usage_text = """
$ %prog ROOT
$ %prog sprite.Sprite
def test_add(self):
# Doc string for pygame.sprite.Sprite:
#################################### IMPORTS ###################################
from optparse import OptionParser
from inspect import isclass,ismodule,getdoc,isgetsetdescriptor,getmembers
import pygame, sys, datetime, re, types
import relative_indentation
import textwrap
################################ TESTS DIRECTORY ###############################
from os.path import normpath,join,dirname,abspath
for relpath in ('../../','../'):
sys.path.insert(0, abspath(normpath( join(dirname(__file__), relpath) )) )
from test.test_utils.unittest import TestCase
from makeref import docs_as_dict
from test_utils import trunk_relative_path
#################################### IGNORES ###################################
# Anything not wanted to be stubbed, such as aliases, or redundancies
IGNORES = set([
pygame.rect.Rect.h, pygame.rect.Rect.w,
pygame.rect.Rect.x, pygame.rect.Rect.y,
pygame.color.Color.a, pygame.color.Color.b,
pygame.color.Color.g, pygame.color.Color.r,
# Ignore by class: all methods and getter setters cut from root
# pygame.sprite.AbstractGroup,
# pygame.sprite.Sprite.__module__ = 'pygame.sprite'
# pygame.sprite.Rect.__module__ = 'pygame'
# Mapping of callable to module where it's defined
# Place any object that appears in modules other than it's home in here
pygame.rect.Rect : pygame.rect,
pygame.mask.from_surface : pygame.mask,
pygame.time.get_ticks : pygame.time,
pygame.event.Event : pygame.event,
pygame.event.event_name : pygame.event,
pygame.font.SysFont : pygame.font,
pygame.font.get_fonts : pygame.font,
pygame.font.match_font : pygame.font,
def get_Movie():
return trunk_relative_path('examples/data/blue.mpg') )
# BaseType / Helper # (Instantiator / Args) / Callable
pygame.cdrom.CDType : (pygame.cdrom.CD, (0,)),
pygame.mixer.ChannelType : (pygame.mixer.Channel, (0,)),
pygame.time.Clock : (pygame.time.Clock, ()),
pygame.mask.Mask : (pygame.mask.Mask, ((32,32),)), : get_Movie,
# pygame.event.Event : None,
# pygame.joystick.Joystick : None,
# pygame.display.Info : None,
def get_instance(type_):
helper = MUST_INSTANTIATE.get(type_)
if callable(helper): return helper()
helper, arg = helper
return helper(*arg)
except Exception, e:
raw_input("FAILED TO CREATE INSTANCE OF %s\n%s\n"
"Press Enter to continue" % (type_, e))
return type_
##################################### TODO #####################################
################################ STUB TEMPLATES ################################
date =
STUB_TEMPLATE = relative_indentation.Template ( '''
def ${test_name}(self):
# __doc__ (as of %s) for ${unitname}:
${comments} ''' % date,
strip_common = 0, strip_excess = 0
############################## REGULAR EXPRESSIONS #############################
module_re = re.compile(r"pygame\.([^.]+)\.?")
#################################### OPTIONS ###################################
opt_parser = OptionParser()
opt_parser.add_option (
"-l", "--list", action = 'store_true',
help = "list callable names not stubs" )
opt_parser.add_option (
"-t", "--test_names", action = 'store_true',
help = "list test names not stubs" )
opt_parser.add_option (
"-d", "--docs", action = 'store_true',
help = "get (more detailed) docs using" )
