import re
def strip_common_preceding_space(input_str):
"Strips preceding common space so only relative indentation remains"
preceding_whitespace = re.compile("^(?:(\s*?)\S)?")
common_start = len(input_str)
split = input_str.split("\n")
for line in (l for l in split if l.strip()):
for match in preceding_whitespace.finditer(line):
common_start = min(match.span(1)[1], common_start)
return "\n".join( [l[common_start:] for l in split] )
def pad_secondary_lines(input_str, padding):
split = input_str.split('\n')
return '\n'.join( [split[0]] + [(padding+l) for l in split[1:]] )
ph_re = re.compile("\${(.*?)}")
multi_line_re = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL
class Template(object):
def __call__(self):
return self
def __init__(self, template, strip_common = True, strip_excess = True):
if strip_common: template = strip_common_preceding_space(template)
if strip_excess: template = template.strip() + '\n'
self.template = template
def find_ph_offsets(self):
self.ph_offsets = dict()
for lines in self.template.split('\n'):
for match in ph_re.finditer(lines):
self.ph_offsets[match.group(1)] = match.span()[0]
def render(self, replacements = None, **kw):
if not replacements: replacements = kw
# missing_ph = [k for k in self.ph_offsets if k not in replacements]
# excess_repl = [k for k in replacements if k not in self.ph_offsets]
# A lot more performant
assert len(replacements) == len(self.ph_offsets)
# errors = []
# if missing_ph: errors.append (
# 'Missing replacements: %s' % ', '.join(missing_ph)
# )
# if excess_repl: errors.append (
# 'Excess replacements: %s' % ', '.join(excess_repl)
# )
# if errors: raise ValueError("\n".join(errors))
template = self.template[:]
for ph_name, replacement in replacements.iteritems():
ph_offset = self.ph_offsets[ph_name]
ph_search = re.search ("\${%s}" % ph_name, template, multi_line_re)
ph_start, ph_end = ph_search.span()
padded = pad_secondary_lines(replacement, ph_offset * ' ')
template = template[0:ph_start] + padded + template[ph_end:]
return template
if __name__ == "__main__":
print Template( '''
def test_${test_name}(self):
self.assert_(not_completed() '''
).render( test_name = 'this_please',
docstring = 'Heading:\n\n Indented Line\n More',
comments = '# some comment\n# another comment', )
check_that = Template('works with ${one} on each line, or even ${two_four}')
print check_that.render(one='one', two_four='two')
# BUG: Multiline replacements with 2 ph per line will go awry -> .ph_offsets
# Outside scope of stubber
print check_that.render(one='one\n one', two_four='two\n not_right\n')