"""Processing of implementation manifests.
A manifest is a string representing a directory tree, with the property
that two trees will generate identical manifest strings if and only if:
- They have extactly the same set of files, directories and symlinks.
- For each pair of corresponding directories in the two sets:
- The mtimes are the same (OldSHA1 only).
- For each pair of corresponding files in the two sets:
- The size, executable flag and mtime are the same.
- The contents have matching secure hash values.
- For each pair of corresponding symlinks in the two sets:
- The mtime and size are the same.
- The targets have matching secure hash values.
The manifest is typically processed with a secure hash itself. So, the idea is that
any significant change to the contents of the tree will change the secure hash value
of the manifest.
A top-level ".manifest" file is ignored.
# Copyright (C) 2009, Thomas Leonard
# See the README file for details, or visit http://0install.net.
from __future__ import generators
import os, stat
from zeroinstall import SafeException,_
from zeroinstall.zerostore import BadDigest
import hashlib
sha1_new = hashlib.sha1
import sha
sha1_new = sha.new
hashlib = None
class Algorithm:
"""Abstract base class for algorithms.
An algorithm knows how to generate a manifest from a directory tree.
@ivar rating: how much we like this algorithm (higher is better)
@type rating: int
def generate_manifest(self, root):
"""Returns an iterator that yields each line of the manifest for the directory
tree rooted at 'root'."""
raise Exception('Abstract')
def new_digest(self):
"""Create a new digest. Call update() on the returned object to digest the data.
Call getID() to turn it into a full ID string."""
raise Exception('Abstract')
def getID(self, digest):
"""Convert a digest (from new_digest) to a full ID."""
raise Exception('Abstract')
class OldSHA1(Algorithm):
"""@deprecated: Injector versions before 0.20 only supported this algorithm."""
rating = 10
def generate_manifest(self, root):
def recurse(sub):
# To ensure that a line-by-line comparison of the manifests
# is possible, we require that filenames don't contain newlines.
# Otherwise, you can name a file so that the part after the \n
# would be interpreted as another line in the manifest.
if '\n' in sub: raise BadDigest("Newline in filename '%s'" % sub)
assert sub.startswith('/')
if sub == '/.manifest': return
full = os.path.join(root, sub[1:])
info = os.lstat(full)
m = info.st_mode
if stat.S_ISDIR(m):
if sub != '/':
yield "D %s %s" % (int(info.st_mtime), sub)
items = os.listdir(full)
for x in items:
for y in recurse(os.path.join(sub, x)):
yield y
assert sub[1:]
leaf = os.path.basename(sub[1:])
if stat.S_ISREG(m):
d = sha1_new(file(full).read()).hexdigest()
if m & 0111:
yield "X %s %s %s %s" % (d, int(info.st_mtime) ,info.st_size, leaf)
yield "F %s %s %s %s" % (d, int(info.st_mtime) ,info.st_size, leaf)
elif stat.S_ISLNK(m):
target = os.readlink(full)
d = sha1_new(target).hexdigest()
# Note: Can't use utime on symlinks, so skip mtime
# Note: eCryptfs may report length as zero, so count ourselves instead
yield "S %s %s %s" % (d, len(target), leaf)
raise SafeException(_("Unknown object '%s' (not a file, directory or symlink)") %
for x in recurse('/'): yield x
def new_digest(self):
return sha1_new()
def getID(self, digest):
return 'sha1=' + digest.hexdigest()
def get_algorithm(name):
"""Look-up an L{Algorithm} by name.
@raise BadDigest: if the name is unknown."""
return algorithms[name]
except KeyError:
raise BadDigest(_("Unknown algorithm '%s'") % name)
def generate_manifest(root, alg = 'sha1'):
"""@deprecated: use L{get_algorithm} and L{Algorithm.generate_manifest} instead."""
return get_algorithm(alg).generate_manifest(root)
def add_manifest_file(dir, digest_or_alg):
"""Writes a .manifest file into 'dir', and returns the digest.
You should call fixup_permissions before this to ensure that the permissions are correct.
On exit, dir itself has mode 555. Subdirectories are not changed.
