# The classes in this file store data in UTF-8 format. The method accessors
# should convert to the GUI encoding where necessary. See the title(),
# subtitle(), and description() methods for examples.
from singleton import getInstance
import datetime
import mythtv
import sre
import time
import mythtvutil
import string
import socket
#from libs/libmythtv/programinfo.h
gRecStatusTrans = \
{ \
'-5': 88, # Deleted
'-4': 89, # Stopped
'-3': 90, # Recorded
'-2': 91, # Recording
'-1': 92, # WillRecord
'0' : 93, # Unknown
'1' : 94, # ManualOverride
'2' : 95, # PreviousRecording
'3' : 96, # CurrentRecording
'4' : 97, # EarlierShowing
'5' : 98, # TooManyRecordings
'6' : 99, # Cancelled
'7' :100, # Conflict
'8' :101, # LaterShowing
'9' :102, # Repeat
'10':103, # Overlap
'11':104, # LowDiskSpace
'12':105, # TunerBusy
gRecSchedTypeTrans = \
{ \
1 :111, # Once
2 :112, # Daily
3 :113, # Channel
4 :114, # Always
5 :115, # Weekly
6 :116, # Find One
7 :117, # Override
8 :118, # Don't Record
9 :119, # Find Daily
10:120, # Find Weekly
gRecSchedTypeLongTrans = \
{ \
1 :135, # Once
2 :136, # Daily
3 :137, # Channel
4 :138, # Always
5 :139, # Weekly
6 :140, # Find One
7 :141, # Override
8 :142, # Don't Record
9 :143, # Find Daily
10:144, # Find Weekly
gRecSchedDupInTrans = \
{ \
1 :149, # Current recordings
2 :150, # Previous recordings
3 :151, # Both
4 :152, # New episodes
15:153, # All
gRecSchedDupMethodTrans = \
{ \
1 :145, # None
2 :146, # Subtitle
4 :147, # Description
6 :148, # Subtitle and Description
def debug( str ):
mythtvutil.debug( mythtvutil.DEBUG_MYTH, str )
def ctime2MythTime( mylong ):
return time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime(float(mylong)))
except Exception, ex:
debug("Error Getting new time: " + str(mylong))
class Channel( object ):
Abstract base class to represent a channel in the mythtv system.
def chanid( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def channum( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def callsign( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def name( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def icon( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
class ChannelFromQuery( Channel ):
Implementation of a Channel object obtained from a query to the channel
table in the mythtv database.
def __init__( self, data ):
self.__data = dict( data )
# make sure icon() returns a reasonable value when it is not
# available
if not self.__data.has_key( 'icon' ) or \
not self.__data['icon'] or \
self.__data['icon'] == "none":
self.__data['icon'] = None
def chanid( self ):
return int( self.__data['chanid'] )
def channum( self ):
return self.__data['channum']
def callsign( self ):
return self.__data['callsign']
def name( self ):
return self.__data['name']
def icon( self ):
return self.__data['icon']
class Program( object ):
"""Base class to represent some kind of television program
in the mythtv system. This might be a recorded or scheduled
def title( self ):
raise Exception, "Abstract base class"
def subtitle( self ):
raise Exception, "Abstract base class"
def description( self ):
raise Exception, "Abstract base class"
def category( self ):
raise Exception, "Abstract base class"
def chanid( self ):
raise Exception, "Abstract base class"
def chanstr( self ):
raise Exception, "Abstract base class"
def origairdate( self ):
raise Exception, "Abstract base class"
def callsign( self ):
raise Exception, "Abstract base class"
def starttime( self ):
raise Exception, "Abstract base class"
def endtime( self ):
raise Exception, "Abstract base class"
def starttimeAsTime( self ):
starttime = self.starttime()
if str(starttime[4:5]) == "-":
return datetime.datetime(int(starttime[0:4]), int(starttime[5:7]), int(starttime[8:10]), int(starttime[11:13]), int(starttime[14:16]) )
