# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*
## <peter@fry-it.com>
import unittest
import random
import sys, os
import stat
if __name__ == '__main__':
execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'framework.py'))
from Globals import SOFTWARE_HOME
from Testing import ZopeTestCase
from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
from DateTime import DateTime
import Acquisition
# Some constants
# Open ZODB connection
app = ZopeTestCase.app()
# Set up sessioning objects
# Set up the error log
# Set up example applications
#if not hasattr(app, 'Examples'):
# ZopeTestCase.utils.importObjectFromFile(app, examples_path)
# Close ZODB connection
class TestBase(ZopeTestCase.ZopeTestCase):
def dummy_redirect(self, *a, **kw):
self.has_redirected = a[0]
if kw:
print "*** Redirecting to %r + (%s)" % (a[0], kw)
print "*** Redirecting to %r" % a[0]
def afterSetUp(self):
# install an issue tracker
dispatcher = self.folder.manage_addProduct['IssueTrackerProduct']
dispatcher.manage_addIssueTracker('tracker', 'Issue Tracker')
# install an error_log
#dispatcher = self.folder.manage_addProduct['SiteErrorLog']
# if you set this override you won't be able to do a transaction.get().commit()
# in the unit tests.
#self.mexpenses.http_redirect = self.dummy_redirect
#request = self.app.REQUEST
#sdm = self.app.session_data_manager
#request.set('SESSION', sdm.getSessionData())
#self.has_redirected = False
from Products.IssueTrackerProduct.Constants import UNICODE_ENCODING,DEBUG
from Globals import DevelopmentMode
class CustomFieldTestCase(TestBase):
def _createCustomField(self, id=None, title=None, **kw):
if id is None:
id = str(int(10000*random.random()))
if title is None:
title = unicode(int(10000*random.random()))
tracker = self.folder.tracker
adder = tracker.manage_addProduct['IssueTrackerProduct'].manage_addCustomField
return adder(id, title, **kw)
def test_creatingCustomField(self):
""" test to create a custom field account """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
# if you create a custom field in a tracker with 'create_in_folder'
# it will make sure it creates the custom field in a
# Custom Field Folder object.
adder = tracker.manage_addProduct['IssueTrackerProduct'].manage_addCustomField
obj = adder('xxx','title', create_in_folder=True)
self.assertEqual(obj.getId(), 'xxx')
self.assertEqual(obj.getTitle(), u'title')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(obj.getTitle(), unicode))
self.failUnless(obj.aq_parent.meta_type.endswith('Custom Field Folder'))
# create another shouldn't create *another* folder
new_obj = adder('yyy', 'title2', create_in_folder=True)
self.failUnless(new_obj.aq_parent.absolute_url()== obj.aq_parent.absolute_url())
def test_basic_rendering(self):
""" basic rendering """
obj = self._createCustomField(id='a', title='A', create_in_folder=True)
rendered = obj.render()
# the rendered HTML should be in unicode
self.assertTrue(isinstance(rendered, unicode))
# the __str__ should be ascii if possible
self.assertTrue(isinstance(str(obj), str))
# expect to find certain things in it
self.assertTrue(rendered.find('name="a:%s:ustring"'% UNICODE_ENCODING) > -1)
self.assertTrue(rendered.find('id="id_a"') > -1)
def test_basic_rendering_extra_attributes(self):
""" basic rendering """
obj = self._createCustomField(id='a', title='A', create_in_folder=True)
rendered = obj.render(id='customid', size=10)
# expect to find certain things in it
self.assertTrue(rendered.find('id="customid"') > -1)
self.assertTrue(rendered.find('size="10"') > -1)
def test_basic_rendering_with_extra(self):
""" basic rendering """
css = 'body{}'
js = 'alert(document)'
obj = self._createCustomField(id='a', title='A', create_in_folder=True,
extra_css=css, extra_js=js)
rendered = obj.render()
# in this we should find certain things
found_css = rendered.find(u'<style type="text/css">\nbody{}\n</style>'); assert found_css > -1
found_js = rendered.find(u'<script type="text/javascript">\nalert(document)\n</script>'); assert found_js > -1
found_tag = rendered.find(u'<input id="id_a" name="a:%s:ustring" title="A" />' % UNICODE_ENCODING)
assert found_tag > -1, rendered
assert -1 < found_css < found_js < found_tag
def test_render_css(self):
""" test the <customfield>.render_extra_css() method """
# a path
obj = self._createCustomField(extra_css='/foo/bar.css')
rendered = obj.render_extra_css()
self.assertEqual(rendered, u'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/foo/bar.css" />')
