# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
""" RUR-PLE: Roberge's Used Robot - a Python Learning Environment
Version 1.0
Author: Andre Roberge Copyright 2006
# This file can be modified to add translations to other languages.
# A "basic but complete" translation includes TWO files:
# - a ".po" file, added in the proper directory (folder)
# - a "rur.htm" file, also added in the proper directory (folder); this file
# is the one displayed in the browser. Ideally, this last folder should
# also contain a translation of all the lessons! :-) At the very least,
# make a copy of an existing rur.htm file (e.g. the English one) and put
# it in the appropriate folder.
# For example, let HOME be the directory in which RUR_start.py is located.
# The English .po file is located at HOME/rur_locale/en/english.po
# and the English rur.htm file is located at HOME/lessons/en/rur.htm.
# wxPython comes in two basic "versions" (ansi and unicode). The recommended
# version is the unicode one; the following code, which has only been tested
# with earlier versions of rur-ple (circa 2005)
# should deal properly with the ansi version of wxPython.
import wx
def my_unicode(str):
return str
def my_ansi(str):
return str.encode('utf-8')
if "unicode" in wx.PlatformInfo:
my_encode = my_unicode
my_encode = my_ansi
import os
import misc # needed for the locating rur-ple's home directory
# You can add a new language in the following dict.
# The first entry is the name of the language as you want it to appear in
# the menu;
# the second is simply an empty dict which will be filled with translation
# values when needed;
# the third is the language code (also the sub-directory name);
# the fourth is the name of the ".po" file, assumed to be utf-8 encoded.
languages = {
'english': [my_encode('English'), {}, 'en', 'english.po'],
'french': [my_encode(u'Franais'), {}, 'fr', 'french.po'],
'german': [my_encode(u'Deutsch'), {}, 'de', 'german.po'],
'spanish': [my_encode(u'Espaol'), {}, 'es', 'spanish.po'],
'turkish': [my_encode(u'Trke'), {}, 'tr', 'turkish.po'],
'welsh': [my_encode('Welsh'), {}, 'cy', 'welsh.po']
# You should not need to modify any of the following.
# Note: the base directory is called "rur_locale" instead of "locale".
# If a directory named "locale" exists, wxPython assumes it uses the
# standard 'gettext' approach and expects some standard functions to
# be defined - which they are not in my customized version.
language_code = 'en'
_selected = None
_user_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".rurple")
if not os.path.exists(_user_dir): # first time ever
print "Could not create the user directory."
_user_dir = None
_user_file = os.path.join(_user_dir, "rurple.lang")
def build_dict(filename):
translation = {}
"""This function creates a Python dict from a simple standard .po file."""
lines = open(filename).readlines()
header = True
msgid = False
msgstr = False
for line in lines:
line = line.decode("utf-8") # encoding that was generated by poedit;
if header: # may need to be adapted to extract the information
if line.startswith("#"): header = False # from the .po file
if line.startswith("msgid "):
msgid = True
key = line[7:-2] # strips extra quotes and newline character
# as well as the "msgid " identifier
elif line.startswith("msgstr "):
msgstr = True
msgid = False
value = line[8:-2]
elif line.startswith('"') or line.startswith("'"):
if msgid:
key += line[1:-2]
elif msgstr:
value += line[1:-2]
elif line.startswith("\n"):
key = key.replace("\\n","")
value = value.replace("\\n", "\n")
translation[key] = value
msgid = False
msgstr = False
return translation
rur_locale = os.path.join(misc.HOME, "rur_locale")
for lang in languages:
filename = os.path.join(rur_locale, languages[lang][2], languages[lang][3])
languages[lang][1] = build_dict(filename)
def _select_code(lang_code):
global _selected, _changed, language_code
for lang in languages:
if languages[lang][2] == lang_code:
_selected = languages[lang][1]
language_code = lang_code
def select(language):
for lang in languages:
if language == languages[lang][0]:
def _(message):
global _selected
if _selected is None:
_selected = 'en'
key = message.replace("\n","") # message is a key in a dict
if key in _selected:
return _selected[key]
return message
def _save_language(lang):
f = open(_user_file, 'w')
print "Could not save language preference"
print "lang = ", lang
print "_user_file = ", _user_file
def _load_default():
global language_code
lang = open(_user_file, 'r').read()
print "Language preference not found; default to English."
lang = 'en'
_load_default() # import the default language at the start