# Name: wxPythonEditorModels.py
# Purpose:
# Author: Riaan Booysen
# Created: 2002/02/09
# RCS-ID: $Id: wxPythonEditorModels.py,v 1.20 2007/07/02 15:01:15 riaan Exp $
# Copyright: (c) 2002 - 2007
# Licence: GPL
print 'importing Models.wxPythonEditorModels'
import re, string, os, imp, sys, new
import wx
import Preferences, Utils
from Utils import _
import EditorHelper
from PythonEditorModels import ClassModel,BaseAppModel,ModuleModel
from Companions import BaseCompanions,FrameCompanions,WizardCompanions
import sourceconst
(imgAppModel, imgFrameModel, imgDialogModel, imgMiniFrameModel,
imgMDIParentModel, imgMDIChildModel, imgPopupWindowModel,
imgPopupTransientWindowModel, imgFramePanelModel,
imgWizardModel, imgPyWizardPageModel, imgWizardPageSimpleModel,
) = EditorHelper.imgIdxRange(12)
class _your_frame_attrs_: pass
# def __repr__(self):return `self.__dict__`
class BaseFrameModel(ClassModel):
""" Base class for all frame type models that can be opened in the Designer
This class is responsible for parsing the _init_* methods generated by the
Designer and maintaining other special values like window id declarations
modelIdentifier = 'Frames'
dialogLook = False
Companion = BaseCompanions.DesignTimeCompanion
def __init__(self, data, name, main, editor, saved, app=None):
ClassModel.__init__(self, data, name, main, editor, saved, app)
self.designerTool = None
self.specialAttrs = {}
self.defCreateClass = sourceconst.defCreateClass
self.defClass = sourceconst.defClass
self.defImport = sourceconst.defImport
self.defWindowIds = sourceconst.defWindowIds
self.defSrcVals = {}
def renameMain(self, oldName, newName):
""" Rename the main class of the module """
ClassModel.renameMain(self, oldName, newName)
if self.getModule().functions.has_key('create'):
[' return %s(parent)'%newName, ''])
def renameCtrl(self, oldName, newName):
# Currently DesignerView maintains ctrls
def new(self, params):
""" Create a new frame module """
paramLst = []
for param in params.keys():
paramLst.append(Preferences.cgKeywordArgFormat %{'keyword': param,
'value': params[param]})
# XXX Refactor line wrappers to Utils and wrap this
paramStr = 'self, ' + ', '.join(paramLst)
srcValsDict = {'modelIdent': self.modelIdentifier,
'main': self.main,
'idNames': Utils.windowIdentifier(self.main, ''),
'idIdent': sourceconst.init_ctrls,
'idCount': 1, 'defaultName': self.defaultName,
'params': paramStr}
self.data = (sourceconst.defSig + self.defImport + \
self.defCreateClass + self.defWindowIds + \
self.defClass) % srcValsDict
self.savedAs = False
self.modified = True
def identifyCollectionMethods(self):
""" Return a list of all _init_* methods in the class """
results = []
module = self.getModule()
if module.classes.has_key(self.main):
main = module.classes[self.main]
for meth in main.methods.keys():
if len(meth) > len('_init_') and meth[:6] == '_init_':
return results
def allObjects(self):
views = ['Data', 'Designer']
order = []
objs = {}
for view in views:
return order, objs
def readDesignerMethod(self, meth, codeBody):
""" Create a new ObjectCollection by parsing the given method body """
from Views import ObjCollection
import methodparse
# Collection method
if ObjCollection.isInitCollMeth(meth):
ctrlName = methodparse.ctrlNameFromMeth(meth)
res = Utils.split_seq(codeBody, '', string.strip)
inits, body, fins = res[:3]
except ValueError:
raise Exception, _('Collection body %s not in init, body, fin form') % meth
allInitialisers, unmatched = methodparse.parseMixedBody(\
[methodparse.EventParse, methodparse.CollectionItemInitParse],body)
creators = allInitialisers.get(methodparse.CollectionItemInitParse, [])
collectionInits = []
properties = []
events = allInitialisers.get(methodparse.EventParse, [])
methodparse.decorateParseItems(creators + events, ctrlName, self.main)
# Normal method
inits = []
fins = []
allInitialisers, unmatched = methodparse.parseMixedBody(\
[methodparse.ConstructorParse, methodparse.EventParse,
methodparse.CollectionInitParse, methodparse.PropertyParse],
creators = allInitialisers.get(methodparse.ConstructorParse, [])
collectionInits = allInitialisers.get(methodparse.CollectionInitParse, [])
properties = allInitialisers.get(methodparse.PropertyParse, [])
events = allInitialisers.get(methodparse.EventParse, [])
newObjColl = ObjCollection.ObjectCollection()
newObjColl.setup(creators, properties, events, collectionInits, inits, fins)
if unmatched:
wx.LogWarning(_('The following lines were not used by the Designer '\
'and will be lost:\n'))
for line in unmatched:
wx.LogWarning(_('\nThere were unprocessed lines in the source code of '\
'method: %s\nIf this was unexpected, it is advised '\
'that you cancel this Designer session and correct '\
'the problem before continuing.')%meth)
return newObjColl
def readSpecialAttrs(self, mod, cls):
""" Read special attributes from __init__ method.