@param dir: root of the implementation
@param digest_or_alg: should be an instance of Algorithm. Passing a digest
here is deprecated."""
mfile = os.path.join(dir, '.manifest')
if os.path.islink(mfile) or os.path.exists(mfile):
raise SafeException(_("Directory '%s' already contains a .manifest file!") % dir)
manifest = ''
if isinstance(digest_or_alg, Algorithm):
alg = digest_or_alg
digest = alg.new_digest()
digest = digest_or_alg
alg = get_algorithm('sha1')
for line in alg.generate_manifest(dir):
manifest += line + '\n'
os.chmod(dir, 0755)
stream = file(mfile, 'w')
os.chmod(dir, 0555)
os.chmod(mfile, 0444)
return digest
def splitID(id):
"""Take an ID in the form 'alg=value' and return a tuple (alg, value),
where 'alg' is an instance of Algorithm and 'value' is a string.
@raise BadDigest: if the algorithm isn't known or the ID has the wrong format."""
parts = id.split('=', 1)
if len(parts) != 2:
raise BadDigest(_("Digest '%s' is not in the form 'algorithm=value'") % id)
return (get_algorithm(parts[0]), parts[1])
def copy_with_verify(src, dest, mode, alg, required_digest):
"""Copy path src to dest, checking that the contents give the right digest.
dest must not exist. New file is created with a mode of 'mode & umask'.
@param src: source filename
@type src: str
@param dest: target filename
@type dest: str
@param mode: target mode
@type mode: int
@param alg: algorithm to generate digest
@type alg: L{Algorithm}
@param required_digest: expected digest value
@type required_digest: str
@raise BadDigest: the contents of the file don't match required_digest"""
src_obj = file(src)
dest_fd = os.open(dest, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, mode)
digest = alg.new_digest()
while True:
data = src_obj.read(256)
if not data: break
while data:
written = os.write(dest_fd, data)
assert written >= 0
data = data[written:]
actual = digest.hexdigest()
if actual == required_digest: return
raise BadDigest(_("Copy failed: file '%(src)s' has wrong digest (may have been tampered with)\n"
"Expected: %(required_digest)s\n"
"Actual: %(actual_digest)s") % {'src': src, 'required_digest': required_digest, 'actual_digest': actual})
def verify(root, required_digest = None):
"""Ensure that directory 'dir' generates the given digest.
For a non-error return:
- Dir's name must be a digest (in the form "alg=value")
- The calculated digest of the contents must match this name.
- If there is a .manifest file, then its digest must also match.
@raise BadDigest: if verification fails."""
if required_digest is None:
required_digest = os.path.basename(root)
alg = splitID(required_digest)[0]
digest = alg.new_digest()
lines = []
for line in alg.generate_manifest(root):
line += '\n'
actual_digest = alg.getID(digest)
manifest_file = os.path.join(root, '.manifest')
if os.path.isfile(manifest_file):
digest = alg.new_digest()
manifest_digest = alg.getID(digest)
manifest_digest = None
if required_digest == actual_digest == manifest_digest:
error = BadDigest(_("Cached item does NOT verify."))
error.detail = _(" Expected: %(required_digest)s\n"
" Actual: %(actual_digest)s\n"
".manifest digest: %(manifest_digest)s\n\n") \
% {'required_digest': required_digest, 'actual_digest': actual_digest, 'manifest_digest': manifest_digest or _('No .manifest file')}
if manifest_digest is None:
error.detail += _("No .manifest, so no further details available.")
elif manifest_digest == actual_digest:
error.detail += _("The .manifest file matches the actual contents. Very strange!")
elif manifest_digest == required_digest:
import difflib
diff = difflib.unified_diff(file(manifest_file).readlines(), lines,
'Recorded', 'Actual')
error.detail += _("The .manifest file matches the directory name.\n" \
"The contents of the directory have changed:\n") + \
elif required_digest == actual_digest:
error.detail += _("The directory contents are correct, but the .manifest file is wrong!")
error.detail += _("The .manifest file matches neither of the other digests. Odd.")
raise error
# XXX: Be more careful about the source tree changing under us. In particular, what happens if:
# - A regualar file suddenly turns into a symlink?
# - We find a device file (users can hard-link them if on the same device)
def copy_tree_with_verify(source, target, manifest_data, required_digest):
"""Copy directory source to be a subdirectory of target if it matches the required_digest.
manifest_data is normally source/.manifest. source and manifest_data are not trusted
(will typically be under the control of another user).
