# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*
## <peter@fry-it.com>
import sys, os
import stat
if __name__ == '__main__':
execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'framework.py'))
from base import TestBase
# Some constants
class POP3TestCase(TestBase):
Test to create a POP3 account object and several accepting email accounts
inside it.
def test_creatingAccount(self):
""" test to create a POP3 account """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
self.assertEqual(tracker.getPOP3Accounts(), [])
tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', 'peter', 'secret')
self.assertEqual(len(tracker.getPOP3Accounts()), 1)
account = tracker.getPOP3Accounts()[0]
self.assertEqual(account.getTitle(), 'mail.example.com')
self.assertEqual(account.getHostname(), 'mail.example.com')
self.assertEqual(account.getPort(), 110)
self.assertEqual(account.getUsername(), 'peter')
self.assertEqual(len(account.getAcceptingEmails()), 0)
# try editing it
account.manage_editAccount(hostname='m.example.com', username='peterbe',
portnr=210, delete_after=1)
self.assertEqual(account.getHostname(), 'm.example.com')
self.assertEqual(account.getPort(), 210)
self.assertEqual(account.getUsername(), 'peterbe')
def test_creatingAcceptingEmail(self):
""" test to create a POP3 account accepting email object """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', 'peter', 'secret')
# there are unfortunately two different ways to create accepting email
# objects. Either directly on the account or via the issuetracker
# itself. With the latter option, you have to pass the ID of the
# account.
# The latter one is more user friendly and easier to "access" because
# that's what the DTML files do.
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), 'mail@example.com')
self.assertEqual(ae.aq_parent.absolute_url(), account.absolute_url())
self.assertEqual(ae.getEmailAddress(), 'mail@example.com')
## try to mess with it
# invalid email address
self.assertRaises(ValueError, tracker.createAcceptingEmail, account.getId(), 'mail @ example.com')
# non-existant pop3 account
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, tracker.createAcceptingEmail, 'zxy', 'mail@example.com')
## test to edit the accepting email object
ae.editDetails(email_address='www@example.com', send_confirm=True, reveal_issue_url=True)
self.assertEqual(ae.getEmailAddress(), 'www@example.com')
def test_acceptingEmailMatch(self):
""" try creating a accepting email address and add some whitelist and blacklist
email addresses. """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', 'peter', 'secret')
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), 'mail@example.com')
# just blacklist
ae.editDetails(blacklist_emails=['*@peterbe.com'], whitelist_emails=['exception@peterbe.com'])
from poplib import POP3,error_proto
class FakePOP3(POP3):
username = 'test'
password = 'test'
files = []
def __init__(self, hostname, port=110):
self.hostname = hostname
self.port = port
def getwelcome(self):
return "Welcome to fake account"
def user(self, user):
if user != self.username:
raise error_proto("Wrong username.")
def pass_(self, pswd):
if pswd != self.password:
raise error_proto("Wrong password.")
def list(self, which=None):
# eg. ('+OK 4 messages:', ['1 71017', '2 2201', '3 7723', '4 44152'], 34)
files = self.files
responses = []
for i, f in enumerate(files):
responses.append('%s %s' % (i+1, os.stat(f)[stat.ST_SIZE]))
return ('+OK %s messages:' % len(files), responses, None)
def retr(self, which):
# ['response', ['line', ...], octets]
filename = self.files[which-1]
return ('response', open(filename, 'r').xreadlines(), None)
def quit(self):
class EmailInTestCase(TestBase):
Here we'll try to actually send some emails in to the issuetracker by
setting up a fake POP3 server.
def test_emailIn1(self):
""" test a very basic email in """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
u, p = 'test', 'test' # doesn't really matter
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', u, p)
email = 'mail@example.com'
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), email)
abs_path = lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), x)
FakePOP3.files = [abs_path('email-in-1.email')]
# Monkey patch!
from Products.IssueTrackerProduct import IssueTracker
IssueTracker.POP3 = FakePOP3
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=True)
self.assertTrue(result.find('Created 1 issue') > -1)
# this should have created an issue
self.assertEqual(len(tracker.getIssueObjects()), 1)
def test_emailIn1_with_autoreply(self):
""" test a very basic email in """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
u, p = 'test', 'test' # doesn't really matter
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', u, p)
email = 'mail@example.com'
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), email)
abs_path = lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), x)
