""" RUR-PLE: Roberge's Used Robot - a Python Learning Environment
world_creation.py - See description below
Version 0.8.7
Author: Andre Roberge Copyright 2005
world_creation.py includes two classes:
World(), which incorporates the logic of the world in which the robot moves.
Visible_world() which is derived from World() and contains all the
visual representation (colours and sizes of walls, beepers, etc.).
import wx
from rur_py.translation import _
import robot_factory
class Singleton(object):
"""From the 2nd edition of the Python cookbook."""
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if '_inst' not in vars(cls):
cls._inst = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
return cls._inst
class World(Singleton):
""" This class defines the world's logic. The world representation on
the computer screen is as follows:
# #1
# # # # # # # # # # #2
# #3
# #@#@# # # # # # # #4
# @ @ #5
# # # # # # # # # # #6
# #7
# # # # # # # # # # #8
# #9
# # # # # # # # # # #10
# #11
where "#" represents a built-in "tile" (outside wall or
"anchor point" from which a wall is attached) and "@" represents
a user-added tile/wall.
A robot is allowed to move horizontally or vertically along "streets"
or "avenues". In the above drawing, street 1 would be on row 11,
street 2 would be on [screen ]row 9, etc.
(the row numbers are on the right of the drawing).
The column/row above follows the usual computer graphical
convention, with the origin at the TOP left corner.
Avenues/streets follow the usual mathematical convention with the
origin at the BOTTOM left corner.
Thus, avenue 1 would be on column 1, avenue 2 would be on column 3, etc.
In general, we will have avenue n on column 2n-1.
Similarly, we will have street n on [screen] row (max_row) - (2n-1).
User-defined walls can only occur on (even row, odd column) or
(odd row, even column). For example, in the above diagram, we have
user-defined walls, indicated by @, on
(5, 2), (5, 6), (4, 3) and (4, 5).
Outside walls are on column 0 and some even-numbered column, as well
as on row 0 and some even-numbered row. We thus have an odd number
of both rows and columns.
walls_list = []
borders = []
beepers_dict = {}
def __init__(self, avenues=10, streets=10, walls = [], beepers = {},
robot = {}):
self.av = avenues
self.st = streets
self.robot_dict = robot
self.robot_number = 0
self.num_cols = 2*avenues + 1
self.num_rows = 2*streets + 1
World.walls_list = walls
for (col, row) in World.walls_list:
if not (col+row)%2: # old "debug" statement; kept in case
print "Wall in impossible position"
print "col =", col, "row =", row
print "Please contact manufacturer (or check your input file)."
World.beepers_dict = beepers
def setBorders(self):
""" setBorder(self): The world is surrounded by a continuous wall.
This function sets the corresponding "wall list" or "border"
based on the world's dimensions."""
for col in range(1, self.num_cols-1, 2):
if (col, 0) not in World.borders:
World.borders.append( (col, 0) )
if (col, self.num_rows) not in World.borders:
World.borders.append( (col, self.num_rows-1) )
for row in range(1, self.num_rows-1, 2):
if (0, row) not in World.borders:
World.borders.append( (0, row) )
if (self.num_cols, row) not in World.borders:
World.borders.append( (self.num_cols-1, row) )
def resetDimensions(self, avenues=10, streets=10):
""" resetDimensions(self, avenues=10, streets=10):
This is to allow changing world dimensions without
having to restart the program. It also removes
all user-defined walls and beepers."""
self.av = avenues
self.st = streets
self.num_cols = 2*avenues + 1
self.num_rows = 2*streets + 1
World.borders = []
World.walls_list = []
World.beepers_dict = {}
def ToggleWalls(self, col, row):
""" ToggleWalls(self, col, row):
This function is intended for adding or removing a
wall from a GUI world editor."""
if (col+row)%2 : # safety check
if (col, row) in World.walls_list: #toggle value
World.walls_list.remove((col, row))
World.walls_list.append((col, row))
else: # "old debug" statement; kept in case
print "Wall in impossible position."