All instance attributes defined between the top of the __init__ method
and the _init_ctrls() method call will be available to the Designer
as valid names bound to properties.
For an attribute to qualify, it has to have a simple deduceable type;
Python builtin or wxPython objects.
If for example the attribute is bound to a variable passed in as a
parameter, you have to first initialise it to a literal of the same
type. This value will be used at design time.
e.g. def __init__(self, parent, myFrameCaption):
self.frameCaption = 'Design time frame caption'
self.frameCaption = myFrameCaption
Now you may add this attribute as a parameter or property value
in the source by hand.
In the Inspector property values recognised as special attributes
will display as bold values and cannot be edited (yet).
initMeth = cls.methods['__init__']
# determine end of attrs and possible external attrs init
startline = initMeth.start
extAttrInitLine = -1
extAttrInitName = ''
for idx in range(startline, initMeth.end):
line = mod.source[idx].strip()
if line.startswith('self._init_ctrls('):
endline = idx
elif line.find('_AttrMixin.__init__(self') != -1:
extAttrInitLine = idx
extAttrInitName = line.split('.__init__')[0]
raise Exception, 'self._init_ctrls not found in __init__'
# build list of attrs
attrs = []
def readAttrsFromSrc(attrs, attributes, source, startline, endline):
for attr, blocks in attributes.items():
for block in blocks:
if startline <= block.start <= endline and attr not in attrs:
linePos = block.start-1
line = source[linePos]
val = line[line.find('=')+1:].strip()
# handle lines continued with ,
while val.endswith(','):
linePos += 1
val += source[linePos].strip()
attrs.append( (attr, val) )
if extAttrInitName:
if not mod.from_imports_names.has_key(extAttrInitName):
raise Exception, '%s.__init__ called, but not imported in the form: '\
'from [ModuleName] import %s'%(extAttrInitName, extAttrInitName)
# try to load external attrs
extModName = mod.from_imports_names[extAttrInitName]
extModFilename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename),
from Explorers.Explorer import openEx
data = openEx(extModFilename).load()
except Exception, error:
raise Exception, 'Problem loading %s: File expected at: %s'%(extModName,
exModModel = ModuleModel(data, extModFilename, self.editor, 1)
extModule = exModModel.getModule()
extClass = extModule.classes[extAttrInitName]
extMeth = extClass.methods['__init__']
readAttrsFromSrc(attrs, extClass.attributes, extModule.source,
extMeth.start, extMeth.end)
readAttrsFromSrc(attrs, cls.attributes, mod.source, startline, endline)
import PaletteMapping
# build a dictionary that can be passed to eval
evalNS = _your_frame_attrs_()
for attr, code in attrs:
if hasattr(evalNS, attr):
val = PaletteMapping.evalCtrl(code)
except Exception, err:
print str(err)
setattr(evalNS, attr, val)
return {'self': evalNS}
def readCustomClasses(self, mod, cls):
""" Read definition for Custom Classes
Custom Classes can be defined as a class attribute named _custom_classes
containing a dictionary defining wxPython classes and their custom
equivalents, e.g.
_custom_classes = {'wx.TreeCtrl': ['MyTreeCtrl', 'AdvancedTreeCtrl']}
These custom classes will then be available to the Designer
and will act as equivalent to the corresponding wxPython class,
but will generate source for the custom definition.
One implication is that you loose the constructor. Because Boa
will generate the creation code for the object, the constructor
signature has to be the same as the wxPython class.
