][0], points[3][1] - 1),
                           (points[2][0], points[2][1] + 1)])
        bg_test_points = [(points[0][0] - 1, points[0][1]),
                          (points[0][0], points[0][1] + 1),
                          (points[0][0] - 1, points[0][1] + 1),
                          (points[0][0] + 1, points[0][1] - 1),
                          (points[3][0] + 1, points[3][1]),
                          (points[3][0], points[3][1] + 1),
                          (points[3][0] + 1, points[3][1] + 1),
                          (points[3][0] - 1, points[3][1] - 1),
                          (points[2][0] + 1, points[2][1]),
                          (points[2][0] - 1, points[2][1] + 1),
                          (points[1][0] - 1, points[1][1]),
                          (points[1][0], points[1][1] - 1),
                          (points[1][0] - 1, points[1][1] - 1)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.polygon(surf, points, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_aapolygon(self):
        """aapolygon(surface, points, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        points = [(10, 80), (10, 15), (92, 25), (92, 80)]
        fg_test_points = (points +
                          [(points[0][0], points[0][1] - 1),
                           (points[0][0] + 1, points[0][1]),
                           (points[3][0] - 1, points[3][1]),
                           (points[3][0], points[3][1] - 1),
                           (points[2][0], points[2][1] + 1)])
        bg_test_points = [(points[0][0] - 1, points[0][1]),
                          (points[0][0], points[0][1] + 1),
                          (points[0][0] - 1, points[0][1] + 1),
                          (points[0][0] + 1, points[0][1] - 1),
                          (points[3][0] + 1, points[3][1]),
                          (points[3][0], points[3][1] + 1),
                          (points[3][0] + 1, points[3][1] + 1),
                          (points[3][0] - 1, points[3][1] - 1),
                          (points[2][0] + 1, points[2][1]),
                          (points[2][0] - 1, points[2][1] + 1),
                          (points[1][0] - 1, points[1][1]),
                          (points[1][0], points[1][1] - 1),
                          (points[1][0] - 1, points[1][1] - 1)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.aapolygon(surf, points, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_not_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_filled_polygon(self):
        """filled_polygon(surface, points, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        points = [(10, 80), (10, 15), (92, 25), (92, 80)]
        fg_test_points = (points +
                          [(points[0][0], points[0][1] - 1),
                           (points[0][0] + 1, points[0][1]),
                           (points[0][0] + 1, points[0][1] - 1),
                           (points[3][0] - 1, points[3][1]),
                           (points[3][0], points[3][1] - 1),
                           (points[3][0] - 1, points[3][1] - 1),
                           (points[2][0], points[2][1] + 1),
                           (points[2][0] - 1, points[2][1] + 1)])
        bg_test_points = [(points[0][0] - 1, points[0][1]),
                          (points[0][0], points[0][1] + 1),
                          (points[0][0] - 1, points[0][1] + 1),
                          (points[3][0] + 1, points[3][1]),
                          (points[3][0], points[3][1] + 1),
                          (points[3][0] + 1, points[3][1] + 1),
                          (points[2][0] + 1, points[2][1]),
                          (points[1][0] - 1, points[1][1]),
                          (points[1][0], points[1][1] - 1),
                          (points[1][0] - 1, points[1][1] - 1)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surf, points, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

    def test_textured_polygon(self):
        """textured_polygon(surface, points, texture, tx, ty): return None"""
        w, h = self.default_size
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        tx = 0
        ty = 0
        texture = pygame.Surface((w + tx, h + ty), 0, 24)
        texture.fill(fg, (0, 0, w, h))
        points = [(10, 80), (10, 15), (92, 25), (92, 80)]
        # Don't know how to really check this as boarder points may
        # or may not be included in the textured polygon.
        fg_test_points = [(points[1][0] + 30, points[1][1] + 40)]
        bg_test_points = [(points[0][0] - 1, points[0][1]),
                          (points[0][0], points[0][1] + 1),
                          (points[0][0] - 1, points[0][1] + 1),
                          (points[3][0] + 1, points[3][1]),
                          (points[3][0], points[3][1] + 1),
                          (points[3][0] + 1, points[3][1] + 1),
                          (points[2][0] + 1, points[2][1]),
                          (points[1][0] - 1, points[1][1]),
                          (points[1][0], points[1][1] - 1),
                          (points[1][0] - 1, points[1][1] - 1)]
        for surf in self.surfaces[1:]:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.textured_polygon(surf, points, texture, -tx, -ty)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

        # Alpha blit to 8 bits-per-pixel surface forbidden.
        texture = pygame.Surface(self.default_size, SRCALPHA, 32)
                              texture, 0, 0)

    def test_bezier(self):
        """bezier(surface, points, steps, color): return None"""
        fg = self.foreground_color
        bg = self.background_color
        points = [(10, 50), (25, 15), (60, 80), (92, 30)]
        fg_test_points = [points[0], points[3]]
        bg_test_points = [(points[0][0] - 1, points[0][1]),
                          (points[3][0] + 1, points[3][1]),
                          (points[1][0], points[1][1] + 3),
                          (points[2][0], points[2][1] - 3)]
        for surf in self.surfaces:
            fg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(fg))
            bg_adjusted = surf.unmap_rgb(surf.map_rgb(bg))
            pygame.gfxdraw.bezier(surf, points, 30, fg)
            for posn in fg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, fg_adjusted)
            for posn in bg_test_points:
                self.check_at(surf, posn, bg_adjusted)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    unittest.main() | Contact Us
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