print "col =", col, "row =", row
print "Please contact manufacturer with bug report."
def setBeepers(self, (av, st), nb):
""" setBeepers(self, (av, st), nb):
This function is intended to set the number of beepers from a
GUI world editor."""
if (av, st) in World.beepers_dict:
if nb == 0:
del World.beepers_dict[(av, st)]
World.beepers_dict[(av, st)] = nb
elif nb > 0:
World.beepers_dict[(av, st)] = nb
else: # old "debug" statement; kept in case
#print "Attempting to set the number of beepers to a negative "
#print "value using setBeepers() in World(). This should never "
#print "happen. Please contact manufacturer with bug report."
def isClear(self, col, row):
""" isClear(self, col, row):
This function informs the user (robot) whether or not a given
combination of (col, row) is Clear i.e. if there is no wall
or border there."""
if (col, row) in World.walls_list:
return False
if (col, row) in World.borders:
return False
return True
def addOneBeeper(self, av, st):
""" addOneBeeper(self, av, st):
This function is intended for adding a single
beeper in the world from a robot put_beeper() command."""
if (av, st) in World.beepers_dict:
World.beepers_dict[(av, st)] += 1
World.beepers_dict[(av, st)] = 1
def removeOneBeeper(self, av, st):
""" removeOneBeeper(self, av, st):
This function is intended for removing a single
beeper in the world from a robot pick_beeper() command.
The robot command should first check to make sure there is
a beeper to be removed by using getBeepers."""
if (av, st) in World.beepers_dict:
World.beepers_dict[(av, st)] -= 1
if World.beepers_dict[(av, st)] == 0:
del World.beepers_dict[(av, st)]
else: # old "debug" statement; kept in case
#print "Attempting to remove a beeper using method "
#print "removeOneBeepers() in World where there is no beeper."
#print "This should not occur."
#print "Please contact manufacturer with a bug report!"
def addOneRobot(self, avenues=1, streets=1, orient_key = 'E',
beepers=0, name = None, colour = 'grey', better = False):
""" addOneRobot(self, av, st, orient, beep, name, colour):
This function is intended for adding a single robot."""
if name is None:
self.robot_number += 1
name = "Robot" + str(self.robot_number)
while name in self.robot_dict:
name += str(self.robot_number)
if not better:
self.robot_dict[name] = robot_factory.Used_robot(
avenues, streets, orient_key, beepers, name, colour, self)
self.robot_dict[name] = robot_factory.New_improved_robot(
avenues, streets, orient_key, beepers, name, colour, self)
return self.robot_dict[name]
class Visible_world(World):
""" Visible_world extends World() by adding method to draw a representation
of that world. It comes with default values that should be sufficient
for all practical purpose but nonetheless allows for a large degree
of customization. """
#--- Initialisation
def __init__(self, avenues=10, streets=10, walls = [],
beepers = {}, robot = {},
editWalls = False,
screen_offsets = (50, 50, 20, 40),
tile_info = (34, 6),
beeper_info = (20, 13, 6, 3),
wall_colours = ("black", "brown"),
edit_wall_colours = ("brown", "black"),
grid_colour = "light grey",
wall_grid_colour = "brown",
beeper_outside_colour = "cadet blue",
beeper_inside_colour = "white",
beeper_number_colour = "black"
World.__init__(self, avenues, streets, walls, beepers, robot)
# world positioning on "screen"
self.xOffset = screen_offsets[0] # left
self.yOffset = screen_offsets[1] # bottom
self.yTopOffset = screen_offsets[2] # top
self.right_scroller_space = screen_offsets[3] # right; leaving enough
#room so that the right boundary is never hidden under the scrollbar.
