from visual import *
# Gyroscope sitting on a pedestal
# The analysis is in terms of Lagrangian mechanics.
# The Lagrangian variables are polar angle theta,
# azimuthal angle phi, and spin angle alpha.
# Bruce Sherwood
scene.title='Nutating Gyroscope'
Lshaft = 1. # length of gyroscope shaft
Rshaft = 0.03 # radius of gyroscope shaft
M = 1. # mass of gyroscope (massless shaft)
Rrotor = 0.4 # radius of gyroscope rotor
Drotor = 0.1 # thickness of gyroscope rotor
Dsquare = 1.4*Drotor # thickness of square that turns with rotor
I = 0.5*M*Rrotor**2. # moment of inertia of gyroscope
hpedestal = Lshaft # height of pedestal
wpedestal = 0.1 # width of pedestal
tbase = 0.05 # thickness of base
wbase = 3.*wpedestal # width of base
g = 9.8
Fgrav = vector(0,-M*g,0)
top = vector(0,0,0) # top of pedestal
theta = pi/3. # initial polar angle of shaft (from vertical)
thetadot = 0 # initial rate of change of polar angle
alpha = 0 # initial spin angle
alphadot = 15 # initial rate of change of spin angle (spin ang. velocity)
phi = -pi/2. # initial azimuthal angle
phidot = 0 # initial rate of change of azimuthal angle
## Comment in the following statements to get pure precession
#if abs(cos(theta)) < 1e-8:
# phidot = M*g*r/(I*alphadot)
# phidot = (-alphadot+sqrt(alphadot**2+2*M*g*r*cos(theta)/I))/cos(theta)
pedestal = box(pos=top-vector(0,hpedestal/2.,0),
height=hpedestal, length=wpedestal, width=wpedestal,
base = box(pos=top-vector(0,hpedestal+tbase/2.,0),
height=tbase, length=wbase, width=wbase,
shaft = cylinder(axis=(Lshaft,0,0), radius=Rshaft, color=(0,1,0),
material=materials.rough, frame=gyro)
rotor = cylinder(pos=(Lshaft/2 - Drotor/2, 0, 0),
axis=(Drotor, 0, 0), radius=Rrotor, color=(1,0,0),
material=materials.rough, frame=gyro)
trail = curve(radius=Rshaft/8., color=(1,1,0))
scene.autoscale = 0
r = Lshaft/2.
dt = 0.0001
t = 0.
Nsteps = 20 # number of calculational steps between graphics updates
while True:
for step in range(Nsteps): # multiple calculation steps for accuracy
# Calculate accelerations of the Lagrangian coordinates:
atheta = (phidot**2*sin(theta)*cos(theta)
aphi = 2.*thetadot*(alphadot-phidot*cos(theta))/sin(theta)
aalpha = phidot*thetadot*sin(theta)-aphi*cos(theta)
# Update velocities of the Lagrangian coordinates:
thetadot = thetadot+atheta*dt
phidot = phidot+aphi*dt
alphadot = alphadot+aalpha*dt
# Update Lagrangian coordinates:
theta = theta+thetadot*dt
phi = phi+phidot*dt
alpha = alpha+alphadot*dt
gyro.axis = vector(sin(theta)*sin(phi),cos(theta),sin(theta)*cos(phi))
# Display approximate rotation of rotor and shaft:
trail.append(pos=gyro.pos + gyro.axis * Lshaft)
t = t+dt*Nsteps