#! /usr/bin/env python
# Find external dependencies of binary libraries.
# Copyright (C) 2005, Giovanni Bajo
# Based on previous work under copyright (c) 2002 McMillan Enterprises, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
# use dumpbin.exe (if present) to find the binary
# dependencies of an extension module.
# if dumpbin not available, pick apart the PE hdr of the binary
# while this appears to work well, it is complex and subject to
# problems with changes to PE hdrs (ie, this works only on 32 bit Intel
# Windows format binaries)
# Note also that you should check the results to make sure that the
# dlls are redistributable. I've listed most of the common MS dlls
# under "excludes" below; add to this list as necessary (or use the
# "excludes" option in the INSTALL section of the config file).
import os
import time
import string
import sys
import re
from glob import glob
seen = {}
_bpath = None
iswin = sys.platform[:3] == 'win'
cygwin = sys.platform == 'cygwin'
darwin = sys.platform[:7] == 'darwin'
silent = False # True suppresses all informative messages from the dependency code
if iswin:
import shutil
import traceback
import zipfile
if hasattr(sys, "version_info") and sys.version_info[:2] >= (2,6):
import win32api
import pywintypes
except ImportError:
print "ERROR: Python 2.6+ on Windows support needs pywin32"
print "Please install http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/"
from winmanifest import RT_MANIFEST,GetManifestResources,Manifest
from winmanifest import winresource
except ImportError, detail:
winresource = None
excludes = {
## 'ZLIB.DLL':1, # test with python 1.5.2
# regex excludes
# don't include in the bundle the libc and the tls stuff
# libGL can reference some hw specific libraries (like nvidia libs)
# MS assembly excludes
# Darwin has a stable ABI for applications, so there is no need
# to include either /usr/lib nor system frameworks.
if darwin:
excludes['^/usr/lib/'] = 1
excludes['^/System/Library/Frameworks'] = 1
excludesRe = re.compile('|'.join(excludes.keys()), re.I)
def getfullnameof(mod, xtrapath = None):
"""Return the full path name of MOD.
MOD is the basename of a dll or pyd.
XTRAPATH is a path or list of paths to search first.
Return the full path name of MOD.
Will search the full Windows search path, as well as sys.path"""
# Search sys.path first!
epath = sys.path + getWindowsPath()
if xtrapath is not None:
if type(xtrapath) == type(''):
epath.insert(0, xtrapath)
epath = xtrapath + epath
for p in epath:
npth = os.path.join(p, mod)
if os.path.exists(npth):
return npth
# second try: lower case filename
for p in epath:
npth = os.path.join(p, string.lower(mod))
if os.path.exists(npth):
return npth
return ''
def _getImports_dumpbin(pth):
"""Find the binary dependencies of PTH.
This implementation (not used right now) uses the MSVC utility dumpbin"""
import tempfile
rslt = []
tmpf = tempfile.mktemp()
os.system('dumpbin /IMPORTS "%s" >%s' %(pth, tmpf))
txt = open(tmpf,'r').readlines()
i = 0
while i < len(txt):
tokens = string.split(txt[i])
if len(tokens) == 1 and string.find(tokens[0], '.') > 0:
i = i + 1
return rslt
def _getImports_pe_x(pth):
"""Find the binary dependencies of PTH.
