from visual import *
from visual.text import *
# Gyroscope hanging from a spring
# Bruce Sherwood
print """
Click to pause, click to proceed.
Click on rotor to see angular momentum and impulse arrows.
Click again on rotor to hide these arrows.
arrowsvisible = 0 # angular momentum and angular impulse arrows
scene.title = 'Gyroscope'
scene.visible = 0
top = vector(0,1.,0) # where top of spring is held
ks = 100. # spring stiffness
Lspring = 1. # unstretched length of spring
Rspring = 0.03 # radius of spring
Dspring = 0.03 # thickness of spring wire
Lshaft = 1. # length of gyroscope shaft
Rshaft = 0.03 # radius of gyroscope shaft
M = 1. # mass of gyroscope (massless shaft)
Rrotor = 0.4 # radius of gyroscope rotor
Drotor = 0.1 # thickness of gyroscope rotor
Dsquare = 1.4*Drotor # thickness of square that turns with rotor
I = 0.5*M*Rrotor**2. # moment of inertia of gyroscope
omega = 40 # angular velocity of rotor along axis
g = 9.8
Fgrav = vector(0,-M*g,0)
precession = M*g*(Lshaft/2.)/(I*abs(omega)) # exact precession angular velocity
phi = atan(precession**2*(Lshaft/2.)/g) # approximate angle of spring to vertical
s = M*g/(ks*cos(phi)) # approximate stretch of spring
# Refine estimate of angle of spring to vertical:
phi = 1./( ((I*abs(omega))/(M*Lshaft/2.))**2/(g*Lshaft/2.)-(Lspring+s)/(Lshaft/2.) )
# Refine again:
s = M*g/(ks*cos(phi))
phi = 1./( ((I*abs(omega))/(M*Lshaft/2.))**2/(g*Lshaft/2.)-(Lspring+s)/(Lshaft/2.) )
pprecess = vector(0,-1,M*precession*(Lshaft/2.+(Lspring+s)*sin(phi)))
# Momentum required for completely smooth precession:
##pprecess = vector(0,0,M*precession*(Lshaft/2.+(Lspring+s)*sin(phi)))
if omega < 0:
pprecess = -pprecess
support = box(pos=top+vector(0,0.01,0), size=(0.2,0.02,0.2),
spring = helix(pos=top, axis=vector(-(Lspring+s)*sin(phi),-(Lspring+s)*cos(phi),0), coils=10,
radius=Rspring, thickness=Dspring, color=(1,0.7,0.2))
gyro = frame(pos=top+spring.axis) # gyro.pos at end of spring
gyro.axis = vector(1,0,0)
shaft = cylinder(pos=gyro.pos, axis=Lshaft*gyro.axis,
radius=Rshaft, color=(0.85,0.85,0.85))
rotor = cylinder(pos=0.5*gyro.axis*(Lshaft-Drotor),
radius=Rrotor, color=(0.5,0.5,0.5))
stripe1 = curve(frame=gyro,,
stripe1 = curve(frame=gyro,,
gyro.rotate(axis=(0,1,0), angle=pi)
cm = gyro.pos+0.5*Lshaft*gyro.axis # center of mass of shaft
Lrot = I*omega*gyro.axis
p = pprecess
dt = 0.01
t = 0.
Lrotarrow = arrow(length=0, shaftwidth=Rshaft,, visible=arrowsvisible)
Lrotscale = 0.2
rotimpulsearrow = arrow(length=0, shaftwidth=Lrotarrow.shaftwidth,
color=color.cyan, visible=arrowsvisible)
rotimpulsescale = 5.
Lrotlabel = text(string='L', height=0.06, depth=0.25, visible=arrowsvisible,
justify='center', color=Lrotarrow.color)
Lrotimpulselabel = text(string='DL', justify='center', visible=arrowsvisible,
height=0.06, depth=0.25, color=rotimpulsearrow.color)
while True:
if scene.mouse.clicked: # pause the animation with a mouse click
m = scene.mouse.getclick()
if m.pick is rotor:
arrowsvisible = not arrowsvisible
Lrotarrow.visible = arrowsvisible
rotimpulsearrow.visible = arrowsvisible
for obj in Lrotlabel.objects:
obj.visible = arrowsvisible
for obj in Lrotimpulselabel.objects:
obj.visible = arrowsvisible
while 1:
if scene.mouse.clicked:
Fspring = -ks*norm(spring.axis)*(mag(spring.axis)-Lspring)
# Calculate torque about center of mass:
torque = cross(-0.5*Lshaft*gyro.axis,Fspring)
Lrot = Lrot+torque*dt
p = p+(Fgrav+Fspring)*dt
cm = cm+(p/M)*dt
# Update positions of shaft, rotor, spring, stripes
if omega > 0:
gyro.axis = norm(Lrot)
gyro.axis = -norm(Lrot)
gyro.pos = cm-0.5*Lshaft*gyro.axis # shaft rotated, adjust connection to spring
spring.axis = gyro.pos - top
gyro.rotate(angle=omega*dt/4.) # spin easier to see if slower than actual omega
shaft.pos = gyro.pos
shaft.axis = Lshaft*gyro.axis
rotor.pos = gyro.pos+0.5*gyro.axis*(Lshaft-Drotor)
rotor.axis = gyro.axis*Drotor
# Update arrows representing angular momentum and angular impulse
Lrotarrow.pos = gyro.pos+0.5*Lshaft*gyro.axis+vector(0,2.*Rshaft,0)
Lrotarrow.axis = Lrot*Lrotscale
rotimpulsearrow.pos = Lrotarrow.pos+Lrotarrow.axis
rotimpulsearrow.axis = torque*dt*rotimpulsescale
Lrotlabel.frame.pos = Lrotarrow.pos+Lrotarrow.axis/2.+vector(0,Rshaft,0)
Lrotimpulselabel.frame.pos = rotimpulsearrow.pos+rotimpulsearrow.axis-vector(0,3.*Rshaft,0)
if t == 0.: # make sure everything is set up before first visible display
scene.visible = 1
scene.autoscale = 0
t = t+dt