return datetime.datetime(int(starttime[0:4]), int(starttime[4:6]), int(starttime[6:8]), int(starttime[8:10]), int(starttime[10:12]) )
def endtimeAsTime( self ):
endtime = self.endtime()
if str(endtime[4:5]) == "-":
return datetime.datetime(int(endtime[0:4]), int(endtime[5:7]), int(endtime[8:10]), int(endtime[11:13]), int(endtime[14:16]) )
return datetime.datetime(int(endtime[0:4]), int(endtime[4:6]), int(endtime[6:8]), int(endtime[8:10]), int(endtime[10:12]) )
def getLength( self ):
return abs(self.endtimeAsTime() - self.starttimeAsTime())
def setStartTime( self, newstarttime ):
raise Exception, "Abstract base class"
def setEndTime( self, newendtime ):
raise Exception, "Abstract base class"
def scheduledrecordinginfo( self ):
return None
def __repr__( self ):
return """
Title: %s : %s
Description: %s
starttime: %s
endtime: %s
channum: %s
""" % ( self.title(), self.subtitle(), self.description(), self.starttimeAsTime(), self.endtimeAsTime(), self.chanstr() )
def formattedAirDate( self ):
"""Returns air times as a formattted string for display purposes"""
value = ""
value += self.starttimeAsTime().strftime( "%A %b %d, %I:%M%p" )
value += " - " + self.endtimeAsTime().strftime( "%I:%M%p" )
if abs( self.starttimeAsTime() - self.endtimeAsTime() ) > datetime.timedelta( days = 1):
value += " +1"
return value
def formattedChannel( self ):
"""Returns chanstr callsign for display purposes"""
value = self.chanstr()
if self.callsign():
value += " " + self.callsign()
return value
def fullTitle( self ):
"""returns Title - subtitle if subtitle exists"""
fullTitle = ""
if self.title():
fullTitle += self.title()
if self.subtitle() and not sre.match( '^\s+$', self.subtitle() ):
fullTitle += " - " + self.subtitle()
return fullTitle
def formattedOrigAirDate( self ):
"""returns original air date or the localized string
for no airdate if no airdate exists"""
value = mythtvutil.getLocalizedString( 45 )
if self.origairdate():
value = self.origairdate()
return value
def formattedDescription( self ):
value = mythtvutil.getLocalizedString( 46 )
if self.description():
value = self.description()
return value[:200]
class ProgramFromQuery( Program ):
"""Implementation of the Program object using data obtained from
a query to the program table in the mythtv database. See mythtv.Database
for the query that generates the dictonary that this class expects."""
def __init__( self, data ):
self.__data = dict( data )
def data( self ):
return self.__data
def title( self ):
return mythtv.convToGUIEncoding( self.__data["title"] )
def subtitle( self ):
return mythtv.convToGUIEncoding( self.__data["subtitle"] )
def description( self ):
return mythtv.convToGUIEncoding( self.__data["description"] )
def category( self ):
return self.__data["category"]
def chanid( self ):
return int(self.__data["chanid"])
def chanstr( self ):
if not self.__data["channum"]:
return ""
return self.__data["channum"]
def origairdate( self ):
key = "origairdate"
if self.__data.has_key( "originalairdate" ):
key = "originalairdate"
if len( self.__data[ key ] ) == 4:
return self.__data[ key ]
return None
def hostname( self ):
return self.__data["hostname"]
return None
def basename( self ):
return self.__data["basename"]
return None
def remotePath( self ):
debug( '> mythtvstruct.ProgramFromQuery.remotePath()' )
s = getInstance( mythtv.Settings )
remoteFile = self.basename()
remotePath = s.getSetting("paths_recordedprefix")
shostIp = getInstance( mythtv.Settings ).getSetting( "mythtv_host" )
host = self.hostname()
hostIp = socket.gethostbyname(host)
snet = hostIp[:6]
ssnet = shostIp[:6]
debug(snet + " " + ssnet)
# if the first 6 characters of both addresses don't match then
# chances are the 'internet' address of the host has been
# found so just use the setting IP
if snet <> ssnet:
hostIp = shostIp
hostIp = shostIp
debug ('Host: %s hostIp: %s'%(host, hostIp))
