import cvisual
from primitives import distant_light,local_light
import materials
# Code to provide special initialization for a display object, and overloaded
# properties.
class display( cvisual.display):
def __init__( self, **keywords):
self.material = materials.diffuse
# If visible is set before width (say), can get error "can't change window".
# So deal with visible attribute separately.
visible = None
if 'visible' in keywords:
visible = keywords['visible']
del keywords['visible']
keys = keywords.keys()
for kw in keys:
setattr(self, kw, keywords[kw])
if visible is not None: setattr(self, 'visible', visible)
if 'ambient' not in keywords:
self.ambient = (0.2,0.2,0.2)
if 'lights' not in keywords:
distant_light( direction=(0.22, 0.44, 0.88), color=(0.8,0.8,0.8), display=self )
distant_light( direction=(-0.88, -0.22, -.44), color=(0.3,0.3,0.3), display=self )
def select(self):
ambient = property( cvisual.display._get_ambient, cvisual.display._set_ambient)
range = property( cvisual.display._get_range, cvisual.display._set_range)
def _return_objects(self):
return tuple([ o for o in self._get_objects() if not isinstance(o, cvisual.light) ])
objects = property( _return_objects, None, None)
def _get_lights(self):
# TODO: List comprehension used for Python 2.3 compatibility; replace with
# generator comprehension
return tuple([ o for o in self._get_objects() if isinstance(o, cvisual.light) ])
def _set_lights(self, n_lights):
old_lights = self._get_lights()
for lt in old_lights:
lt.visible = False
if (type(n_lights) is not list) and (type(n_lights) is not tuple):
n_lights = [n_lights] # handles case of scene.lights = single light
for lt in n_lights:
if isinstance( lt, cvisual.light ): #< TODO: should this be allowed?
lt.display = self
lt.visible = True
lum = cvisual.vector(lt).mag
distant_light( direction=cvisual.vector(lt).norm(),
display=self )
lights = property( _get_lights, _set_lights, None)