# rectangular walls or "tiles"
self.tile_wide = tile_info[0]
self.tile_narrow = tile_info[1]
# the following 4 values are approximate values, used to center
# beepers and beeper numbers, obtained through trial and error, based
# on self.tile_wide=34, self.tile_narrow = 6
self.beeper_radius = beeper_info[0]
self.beeper_offset = beeper_info[1]
self.beep_single_digit = beeper_info[2]
self.beep_double_digit = beeper_info[3]
# Walls are rectangles of a given colour, filled with a second.
self.wall_outside_colour = wall_colours[0]
self.wall_inside_colour = wall_colours[1]
# allows for the possibility of using different colour when editing
self.edit_wall_outside_colour = edit_wall_colours[0]
self.edit_wall_inside_colour = edit_wall_colours[1]
self.editWalls = editWalls
self.grid_colour = grid_colour
self.wall_grid_colour = wall_grid_colour
self.beeper_outside_colour = beeper_outside_colour
self.beeper_inside_colour = beeper_inside_colour
self.beeper_number_colour = beeper_number_colour
self.background_colour = wx.Brush('white')
# we will create two basic world images and
# then set this flag to True; if world dimension changes, we will
# reset it to False
self.background_images_created = False
self.object_dict = {} # keeps track or robots
def AdjustWorldSize(self):
""" Computes the width and height of the display based on chosen
self.maxWidth = (self.num_cols - 1) * (
self.tile_wide + self.tile_narrow
)/2 + self.tile_narrow + self.xOffset \
+ self.right_scroller_space
self.maxHeight = (self.num_rows - 1) * (
self.tile_wide + self.tile_narrow
)/2 + self.tile_narrow + self.yOffset + self.yTopOffset
def InitTileSizes(self):
""" Creates a two dimensional array of tiles containing the
size information."""
self.tiles_data = [[0 for row in range(self.num_rows)] \
for col in range(self.num_cols)]
ns = self.tile_narrow # temporary variable easier to read in equations
ws = self.tile_wide # temporary variable easier to read in equations
for col in range(0, self.num_cols):
for row in range(0, self.num_rows):
x = (col//2)*(ns+ws) + (col%2)*ns + self.xOffset
y = (row//2)*(ns+ws) + (row%2)*ns + self.yTopOffset
if col%2:
x_side = ws + 2*ns
x -= ns
x_side = ns
if row%2:
y_side = ws + 2*ns
y -= ns
y_side = ns
self.tiles_data[col][row] = (x, y, x_side, y_side)
#--- World changes from Graphical World Editor
def CalculatePosition(self, x, y):
""" Computes the corresponding (column, row) value from an (x, y)
world coordinate."""
tilePair = self.tile_narrow + self.tile_wide
x -= self.xOffset
y -= self.yTopOffset
numberOfWideAndNarrow = x//tilePair
if (x - numberOfWideAndNarrow*tilePair < self.tile_narrow):
col = 2*numberOfWideAndNarrow
col = 2*numberOfWideAndNarrow + 1
numberOfWideAndNarrow = y//tilePair
if (y - numberOfWideAndNarrow*tilePair < self.tile_narrow):
row = 2*numberOfWideAndNarrow
row = 2*numberOfWideAndNarrow + 1
row = self.flipRow(row)
return col, row
# remember that row 0 on screen is on top; in RUR world, it is on bottom
def flipRow(self, row):
""" On the screen, row 0 is at the top. To facilitate
the calculation of row <---> street, we flip the rows
in RUR world so that row 0 is at the bottom."""
return self.num_rows - row - 1
def ChangeWall(self, col, row):
""" After "clicking" a point on the screen, we check if it corresponds
to a wall area and, if so, adds a wall if there is none, or
remove it if there is one."""
if not self.editWalls: return
if col == 0 or row == 0 or \
col == self.num_cols -1 or \
row == self.num_rows - 1 :
return # we are on the border
# wall exists when (col, row) is either (odd, even) or (even, odd)
if (row+col)%2:
self.ToggleWalls(col, row)
def MoveRobot(self, name):
""" Change the robot position on the screen."""
def TurnRobotLeft(self, name):
""" Change the robot orientation on the screen."""
def TurnRobotRight(self, name):
""" Change the robot orientation on the screen;
only New_improved_robot can turn right."""
def setBeepers(self, (av, st), nb):
""" Sets the number of beepers at a given intersection from
the Graphical world builder; robot induced changes
are dealt with in class World."""
