if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import os
pkg_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
parent_dir, pkg_name = os.path.split(pkg_dir)
is_pygame_pkg = (pkg_name == 'tests' and
os.path.split(parent_dir)[1] == 'pygame')
if not is_pygame_pkg:
sys.path.insert(0, parent_dir)
is_pygame_pkg = __name__.startswith('pygame.tests.')
if is_pygame_pkg:
from pygame.tests.test_utils import
import test_not_implemented, trunk_relative_path, unittest
from test.test_utils import
import test_not_implemented, trunk_relative_path, unittest
import pygame
from pygame import scrap
class ScrapModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
not_initialized = True
def setUp(self):
if self.not_initialized:
pygame.init ()
pygame.display.set_mode ((1, 1))
scrap.init ()
self.not_initialized = False
def todo_test_contains(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.scrap.contains:
# scrap.contains (type) -> bool
# Checks, whether a certain type is available in the clipboard.
# Returns True, if data for the passed type is available in the
# clipboard, False otherwise.
# if pygame.scrap.contains (SCRAP_TEXT):
# print "There is text in the clipboard."
# if pygame.scrap.contains ("own_data_type"):
# print "There is stuff in the clipboard."
def todo_test_get(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.scrap.get:
# scrap.get (type) -> string
# Gets the data for the specified type from the clipboard.
# Returns the data for the specified type from the clipboard. The data
# is returned as string and might need further processing. If no data
# for the passed type is available, None is returned.
# text = pygame.scrap.get (SCRAP_TEXT)
# if text:
# # Do stuff with it.
# else:
# print "There does not seem to be text in the clipboard."
def todo_test_get_types(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.scrap.get_types:
# scrap.get_types () -> list
# Gets a list of the available clipboard types.
# Gets a list of strings with the identifiers for the available
# clipboard types. Each identifier can be used in the scrap.get()
# method to get the clipboard content of the specific type. If there
# is no data in the clipboard, an empty list is returned.
# types = pygame.scrap.get_types ()
# for t in types:
# if "text" in t:
# # There is some content with the word "text" in it. It's
# # possibly text, so print it.
# print pygame.scrap.get (t)
def todo_test_init(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.scrap.init:
# scrap.init () -> None
# Initializes the scrap module.
# Tries to initialize the scrap module and raises an exception, if it
# fails. Note that this module requires a set display surface, so you
# have to make sure, you acquired one earlier using
# pygame.display.set_mode().
def todo_test_lost(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.scrap.lost:
# scrap.lost() -> bool
# Checks whether the clipboard is currently owned by the application.
# Returns True, if the clipboard is currently owned by the pygame
# application, False otherwise.
# if pygame.scrap.lost ():
# print "No content from me anymore. The clipboard is used by someone else."
def test_set_mode (self):
scrap.set_mode (pygame.SCRAP_SELECTION)
scrap.set_mode (pygame.SCRAP_CLIPBOARD)
self.assertRaises (ValueError, scrap.set_mode, 1099)
def test_scrap_put_text (self):
scrap.put (pygame.SCRAP_TEXT, "Hello world")
self.assertEquals (scrap.get (pygame.SCRAP_TEXT), "Hello world")
scrap.put (pygame.SCRAP_TEXT, "Another String")
self.assertEquals (scrap.get (pygame.SCRAP_TEXT), "Another String")
def test_scrap_put_image (self):
sf = pygame.image.load (
string = pygame.image.tostring (sf, "RGBA")
scrap.put (pygame.SCRAP_BMP, string)
self.assertEquals (scrap.get(pygame.SCRAP_BMP), string)
def test_put (self):
scrap.put ("arbitrary buffer", "buf")
r = scrap.get ("arbitrary buffer")
self.assertEquals (r, "buf")
if __name__ == '__main__':