# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module with Board class.
This exports:
- Value -- board value representation.
- Board -- a board with NxN positions.
Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Xos Otero <xoseotero@users.sourceforge.net>
Modification history:
2005/10/12 Antti Kuntsi
New file format to support generic grid form.
__all__ = ["Board", "Value"]
class Value(object):
"""Board value representation.
This class converts values greater than 9 to letters.
For example, 10 = A, 11 = B, etc.
def __init__(self, value):
"""Form a value representation.
value can be a integer or a letter.
The letter representation is always a upper one.
value -- the value
if isinstance(value, int):
self.__value = value
self.__str = self.string()
elif isinstance(value, str) and len(value) == 1:
if value.isdigit():
self.__value = int(value)
self.__value = ord(value.upper()) - ord("A") + 10
self.__str = self.string()
elif isinstance(value, Value):
self.__value = value.__value
self.__str = value.__str
raise ValueError("unknow value %s" % str(value))
def __str__(self):
"""Return the string representation.
This is different to string() because the value is cached.
return self.__str
def __nonzero__(self):
"""Return if the value is different to 0."""
if self.__value:
return True
return False
def integer(self):
"""Return the integer value."""
return self.__value
def string(self):
"""Return the string representation."""
if self.__value < 10:
return str(self.__value)
return chr(ord('A') + self.__value - 10)
class Board(object):
"""Board with NxN positions.
Numbers are 0-N*N
def __init__(self, cellsize=3, board=None, filename=None):
"""Form a board.
If filename is not None, the numbers are loaded from a filename file.
If board is not None, the numbers are loaded from the board.
If filename and board are None a void board is created, with the size
specified by cellsize.
Keyword arguments:
cellsize -- integer of the cell side lenght, default 3 for a 9x9
board (cellsize must be > 1)
-- or a tuple/list of 2 integers for a H*W grid on W*H grids
board -- source board
filename -- the file name (default None)
if board:
elif filename:
self.filename = filename
self.filename = None
if type(cellsize) == int:
cellsize = int(cellsize)
self.cellsize = (cellsize, cellsize)
self.boardsize = cellsize ** 2
self.cellsize = (int(cellsize[0]), int(cellsize[1]))
self.boardsize = self.cellsize[0] * self.cellsize[1]
if self.boardsize <= 1:
raise ValueError("board too small")
def __getitem__(self, (row, column)):
"""Return the number from a positions.
(row, column) -- a tuple/list/iterable with 2 values
return self.numbers[row][column]
def __setitem__(self, (row, column), value):
"""Set the number to a position.
(row, column) -- a tuple/list/iterable with 2 values
value -- the number
if value > self.boardsize:
raise ValueError("value > boardsize")
self.numbers[row][column] = value
def clear(self):
"""Remove all values."""
self.numbers = []
for i in xrange(self.boardsize):
for j in xrange(self.boardsize):
def load_board(self, board):
"""Load the numbers from a board.
board -- source board
self.filename = board.filename
self.cellsize = board.cellsize
self.boardsize = board.boardsize
for j in xrange(board.boardsize):
for i in xrange(board.boardsize):
self.numbers[j][i] = board[j, i]
def load(self, filename):
"""Load the numbers from a file.
filename -- the file name
self.filename = filename
f = file(filename, "rU")
array = []
lineno = 0
dimensions = None
for line in f.xreadlines():
lineno += 1
items = [item for item in line.split() if item]
if not items or items[0][0] == "#":
if len(items) >= 4 and items[1].lower() == "boardsize":
dimensions = [int(item) for item in "".join(items[2:]).split("x")]
raise ValueError
row = [Value(item).integer() for item in items]
array += row
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("'%s' line %d: Not a number sequence" % (filename, lineno))
if not dimensions: # Old-style square grid of squares
max_n = int(max(array) ** (1 / 2.0))
if max_n ** 4 != len(array):
raise ValueError("%s is not a square grid of squares and grid size not specified" % (filename))
dimensions = (max_n, max_n)
self.load_numbers(array, dimensions)
def load_numbers(self, numbers, (width, height)):
"""Load the numbers from a iterable.
numbers -- an iterable with at least 16 numbers
(width, height) -- width and height of the region
self.boardsize = width * height
self.cellsize = (width, height)
if self.boardsize ** 2 != len(numbers) or self.boardsize < 2:
raise ValueError("number-sequence does not match grid size")
for j in xrange(self.boardsize):
for i in xrange(self.boardsize):
self.numbers[j][i] = numbers[j * (self.boardsize) + i]
def save(self, filename):
"""Save the numbers to a file.
filename -- the file name
f = file(filename, "w")
f.write("# boardsize %d x %d\n" % self.cellsize)
for j in xrange(self.boardsize):
for i in xrange(self.boardsize):
f.write("%3c" % str(Value(self.numbers[j][i])))
if i != (self.boardsize - 1):
if (i + 1) % self.cellsize[0] == 0:
f.write(" ")
if (j + 1) % self.cellsize[1] == 0 and j != (self.boardsize - 1):