# Name: PaletteMapping.py
# Purpose: Module that initialises the Palette's data and provides
# the namespace in which design time code is evaluated
# Author: Riaan Booysen
# Created: 1999
# RCS-ID: $Id: PaletteMapping.py,v 1.35 2007/07/05 11:53:43 riaan Exp $
# Copyright: (c) 1999 - 2007 Riaan Booysen
# Licence: GPL
""" Based on core support preferences this module initialises Companion, Model,
View and Controller classes. It also executes all active Plug-ins.
The namespace of this module is used to evalute code at Design-Time with evalCtrl.
Hence the needed import * and execfile.
# XXX This module should be renamed it's function has changed over time
# XXX Maybe: BoaNamespace/DesignTimeNamespace
import os
import Preferences, Utils, Plugins
from Preferences import IS
from Utils import _
import PaletteStore
# keep until 2.5 upgrade complete
#from wxPython.wx import *
import wx
if Preferences.csWxPythonSupport:
# This should be the first time the Companion classes are imported
# As the modules are imported they add themselves to the PaletteStore
from Companions.Companions import *
from Companions.FrameCompanions import *
from Companions.WizardCompanions import *
from Companions.ContainerCompanions import *
if Preferences.dsUseSizers:
from Companions.SizerCompanions import *
from Companions.BasicCompanions import *
from Companions.DateTimeCompanions import *
from Companions.ButtonCompanions import *
from Companions.ListCompanions import *
from Companions.GizmoCompanions import *
from Companions.LibCompanions import *
if Utils.IsComEnabled():
from Companions.ComCompanions import *
# Define and add a User page to the palette
PaletteStore.paletteLists['User'] = upl = []
PaletteStore.palette.append([_('User'), 'Editor/Tabs/User', upl])
from Companions.UtilCompanions import *
from Companions.DialogCompanions import *
# Zope requires spesific support
if Plugins.transportInstalled('ZopeLib.ZopeExplorer'):
from ZopeLib.ZopeCompanions import *
#-Controller imports which auto-registers themselves on the Palette-------------
from Models import EditorHelper
if Preferences.csPythonSupport:
import Models.PythonControllers
if Preferences.csWxPythonSupport:
import Models.wxPythonControllers
if Preferences.csPythonSupport and not Preferences.csWxPythonSupport:
# useful hack to alias wx.App modules to PyApp modules when wxPython support
# is not loaded
from Models.PythonEditorModels import PyAppModel
EditorHelper.modelReg['App'] = PyAppModel
# The text and makepy controllers are registered outside the Controllers
# module so that their palette order can be fine tuned
from Models import Controllers
PaletteStore.newControllers['Text'] = Controllers.TextController
#-Registration of other built in support----------------------------------------
if Preferences.csConfigSupport: from Models import ConfigSupport
if Preferences.csCppSupport: from Models import CPPSupport
if Preferences.csHtmlSupport: from Models import HTMLSupport
if Preferences.csXmlSupport: from Models import XMLSupport
if Plugins.transportInstalled('ZopeLib.ZopeExplorer'):
import ZopeLib.ZopeEditorModels
if Utils.IsComEnabled():
PaletteStore.newControllers['MakePy-Dialog'] = Controllers.MakePyController
#-Plug-ins initialisation-------------------------------------------------------
if Preferences.pluginPaths:
print 'executing plug-ins...'
fails = Preferences.failedPlugins
succeeded = Preferences.installedPlugins
for pluginFilename, ordered, enabled in Plugins.buildPluginExecList():
if not enabled:
pluginBasename = os.path.basename(pluginFilename)
print 'executing %s'% os.path.splitext(pluginBasename)[0]
filename = pluginFilename.lower()
except Plugins.SkipPluginSilently, msg:
fails[filename] = ('Skipped', msg)
except Plugins.SkipPlugin, msg:
fails[filename] = ('Skipped', msg)
wx.LogWarning(_('Plugin skipped: %s, %s')%(pluginBasename, msg))
except Exception, error:
fails[filename] = ('Error', str(error))
if Preferences.pluginErrorHandling == 'raise':
elif Preferences.pluginErrorHandling == 'report':
wx.LogError(_('Problem executing plug-in %s:\n%s') %\
(pluginBasename, str(error)) )
# else ignore
# XXX legacy references
palette = PaletteStore.palette
newPalette = PaletteStore.newPalette
dialogPalette = PaletteStore.dialogPalette
zopePalette = PaletteStore.zopePalette
helperClasses = PaletteStore.helperClasses
compInfo = PaletteStore.compInfo
class DesignTimeExpressionError(Exception): pass
_NB = None
def evalCtrl(expr, localsDct=None, preserveExc=True):
""" Function usually used to evaluate source snippets.
Uses the namespace of this module which contain all the wxPython libs
and also adds param localDct.
global _NB
if not _NB:
_NB = IS.load('Images/Inspector/wxNullBitmap.png')
if localsDct is None:
localsDct = {}
localsDct['_'] = lambda x: x
wx.NullBitmap = _NB
return eval(expr, globals(), localsDct)
except Exception, err:
if preserveExc:
clsName = err.__class__.__name__
raise DesignTimeExpressionError, clsName+': '+str(err)