Code for managing the implementation cache.
# Copyright (C) 2009, Thomas Leonard
# See the README file for details, or visit http://0install.net.
from zeroinstall import _
import os
from logging import debug,info,warn
from zeroinstall.support import basedir
from zeroinstall import SafeException,support
class BadDigest(SafeException):
"""Thrown if a digest is invalid (either syntactically or cryptographically)."""
detail = None
class NotStored(SafeException):
"""Throws if a requested implementation isn't in the cache."""
class NonwritableStore(SafeException):
"""Attempt to add to a non-writable store directory."""
def _copytree2(src, dst):
import shutil
names = os.listdir(src)
assert os.path.isdir(dst)
errors = []
for name in names:
srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
dstname = os.path.join(dst, name)
if os.path.islink(srcname):
linkto = os.readlink(srcname)
os.symlink(linkto, dstname)
elif os.path.isdir(srcname):
mtime = int(os.lstat(srcname).st_mtime)
_copytree2(srcname, dstname)
os.utime(dstname, (mtime, mtime))
shutil.copy2(srcname, dstname)
class Store:
"""A directory for storing implementations."""
def __init__(self, dir, public = False):
"""Create a new Store.
@param dir: directory to contain the implementations
@type dir: str
@param public: deprecated
@type public: bool"""
self.dir = dir
def __str__(self):
return _("Store '%s'") % self.dir
def lookup(self, digest):
alg, value = digest.split('=', 1)
except ValueError:
raise BadDigest(_("Digest must be in the form ALG=VALUE, not '%s'") % digest)
assert '/' not in value
int(value, 16) # Check valid format
except ValueError, ex:
raise BadDigest(_("Bad value for digest: %s") % str(ex))
dir = os.path.join(self.dir, digest)
if os.path.isdir(dir):
return dir
return None
def get_tmp_dir_for(self, required_digest):
"""Create a temporary directory in the directory where we would store an implementation
with the given digest. This is used to setup a new implementation before being renamed if
it turns out OK.
@raise NonwritableStore: if we can't create it"""
if not os.path.isdir(self.dir):
from tempfile import mkdtemp
tmp = mkdtemp(dir = self.dir, prefix = 'tmp-')
os.chmod(tmp, 0755) # r-x for all; needed by 0store-helper
return tmp
except OSError, ex:
raise NonwritableStore(str(ex))
def add_archive_to_cache(self, required_digest, data, url, extract = None, type = None, start_offset = 0, try_helper = False):
import unpack
info(_("Caching new implementation (digest %s)"), required_digest)
if self.lookup(required_digest):
info(_("Not adding %s as it already exists!"), required_digest)
tmp = self.get_tmp_dir_for(required_digest)
unpack.unpack_archive(url, data, tmp, extract, type = type, start_offset = start_offset)
import shutil
self.check_manifest_and_rename(required_digest, tmp, extract, try_helper = try_helper)
except Exception, ex:
warn(_("Leaving extracted directory as %s"), tmp)
def add_dir_to_cache(self, required_digest, path, try_helper = False):
"""Copy the contents of path to the cache.
@param required_digest: the expected digest
@type required_digest: str
@param path: the root of the tree to copy
@type path: str
@param try_helper: attempt to use privileged helper before user cache (since 0.26)
@type try_helper: bool
@raise BadDigest: if the contents don't match the given digest."""
if self.lookup(required_digest):
info(_("Not adding %s as it already exists!"), required_digest)
tmp = self.get_tmp_dir_for(required_digest)
_copytree2(path, tmp)
self.check_manifest_and_rename(required_digest, tmp, try_helper = try_helper)
warn(_("Error importing directory."))
warn(_("Deleting %s"), tmp)
def _add_with_helper(self, required_digest, path):
"""Use 0store-secure-add to copy 'path' to the system store.
@param required_digest: the digest for path
@type required_digest: str
@param path: root of implementation directory structure
@type path: str
@return: True iff the directory was copied into the system cache successfully
if required_digest.startswith('sha1='):
return False # Old digest alg not supported
helper = support.find_in_path('0store-secure-add-helper')
if not helper:
info(_("'0store-secure-add-helper' command not found. Not adding to system cache."))
return False
import subprocess
env = os.environ.copy()
env['ENV_NOT_CLEARED'] = 'Unclean' # (warn about insecure configurations)
env['HOME'] = 'Unclean' # (warn about insecure configurations)
dev_null = os.open('/dev/null', os.O_RDONLY)
info(_("Trying to add to system cache using %s"), helper)
child = subprocess.Popen([helper, required_digest],
stdin = dev_null,
cwd = path,
env = env)
exit_code = child.wait()
if exit_code:
warn(_("0store-secure-add-helper failed."))
return False
info(_("Added succcessfully."))
return True
def check_manifest_and_rename(self, required_digest, tmp, extract = None, try_helper = False):
"""Check that tmp[/extract] has the required_digest.