# usage_text is assigned at the top of the module.
################################### FUNCTIONS ##################################
docs = {}
def module_in_package(module, pkg):
return ("%s." % pkg.__name__) in module.__name__
def get_package_modules(pkg):
modules = (getattr(pkg, x) for x in dir(pkg) if is_public(x))
return [m for m in modules if ismodule(m) and module_in_package(m, pkg)]
# Don't want to pick up
# string module for example
def py_comment(input_str):
lines = []
for line in input_str.split('\n'):
if len(line) > 80:
lines += textwrap.wrap(line, 68)
lines += ['']
lines += [line]
return '\n'.join([('# ' + l) for l in lines]).rstrip('\n# ')
def is_public(obj_name):
try: obj_name += ''
except TypeError: obj_name = obj_name.__name__
return not obj_name.startswith(('__','_'))
def get_callables(obj, if_of = None, check_where_defined=False):
publics = (getattr(obj, x) for x in dir(obj) if is_public(x))
callables = (x for x in publics if callable(x) or isgetsetdescriptor(x))
if check_where_defined:
callables = (c for c in callables if ( 'pygame' in c.__module__ or
('__builtin__' == c.__module__ and isclass(c)) )
and REAL_HOMES.get(c, 0) in (obj, 0))
if if_of:
callables = (x for x in callables if if_of(x)) # isclass, ismethod etc
return set(callables)
def get_class_from_test_case(TC):
TC = getattr(TC, "__name__", str(TC))
if 'Type' in TC: return TC[:TC.rindex('Type')]
def names_of(*args):
return tuple(map(lambda o: getattr(o, "__name__", str(o)), args))
def callable_name(*args):
args = [a for a in args if a]
return ('.'.join(['%s'] * len(args))) % names_of(*args)
def test_stub(f, module, parent_class = None):
test_name = 'todo_test_%s' % f.__name__
unit_name = callable_name(module, parent_class, f)
stub = STUB_TEMPLATE.render (
test_name = test_name,
# docs is a global, possibly empty dict, depending on
comments = py_comment ( "%s\n\n%s" %
getdoc(f) or '', docs.get(unit_name, ''),
unitname = unit_name,
return unit_name, (test_name, stub)
def make_stubs(seq, module, class_=None):
return dict( test_stub(c, module, class_) for c in seq )
def module_stubs(module):
stubs = {}
all_callables = get_callables(module, check_where_defined = True) - IGNORES
classes = set (
c for c in all_callables if isclass(c) or c in MUST_INSTANTIATE
for class_ in classes:
base_type = class_
if class_ in MUST_INSTANTIATE:
class_ = get_instance(class_)
stubs.update (
make_stubs(get_callables(class_) - IGNORES, module, base_type)
stubs.update(make_stubs(all_callables - classes, module))
return stubs
def package_stubs(package):
stubs = dict()
for module in get_package_modules(package):
return stubs
TEST_NAME_RE = re.compile(r"test[_\d]+(.*)")
# re.compile(r"test[\d_]+((?:[^_]+.[^_])+)") #
def is_test(f):
return f.__name__.startswith(('test_', 'todo_'))
def get_tested_from_testname(test):
tn = getattr(test.__name__, str(test))
separated = tn.rfind('__')
if separated != -1: tn = tn[:separated]
def already_tested_in_module(module):
already = []
mod_name = module.__name__
test_name = "%s_test" % mod_name[7:]
try: test_file = __import__(test_name)
except ImportError: #TODO: create a test file?
return []
classes = get_callables(test_file, isclass)
test_cases = (t for t in classes if TestCase in t.__bases__)
for class_ in test_cases:
class_tested = get_class_from_test_case(class_) or ''
for test in get_callables(class_, is_test):
fname = get_tested_from_testname(test)
already.append( callable_name( mod_name, class_tested, fname ))
return already
def already_tested_in_package(package):
already = []
for module in get_package_modules(package):
already += already_tested_in_module(module)
return already
def get_stubs(root):
module_root =
if module_root:
module = getattr(pygame,
except AttributeError:
__import__( 'pygame.' + )
module = getattr(pygame,
stubs = module_stubs(module)
tested = already_tested_in_module(module)
stubs = package_stubs(pygame)
tested = already_tested_in_package(pygame)
return stubs, tested
if __name__ == "__main__":
options, args = opt_parser.parse_args()
if not sys.argv[1:]:
docs = and docs_as_dict() or {}
root = args and args[0] or 'pygame'
if not root.startswith('pygame'):
root = '%s.%s' % ('pygame', root)
stubs, tested = get_stubs(root)
for fname in sorted(s for s in stubs.iterkeys() if s not in tested):
if not fname.startswith(root): continue # eg. module.Class
test_name, stub = stubs[fname]
if options.list: print "%s," % fname
elif options.test_names: print test_name
else: print stub