This class brings together a L{solve.Solver} to choose a set of implmentations, a
L{fetch.Fetcher} to download additional components, and the user's configuration
# Copyright (C) 2009, Thomas Leonard
# See the README file for details, or visit http://0install.net.
from zeroinstall import _
import time
import os
from logging import info,debug,warn
import ConfigParser
from zeroinstall import SafeException
from zeroinstall.injector import arch
from zeroinstall.injector.model import Interface,Implementation,network_levels,network_offline,DistributionImplementation,network_full
from zeroinstall.injector.namespaces import config_site,config_prog
from zeroinstall.support import tasks,basedir
from zeroinstall.injector.iface_cache import iface_cache
# If we started a check within this period, don't start another one:
FAILED_CHECK_DELAY = 60 * 60 # 1 Hour
class Policy(object):
"""Chooses a set of implementations based on a policy.
Typical use:
1. Create a Policy object, giving it the URI of the program to be run and a handler.
2. Call L{solve_with_downloads}. If more information is needed, a L{fetch.Fetcher} will be used to download it.
3. When all downloads are complete, the L{solver} contains the chosen versions.
4. Use L{get_uncached_implementations} to find where to get these versions and download them
using L{download_uncached_implementations}.
@ivar target_arch: target architecture for binaries
@type target_arch: L{arch.Architecture}
@ivar root: URI of the root interface
@ivar solver: solver used to choose a set of implementations
@type solver: L{solve.Solver}
@ivar watchers: callbacks to invoke after recalculating
@ivar help_with_testing: default stability policy
@type help_with_testing: bool
@ivar network_use: one of the model.network_* values
@ivar freshness: seconds allowed since last update
@type freshness: int
@ivar handler: handler for main-loop integration
@type handler: L{handler.Handler}
@ivar src: whether we are looking for source code
@type src: bool
@ivar stale_feeds: set of feeds which are present but haven't been checked for a long time
@type stale_feeds: set
__slots__ = ['root', 'watchers',
'freshness', 'handler', '_warned_offline',
'target_arch', 'src', 'stale_feeds', 'solver', '_fetcher']
help_with_testing = property(lambda self: self.solver.help_with_testing,
lambda self, value: setattr(self.solver, 'help_with_testing', value))
network_use = property(lambda self: self.solver.network_use,
lambda self, value: setattr(self.solver, 'network_use', value))
implementation = property(lambda self: self.solver.selections)
ready = property(lambda self: self.solver.ready)
def __init__(self, root, handler = None, src = False):
@param root: The URI of the root interface (the program we want to run).
@param handler: A handler for main-loop integration.
@type handler: L{zeroinstall.injector.handler.Handler}
@param src: Whether we are looking for source code.
@type src: bool
self.watchers = []
self.freshness = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
self.src = src # Root impl must be a "src" machine type
self.stale_feeds = set()
from zeroinstall.injector.solver import DefaultSolver
self.solver = DefaultSolver(network_full, iface_cache, iface_cache.stores)
# If we need to download something but can't because we are offline,
# warn the user. But only the first time.
self._warned_offline = False
self._fetcher = None
# (allow self for backwards compat)
self.handler = handler or self
debug(_("Supported systems: '%s'"), arch.os_ranks)
debug(_("Supported processors: '%s'"), arch.machine_ranks)
path = basedir.load_first_config(config_site, config_prog, 'global')
if path:
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
self.solver.help_with_testing = config.getboolean('global',
self.solver.network_use = config.get('global', 'network_use')
self.freshness = int(config.get('global', 'freshness'))
assert self.solver.network_use in network_levels, self.solver.network_use
except Exception, ex:
warn(_("Error loading config: %s"), str(ex) or repr(ex))
self.target_arch = arch.get_host_architecture()
def fetcher(self):
if not self._fetcher:
import fetch
self._fetcher = fetch.Fetcher(self.handler)
return self._fetcher
def set_root(self, root):
"""Change the root interface URI."""
assert isinstance(root, (str, unicode))
self.root = root
for w in self.watchers: w()
def save_config(self):
"""Write global settings."""
