Information about the current system's architecture.
This module provides information about the current system. It is used to determine
whether an implementation is suitable for this machine, and to compare different implementations.
For example, it will indicate that:
- An i486 machine cannot run an i686 binary.
- An i686 machine can run an i486 binary, but would prefer an i586 one.
- A Windows binary cannot run on a Linux machine.
Each dictionary maps from a supported architecture type to a preference level. Lower numbers are
better, Unsupported architectures are not listed at all.
# Copyright (C) 2009, Thomas Leonard
# See the README file for details, or visit http://0install.net.
from zeroinstall import _
import os
# os_ranks and mapping are mappings from names to how good they are.
# 1 => Native (best)
# Higher numbers are worse but usable.
_uname = os.uname()
except AttributeError:
# No uname. Probably Windows.
import sys
p = sys.platform
import platform
bits, linkage = platform.architecture()
if p == 'win32' and (bits == '' or bits == '32bit'):
_uname = ('Windows', 'i486')
elif p == 'win64' or (p == 'win32' and bits == '64bit'):
_uname = ('Windows', 'x86_64')
_uname = (p, 'i486')
def _get_os_ranks(target_os):
if target_os.startswith('CYGWIN_NT'):
target_os = 'Cygwin'
elif target_os == 'SunOS':
target_os = 'Solaris'
# Special case Mac OS X, to separate it from Darwin/X
# (Mac OS X also includes the closed Apple frameworks)
if os.path.exists('/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework'):
target_os = 'MacOSX'
# Binaries compiled for _this_ OS are best...
os_ranks = {target_os : 1}
# If target_os appears in the first column of this table, all
# following OS types on the line will also run on this one
# (earlier ones preferred):
_os_matrix = {
'Cygwin': ['Windows'],
'MacOSX': ['Darwin'],
for supported in _os_matrix.get(target_os, []):
os_ranks[supported] = len(os_ranks) + 1
# At the lowest priority, try an OS-independent implementation
os_ranks[None] = len(os_ranks) + 1
return os_ranks
os_ranks = _get_os_ranks(_uname[0])
# All chosen machine-specific implementations must come from the same group
# Unlisted archs are in group 0
machine_groups = {
'x86_64': 64,
'ppc64': 64,
def canonicalize_machine(machine):
if machine == 'x86':
machine = 'i386'
elif machine == 'amd64':
machine = 'x86_64'
elif machine == 'Power Macintosh':
machine = 'ppc'
elif machine == 'i86pc':
machine = 'i686'
return machine
def _get_machine_ranks(target_machine):
target_machine = canonicalize_machine(target_machine)
# Binaries compiled for _this_machine are best...
machine_ranks = {target_machine : 0}
# If target_machine appears in the first column of this table, all
# following machine types on the line will also run on this one
# (earlier ones preferred):
_machine_matrix = {
'i486': ['i386'],
'i586': ['i486', 'i386'],
'i686': ['i586', 'i486', 'i386'],
'x86_64': ['i686', 'i586', 'i486', 'i386'],
'ppc': ['ppc32'],
'ppc64': ['ppc'],
for supported in _machine_matrix.get(target_machine, []):
machine_ranks[supported] = len(machine_ranks)
# At the lowest priority, try a machine-independant implementation
machine_ranks[None] = len(machine_ranks)
return machine_ranks
machine_ranks = _get_machine_ranks(_uname[-1])
class Architecture:
"""A description of an architecture. Use by L{solver} to make sure it chooses
compatible versions.
@ivar os_ranks: supported operating systems and their desirability
@type os_ranks: {str: int}
@ivar machine_ranks: supported CPU types and their desirability
@type machine_ranks: {str: int}
@ivar child_arch: architecture for dependencies (usually C{self})
@type child_arch: L{Architecture}
@ivar use: matching values for <requires use='...'>; otherwise the dependency is ignored
@type use: set(str)
use = frozenset([None])
def __init__(self, os_ranks, machine_ranks):
self.os_ranks = os_ranks
self.machine_ranks = machine_ranks
self.child_arch = self
def __str__(self):
return _("<Arch: %(os_ranks)s %(machine_ranks)s>") % {'os_ranks': self.os_ranks, 'machine_ranks': self.machine_ranks}
class SourceArchitecture(Architecture):
"""Matches source code that creates binaries for a particular architecture.
Note that the L{child_arch} here is the binary; source code depends on binary tools,
not on other source packages.
def __init__(self, binary_arch):
Architecture.__init__(self, binary_arch.os_ranks, {'src': 1})
self.child_arch = binary_arch
def get_host_architecture():
"""Get an Architecture that matches implementations that will run on the host machine.
@rtype: L{Architecture}"""
return Architecture(os_ranks, machine_ranks)
def get_architecture(os, machine):
"""Get an Architecture that matches binaries that will work on the given system.
@param os: OS type, or None for host's type
@param machine: CPU type, or None for host's type
@return: an Architecture object
@rtype: L{Architecture}"""
if os is None:
target_os_ranks = os_ranks
target_os_ranks = _get_os_ranks(os)
if machine is None:
target_machine_ranks = machine_ranks
target_machine_ranks = _get_machine_ranks(machine)
return Architecture(target_os_ranks, target_machine_ranks)