# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Service Configurators
:copyright: 2005-2008 by The PIDA Project
:license: GPL 2 or later (see README/COPYING/LICENSE)
These "Configs" are not quite configurations,
but more entities that cause a service to behave in a certain way.
They provide a way in which an arbitrary number
of behaviours may be added to a service.
Each behaviour "publishes" a number of "subscription points"
which can then be connected to by other services.
For examples of their use, you can see pida.core.features.
class BaseConfig(object):
def __init__(self, service):
self.svc = service
def create(self):
"""Override to do the creations"""
class SimpleMap(dict):
simple data mapping for use in SubscriberConfig
.. warning::
double subscriptions are destructive
def add(self, name, instance):
self[name] = instance
class SubscriberConfig(BaseConfig):
.. warning::
double subscriptions are ignored
double unsubscriptions are breaking stuff
foreign_name = None
def __init__(self, service):
self.published = {}
self.foreign_subscriptions = []
BaseConfig.__init__(self, service)
def publish(self, *points):
"""publish new subscription points
using the default collection type of set
self.publish_special(set, *points)
def publish_special(self, collection, *points):
"""publish new subscription points
using custom a collection types
:param collection: the collection type
for point in points:
self.published[point] = collection()
def subscribe(self, point, *data):
"""subscribe `data` to a subscription `point`
ignores double subscriptions
.. note::
for the default implementation using set,
something will have only one element
things like language features with special subscription collections may use more elements
if `name` is not published raise a KeyError
def unsubscribe(self, point, *data):
"""unsubscribe an `instance` to the subscription point `name`
raises `KeyError` if
`name` is not published
or `instance` is not subscribed to `name`
def _get_foreign_config(self, service):
"""internal method to retrieve the config of another service"""
if not self.foreign_name:
raise TypeError(
"%s cant use foreign configs, "
"please set its foreign_name"%self.__class__.__name__)
service = self.svc.boss.get_service(service)
return getattr(service, self.foreign_name)
def subscribe_all_foreign(self):
"""Subscribe to foreign items here"""
def subscribe_foreign(self, service, point, *data):
foreign = self._get_foreign_config(service)
foreign.subscribe(point, *data)
self.foreign_subscriptions.append((service, point, data))
def unsubscribe_foreign(self):
for service, point, data in self.foreign_subscriptions:
foreign = self._get_foreign_config(service)
foreign.unsubscribe(point, *data)
except KeyError: # ignore unsubscribe errors
self.foreign_subscriptions = []
def has_foreign(self, service, point):
#XXX: O(N) sucks, but the N shouldn't be that high
return any( fservice == service and fpoint == point
for fservice, fpoint, i in self.foreign_subscriptions)
def __getitem__(self, point):
return self.published[point]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.published)