This implementation walks through the PE header"""
import struct
rslt = []
f = open(pth, 'rb').read()
pehdrd = struct.unpack('l', f[60:64])[0] #after the MSDOS loader is the offset of the peheader
magic = struct.unpack('l', f[pehdrd:pehdrd+4])[0] # pehdr starts with magic 'PE\000\000' (or 17744)
# then 20 bytes of COFF header
numsecs = struct.unpack('h', f[pehdrd+6:pehdrd+8])[0] # whence we get number of sections
opthdrmagic = struct.unpack('h', f[pehdrd+24:pehdrd+26])[0]
if opthdrmagic == 0x10b: # PE32 format
numdictoffset = 116
importoffset = 128
elif opthdrmagic == 0x20b: # PE32+ format
numdictoffset = 132
importoffset = 148
print "E: bindepend cannot analyze %s - unknown header format! %x" % (pth, opthdrmagic)
return rslt
numdirs = struct.unpack('l', f[pehdrd+numdictoffset:pehdrd+numdictoffset+4])[0]
idata = ''
if magic == 17744:
importsec, sz = struct.unpack('2l', f[pehdrd+importoffset:pehdrd+importoffset+8])
if sz == 0:
return rslt
secttbl = pehdrd + numdictoffset + 4 + 8*numdirs
secttblfmt = '8s7l2h'
seclist = []
for i in range(numsecs):
seclist.append(struct.unpack(secttblfmt, f[secttbl+i*40:secttbl+(i+1)*40]))
#nm, vsz, va, rsz, praw, preloc, plnnums, qrelocs, qlnnums, flags \
# = seclist[-1]
for i in range(len(seclist)-1):
if seclist[i][2] <= importsec < seclist[i+1][2]:
vbase = seclist[i][2]
raw = seclist[i][4]
idatastart = raw + importsec - vbase
idata = f[idatastart:idatastart+seclist[i][1]]
i = 0
while 1:
chunk = idata[i*20:(i+1)*20]
if len(chunk) != 20:
print "E: premature end of import table (chunk is %d, not 20)" % len(chunk)
vsa = struct.unpack('5l', chunk)[3]
if vsa == 0:
sa = raw + vsa - vbase
end = string.find(f, '\000', sa)
nm = f[sa:end]
if nm:
i = i + 1
print "E: bindepend cannot analyze %s - file is not in PE format!" % pth
except IOError:
print "E: bindepend cannot analyze %s - file not found!" % pth
#except struct.error:
# print "E: bindepend cannot analyze %s - error walking thru pehdr" % pth
return rslt
def _getImports_pe(path):
"""Find the binary dependencies of PTH.
This implementation walks through the PE header"""
import struct
f = open(path, 'rb')
# skip the MSDOS loader
# get offset to PE header
offset = struct.unpack('l', f.read(4))[0]
signature = struct.unpack('l', f.read(4))[0]
coffhdrfmt = 'hhlllhh'
rawcoffhdr = f.read(struct.calcsize(coffhdrfmt))
coffhdr = struct.unpack(coffhdrfmt, rawcoffhdr)
coffhdr_numsections = coffhdr[1]
opthdrfmt = 'hbblllllllllhhhhhhllllhhllllll'
rawopthdr = f.read(struct.calcsize(opthdrfmt))
opthdr = struct.unpack(opthdrfmt, rawopthdr)
opthdr_numrvas = opthdr[-1]
datadirs = []
datadirsize = struct.calcsize('ll') # virtual address, size
for i in range(opthdr_numrvas):
rawdatadir = f.read(datadirsize)
datadirs.append(struct.unpack('ll', rawdatadir))
sectionfmt = '8s6l2hl'
sectionsize = struct.calcsize(sectionfmt)
sections = []
for i in range(coffhdr_numsections):
rawsection = f.read(sectionsize)
sections.append(struct.unpack(sectionfmt, rawsection))
importva, importsz = datadirs[1]
if importsz == 0:
return []
# figure out what section it's in
for j in range(len(sections)-1):
if sections[j][VIRTADDRESS] <= importva < sections[j+1][VIRTADDRESS]:
importsection = sections[j]
if importva >= sections[-1][VIRTADDRESS]:
importsection = sections[-1]
print "E: import section is unavailable"
return []
f.seek(importsection[POINTERTORAW] + importva - importsection[VIRTADDRESS])
data = f.read(importsz)
iidescrfmt = 'lllll'
iidescrsz = struct.calcsize(iidescrfmt)
dlls = []
while data:
iid = struct.unpack(iidescrfmt, data[:iidescrsz])
if iid[NAMERVA] == 0:
f.seek(importsection[POINTERTORAW] + iid[NAMERVA] - importsection[VIRTADDRESS])
nm = f.read(256)
nm, jnk = string.split(nm, '\0', 1)
if nm:
data = data[iidescrsz:]
return dlls
def Dependencies(lTOC, platform=sys.platform, xtrapath=None):
"""Expand LTOC to include all the closure of binary dependencies.
LTOC is a logical table of contents, ie, a seq of tuples (name, path).