# we should do this substitute anyway?!
remotePath = sre.sub( '\%h', hostIp, remotePath )
if sre.match( "^[Ss][Mm][Bb]:", remotePath ) and not sre.match( "^\d", host ):
host = sre.sub( '\..*$', '', host )
remotePath = string.replace( remotePath, '\\', '/' )
if remotePath[len(remotePath)-1] != '/':
remotePath += '/'
remotePath += remoteFile
debug( '< mythtvstruct.ProgramFromQuery.remotePath()' + \
' => [%s]'%remotePath )
return str(remotePath)
def callsign( self ):
return self.__data["callsign"]
def seriesid( self ):
return self.__data[ "seriesid" ]
def programid( self ):
return self.__data[ "programid" ]
def recordid( self ):
return self.__data[ "recordid" ]
def manualid( self ):
return self.__data[ "manualid" ]
def icon( self ):
return self.__data[ "icon" ]
def channame( self ):
return self.__data[ "channame" ]
def scheduledrecordinginfo( self ):
return ScheduledRecordingInfo( self.__data )
def starttime( self ):
starttime = self.__data[ "starttime" ]
if int(mythtv.mythProtocolVersion) >= 13:
starttime = sre.sub( "[T:|\\-| ]", "", starttime )
return starttime
def endtime( self ):
endtime = self.__data[ "endtime" ]
if int(mythtv.mythProtocolVersion) >= 13:
endtime = sre.sub( "[T:|\\-| ]", "", endtime )
return endtime
def recstarttime( self ):
return self.starttime()
def recendtime( self ):
return self.endtime()
def isduplicate( self ):
if self.__data["isduplicate"] == '0':
return False
return True
def setStartTime( self, newstarttime ):
if hasattr(newstarttime, "strftime" ):
self.__data[ "starttime" ] = newstarttime.strftime( "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" )
self.__data[ "starttime" ] = newstarttime
def setEndTime( self, newendtime ):
if hasattr(newendtime, "strftime" ):
self.__data[ "endtime" ] = newendtime.strftime( "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" )
self.__data[ "endtime" ] = newendtime
class ProgramFromRecordings( Program ):
"""Implementation of the Program object that contains data
retrieved from a call to mythbackend"""
def __init__( self, data ):
"""data: a list of fields from mythbackend.
libs/libmythtv/programinfo.cpp in the mythtv
source describes the ordering of these fields"""
self.__data = data[:]
def data( self ):
return self.__data
def title( self ):
return mythtv.convToGUIEncoding( self.__data[0] )
def subtitle( self ):
return mythtv.convToGUIEncoding( self.__data[1] )
def description( self ):
return mythtv.convToGUIEncoding( self.__data[2] )
def category( self ):
return self.__data[3]
def chanid( self ):
return int(self.__data[4])
def chanstr( self ):
if not self.__data[5]:
return ""
return self.__data[5]
def callsign( self ):
return self.__data[6]
def channame( self ):
return self.__data[7]
def filename( self ):
return self.__data[8]
def fshigh( self ): # high word of file size
return int(self.__data[9])
def fslow( self ): # low word of file size
return int(self.__data[10])
def starttimets( self ):
return int(self.__data[11])
def endtimets( self ):
return int(self.__data[12])
def starttime( self ):
#this might be broken now for protocol < 14
#time format should be YYYYMMDDHHmmss
if int(mythtv.mythProtocolVersion) < 14:
return sre.sub( "[T:|\\-| ]", "", self.__data[11])
if int(self.__data[11]) < 0:
return ctime2MythTime(self.__data[26])
return ctime2MythTime(self.__data[11])
def endtime( self ):
#this might be broken now for protocol < 14
