""" RUR-PLE: Roberge's Used Robot - a Python Learning Environment
bouton.py - Defines "menu choices" through buttons
Version 0.8.7
Author: Andre Roberge Copyright 2005
import wx
import images
from rur_py.translation import _
class rurChoiceWindow(wx.ScrolledWindow):
def __init__(self, parent, great_grand_parent):
wx.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent, -1)
self.ggp = great_grand_parent # rurApp instance!
btn_size = (32, 32)
self.ggp.BUTTON_HEIGHT = btn_size[0] + 8
spacer_small = (4, 4)
spacer_large = (25, 25)
tip_list = [_("Opens existing robot program"),
_("Saves robot program"),
_("Opens existing world file"),
_("Saves world file"),
_("Resets world - from open file"),
_("Runs robot program"),
_("Steps through robot program instructions"),
_("Pause program"),
_("Stops program"),
_("Adjust robot speed"),
_("Edit walls"),
_("Resize world"),
_("Give beepers to robot"),
_("Remove/add robot from/to world"),
_("Toggle world file view"),
"Load new images for robot"]
button_list1 = [
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.OpenProgramFile, images.OPEN_PROGRAM,
btn_size, tip_list[0]],
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.SaveProgramFile, images.SAVE_PROGRAM,
btn_size, tip_list[1]],
[None, False, None, None, spacer_large, None],
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.OpenWorldFile, images.OPEN_WORLD,
btn_size, tip_list[2]],
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.SaveWorldFile, images.SAVE_WORLD,
btn_size, tip_list[3]],
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.ResetWorld, images.RESET_WORLD,
btn_size, tip_list[4]],
[None, False, None, None, spacer_large, None],
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.RunProgram, images.RUN_PROGRAM,
btn_size, tip_list[5]],
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.Step, images.STEP, btn_size,
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.Pause, images.PAUSE, btn_size,
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.StopProgram, images.STOP, btn_size,
[None, False, None, None, spacer_large, None],
[wx.NewId(), True, None, images.SPEED, btn_size, tip_list[9]]
button_list2 = [
[None, False, None, None, spacer_large, None],
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.EditWalls, images.WALL, btn_size,
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.ResizeWorld, images.RESIZE, btn_size,
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.BeepersToRobot, images.BEEPERS_ROBOT,
btn_size, tip_list[12]],
[None, False, None, None, spacer_large, None],
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.AddRemoveRobot, images.ADD_REMOVE_ROBOT,
btn_size, tip_list[13]],
[None, False, None, None, spacer_large, None],
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.ToggleWorldWindow, images.SHOW_WORLD_FILE,
btn_size, tip_list[14]],
[None, False, None, None, spacer_large, None],
[wx.NewId(), True, self.ggp.load_images, images.NEW_ROBOT_IMAGES,
btn_size, tip_list[15]],
box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
self.btn_list = []
for id, button, action, img, size, tip in button_list1:
if button:
name = wx.lib.buttons.GenBitmapButton(self, id, img, size=size)
wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, id, action)
box.Add(name, 0, wx.SHAPED)
self.btn_list.append(name) # create lists for later reference
box.Add(size, 0, wx.EXPAND)
min_speed = 0
max_speed = 8
default_speed = 3
self.ggp.slider_speed = wx.Slider(
# id, value, min, max, (x, y), (length, height)
self, -1, default_speed, min_speed, max_speed,
(-1, -1), (-1, -1),
self.ggp.slider_speed.SetTickFreq(1, 1)
box.Add(self.ggp.slider_speed, 0, wx.SHAPED)
self.ggp.slider_speed.SetFocus() # to make it same colour as background
for id, button, action, img, size, tip in button_list2:
if button:
name = wx.lib.buttons.GenBitmapButton(self, id, img, size=size)
wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, id, action)
box.Add(name, 0, wx.SHAPED)
self.btn_list.append(name) # create lists for later reference
box.Add(size, 0, wx.EXPAND)
self.SetScrollRate(10, 0)
def SelectLanguage(self):
# recreate the list, using the new language
tip_list = [_("Opens existing robot program"),
_("Saves robot program"),
_("Opens existing world file"),
_("Saves world file"),
_("Resets world - from open file"),
_("Runs robot program"),
_("Steps through robot program instructions"),
_("Pause program"),
_("Stops program"),
_("Adjust robot speed"),
_("Edit walls"),
_("Resize world"),
_("Give beepers to robot"),
_("Remove/add robot from/to world"),
_("Toggle world file view"),
"Load new images for robot"]
for i in range(len(tip_list)):
class pythonChoiceWindow(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, editor):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
btn_size = (32, 32)
spacer_small = (4, 4)
spacer_large = (25, 25)
tip_list = [_("Open Python file"),
_("Save Python file"),
_("Run Python program"),
_("Run program with argument list"),
_("Go to line number"),
_("Hide or show output window"),
_("Change layout"),
_("Clear text")]
helpId = wx.NewId()
openId = wx.NewId()
saveId = wx.NewId()
runId = wx.NewId()
runWithId = wx.NewId()
goToId = wx.NewId()
showId = wx.NewId()
clearId = wx.NewId()
switchId = wx.NewId()
# temporary list until images are created
labels = ["Help", "Run with", "Go to", "Hide/show", "Layout"]
button_list = [
[None, False, None, None, spacer_small, None],
[openId, True, editor.openFile,
images.OPEN_PYTHON, btn_size, tip_list[0]],
[None, False, None, None, spacer_small, None],
[saveId, True, editor.saveFile,
images.SAVE_PYTHON, btn_size, tip_list[1]],
[None, False, None, None, spacer_large, None],
[runId, True, editor.run,
images.RUN_PROGRAM, btn_size, tip_list[2]],
[None, False, None, None, spacer_small, None],
[runWithId, True, editor.run_with,
images.RUN_WITH, btn_size, tip_list[3]],
[None, False, None, None, spacer_large, None],
[helpId, True, editor.help,
images.HELP, btn_size, tip_list[4]],
[None, False, None, None, spacer_large, None],
[goToId, True, editor.goToLine,
images.GOTO, btn_size, tip_list[5]],
[None, False, None, None, spacer_large, None],
[showId, True, editor.show,
images.SHOW_HIDE, btn_size, tip_list[6]],
[None, False, None, None, spacer_large, None],
[switchId, True, editor.switch_layout,
images.LAYOUT, btn_size, tip_list[7]],
[None, False, None, None, spacer_large, None],
[clearId, True, editor.clear,
images.CLEAR_TEXT, btn_size, tip_list[8]]
box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
self.btn_list = []
for id, button, action, img, size, tip in button_list:
if button:
btn = wx.BitmapButton(self, id, img, size=size)
#btn = wx.lib.buttons.GenBitmapButton(self, id, img, size=size)
#btn = wx.Button(self, id, tip[:7], size=size)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, action, btn)
box.Add(btn, 0, wx.SHAPED)
self.btn_list.append(btn) # create a list for later reference
box.Add(size, 0, wx.EXPAND)
aTable = wx.AcceleratorTable([(wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('O'), openId),
(wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('S'), saveId),
(wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('R'), runId),
(wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_F5, runWithId),
(wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('E'), clearId),
(wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_F1, helpId),
(wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('H'), showId),
(wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('G'), goToId),
(wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('L'), switchId)])
def SelectLanguage(self):
# recreate the list, using the new language
tip_list = [_("Open Python file"),
_("Save Python file"),
_("Run Python program"),
_("Run program with argument list"),
_("Go to line number"),
_("Hide or show output window"),
_("Change layout"),
_("Clear text")]
for i in range(len(tip_list)):