Return LTOC expanded by all the binary dependencies of the entries
in LTOC, except those listed in the module global EXCLUDES"""
for nm, pth, typ in lTOC:
if seen.get(string.upper(nm),0):
if not silent:
print "I: Analyzing", pth
seen[string.upper(nm)] = 1
if iswin:
for ftocnm, fn in selectAssemblies(pth):
lTOC.append((ftocnm, fn, 'BINARY'))
for lib, npth in selectImports(pth, platform, xtrapath):
if seen.get(string.upper(lib),0) or seen.get(string.upper(npth),0):
seen[string.upper(npth)] = 1
lTOC.append((lib, npth, 'BINARY'))
return lTOC
def pkg_resouces_get_default_cache():
"""Determine the default cache location
This returns the ``PYTHON_EGG_CACHE`` environment variable, if set.
Otherwise, on Windows, it returns a "Python-Eggs" subdirectory of the
"Application Data" directory. On all other systems, it's "~/.python-eggs".
# This function borrowed from setuptools/pkg_resources
return os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE']
except KeyError:
if os.name!='nt':
return os.path.expanduser('~/.python-eggs')
app_data = 'Application Data' # XXX this may be locale-specific!
app_homes = [
(('APPDATA',), None), # best option, should be locale-safe
(('USERPROFILE',), app_data),
(('HOMEDRIVE','HOMEPATH'), app_data),
(('HOMEPATH',), app_data),
(('HOME',), None),
(('WINDIR',), app_data), # 95/98/ME
for keys, subdir in app_homes:
dirname = ''
for key in keys:
if key in os.environ:
dirname = os.path.join(dirname, os.environ[key])
if subdir:
dirname = os.path.join(dirname,subdir)
return os.path.join(dirname, 'Python-Eggs')
raise RuntimeError(
"Please set the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE enviroment variable"
def check_extract_from_egg(pth, todir=None):
r"""Check if path points to a file inside a python egg file, extract the
file from the egg to a cache directory (following pkg_resources
convention) and return [(extracted path, egg file path, relative path
inside egg file)].
Otherwise, just return [(original path, None, None)].
If path points to an egg file directly, return a list with all files
from the egg formatted like above.
>>> check_extract_from_egg(r'C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\my.egg\mymodule\my.pyd')
r'C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\my.egg', r'mymodule/my.pyd')]
rv = []
if os.path.altsep:
pth = pth.replace(os.path.altsep, os.path.sep)
components = pth.split(os.path.sep)
for i, name in enumerate(components):
if name.lower().endswith(".egg"):
eggpth = os.path.sep.join(components[:i + 1])
if os.path.isfile(eggpth):
# eggs can also be directories!
egg = zipfile.ZipFile(eggpth)
except zipfile.BadZipfile, e:
print "E:", eggpth, e
if todir is None:
# Use the same directory as setuptools/pkg_resources. So,
# if the specific egg was accessed before (not necessarily
# by pyinstaller), the extracted contents already exist
# (pkg_resources puts them there) and can be used.
todir = os.path.join(pkg_resouces_get_default_cache(),
name + "-tmp")
if components[i + 1:]:
members = ["/".join(components[i + 1:])]
members = egg.namelist()
for member in members:
pth = os.path.join(todir, member)
if not os.path.isfile(pth):
dirname = os.path.dirname(pth)
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
f = open(pth, "wb")
rv.append((pth, eggpth, member))
return rv
return [(pth, None, None)]
def getAssemblies(pth):
"""Return the dependent assemblies of a binary."""
if not os.path.isfile(pth):
pth = check_extract_from_egg(pth)[0][0]
if pth.lower().endswith(".manifest"):
return []
# check for manifest file
manifestnm = pth + ".manifest"
if os.path.isfile(manifestnm):
fd = open(manifestnm, "rb")
res = {RT_MANIFEST: {1: {0: fd.read()}}}
elif not winresource:
# resource access unavailable (needs pywin32)
return []
# check the binary for embedded manifest
res = GetManifestResources(pth)
except winresource.pywintypes.error, exc:
if exc.args[0] == winresource.ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT:
if not silent:
print 'I: Cannot get manifest resource from non-PE file:'
print 'I:', pth
return []
rv = []
if RT_MANIFEST in res and len(res[RT_MANIFEST]):
for name in res[RT_MANIFEST]:
for language in res[RT_MANIFEST][name]:
# check the manifest for dependent assemblies
manifest = Manifest()
manifest.filename = ":".join([pth, str(RT_MANIFEST),
str(name), str(language)])
except Exception, exc:
print ("E: Cannot parse manifest resource %s, %s "
"from") % (name, language)
print "E:", pth
print "E:", traceback.format_exc()
if manifest.dependentAssemblies and not silent:
print "I: Dependent assemblies of %s:" % pth
print "I:", ", ".join([assembly.getid()
for assembly in
return rv
def selectAssemblies(pth):
"""Return a binary's dependent assemblies files that should be included.