#time format should be YYYYMMDDHHmmss
if int(mythtv.mythProtocolVersion) < 14:
return sre.sub( "[T:|\\-| ]", "", self.__data[12] )
if int(self.__data[12]) < 0:
return ctime2MythTime(self.__data[27])
return ctime2MythTime(self.__data[12])
def conflicting( self ):
if int(mythtv.mythProtocolVersion) == 1:
return self.__data[13]
elif int(mythtv.mythProtocolVersion) >= 4:
return recstatus() == "Conflict"
raise mythtv.ProtocolVersionException, "unsupported call for protocol version"
def recording( self ):
if int(mythtv.mythProtocolVersion) == 1:
return self.__data[14]
elif int(mythtv.mythProtocolVersion) >= 4:
return recstatus() == "WillRecord"
raise mythtv.mythtv.ProtocolVersionException, "unsupported call for protocol version"
def duplicate( self ):
return self.__data[15]
def hostname( self ):
return self.__data[16]
def sourceid( self ):
return self.__data[17]
def cardid( self ):
return self.__data[18]
def inputid( self ):
return self.__data[19]
def recpriority( self ):
return self.__data[20]
def recstatus( self ):
return self.__data[21]
def recordid( self ):
return self.__data[22]
def rectype( self ):
return self.__data[23]
def recdups( self ):
if int(mythtv.mythProtocolVersion) == 1:
return self.__data[24]
raise mythtv.ProtocolVersionException, "unsupported call for protocol version"
def recstarttime( self ):
if mythtv.mythProtocolVersion == "1":
return self.__data[25]
elif mythtv.mythProtocolVersion >= "15":
return self.__data[26]
raise mythtv.ProtocolVersionException, "unsupported call for protocol version 6"
def recendtime( self ):
if mythtv.mythProtocolVersion == 1:
return self.__data[26]
elif mythtv.mythProtocolVersion >= "15":
return self.__data[27]
raise mythtv.ProtocolVersionException, "unsupported call for protocol version 7"
def repeat( self ):
if mythtv.mythProtocolVersion == "1":
return self.__data[27]
elif mythtv.mythProtocolVersion >= "15":
return self.__data[28]
raise mythtv.ProtocolVersionException, "unsupported call for protocol version 8"
def programflags( self ):
if int(mythtv.mythProtocolVersion) >= 13:
return int(self.__data[29])
raise mythtv.ProtocolVersionException, "unsupported call for protocol version"
def recgroup( self ):
if int(mythtv.mythProtocolVersion) >= 26:
return self.__data[30]
return "default"
def origairdate( self ):
if int(mythtv.mythProtocolVersion) >= 14:
if int(mythtv.mythProtocolVersion) >= 32:
if int(self.__data[38]) <> 0:
return self.__data[37]
return None
if int(self.__data[37]) > 0:
return ctime2MythTime(self.__data[37])[0:4]
return None
return None
return None
def autoexpire( self ):
return (self.programflags() & FL_AUTOEXP) != 0
def commflagged(self):
return (self.programflags() & FL_COMMFLAG) != 0
def bookmarked(self):
return (self.programflags() & FL_BOOKMARK) != 0
def editing(self):
return (self.programflags() & FL_EDITING) != 0
def cutlist(self):
return (self.programflags() & FL_CUTLIST) != 0
def rawFileSize( self ):
return (((self.fshigh() + (self.fslow() < 0)) * 4294967296 + self.fslow()) / 1024.0 )
def formattedFileSize( self ):
value = mythtvutil.getLocalizedString( 46 )
size = (self.fshigh() + (self.fslow() < 0)) * 4294967296 + self.fslow()
value = mythtv.formatSize( size / 1024.0, True )
return value
def remoteFileInfo( self, path=None ):
On failure, returns None if the file info cannot be retrieved (either
the file does not exist or the protocol is not supported).
