## Demonstrates some techniques for working with "faces", and
## shows how to build a height field (a common feature request)
## with it.
## David Scherer July 2001
## Revised January 2010 by Bruce Sherwood to use faces.smooth() function
## introduced with VPython 5.2
## Revised March 2010 by Bruce Sherwood to use faces.make_normals() and
## faces.make_twosided() functions introduced with VPython 5.3
from visual import *
class Model:
def __init__(self):
self.frame = frame()
self.model = faces(frame=self.frame)
self.vertices = []
def FacetedTriangle(self, v1, v2, v3, color=color.white):
"""Add a triangle to the model"""
for v in (v1,v2,v3):
def FacetedPolygon(self, *v):
"""Appends a planar polygon of any number of vertices to the model"""
for t in range(len(v)-2):
self.FacetedTriangle( v[0], v[t+1], v[t+2] )
def DrawNormals(self, scale):
pos = self.model.pos
normal = self.model.normal
for i in range(len(pos)):
arrow(pos=pos[i], axis=normal[i]*scale)
class Mesh (Model):
def __init__(self, xvalues, yvalues, zvalues):
points = zeros( xvalues.shape + (3,), float )
points[...,0] = xvalues
points[...,1] = yvalues
points[...,2] = zvalues
for i in range(zvalues.shape[0]-1):
for j in range(zvalues.shape[1]-1):
self.FacetedPolygon( points[i,j], points[i,j+1],
points[i+1,j+1], points[i+1,j] )
self.model.pos = self.vertices
## Graph a function of two variables (a height field)
x = arange(-1,1,2./20)
y = arange(-1,1,2./20)
z = zeros( (len(x),len(y)), float )
x,y = x[:,None]+z, y+z
m = Mesh( x, (sin(x*pi)+sin(y*pi))*0.2, y )