# a payload
obj = self._createCustomField(extra_css='body { }')
rendered = obj.render_extra_css()
self.assertEqual(rendered, u'<style type="text/css">\nbody { }\n</style>')
# nothing
obj = self._createCustomField()
rendered = obj.render_extra_css()
self.assertEqual(rendered, u'')
def test_render_js(self):
""" test the <customfield>.render_extra_js() method """
# a path
obj = self._createCustomField(extra_js='foo/bar.js')
rendered = obj.render_extra_js()
self.assertEqual(rendered, u'<script type="text/javascript" src="foo/bar.js"></script>')
# a payload
obj = self._createCustomField(extra_js='function foo() {return;}')
rendered = obj.render_extra_js()
self.assertEqual(rendered, u'<script type="text/javascript">\nfunction foo() {return;}\n</script>')
# nothing
obj = self._createCustomField()
rendered = obj.render_extra_js()
self.assertEqual(rendered, u'')
def test_rendering_select(self):
""" basic rendering """
obj = self._createCustomField(id='a', title='A',
options=[('x','X'), ('y','Y')],
rendered = obj.render()
assert rendered.find('id="id_a"') > -1
assert rendered.find('name="a:%s:ustring"' % UNICODE_ENCODING) > -1
assert rendered.find('title="A"') > -1
found_select = rendered.find(u'<select ')
found_option1 = rendered.find(u'<option value="x">X</option>')
found_option2 = rendered.find(u'<option value="y">Y</option>')
found_close = rendered.find(u'</select>')
assert -1 < found_select < found_option1 < found_option2 < found_close
rendered = obj.render(multiple="multiple")
found_select = rendered.find(u'<select ')
found_attr = rendered.find(u'multiple="multiple"')
found_option1 = rendered.find(u'<option value="x">X</option>')
found_option2 = rendered.find(u'<option value="y">Y</option>')
found_close = rendered.find(u'</select>')
assert -1 < found_select < found_attr < found_option1 < found_option2 < found_close
# what if you want to render it with a particular value
rendered = obj.render('y')
found_option1 = rendered.find(u'<option value="x">X</option>')
found_option2 = rendered.find(u'<option value="y" selected="selected">Y</option>')
assert -1 < found_option1 < found_option2
# the passed in value can be a list or a tuple
rendered = obj.render(['y','x'])
found_option1 = rendered.find(u'<option value="x" selected="selected">X</option>')
found_option2 = rendered.find(u'<option value="y" selected="selected">Y</option>')
assert -1 < found_option1 < found_option2
def test_options_expression(self):
""" if a custom field has a TALES expression on the options_expression
it needs to be valid for options.
obj = self._createCustomField(id='a', title='A', create_in_folder=True,
obj.options_expression = "python:[('a','A'), ('b','B') ]"
obj.options_expression = "python:(u'\xa3', u'\xe4')"
obj.options_expression = "python:['a', ('b','B') ]"
# can't let keys be non-unicode
obj.options_expression = "python:[('a',nothing), ('b','B') ]"
obj.options_expression = "python:request"
# now, let's try to make it a bit more complicated
obj.options_expression = "here/objectIds"
obj.options_expression = "here/aq_parent/objectIds"
obj.options_expression = "request/keys"
# and referring to self
# this should work since we're logged in with the
obj.options_expression = "python:[path('object/absolute_url')]"
obj.options = ('x','y','z')
obj.options_expression = "python:('x','y','z')"
assert obj._valid_options_expression()
self.assertEqual(obj.getOptionsIterable(), ['x','y','z'])
def test_with_requestform_variables_already_set(self): # crap name!
""" if certain values are already set in REQUEST.form they
should be picked up if you render the field.
obj = self._createCustomField(id='age', title='Age', create_in_folder=True,
input_type='text', python_type='int'
html = obj.render()
expect = '<input id="id_age" name="age:int" title="Age" />'
self.assertTrue(html.find(expect) > -1)
self.app.REQUEST.form['age'] = 123
html = obj.render(self.app.REQUEST)
expect = '<input id="id_age" name="age:int" title="Age" '\
'value="123" />'
# But what if the field as a default value
#obj = self._createCustomField(id='age', title='Age', create_in_folder=True,
# input_type='text', python_type='int'
# )
html = obj.render()
expect = '<input id="id_age" name="age:int" title="Age" value="0" />'
self.assertTrue(html.find(expect) > -1)
def test_basic_input_validation(self):
""" a custom field can have a default python type, for example 'int'
which means that we can do a basic validation test.