On success, returns the file information as a smb.SharedFile object.
debug( "> mythtvstruct.ProgramFromRecordings.remoteFileInfo()" )
if not path:
path = self.remotePath()
if not path:
return None
if not sre.match('^[Ss][Mm][Bb]:', path):
return None
fileInfo = mythtvutil.parseSMBPath(path)
if not fileInfo:
return None
user,password,host,service,dirPath,fileName = fileInfo
hostIp = getInstance( mythtv.NMBService ).gethostipbyname( host )
remote = smb.SMB(host,hostIp)
if remote.is_login_required():
remote.login( user, password )
found = None
files = remote.list_path( service, "%s%s" % (dirPath,fileName) )
for f in files:
if fileName == f.get_longname():
found = f
except smb.SessionError, ex:
debug( "< mythtvrecordedshowdetails.ProgramDetails." + \
"remoteFileInfo() => [%s]"%found )
return found
def remoteMythPath( self ):
debug( '> mythtvrecordedshowdetails.ProgramDetails.remoteMythPath()' )
## host = self.hostname()
## port = int( getInstance( mythtv.Settings ).getSetting( "mythtv_port" ) )
## remotePath = "myth://%s:%d/%d_%s_%s.nuv"% \
## (host,port,self.chanid(),self.starttime(),self.endtime())
remotePath = self.filename()
debug( '< mythtvrecordedshowdetails.ProgramDetails.remoteMythPath()' + \
' => [%s]'%remotePath )
return str(remotePath)
def remotePath( self ):
debug( '> mythtvstruct.ProgramFromRecordings.remotePath()' )
s = getInstance( mythtv.Settings )
remoteFile = self.remoteMythPath()
remoteFile = remoteFile[remoteFile.rfind("/")+1:]
remotePath = s.getSetting("paths_recordedprefix")
host = self.hostname()
shost = getInstance( mythtv.Settings ).getSetting( "mythtv_host" )
hostIp = getInstance( mythtv.NMBService ).gethostipbyname( host )
snet = hostIp[:6]
ssnet = shost[:6]
debug(snet + " " + ssnet)
if snet <> ssnet:
hostIp = shost
hostIp = socket.gethostbyname(host)
snet = hostIp[:6]
ssnet = shost[:6]
debug(snet + " " + ssnet)
if snet <> ssnet:
hostIp = shost
hostIp = shost
debug ('Host: %s hostIp: %s'%(host, hostIp))
# we should do this substitute anyway?!
remotePath = sre.sub( '\%h', hostIp, remotePath )
if sre.match( "^[Ss][Mm][Bb]:", remotePath ) and not sre.match( "^\d", host ):
host = sre.sub( '\..*$', '', host )
remotePath = string.replace( remotePath, '\\', '/' )
if remotePath[len(remotePath)-1] != '/':
remotePath += '/'
remotePath += remoteFile
debug( '< mythtvp.ProgramDetails.remotePath()' + \
' => [%s]'%remotePath )
return str(remotePath)
def remoteThumbnailPath( self ):
debug( '> mythtvrecordedshowdetails.ProgramDetails.remoteThumbnailPath()' )
path = self.remotePath() + ".png"
debug( '< mythtvstruct.ProgramFromRecordings.remoteThumbnailPath()' + \
' => [%s]'%path )
return str(path)
def remoteThumbnailInfo( self ):
debug( '> mythtvstruct.ProgramFromRecordings.remoteThumbnailInfo()' )
path = self.remotePath() + ".png"
debug( '< mythtvstruct.ProgramFromRecordings.remoteThumbnailInfo()' + \
' => [%s]'%path )
return str(path)
def translatedRecStatus( self ):
return mythtvutil.getLocalizedString( \
gRecStatusTrans[self.recstatus()] )
class Schedule( object ):
Abstract base class to represent a recording schedule in the mythtv system.
