## rc-version: 9 ##
# RCS-ID: $Id: prefs.mac.rc.py,v 1.3 2005/05/18 13:34:46 riaan Exp $
# Style of the Error/Output window's notebook. GTK is text only
eoErrOutNotebookStyle = 'text'
# Should sorting in the explorer be case insensitive
exCaseInsensitiveSorting = False
# Should there be submenu with all the items from the New palete under the
# Editor's File menu. Causes warnings under wxGTK.
edShowFileNewMenu = False
# Should a custom wxSTC paint handler he installed which minimizes refresing?
edUseCustomSTCPaintEvtHandler = False
# There is a problem with folding on GTK
edSTCFolding = False
#-Window settings---------------------------------------------------------------
# Height of the Palette window. Adjust if you use big fonts
paletteHeights = {'tabs': 120, 'menu': 76}
# Used my Mac toplevel main menu
topMenuHeight = 44
# The amount of space Boa should leave on the right for a vertical OS Taskbar.
verticalTaskbarWidth = 0
# The amount of space Boa should leave from the bottom for a horizontal OS Taskbar.
horizontalTaskbarHeight = 100
# Percentage of the with that the Editor window should occupy
editorScreenWidthPerc = 3.0/4.0
# Window manager dependent values useful for mostly for GTK
windowManagerTop = 16
windowManagerBottom = 7
windowManagerSide = 5
# Font size of the text in the Inspector's statusbar
inspStatBarFontSize = 13
# Match braces in code
braceHighLight = False
# Minimize the IDE while running applications
minimizeOnRun = False
# Minimize the IDE when using Debug/Continue while debugging
minimizeOnDebug = False
explorerFileSysRootDefault = ('/', '/')
# Draw grid in designer
drawDesignerGrid = False
# Also draw grid for child container controls in the frame
drawDesignerGridForSubWindows = False
# Grid draw method: 'lines', 'dots', 'grid', NYI: 'bitmap'
## options: 'lines', 'dots', 'grid'
drawGridMethod = 'grid'
# Grayout (blueout actually) source while designer is open
grayoutSource = False
# Editable preferences
exportedProperties2 = ['exCaseInsensitiveSorting', 'edShowFileNewMenu',
'edUseCustomSTCPaintEvtHandler', 'edSTCFolding', 'verticalTaskbarWidth',
'horizontalTaskbarHeight', 'editorScreenWidthPerc',
'windowManagerTop', 'windowManagerBottom', 'windowManagerSide',
'braceHighLight', 'minimizeOnRun', 'minimizeOnDebug', 'inspStatBarFontSize',
'drawDesignerGrid', 'drawDesignerGridForSubWindows', 'drawGridMethod',