""" RUR-PLE: Roberge's Used Robot - a Python Learning Environment
parser.py - Verifies program files integrity and safety
Version 0.8.7
Author: Andre Roberge Copyright 2005
import re
from rur_py.translation import _
def FixLineEnding(txt):
# We are going to use Python to interpret these files.
# Python recognize line endings as '\n' whereas, afaik:
# Windows uses '\r\n' to identify line endings
# *nix uses '\n' (ok :-)
# Mac OS uses '\r'
# So, we're going to convert all to '\n'
txt1 = re.sub('\r\n', '\n', txt) # Windows: tested
txt = re.sub('\r', '\n', txt1) # not tested yet: no Mac :-(
return txt
def ParseProgram(contents):
# safety check
safe = "".join(contents)
safe = safe.replace(")", ")\n")
safe = safe.replace(":", ":\n")
safe = safe.replace("(", " (")
safe_list = safe.split()
bad_keywords = ["chr", "exec", "eval", "input", "raw_input"]
for word in bad_keywords:
if word in safe_list:
mesg = _("Found a word not allowed: ") + str(word)
return False, mesg
return True, ''
def ParseWorld(contents):
# safety check
safe = contents[:]
# only allow known keywords
keywords = ["avenues", "streets", "walls", "beepers", "robot",
"'s'", "'S'", '"s"', '"S"',
"'e'", "'E'", '"e"', '"E"',
"'w'", "'W'", '"w"', '"W"',
"'n'", "'N'", '"n"', '"N"', ]
for word in keywords:
safe = safe.replace(word, '')
safe = list(safe)
no_error = True
edt_flag = True
for char in safe:
if char.isalpha():
print "problem with world file"
print "The only allowed words are: "
for k in keywords:
print k
print "This letter was found outside of allowed words:" + char
no_error = False
return no_error