The copy is first done to a temporary directory in target, then renamed to the final name
only if correct. Therefore, an invalid 'target/required_digest' will never exist.
A successful return means than target/required_digest now exists (whether we created it or not)."""
import tempfile
from logging import info
alg, digest_value = splitID(required_digest)
if isinstance(alg, OldSHA1):
raise SafeException(_("Sorry, the 'sha1' algorithm does not support copying."))
digest = alg.new_digest()
manifest_digest = alg.getID(digest)
if manifest_digest != required_digest:
raise BadDigest(_("Manifest has been tampered with!\n"
"Manifest digest: %(actual_digest)s\n"
"Directory name : %(required_digest)s")
% {'actual_digest': manifest_digest, 'required_digest': required_digest})
target_impl = os.path.join(target, required_digest)
if os.path.isdir(target_impl):
info(_("Target directory '%s' already exists"), target_impl)
# We've checked that the source's manifest matches required_digest, so it
# is what we want. Make a list of all the files we need to copy...
wanted = _parse_manifest(manifest_data)
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = 'tmp-copy-', dir = target)
_copy_files(alg, wanted, source, tmpdir)
if wanted:
raise SafeException(_('Copy failed; files missing from source:') + '\n- ' +
'\n- '.join(wanted.keys()))
# Make directories read-only (files are already RO)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(tmpdir):
for d in dirs:
path = os.path.join(root, d)
mode = os.stat(path).st_mode
os.chmod(path, mode & 0555)
# Check that the copy is correct
actual_digest = alg.getID(add_manifest_file(tmpdir, alg))
if actual_digest != required_digest:
raise SafeException(_("Copy failed; double-check of target gave the wrong digest.\n"
"Unless the target was modified during the copy, this is a BUG\n"
"in 0store and should be reported.\n"
"Expected: %(required_digest)s\n"
"Actual: %(actual_digest)s") % {'required_digest': required_digest, 'actual_digest': actual_digest})
os.rename(tmpdir, target_impl)
# TODO: catch already-exists, delete tmpdir and return success
info(_("Deleting tmpdir '%s'") % tmpdir)
from zeroinstall.support import ro_rmtree
def _parse_manifest(manifest_data):
"""Parse a manifest file.
@param manifest_data: the contents of the manifest file
@type manifest_data: str
@return: a mapping from paths to information about that path
@rtype: {str: tuple}"""
wanted = {}
dir = ''
for line in manifest_data.split('\n'):
if not line: break
if line[0] == 'D':
data = line.split(' ', 1)
if len(data) != 2: raise BadDigest(_("Bad line '%s'") % line)
path = data[-1]
if not path.startswith('/'): raise BadDigest(_("Not absolute: '%s'") % line)
path = path[1:]
dir = path
elif line[0] == 'S':
data = line.split(' ', 3)
path = os.path.join(dir, data[-1])
if len(data) != 4: raise BadDigest(_("Bad line '%s'") % line)
data = line.split(' ', 4)
path = os.path.join(dir, data[-1])
if len(data) != 5: raise BadDigest(_("Bad line '%s'") % line)
if path in wanted:
raise BadDigest(_('Duplicate entry "%s"') % line)
wanted[path] = data[:-1]
return wanted
def _copy_files(alg, wanted, source, target):
"""Scan for files under 'source'. For each one:
If it is in wanted and has the right details (or they can be fixed; e.g. mtime),
then copy it into 'target'.
If it's not in wanted, warn and skip it.
On exit, wanted contains only files that were not found."""
