Useful support routines (for internal use).
These functions aren't really Zero Install specific; they're things we might
wish were in the standard library.
@since: 0.27
# Copyright (C) 2009, Thomas Leonard
# See the README file for details, or visit http://0install.net.
from zeroinstall import _
import os, logging
def find_in_path(prog):
"""Search $PATH for prog.
If prog is an absolute path, return it unmodified.
@param prog: name of executable to find
@return: the full path of prog, or None if not found
@since: 0.27
if os.path.isabs(prog): return prog
for d in os.environ.get('PATH', '/bin:/usr/bin').split(':'):
path = os.path.join(d, prog)
if os.path.isfile(path):
return path
return None
def read_bytes(fd, nbytes, null_ok = False):
"""Read exactly nbytes from fd.
@param fd: file descriptor to read from
@param nbytes: number of bytes to read
@param null_ok: if True, it's OK to receive EOF immediately (we then return None)
@return: the bytes read
@raise Exception: if we received less than nbytes of data
data = ''
while nbytes:
got = os.read(fd, nbytes)
if not got:
if null_ok and not data:
return None
raise Exception(_("Unexpected end-of-stream. Data so far %(data)s; expecting %(bytes)d bytes more.")
% {'data': repr(data), 'bytes': nbytes})
data += got
nbytes -= len(got)
logging.debug(_("Message received: %s") % repr(data))
return data
def pretty_size(size):
"""Format a size for printing.
@param size: the size in bytes
@type size: int (or None)
@return: the formatted size
@rtype: str
@since: 0.27"""
if size is None:
return '?'
if size < 2048:
return _('%d bytes') % size
size = float(size)
for unit in (_('KB'), _('MB'), _('GB'), _('TB')):
size /= 1024
if size < 2048:
return _('%(size).1f %(unit)s') % {'size': size, 'unit': unit}
def ro_rmtree(root):
"""Like shutil.rmtree, except that we also delete read-only items.
@param root: the root of the subtree to remove
@type root: str
@since: 0.28"""
import shutil
for main, dirs, files in os.walk(root):
os.chmod(main, 0700)