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
config.set('global', 'help_with_testing', self.help_with_testing)
config.set('global', 'network_use', self.network_use)
config.set('global', 'freshness', self.freshness)
path = basedir.save_config_path(config_site, config_prog)
path = os.path.join(path, 'global')
config.write(file(path + '.new', 'w'))
os.rename(path + '.new', path)
def recalculate(self, fetch_stale_interfaces = True):
"""@deprecated: see L{solve_with_downloads} """
self.stale_feeds = set()
host_arch = self.target_arch
if self.src:
host_arch = arch.SourceArchitecture(host_arch)
self.solver.solve(self.root, host_arch)
if self.network_use == network_offline:
fetch_stale_interfaces = False
blockers = []
for f in self.solver.feeds_used:
if f.startswith('/'): continue
feed = iface_cache.get_feed(f)
if feed is None or feed.last_modified is None:
self.download_and_import_feed_if_online(f) # Will start a download
elif self.is_stale(feed):
debug(_("Adding %s to stale set"), f)
self.stale_feeds.add(iface_cache.get_interface(f)) # Legacy API
if fetch_stale_interfaces:
self.download_and_import_feed_if_online(f) # Will start a download
for w in self.watchers: w()
return blockers
def usable_feeds(self, iface):
"""Generator for C{iface.feeds} that are valid for our architecture.
@rtype: generator
@see: L{arch}"""
if self.src and iface.uri == self.root:
# Note: when feeds are recursive, we'll need a better test for root here
machine_ranks = {'src': 1}
machine_ranks = arch.machine_ranks
for f in iface.feeds:
if f.os in arch.os_ranks and f.machine in machine_ranks:
yield f
debug(_("Skipping '%(feed)s'; unsupported architecture %(os)s-%(machine)s"),
{'feed': f, 'os': f.os, 'machine': f.machine})
def is_stale(self, feed):
"""Check whether feed needs updating, based on the configured L{freshness}.
None is considered to be stale.
@return: true if feed is stale or missing."""
if feed is None:
return True
if feed.url.startswith('/'):
return False # Local feeds are never stale
if feed.last_modified is None:
return True # Don't even have it yet
now = time.time()
staleness = now - (feed.last_checked or 0)
debug(_("Staleness for %(feed)s is %(staleness).2f hours"), {'feed': feed, 'staleness': staleness / 3600.0})
if self.freshness <= 0 or staleness < self.freshness:
return False # Fresh enough for us
last_check_attempt = iface_cache.get_last_check_attempt(feed.url)
if last_check_attempt and last_check_attempt > now - FAILED_CHECK_DELAY:
debug(_("Stale, but tried to check recently (%s) so not rechecking now."), time.ctime(last_check_attempt))
return False
return True
def download_and_import_feed_if_online(self, feed_url):
"""If we're online, call L{fetch.Fetcher.download_and_import_feed}. Otherwise, log a suitable warning."""
if self.network_use != network_offline:
debug(_("Feed %s not cached and not off-line. Downloading..."), feed_url)
return self.fetcher.download_and_import_feed(feed_url, iface_cache)
if self._warned_offline:
debug(_("Not downloading feed '%s' because we are off-line."), feed_url)
warn(_("Not downloading feed '%s' because we are in off-line mode."), feed_url)
self._warned_offline = True
def get_implementation_path(self, impl):
"""Return the local path of impl.
@rtype: str
@raise zeroinstall.zerostore.NotStored: if it needs to be added to the cache first."""
assert isinstance(impl, Implementation)
return impl.local_path or iface_cache.stores.lookup_any(impl.digests)
def get_implementation(self, interface):
"""Get the chosen implementation.
@type interface: Interface
@rtype: L{model.Implementation}
@raise SafeException: if interface has not been fetched or no implementation could be
assert isinstance(interface, Interface)
if not interface.name and not interface.feeds:
raise SafeException(_("We don't have enough information to "
"run this program yet. "
"Need to download:\n%s") % interface.uri)
return self.implementation[interface]
except KeyError, ex:
if interface.implementations:
offline = ""
if self.network_use == network_offline:
raise SafeException(_("No usable implementation found for '%s'.\n"
"This may be because 'Network Use' is set to Off-line.") %
raise SafeException(_("No usable implementation found for '%s'.") %
raise ex
def get_cached(self, impl):
"""Check whether an implementation is available locally.
@type impl: model.Implementation
@rtype: bool
if isinstance(impl, DistributionImplementation):
return impl.installed
if impl.local_path:
return os.path.exists(impl.local_path)
path = self.get_implementation_path(impl)
assert path
return True
pass # OK
return False
def get_uncached_implementations(self):
"""List all chosen implementations which aren't yet available locally.
@rtype: [(L{model.Interface}, L{model.Implementation})]"""
uncached = []
for iface in self.solver.selections:
impl = self.solver.selections[iface]
assert impl, self.solver.selections
if not self.get_cached(impl):
uncached.append((iface, impl))
return uncached
def refresh_all(self, force = True):
"""Start downloading all feeds for all selected interfaces.