res = {}
if cls.class_attributes.has_key('_custom_classes'):
import PaletteMapping
cls_attr = cls.class_attributes['_custom_classes'][0]
attr_val = cls_attr.signature
srcline = cls_attr.start
# multiline parser ;)
while 1:
custClasses = PaletteMapping.evalCtrl(attr_val, preserveExc=True)
assert type(custClasses) == type({})
except SyntaxError, err:
if err[0] == 'unexpected EOF while parsing':
attr_val = attr_val + mod.source[srcline].strip()
srcline = srcline + 1
except Exception, err:
raise Exception, _('_custom_classes is not valid: ')+str(err)
for wxClassName, customs in custClasses.items():
wxClass = PaletteMapping.evalCtrl(wxClassName)
res[wxClassName] = wxClass
for custom in customs:
# to combine frame attrs with custom classes a phony
# self object is created to resolve the class name
# during frame creation
if custom.startswith('self.'):
if not 'self' in res:
res['self'] = _your_frame_attrs_()
setattr(res['self'], custom[5:], wxClass)
res[custom] = wxClass
return res
def readComponents(self):
""" Setup object collection dict by parsing all designer controlled methods """
module = self.getModule()
# Parse all _init_* methods
self.objectCollections = {}
if module.classes.has_key(self.main):
main = module.classes[self.main]
self.specialAttrs = self.readSpecialAttrs(module, main)
self.customClasses = self.readCustomClasses(module, main)
self.resources = self.readResources(module, main,
for oc in self.identifyCollectionMethods():
codeSpan = main.methods[oc]
codeBody = module.source[codeSpan.start : codeSpan.end]
self.objectCollections[oc] = self.readDesignerMethod(oc, codeBody)
# XXX Hack: This should not be necessary !!
for prop in self.objectCollections[oc].properties[:]:
if prop.asText() in ('self.%s()'%sourceconst.init_utils,
# Set the model's constructor
if self.objectCollections.has_key(sourceconst.init_ctrls):
self.mainConstr = \
except IndexError:
Exception, _('Inherited __init__ method missing')
Exception, _('Main class "%s" not found. Please fix file header or class name.')%self.main
def removeWindowIds(self, colMeth):
""" Remove a method's corresponding window ids from the source code """
# find windowids in source
winIdIdx = -1
reWinIds = re.compile(sourceconst.srchWindowIds % colMeth)
module = self.getModule()
for idx in range(len(module.source)):
match = reWinIds.match(module.source[idx])
if match:
# XX always 2 lines? check this
del module.source[idx]
del module.source[idx]
module.renumber(-2, idx)
def writeWindowIds(self, colMeth, companions):
""" Write a method's corresponding window ids to the source code """
# To integrate efficiently with Designer.SaveCtrls this method
# modifies module.source but doesn't refresh anything
# find windowids in source
winIdIdx = -1
winIdLen = 2
reWinIds = re.compile(sourceconst.srchWindowIdsCont % colMeth)
module = self.getModule()
for idx in range(len(module.source)):
line = module.source[idx]
match = reWinIds.match(line)
if match:
startLine = line
startIdx = idx
while startIdx > 0 and startLine[0] != '[':
startIdx = startIdx - 1
startLine = module.source[startIdx]
winIdIdx = startIdx
winIdLen = idx - startIdx + 2
# build window id list
lst = []
for comp in companions:
if winIdIdx == -1:
if lst:
lines = []
if len(lst) > 1 and Preferences.cgWrapLines:
# build win ids spanning multiple lines
line = '['+lst[0]+', '
for seg in lst[1:]:
newLine = line+seg +', '
if len(newLine) >= Preferences.cgLineWrapWidth:
line = ' '+seg+', '
line = newLine
lines.append((sourceconst.defWindowIdsCont %
{'idIdent': colMeth, 'idCount': len(lst)}).strip())
lines.append((sourceconst.defWindowIds % {
'idNames': ', '.join(lst), 'idIdent': colMeth,
'idCount': len(lst)}).strip())
if winIdIdx == -1:
# No window id definitions could be found add one above class def
insPt = module.classes[self.main].block.start - 1
module.source[insPt:insPt] = lines
module.renumber(len(lines), insPt)
module.source[winIdIdx:winIdIdx + winIdLen] = lines
module.renumber(len(lines)-winIdLen, winIdIdx)
def update(self):
def getSimpleRunnerSrc(self):
""" Return template of source code that will run this module type as
a stand-alone file """
return sourceconst.simpleAppFrameRunSrc
class FrameModel(BaseFrameModel):
modelIdentifier = 'Frame'
defaultName = 'wx.Frame'
bitmap = 'wx.Frame.png'
imgIdx = imgFrameModel
Companion = FrameCompanions.FrameDTC
class DialogModel(BaseFrameModel):