Return a list of pairs (name, fullpath)
rv = []
if not os.path.isfile(pth):
pth = check_extract_from_egg(pth)[0][0]
for assembly in getAssemblies(pth):
if excludesRe.search(assembly.name):
if not silent:
print "I: Skipping assembly", assembly.getid()
if seen.get(assembly.getid().upper(),0):
elif assembly.optional:
if not silent:
print "I: Skipping optional assembly", assembly.getid()
files = assembly.find_files()
if files:
seen[assembly.getid().upper()] = 1
for fn in files:
fname, fext = os.path.splitext(fn)
if fext.lower() == ".manifest":
nm = assembly.name + fext
nm = os.path.basename(fn)
if nm.lower() == (assembly.name + ".dll").lower():
# If single DLL assembly with embedded manifest, do not
# create a subfolder
ftocnm = nm
ftocnm = os.path.join(assembly.name, nm)
if assembly.language not in (None, "", "*", "neutral"):
ftocnm = os.path.join(assembly.getlanguage(),
nm, ftocnm, fn = [item.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
for item in
if not seen.get(fn.upper(),0):
if not silent:
print "I: Adding", ftocnm
seen[nm.upper()] = 1
seen[fn.upper()] = 1
rv.append((ftocnm, fn))
#print "I: skipping", ftocnm, "part of assembly", \
# assembly.name, "dependency of", pth
print "E: Assembly", assembly.getid(), "not found"
return rv
def selectImports(pth, platform=sys.platform, xtrapath=None):
"""Return the dependencies of a binary that should be included.
Return a list of pairs (name, fullpath)
rv = []
if xtrapath is None:
xtrapath = [os.path.dirname(pth)]
assert isinstance(xtrapath, list)
xtrapath = [os.path.dirname(pth)] + xtrapath # make a copy
dlls = getImports(pth, platform=platform)
for lib in dlls:
if seen.get(string.upper(lib),0):
if not iswin and not cygwin:
# all other platforms
npth = lib
dir, lib = os.path.split(lib)
if excludes.get(dir,0):
# plain win case
npth = getfullnameof(lib, xtrapath)
# now npth is a candidate lib if found
# check again for excludes but with regex FIXME: split the list
if npth:
candidatelib = npth
candidatelib = lib
if excludesRe.search(candidatelib):
if 'libpython' not in candidatelib and \
'Python.framework' not in candidatelib:
# skip libs not containing (libpython or Python.framework)
if not silent and \
not seen.get(string.upper(npth),0):
print "I: Skipping", lib, "dependency of", \
if npth:
if not seen.get(string.upper(npth),0):
if not silent:
print "I: Adding", lib, "dependency of", \
rv.append((lib, npth))
print "E: lib not found:", lib, "dependency of", pth
return rv
def _getImports_ldd(pth):
"""Find the binary dependencies of PTH.
This implementation is for ldd platforms"""
rslt = []
for line in os.popen('ldd "%s"' % pth).readlines():
m = re.search(r"\s+(.*?)\s+=>\s+(.*?)\s+\(.*\)", line)
if m:
name, lib = m.group(1), m.group(2)
if name[:10] in ('linux-gate', 'linux-vdso'):
# linux-gate is a fake library which does not exist and
# should be ignored. See also:
# http://www.trilithium.com/johan/2005/08/linux-gate/
if os.path.exists(lib):
print 'E: cannot find %s in path %s (needed by %s)' % \
(name, lib, pth)
return rslt
def _getImports_otool(pth):
"""Find the binary dependencies of PTH.