World.setBeepers(self, (av, st), nb)
#--- Drawing routines : "background"
def DrawBorders(self, dc):
if self.editWalls:
rects = []
### 4 corners
rects.append( self.tiles_data[0][0] )
rects.append( self.tiles_data[self.num_cols-1][0] )
rects.append( self.tiles_data[0][self.num_rows-1] )
rects.append( self.tiles_data[self.num_cols-1]
[self.num_rows-1] )
for (col, row) in World.borders:
rects.append(self.tiles_data[col][row]) #no need to flip; symmetry!
if self.editWalls:
for col in range(2, self.num_cols-1, 2):
for row in range(2, self.num_rows-1, 2):
rects.append( self.tiles_data[col][row] )
def DrawGrid(self, dc):
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.grid_colour, 1, wx.DOT))
tilePair = self.tile_narrow + self.tile_wide
for row in range(1, self.num_rows - 1, 2):
y = row*tilePair/2 + self.tile_narrow/2 + self.yTopOffset
dc.DrawLine(self.xOffset, y,
self.maxWidth - self.right_scroller_space, y)
for col in range(1, self.num_cols - 1, 2):
x = col*tilePair/2 + self.tile_narrow/2 + self.xOffset
dc.DrawLine(x, self.tile_narrow + self.yTopOffset, x,
self.maxHeight - self.yOffset)
if self.editWalls:
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.wall_grid_colour, 1, wx.DOT))
for row in range(2, self.num_rows - 1, 2):
y = row*tilePair/2 + self.tile_narrow/2 + self.yTopOffset
dc.DrawLine(self.xOffset, y,
self.maxWidth - self.right_scroller_space, y)
for col in range(2, self.num_cols - 1, 2):
x = col*tilePair/2 + self.tile_narrow/2 + self.xOffset
dc.DrawLine(x, self.tile_narrow + self.yTopOffset, x,
self.maxHeight - self.yOffset)
def DrawLabels(self, dc):
tilePair = self.tile_narrow + self.tile_wide
x_shift = self.xOffset//2
y_shift = -self.yOffset
if self.editWalls:
# wx.SWISS is the sans-serif font
dc.SetFont(wx.Font(8, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL))
pixelShift = dc.GetTextExtent("8") # try to centre the labels
for row in range(self.num_rows):
y = row*tilePair/2 - pixelShift[1]//4 + self.yTopOffset
dc.DrawText(str(self.flipRow(row)), x_shift, y)
for col in range(self.num_cols - 1):
x = (col*tilePair/2 + self.tile_narrow/2
+ self.xOffset - pixelShift[0]//2)
dc.DrawText(str(col), x, self.maxHeight + y_shift)
x_shift = self.xOffset//4
y_shift = -self.yOffset//2
dc.SetFont(wx.Font(10, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL))
dc.DrawText(_("Avenue"), 5*x_shift,
self.maxHeight + y_shift//2)
dc.DrawRotatedText(_("Street"), x_shift//3,
self.maxHeight + 3*y_shift , 90)
dc.SetFont(wx.Font(10, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.BOLD))
pixelShift = dc.GetTextExtent("8") # try to centre the labels
for row in range(1, self.num_rows, 2):
y = row*tilePair/2 - pixelShift[1]//4 + self.yTopOffset
dc.DrawText(str(self.flipRow(row)//2 + 1), x_shift, y)
for col in range(1, self.num_cols, 2):
x = (col*tilePair/2 + self.tile_narrow/2
+ self.xOffset - pixelShift[0]//2)
dc.DrawText(str(col//2+1), x, self.maxHeight + y_shift)
def DrawBackground(self, dc):
""" Creates two background images, one for normal robot motion,
the other for editing walls. This is done to speed up the
drawing process following a change in the world through a
robot action. These two background images need to be
recreated if the world dimensions change."""