from logging import warn
dir = ''
for line in alg.generate_manifest(source):
if line[0] == 'D':
type, name = line.split(' ', 1)
assert name.startswith('/')
dir = name[1:]
path = dir
elif line[0] == 'S':
type, actual_digest, actual_size, name = line.split(' ', 3)
path = os.path.join(dir, name)
assert line[0] in 'XF'
type, actual_digest, actual_mtime, actual_size, name = line.split(' ', 4)
path = os.path.join(dir, name)
required_details = wanted.pop(path)
except KeyError:
warn(_("Skipping file not in manifest: '%s'"), path)
if required_details[0] != type:
raise BadDigest(_("Item '%s' has wrong type!") % path)
if type == 'D':
os.mkdir(os.path.join(target, path))
elif type in 'XF':
required_type, required_digest, required_mtime, required_size = required_details
if required_size != actual_size:
raise SafeException(_("File '%(path)s' has wrong size (%(actual_size)s bytes, but should be "
"%(required_size)s according to manifest)") %
{'path': path, 'actual_size': actual_size, 'required_size': required_size})
required_mtime = int(required_mtime)
dest_path = os.path.join(target, path)
if type == 'X':
mode = 0555
mode = 0444
copy_with_verify(os.path.join(source, path),
os.utime(dest_path, (required_mtime, required_mtime))
elif type == 'S':
required_type, required_digest, required_size = required_details
if required_size != actual_size:
raise SafeException(_("Symlink '%(path)s' has wrong size (%(actual_size)s bytes, but should be "
"%(required_size)s according to manifest)") %
{'path': path, 'actual_size': actual_size, 'required_size': required_size})
symlink_target = os.readlink(os.path.join(source, path))
symlink_digest = alg.new_digest()
if symlink_digest.hexdigest() != required_digest:
raise SafeException(_("Symlink '%(path)s' has wrong target (digest should be "
"%(digest)s according to manifest)") % {'path': path, 'digest': required_digest})
dest_path = os.path.join(target, path)
os.symlink(symlink_target, dest_path)
raise SafeException(_("Unknown manifest type %(type)s for '%(path)s'") % {'type': type, 'path': path})
class HashLibAlgorithm(Algorithm):
new_digest = None # Constructor for digest objects
def __init__(self, name, rating):
if name == 'sha1':
self.new_digest = sha1_new
self.name = 'sha1new'
self.new_digest = getattr(hashlib, name)
self.name = name
self.rating = rating
def generate_manifest(self, root):
def recurse(sub):
# To ensure that a line-by-line comparison of the manifests
# is possible, we require that filenames don't contain newlines.
# Otherwise, you can name a file so that the part after the \n
# would be interpreted as another line in the manifest.
if '\n' in sub: raise BadDigest(_("Newline in filename '%s'") % sub)
assert sub.startswith('/')
full = os.path.join(root, sub[1:])
info = os.lstat(full)
new_digest = self.new_digest
m = info.st_mode
if not stat.S_ISDIR(m): raise Exception(_('Not a directory: "%s"') % full)
if sub != '/':
yield "D %s" % sub
items = os.listdir(full)
dirs = []
for leaf in items:
path = os.path.join(root, sub[1:], leaf)
info = os.lstat(path)
m = info.st_mode
if stat.S_ISREG(m):
if leaf == '.manifest': continue
d = new_digest(file(path).read()).hexdigest()
if m & 0111:
yield "X %s %s %s %s" % (d, int(info.st_mtime), info.st_size, leaf)
yield "F %s %s %s %s" % (d, int(info.st_mtime), info.st_size, leaf)
elif stat.S_ISLNK(m):
target = os.readlink(path)
d = new_digest(target).hexdigest()
# Note: Can't use utime on symlinks, so skip mtime
# Note: eCryptfs may report length as zero, so count ourselves instead
yield "S %s %s %s" % (d, len(target), leaf)
elif stat.S_ISDIR(m):
raise SafeException(_("Unknown object '%s' (not a file, directory or symlink)") %
for x in dirs:
for y in recurse(os.path.join(sub, x)): yield y
for x in recurse('/'): yield x
def getID(self, digest):
return self.name + '=' + digest.hexdigest()
algorithms = {
'sha1': OldSHA1(),
'sha1new': HashLibAlgorithm('sha1', 50),
if hashlib is not None:
algorithms['sha256'] = HashLibAlgorithm('sha256', 80)
def fixup_permissions(root):
"""Set permissions recursively for children of root:
- If any X bit is set, they all must be.
- World readable, non-writable.
@raise Exception: if there are unsafe special bits set (setuid, etc)."""
for main, dirs, files in os.walk(root):
for x in ['.'] + files:
full = os.path.join(main, x)
raw_mode = os.lstat(full).st_mode
if stat.S_ISLNK(raw_mode): continue
mode = stat.S_IMODE(raw_mode)
if mode & ~0777:
raise Exception(_("Unsafe mode: extracted file '%(filename)s' had special bits set in mode '%(mode)s'") % {'filename': full, 'mode': oct(mode)})
if mode & 0111:
os.chmod(full, 0555)
os.chmod(full, 0444)