This implementation is for otool platforms"""
# dyld searches these paths for framework libs
# we ignore DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH for now (man dyld)
fwpaths = ['/Library/Frameworks', '/Network/Library/Frameworks', '/System/Library/Frameworks']
for p in reversed(os.environ.get('DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH', '').split(':')):
if p:
fwpaths.insert(0, p)
rslt = []
for line in os.popen('otool -L "%s"' % pth).readlines():
m = re.search(r"\s+(.*?)\s+\(.*\)", line)
if m:
lib = m.group(1)
if lib.startswith("@executable_path"):
rel_path = lib.replace("@executable_path",".")
rel_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pth), rel_path)
lib = os.path.abspath(rel_path)
elif lib.startswith("@loader_path"):
rel_path = lib.replace("@loader_path",".")
rel_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pth), rel_path)
lib = os.path.abspath(rel_path)
elif not os.path.isabs(lib):
# lookup matching framework path, if relative pathname
for p in fwpaths:
fwlib = os.path.join(p, lib)
if os.path.exists(fwlib):
lib = fwlib
if os.path.exists(lib):
print 'E: cannot find path %s (needed by %s)' % \
(lib, pth)
return rslt
def getImports(pth, platform=sys.platform):
"""Forwards to the correct getImports implementation for the platform.
if not os.path.isfile(pth):
pth = check_extract_from_egg(pth)[0][0]
if platform[:3] == 'win' or platform == 'cygwin':
if pth.lower().endswith(".manifest"):
return []
return _getImports_pe(pth)
except Exception, exception:
# Assemblies can pull in files which aren't necessarily PE,
# but are still needed by the assembly. Any additional binary
# dependencies should already have been handled by
# selectAssemblies in that case, so just warn, return an empty
# list and continue.
if not silent:
print 'W: Cannot get binary dependencies for file:'
print 'W:', pth
print 'W:', traceback.format_exc()
return []
elif platform == 'darwin':
return _getImports_otool(pth)
return _getImports_ldd(pth)
def getWindowsPath():
"""Return the path that Windows will search for dlls."""
global _bpath
if _bpath is None:
_bpath = []
if iswin:
import win32api
except ImportError:
print "W: Cannot determine your Windows or System directories"
print "W: Please add them to your PATH if .dlls are not found"
print "W: or install http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/"
sysdir = win32api.GetSystemDirectory()
sysdir2 = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(sysdir, '..', 'SYSTEM'))
windir = win32api.GetWindowsDirectory()
_bpath = [sysdir, sysdir2, windir]
_bpath.extend(string.split(os.environ.get('PATH', ''), os.pathsep))
return _bpath
def findLibrary(name):
"""Look for a library in the system.
Emulate the algorithm used by dlopen.
`name`must include the prefix, e.g. ``libpython2.4.so``
assert sys.platform == 'linux2', "Current implementation for Linux only"
lib = None
# Look in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
lp = os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH')
if lp:
for path in string.split(lp, os.pathsep):
libs = glob(os.path.join(path, name + '*'))
if libs:
lib = libs[0]
# Look in /etc/ld.so.cache
if lib is None:
expr = r'/[^\(\)\s]*%s\.[^\(\)\s]*' % re.escape(name)
m = re.search(expr, os.popen('/sbin/ldconfig -p 2>/dev/null').read())
if m:
lib = m.group(0)
# Look in the known safe paths
if lib is None:
for path in ['/lib', '/usr/lib']:
libs = glob(os.path.join(path, name + '*'))
if libs:
lib = libs[0]
# give up :(
if lib is None:
return None
# Resolve the file name into the soname
dir, file = os.path.split(lib)
return os.path.join(dir, getSoname(lib))
def getSoname(filename):
"""Return the soname of a library."""
cmd = "objdump -p -j .dynamic 2>/dev/null " + filename
m = re.search(r'\s+SONAME\s+([^\s]+)', os.popen(cmd).read())
if m: return m.group(1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from pyi_optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] <executable_or_dynamic_library>")
parser.add_option('--target-platform', default=sys.platform,
help='Target platform, required for cross-bundling (default: current platform)')
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
silent = True # Suppress all informative messages from the dependency code
import glob
for a in args:
for fn in glob.glob(a):
imports = getImports(fn, opts.target_platform)
if opts.target_platform == "win32":
imports.extend([a.getid() for a in getAssemblies(fn)])
print fn, imports