This class is baed on the Myth TV RECORD table.
def recordid( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def type( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def chanid( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def channum( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def callsign( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def channame( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def icon( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def starttime( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def startdate( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def endtime( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def enddate( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def title( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def subtitle( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def description( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def category( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def profile( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def recpriority( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def autoexpire( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def maxepisodes( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def maxnewest( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def startoffset( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def endoffset( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def recgroup( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def dupmethod( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def dupin( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def station( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def seriesid( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def programid( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def search( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def autotranscode( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def autocommflag( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def autouserjob1( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def autouserjob2( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def autouserjob3( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def autouserjob4( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def findday( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def findtime( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def findid( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def inactive( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def parentid( self ):
raise NotImplementedError, "Abstract base class"
def __repr__( self ):
return "recordid=%s,type=%s,title=[%s],subtitle=[%s],starttime=[%s]" % (
self.starttime() )
def formattedChannel( self ):
text = ""
if self.channum():
text += self.channum()
if self.callsign():
text += " - " + self.callsign()
return text
def formattedDuplicateMethod( self ):
return mythtvutil.getLocalizedString(
gRecSchedDupMethodTrans[self.dupmethod()] )
def formattedDuplicateIn( self ):
return mythtvutil.getLocalizedString(
gRecSchedDupInTrans[self.dupin()] )
def formattedStartDate( self ):
value = ""
value += self.startdateAsTime().strftime( "%a, %b %d" )
return value
def formattedTime( self ):
text = "%s:%s - %s:%s"%(
if self.startdate() != self.enddate():
text += " +1"
return text
def formattedType( self ):
return mythtvutil.getLocalizedString(
gRecSchedTypeTrans[self.type()] )
def formattedTypeLong( self ):
return mythtvutil.getLocalizedString(
gRecSchedTypeLongTrans[self.type()] )
def fullTitle( self ):
"""returns Title - subtitle if subtitle exists"""
fullTitle = ""
if self.title():
fullTitle += self.title()
if self.subtitle() and not sre.match( '^\s+$', self.subtitle() ):
fullTitle += " - " + self.subtitle()
return fullTitle
def startdateAsTime( self ):
startdate = self.startdate()
return datetime.datetime(
int(startdate[0:4]), int(startdate[4:6]), int(startdate[6:8]),
0, 0 )
class ScheduleFromQuery( Schedule ):
Implementation of a Schedule object obtained from a query to the record
table in the mythtv database.
def __init__( self, data ):
self.__data = dict( data )
if not self.__data.has_key( 'icon' ) or \
not self.__data['icon'] or \
self.__data['icon'] == "none":
self.__data['icon'] = None
def data( self ):
return self.__data
def recordid( self ):
if self.__data['recordid']:
return int( self.__data['recordid'] )