@param force: Whether to restart existing downloads."""
return self.solve_with_downloads(force = True)
def get_feed_targets(self, feed_iface_uri):
"""Return a list of Interfaces for which feed_iface can be a feed.
This is used by B{0launch --feed}.
@rtype: [model.Interface]
@raise SafeException: If there are no known feeds."""
# TODO: what if it isn't cached yet?
feed_iface = iface_cache.get_interface(feed_iface_uri)
if not feed_iface.feed_for:
if not feed_iface.name:
raise SafeException(_("Can't get feed targets for '%s'; failed to load interface.") %
raise SafeException(_("Missing <feed-for> element in '%s'; "
"this interface can't be used as a feed.") % feed_iface_uri)
feed_targets = feed_iface.feed_for
debug(_("Feed targets: %s"), feed_targets)
if not feed_iface.name:
warn(_("Warning: unknown interface '%s'") % feed_iface_uri)
return [iface_cache.get_interface(uri) for uri in feed_targets]
def solve_with_downloads(self, force = False):
"""Run the solver, then download any feeds that are missing or
that need to be updated. Each time a new feed is imported into
the cache, the solver is run again, possibly adding new downloads.
@param force: whether to download even if we're already ready to run."""
downloads_finished = set() # Successful or otherwise
downloads_in_progress = {} # URL -> Download
host_arch = self.target_arch
if self.src:
host_arch = arch.SourceArchitecture(host_arch)
while True:
self.solver.solve(self.root, host_arch)
for w in self.watchers: w()
if self.solver.ready and not force:
if self.network_use == network_offline and not force:
info(_("Can't choose versions and in off-line mode, so aborting"))
# Once we've starting downloading some things,
# we might as well get them all.
force = True
for f in self.solver.feeds_used:
if f in downloads_finished or f in downloads_in_progress:
if f.startswith('/'):
feed = iface_cache.get_interface(f)
downloads_in_progress[f] = self.fetcher.download_and_import_feed(f, iface_cache)
if not downloads_in_progress:
blockers = downloads_in_progress.values()
yield blockers
tasks.check(blockers, self.handler.report_error)
for f in downloads_in_progress.keys():
if downloads_in_progress[f].happened:
del downloads_in_progress[f]
def solve_and_download_impls(self, refresh = False, select_only = False):
"""Run L{solve_with_downloads} and then get the selected implementations too.
@raise SafeException: if we couldn't select a set of implementations
@since: 0.40"""
refreshed = self.solve_with_downloads(refresh)
if refreshed:
yield refreshed
if not self.solver.ready:
raise SafeException(_("Can't find all required implementations:") + '\n' +
'\n'.join(["- %s -> %s" % (iface, self.solver.selections[iface])
for iface in self.solver.selections]))
if not select_only:
downloaded = self.download_uncached_implementations()
if downloaded:
yield downloaded
def need_download(self):
"""Decide whether we need to download anything (but don't do it!)
@return: true if we MUST download something (feeds or implementations)
@rtype: bool"""
host_arch = self.target_arch
if self.src:
host_arch = arch.SourceArchitecture(host_arch)
self.solver.solve(self.root, host_arch)
for w in self.watchers: w()
if not self.solver.ready:
return True # Maybe a newer version will work?
if self.get_uncached_implementations():
return True
return False
def download_uncached_implementations(self):
"""Download all implementations chosen by the solver that are missing from the cache."""
assert self.solver.ready, "Solver is not ready!\n%s" % self.solver.selections
return self.fetcher.download_impls([impl for impl in self.solver.selections.values() if not self.get_cached(impl)],
def download_icon(self, interface, force = False):
"""Download an icon for this interface and add it to the
icon cache. If the interface has no icon or we are offline, do nothing.
@return: the task doing the import, or None
@rtype: L{tasks.Task}"""
if self.network_use == network_offline:
info("Not downloading icon for %s as we are off-line", interface)
modification_time = None
existing_icon = iface_cache.get_icon_path(interface)
if existing_icon:
file_mtime = os.stat(existing_icon).st_mtime
from email.utils import formatdate
modification_time = formatdate(timeval = file_mtime, localtime = False, usegmt = True)
return self.fetcher.download_icon(interface, force, modification_time)
def get_interface(self, uri):
"""@deprecated: use L{iface_cache.IfaceCache.get_interface} instead"""
import warnings
warnings.warn(_("Policy.get_interface is deprecated!"), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel = 2)
return iface_cache.get_interface(uri)