if not self.background_images_created:
saved_flag = self.editWalls
self.editWalls = False
self.image_noEditWalls = wx.EmptyBitmap(self.maxWidth,
offDC = wx.MemoryDC()
## first image completed
self.editWalls = True
self.image_EditWalls = wx.EmptyBitmap(self.maxWidth, self.maxHeight)
# Selecting a new image in offDC; this releases the first one
# for further use.
# We are finished with offDC. We must release its link with
# the second image
del offDC
## second image completed
self.editWalls = saved_flag
self.background_images_created = True
if self.editWalls:
dc.DrawBitmap(self.image_EditWalls, 0, 0, True)
dc.DrawBitmap(self.image_noEditWalls, 0, 0, True)
#--- Drawing routines : "foreground"
def DrawTrace(self, dc, name):
""" Draws a line that shows the path taken by the robot."""
tilePair = self.tile_narrow + self.tile_wide
yOffset = self.tile_narrow/2 + self.yTopOffset
xOffset = self.tile_narrow/2 + self.xOffset
for line in self.robot_dict[name].line_trace:
x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1, orientation, style, colour = line
width, trace_offset = self.robot_dict[name].get_trace_style(style)
dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour, width))
X0, Y0 = trace_offset[orientation]
if (x_0 == x_1) and (y_0 == y_1): #turning left
X1, Y1 = trace_offset[(orientation+1)%4]
X1, Y1 = X0, Y0
col_0 = 2*x_0 - 1
col_1 = 2*x_1 - 1
row_0 = self.flipRow(2*y_0 - 1)
row_1 = self.flipRow(2*y_1 - 1)
y0 = row_0*tilePair/2 + yOffset + Y0
y1 = row_1*tilePair/2 + yOffset + Y1
x0 = col_0*tilePair/2 + xOffset + X0
x1 = col_1*tilePair/2 + xOffset + X1
dc.DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1)
def DrawRobot(self, dc, name):
avenue, street = self.robot_dict[name].getPos()
row = self.flipRow(2*street -1)
col = 2*avenue -1
# irrelevant = tile size
x, y, irrelevant, irrelevant2 = self.tiles_data[col][row]
xx, yy = self.robot_dict[name].imageOffset
x += xx
y += yy
self.robot_image_origin = (x, y) # for use in automatic scrolling
dc.DrawBitmap(self.robot_dict[name].robot_image, x, y, True)
def DrawWalls(self, dc):
if self.editWalls:
rects = []
for (column, row) in World.walls_list :
rects.append( self.tiles_data[column][self.flipRow(row)])
def DrawBeepers(self, dc):
circles = []
points = []
nb = []
for (avenue, street) in World.beepers_dict :
row = self.flipRow(2*street -1)
col = 2*avenue -1
# irrelevant = tile size
x, y, irrelevant, irrelevant2 = self.tiles_data[col][row]
x += self.beeper_offset
y += self.beeper_offset
circles.append( (x, y, self.beeper_radius, self.beeper_radius) )
if World.beepers_dict[(avenue, street)] < 10:
points.append((x+self.beep_single_digit, y+2))
points.append((x+self.beep_double_digit, y+2))
nb.append(str(World.beepers_dict[(avenue, street)]))
dc.DrawTextList(nb, points, None, None)
#--- Drawing routine: "background AND foreground"
def DoDrawing(self):
self.world_image = wx.EmptyBitmap(self.maxWidth, self.maxHeight)
dc = wx.MemoryDC()
list_to_delete = []
for name in self.robot_dict: # draw all traces
self.DrawTrace(dc, name)
for item in self.object_dict: # see if robot still exists in cpu.py
if not self.object_dict[item]:
for name in self.robot_dict:
if name not in list_to_delete: # don't draw out-of-scope robots
self.DrawRobot(dc, name)
self.updateImage = True