On success, rename the checked directory to the digest, and
make the whole tree read-only.
@param try_helper: attempt to use privileged helper to import to system cache first (since 0.26)
@type try_helper: bool
@raise BadDigest: if the input directory doesn't match the given digest"""
if extract:
extracted = os.path.join(tmp, extract)
if not os.path.isdir(extracted):
raise Exception(_('Directory %s not found in archive') % extract)
extracted = tmp
import manifest
alg, required_value = manifest.splitID(required_digest)
actual_digest = alg.getID(manifest.add_manifest_file(extracted, alg))
if actual_digest != required_digest:
raise BadDigest(_('Incorrect manifest -- archive is corrupted.\n'
'Required digest: %(required_digest)s\n'
'Actual digest: %(actual_digest)s\n') %
{'required_digest': required_digest, 'actual_digest': actual_digest})
if try_helper:
if self._add_with_helper(required_digest, extracted):
info(_("Can't add to system store. Trying user store instead."))
final_name = os.path.join(self.dir, required_digest)
if os.path.isdir(final_name):
raise Exception(_("Item %s already stored.") % final_name) # XXX: not really an error
# If we just want a subdirectory then the rename will change
# extracted/.. and so we'll need write permission on 'extracted'
os.chmod(extracted, 0755)
os.rename(extracted, final_name)
os.chmod(final_name, 0555)
if extract:
def __repr__(self):
return "<store: %s>" % self.dir
class Stores(object):
"""A list of L{Store}s. All stores are searched when looking for an implementation.
When storing, we use the first of the system caches (if writable), or the user's
cache otherwise."""
__slots__ = ['stores']
def __init__(self):
user_store = os.path.join(basedir.xdg_cache_home, '0install.net', 'implementations')
self.stores = [Store(user_store)]
impl_dirs = basedir.load_first_config('0install.net', 'injector',
debug(_("Location of 'implementation-dirs' config file being used: '%s'"), impl_dirs)
if impl_dirs:
dirs = file(impl_dirs)
dirs = ['/var/cache/0install.net/implementations']
for directory in dirs:
directory = directory.strip()
if directory and not directory.startswith('#'):
debug(_("Added system store '%s'"), directory)
def lookup(self, digest):
return self.lookup_any([digest])
def lookup_any(self, digests):
"""Search for digest in all stores."""
assert digests
for digest in digests:
assert digest
if '/' in digest or '=' not in digest:
raise BadDigest(_('Syntax error in digest (use ALG=VALUE, not %s)') % digest)
for store in self.stores:
path = store.lookup(digest)
if path:
return path
raise NotStored(_("Item with digests '%(digests)s' not found in stores. Searched:\n- %(stores)s") %
{'digests': digests, 'stores': '\n- '.join([s.dir for s in self.stores])})
def add_dir_to_cache(self, required_digest, dir):
"""Add to the best writable cache.
@see: L{Store.add_dir_to_cache}"""
self._write_store(lambda store, **kwargs: store.add_dir_to_cache(required_digest, dir, **kwargs))
def add_archive_to_cache(self, required_digest, data, url, extract = None, type = None, start_offset = 0):
"""Add to the best writable cache.
@see: L{Store.add_archive_to_cache}"""
self._write_store(lambda store, **kwargs: store.add_archive_to_cache(required_digest,
data, url, extract, type = type, start_offset = start_offset, **kwargs))
def _write_store(self, fn):
"""Call fn(first_system_store). If it's read-only, try again with the user store."""
if len(self.stores) > 1:
except NonwritableStore:
debug(_("%s not-writable. Trying helper instead."), self.get_first_system_store())
fn(self.stores[0], try_helper = True)
def get_first_system_store(self):
"""The first system store is the one we try writing to first.
@since: 0.30"""
return self.stores[1]
except IndexError:
raise SafeException(_("No system stores have been configured"))