modelIdentifier = 'Dialog'
defaultName = 'wx.Dialog'
bitmap = 'wx.Dialog.png'
imgIdx = imgDialogModel
dialogLook = True
Companion = FrameCompanions.DialogDTC
def getSimpleRunnerSrc(self):
return sourceconst.simpleAppDialogRunSrc
class MiniFrameModel(BaseFrameModel):
modelIdentifier = 'MiniFrame'
defaultName = 'wx.MiniFrame'
bitmap = 'wx.MiniFrame.png'
imgIdx = imgMiniFrameModel
Companion = FrameCompanions.MiniFrameDTC
class MDIParentModel(BaseFrameModel):
modelIdentifier = 'MDIParent'
defaultName = 'wx.MDIParentFrame'
bitmap = 'wx.MDIParentFrame.png'
imgIdx = imgMDIParentModel
Companion = FrameCompanions.MDIParentFrameDTC
class MDIChildModel(BaseFrameModel):
modelIdentifier = 'MDIChild'
defaultName = 'wx.MDIChildFrame'
bitmap = 'wx.MDIChildFrame.png'
imgIdx = imgMDIChildModel
dialogLook = True
Companion = FrameCompanions.MDIChildFrameDTC
class PopupWindowModel(BaseFrameModel):
modelIdentifier = 'PopupWindow'
defaultName = 'wx.PopupWindow'
bitmap = 'wx.PopupWindow.png'
imgIdx = imgPopupWindowModel
dialogLook = True
Companion = FrameCompanions.PopupWindowDTC
def getSimpleRunnerSrc(self):
return sourceconst.simpleAppPopupRunSrc
class PopupTransientWindowModel(BaseFrameModel):
modelIdentifier = 'PopupTransientWindow'
defaultName = 'wx.PopupTransientWindow'
bitmap = 'wx.PopupTransientWindow.png'
imgIdx = imgPopupTransientWindowModel
dialogLook = True
Companion = FrameCompanions.PopupWindowDTC
def getSimpleRunnerSrc(self):
return sourceconst.simpleAppPopupRunSrc
class AppModel(BaseAppModel):
modelIdentifier = 'App'
defaultName = 'wx.App'
bitmap = 'wx.App.png'
imgIdx = imgAppModel
def renameMain(self, oldName, newName):
BaseAppModel.renameMain(self, oldName, newName)
[' application = %s(0)'%newName, ' application.MainLoop()', ''])
def new(self, mainModule):
self.data = (sourceconst.defEnvPython + sourceconst.defSig + \
sourceconst.defImport + sourceconst.defApp) % {
'modelIdent': self.modelIdentifier,
'main': sourceconst.boaClass,
'mainModule': mainModule}
self.saved = False
self.modified = True
class FramePanelModel(BaseFrameModel):
modelIdentifier = 'FramePanel'
defaultName = 'wx.Panel'
bitmap = 'wx.FramePanel.png'
imgIdx = imgFramePanelModel
dialogLook = True
Companion = FrameCompanions.FramePanelDTC
def __init__(self, data, name, main, editor, saved, app=None):
BaseFrameModel.__init__(self, data, name, main, editor, saved, app)
self.defCreateClass = ''
# can this be any uglier (or shorter ;) ?
self.defClass = sourceconst.defClass.replace('parent',
'parent, id, pos, size, style, name', 1)
def getSimpleRunnerSrc(self):
return ''
sourceconst.defWizardImport = sourceconst.wsfix('\nimport wx.wizard\n')
class WizardModel(DialogModel):
modelIdentifier = 'Wizard'
defaultName = 'wx.wizard.Wizard'
bitmap = 'wx.wizard.Wizard.png'
imgIdx = imgWizardModel
dialogLook = True
Companion = WizardCompanions.WizardDTC
def __init__(self, data, name, main, editor, saved, app=None):
DialogModel.__init__(self, data, name, main, editor, saved, app)
self.defImport = sourceconst.defImport.strip()+sourceconst.defWizardImport
def getSimpleRunnerSrc(self):
return ''
sourceconst.defPyWizPageClass = sourceconst.defClass+sourceconst.wsfix('''
\tdef GetNext(self):
\t\treturn None
\tdef GetPrev(self):
\t\treturn None
class PyWizardPageModel(FramePanelModel):
modelIdentifier = 'PyWizardPage'
defaultName = 'wx.wizard.PyWizardPage'
bitmap = 'wx.wizard.PyWizardPage.png'
imgIdx = imgPyWizardPageModel
dialogLook = True
Companion = WizardCompanions.PyWizardPageDTC
def __init__(self, data, name, main, editor, saved, app=None):
FramePanelModel.__init__(self, data, name, main, editor, saved, app)
self.defClass = sourceconst.defPyWizPageClass
self.defImport = sourceconst.defImport.strip()+sourceconst.defWizardImport
self.defWindowIds = ''
def getSimpleRunnerSrc(self):
return ''
class WizardPageSimpleModel(FramePanelModel):
modelIdentifier = 'WizardPageSimple'
defaultName = 'wx.wizard.WizardPageSimple'
bitmap = 'wx.wizard.WizardPageSimple.png'
imgIdx = imgWizardPageSimpleModel
dialogLook = True
Companion = WizardCompanions.WizardPageSimpleDTC
def __init__(self, data, name, main, editor, saved, app=None):
FramePanelModel.__init__(self, data, name, main, editor, saved, app)
self.defClass = sourceconst.defClass
self.defImport = sourceconst.defImport.strip()+sourceconst.defWizardImport
self.defWindowIds = ''
def getSimpleRunnerSrc(self):
return ''