from __future__ import division
from visual.graph import *
# Bruce Sherwood, Jan. 1, 2008
# Use points object to make a pixel-like plot of a fractal
XMIN = -2
XMAX = 0.5
YMIN = -1
YMAX = 1
g = gdisplay(width=750, height=600, xmin=XMIN, xmax=XMAX, ymin=YMIN, ymax=YMAX)
pixels = gdots(shape='square', size=2)
# Scale factor: 2 units (YMAX-YMIN) equals 600 screen pixels
# Plot 2 by 2 gdots points 2*(2units/600pixels) apart:
r = 2*2/600
# Mandelbrot set (see Wikipedia, for example):
max_iteration = 100
for y0 in arange(YMIN, YMAX, r): # range over all pixel positions
for x0 in arange(XMIN, XMAX, r):
z = z0 = complex(x0,y0)
iteration = 0
while ( abs(z) < 2 and iteration < max_iteration):
z = z*z+z0
iteration += 1
# Leave points black if the iteration quickly escapes:
if (.1 < iteration/max_iteration < 1):
c = color.hsv_to_rgb((iteration/max_iteration-.1,1,1))
pixels.plot(pos=(x0,y0), color=c)