age = self._createCustomField(id='age', title='Age', create_in_folder=True,
date = self._createCustomField(id='date', title='Date', create_in_folder=True,
height = self._createCustomField(id='height', title='Height', create_in_folder=True,
# the fields have a method called testValidValue() which you
# can throw a value at and return a tuple (bool, msg)
self.assertEqual(age.testValidValue(20), (True, None))
self.assertEqual(age.testValidValue('20'), (True, None))
self.assertEqual(age.testValidValue('XX'), (False, u'Not an integer number'))
self.assertEqual(date.testValidValue('2007/01/01'), (True, None))
self.assertEqual(date.testValidValue('13/12/1979'), (True, None))
self.assertEqual(date.testValidValue(DateTime()), (True, None))
self.assertEqual(date.testValidValue('2012/13/13'), (False, u'Not a valid date'))
self.assertEqual(height.testValidValue(20), (True, None))
self.assertEqual(height.testValidValue(1.3333333333), (True, None))
self.assertEqual(height.testValidValue('20.3'), (True, None))
self.assertEqual(height.testValidValue('XX'), (False, u'Not a floating point number'))
def test_tales_input_validation(self):
""" a custom field can have a 0 or more validation expressions that
are rendered by SubmitIssue. If any of them fails you get
the validation is considered failed.
age = self._createCustomField(id='age', title='Age', create_in_folder=True,
self.assertEqual(age.testValidValue(4), (True, None))
age.manage_addValidationExpression('python:value > 5', "Less or equal to 5")
self.assertEqual(age.testValidValue(4), (False, u"Less or equal to 5"))
self.assertEqual(age.testValidValue(6), (True, None))
def test_getCustomFieldObjects(self):
""" test asking the issuetracker for custom fields """
def make(id, python_type='ustring', create_in_folder=True):
return self._createCustomField(id=id, title=id.title(),
age = make('age')
date = make('date')
height = make('height')
# make one outside
weight = make('weight', create_in_folder=False)
tracker = self.folder.tracker
fields = tracker.getCustomFieldObjects()
self.assertEqual(len(fields), 4)
# disable one of them
date.disabled = True
fields = tracker.getCustomFieldObjects()
self.assertEqual(len(fields), 3)
# set a visibility expression on one of them
date.disabled = False
fields = tracker.getCustomFieldObjects()
assert len(fields) == 4
date.visibility_expression = 'python:0'
fields = tracker.getCustomFieldObjects()
self.assertEqual(len(fields), 3)
# reset
date.visibility_expression = ''
# filter by ids
fields = tracker.getCustomFieldObjects(['weight','age'])
self.assertEqual(len(fields), 2)
# the order should be as input
self.assertEqual([x.getId() for x in fields], ['weight','age'])
# filter by ids by a function
filter_function = lambda x: x.getId() in ('height', 'date')
fields = tracker.getCustomFieldObjects(filter_function)
self.assertEqual(len(fields), 2)
# filter by if they should be included in filter options
filter_function = lambda x: x.includeInFilterOptions()
fields = tracker.getCustomFieldObjects(filter_function)
self.assertEqual(len(fields), 0)
age.include_in_filter_options = True
filter_function = lambda x: x.includeInFilterOptions()
fields = tracker.getCustomFieldObjects(filter_function)
self.assertEqual(len(fields), 1)
def test_editingMultipleSelect(self):
""" this test came from running in to a bug and this test
reassures to not make the mistake again.
What Titus Brown would call a "stupidity test".
obj = self._createCustomField(id='locations', title='Locations',
obj.options = [['','Select company first']]
obj.attributes['multiple'] = 'multiple'
html = obj.render()
expect = u'<select id="id_locations" multiple="multiple" '\
'name="locations:utf-8:ulines" title="Locations">\n'\
'<option value="">Select company first</option>\n'\
# the output can be padded with debugging stuff
self.assertTrue(html.find(expect) > -1)
# that was easy, but what could happen is that an AJAX script writes
# options into select and those are saved.
tracker = self.folder.tracker
request = self.app.REQUEST
sdm = self.app.session_data_manager
request.set('SESSION', sdm.getSessionData())
title = u'titles are working'; request.set('title', title)
fromname = u'From name'; request.set('fromname', fromname)
email = u'email@address.com'; request.set('email', email)
description = u'DESCRIPTION is a in the this test'
request.set('description', description)
request.set('type', tracker.getDefaultType())
request.set('urgency', tracker.getDefaultUrgency())
# important to use forms for later
request.form['locations'] = [u'foo', u'bar']
assert tracker.getIssueObjects()
issue = tracker.getIssueObjects()[0]
[u'foo', u'bar'])
# a fancier way would be to display the value without any form
fieldsdata = issue.getCustomFieldsData('locations')
fielddata = fieldsdata[0]
assert fielddata['field'] == obj, "unable to get field via issue"
value = issue.getCustomFieldData('locations')
self.assertEqual(obj.showValue(value), u'foo, bar')
# Now if you go to edit the field with a REQUEST which has something
# in it it should take the REQUEST value before the default
html = obj.render(request)
assert 'locations' in request.form.keys()
self.assertTrue(html.find('<option value="foo" selected="selected">foo</option>')> -1)
self.assertTrue(html.find('<option value="bar" selected="selected">bar</option>')> -1)
def test_suite():
from unittest import TestSuite,makeSuite
suite = TestSuite()
return suite
if __name__ == '__main__':