version = ('5.32', 'release')
# Copyright David Scherer and others, see license.txt
import sys as _sys
visual = _sys.modules['visual']
# This is called (visual._fix_symbols()) from modules in the package
# that (unfortunately) must "from visual import *" because clients expect
# to be able to import them _instead_ of visual. This prevents them from
# binding symbols to other _modules_, which may overwrite symbols imported
# directly from those modules. (yuck!)
def _fix_symbols( modg ):
for sym in ( 'controls','factorial','ui' ):
if modg.has_key(sym):
del modg[sym]
all = set(modg.keys()) & set(globals().keys())
return list(all)
# The following manipulations of math and numpy functions is a workaround
# for the problem that in going from Numeric to numpy, the return by numpy
# from e.g. sqrt is numpy.float64, not float, which is not recognized as
# matching float in the operator overloading machinery, including Boost.
# This means is that right multiplication scalar*vector is not caught
# and the result is returned as numpy.ndarray instead of vector, which
# can be a big performance hit in vector calculations.
# There is an advantage to this workaround: sqrt(scalar) is much faster
# this way than when using the numpy sqrt, and there is little penalty
# for the numpy sqrt(array).
import math as _math
import numpy as _numpy
# TODO: be selective instead of importing * from these:
from math import *
from numpy import *
for ufunc in ('ceil','cos','cosh','exp','fabs','floor','fmod','frexp',
def _uf(x,
numpy = getattr(_numpy,ufunc),
math = getattr(_math,ufunc),
mathtypes = (float,int,long)):
if type(x) in mathtypes: return math(x)
return numpy(x)
globals()[ufunc] = _uf
for ufunc in ('hypot',):
def _uf(x,y,
numpy = getattr(_numpy,ufunc),
math = getattr(_math,ufunc),
mathtypes = (float,int,long)):
if type(x) in mathtypes and type(y) in mathtypes: return math(x,y)
return numpy(x,y)
globals()[ufunc] = _uf
import crayola as color
import cvisual
from cvisual import (vector,mag,mag2,norm,cross,rotate,comp,proj
diff_angle, rate)
# Fix the problem that numpy dot(vector,vector) returns numpy.float64 rather
# than an ordinary float, causing trouble with later vector calculations:
import cvisual as _cvisual
def _dot(x,y,mathtypes = (float,int,long)):
numpy = getattr(_numpy,'dot')
cvisual = getattr(_cvisual,'dot')
if type(x) is vector and type(y) is vector: return cvisual(x,y)
return numpy(x,y) # arrays rather than Visual vectors
globals()['dot'] = _dot
from visual.primitives import (arrow,cylinder,cone,sphere,box,ring,label
frame, pyramid, ellipsoid, curve, faces, convex, helix,
points, text, distant_light, local_light)
from visual.ui import display
import materials
# Undo side effect of from... import * that puts modules in package namespace
del ui, crayola, primitives
if 1:
# Names defined for backward compatibility with Visual 3:
import sys, time
true = True
false = False
crayola = color
from cvisual import vector_array,scalar_array
# Allow cvisual itself to load files from the visual package - used by GTK
# driver to load glade data files
import os.path as _os_path
cvisual._set_dataroot( _os_path.split( __file__ )[0] + _os_path.sep)
# The following ensures that __waitclose will be run
# when we reach the end of the program,
# to permit viewing and navigating the scene.
import atexit as _atexit
import site_settings
# Construct the default display object.
scene = display()