return None
def type( self ):
return int( self.__data['type'] )
def chanid( self ):
return int( self.__data['chanid'] )
def channum( self ):
return self.__data['channum']
def callsign( self ):
return self.__data['callsign']
def channame( self ):
return self.__data['channame']
def icon( self ):
return self.__data['icon']
def starttime( self ):
starttime = sre.sub( "[T:|\\-| ]", "", self.__data['starttime'] )
return starttime
def startdate( self ):
startdate = sre.sub( "[T:|\\-| ]", "", self.__data['startdate'] )
return startdate
def endtime( self ):
endtime = sre.sub( "[T:|\\-| ]", "", self.__data['endtime'] )
return endtime
def enddate( self ):
enddate = sre.sub( "[T:|\\-| ]", "", self.__data['enddate'] )
return enddate
def title( self ):
return mythtv.convToGUIEncoding( self.__data["title"] )
def subtitle( self ):
return mythtv.convToGUIEncoding( self.__data["subtitle"] )
def description( self ):
return mythtv.convToGUIEncoding( self.__data["description"] )
def category( self ):
return self.__data['category']
def profile( self ):
return self.__data['profile']
def recpriority( self ):
return int( self.__data['recpriority'] )
def autoexpire( self ):
return int( self.__data['autoexpire'] )
def maxepisodes( self ):
return int( self.__data['maxepisodes'] )
def maxnewest( self ):
return int( self.__data['maxnewest'] )
def startoffset( self ):
return int( self.__data['startoffset'] )
def endoffset( self ):
return int( self.__data['endoffset'] )
def recgroup( self ):
return self.__data['recgroup']
def dupmethod( self ):
return int( self.__data['dupmethod'] )
def dupin( self ):
return int( self.__data['dupin'] )
def station( self ):
return self.__data['station']
def seriesid( self ):
return self.__data['seriesid']
def programid( self ):
return self.__data['programid']
def search( self ):
return int( self.__data['search'] )
def autotranscode( self ):
return int( self.__data['autotranscode'] )
def autocommflag( self ):
return int( self.__data['autocommflag'] )
def autouserjob1( self ):
return int( self.__data['autouserjob1'] )
def autouserjob2( self ):
return int( self.__data['autouserjob2'] )
def autouserjob3( self ):
return int( self.__data['autouserjob3'] )
def autouserjob4( self ):
return int( self.__data['autouserjob4'] )
def findday( self ):
return self.__data['findday']
def findtime( self ):
return self.__data['findtime']
def findid( self ):
return int( self.__data['findid'] )
def inactive( self ):
return int( self.__data['inactive'] )
def parentid( self ):
return int( self.__data['parentid'] )
class ScheduleFromProgram( ScheduleFromQuery ):
Implementation of a Schedule object obtained from a ProgramFromQuery object.
def __init__( self, programFromQuery ):
data = dict()
ScheduleFromQuery.__init__( self, data )
self.data()['icon'] = programFromQuery.icon()
self.data()['title'] = programFromQuery.data()['title']
self.data()['subtitle'] = programFromQuery.data()['subtitle']
self.data()['description'] = programFromQuery.data()['description']
self.data()['category'] = programFromQuery.category()
self.data()['chanid'] = programFromQuery.chanid()
self.data()['channum'] = programFromQuery.chanstr()
self.data()['callsign'] = programFromQuery.callsign()
self.data()['seriesid'] = programFromQuery.seriesid()
self.data()['programid'] = programFromQuery.programid()
self.data()['channame'] = programFromQuery.channame()
self.data()['recordid'] = None
self.data()['type'] = "3" # channel
starttime = programFromQuery.starttime()
self.data()['startdate'] = starttime[0:8]
self.data()['starttime'] = starttime[8:14]
endtime = programFromQuery.endtime()
self.data()['enddate'] = endtime[0:8]
self.data()['endtime'] = endtime[8:14]
self.data()['profile'] = "Default"
self.data()['recpriority'] = "0"
self.data()['autoexpire'] = "0"
self.data()['maxepisodes'] = "0"
self.data()['maxnewest'] = "0"
self.data()['startoffset'] = "0"
self.data()['endoffset'] = "0"
self.data()['recgroup'] = "Default"
self.data()['dupmethod'] = "6" # Subtitle and Description
self.data()['dupin'] = "15" # All
self.data()['station'] = self.callsign()
self.data()['search'] = "0"
self.data()['autotranscode'] = "0"
self.data()['autocommflag'] = "1"
self.data()['autouserjob1'] = "0"
self.data()['autouserjob2'] = "0"
self.data()['autouserjob3'] = "0"
self.data()['autouserjob4'] = "0"
self.data()['findday'] = "0"
self.data()['findtime'] = "00:00:00"
self.data()['findid'] = "0"
self.data()['inactive'] = "0"
self.data()['parentid'] = "0"