FakePOP3.files = [abs_path('email-in-1_with-autoreply.email'),
# Monkey patch!
from Products.IssueTrackerProduct import IssueTracker
IssueTracker.POP3 = FakePOP3
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=True)
self.assertTrue(result.find('Created 0 issues') > -1)
# this should have created an issue
self.assertEqual(len(tracker.getIssueObjects()), 0)
def test_emailIn2(self):
""" test rejecting an email based on from address """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
u, p = 'test', 'test' # doesn't really matter
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', u, p)
email = 'mail@example.com'
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), email)
ae.editDetails(blacklist_emails=['*@peterbe.com'], whitelist_emails=['special@peterbe.com'])
abs_path = lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), x)
# this sends from mail@peterbe.com and another one from special@peterbe.com
FakePOP3.files = [abs_path('email-in-1.email'),
# Monkey patch!
from Products.IssueTrackerProduct import IssueTracker
IssueTracker.POP3 = FakePOP3
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=True)
self.assertTrue(result.find('Created 1 issue') > -1)
# this should have created an issue
self.assertEqual(len(tracker.getIssueObjects()), 1)
def test_emailIn3(self):
""" test setting section, urgency and type by the subject line """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
u, p = 'test', 'test' # doesn't really matter
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', u, p)
email = 'mail@example.com'
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), email)
abs_path = lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), x)
# this sends from mail@peterbe.com and another one from special@peterbe.com
FakePOP3.files = [abs_path('email-in-3.email'),]
# Monkey patch!
from Products.IssueTrackerProduct import IssueTracker
IssueTracker.POP3 = FakePOP3
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=True)
self.assertTrue(result.find('Created 1 issue') > -1)
issue = tracker.getIssueObjects()[0]
self.assertEqual(issue.getSections(), ['General'])
self.assertEqual(issue.getUrgency(), 'critical')
self.assertEqual(issue.getType(), 'bug report')
self.assertEqual(issue.getTitle(), 'NonExistant: There is a problem')
def test_emailIn4(self):
""" Test emails CCed in """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
u, p = 'test', 'test' # doesn't really matter
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', u, p)
email = 'mail@example.com'
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), email)
abs_path = lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), x)
# 'email-in-4.email' sends to peter@example.com but is CCed to
# mail@example.com
FakePOP3.files = [abs_path('email-in-4.email'),]
# Monkey patch!
from Products.IssueTrackerProduct import IssueTracker
IssueTracker.POP3 = FakePOP3
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=True)
self.assertTrue(result.find('Created 1 issue') > -1)
# this should have created an issue
self.assertEqual(len(tracker.getIssueObjects()), 1)
def test_emailIn5(self):
""" Test emails in multipart """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=True)
self.assertTrue(result.find('Created 1 issue') > -1)
issue = tracker.getIssueObjects()[0]
self.assertTrue(isinstance(issue.getTitle(), unicode))
# XXX I'm not sure what this test is meant to test.
# Perhaps the functionality of emailing in HTML emails should
# change to show HTML safely.
def test_emailIn6(self):
""" Test emails with type and urgency in the subject line """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
u, p = 'test', 'test' # doesn't really matter
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', u, p)
email = 'mail@example.com'
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), email)
abs_path = lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), x)
# 'email-in-4.email' sends to peter@example.com but is CCed to
# mail@example.com
FakePOP3.files = [abs_path('email-in-6.email'),]
# Monkey patch!
from Products.IssueTrackerProduct import IssueTracker
IssueTracker.POP3 = FakePOP3
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=True)
self.assertTrue(result.find('Created 1 issue') > -1)
# this should have created an issue
self.assertEqual(len(tracker.getIssueObjects()), 1)
issue = tracker.getIssueObjects()[0]
self.assertEqual(issue.getUrgency(), 'critical')
self.assertEqual(issue.getType(), 'bug report')
self.assertEqual(issue.getSections(), ['Homepage'])
self.assertEqual(issue.getTitle(), u'Subject line')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(issue.getTitle(), unicode))
def test_emailIn7(self):
""" Test emails with 'Re:' in the subject line """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
u, p = 'test', 'test' # doesn't really matter
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', u, p)
email = 'mail@example.com'
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), email)
abs_path = lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), x)
# 'email-in-4.email' sends to peter@example.com but is CCed to
# mail@example.com
FakePOP3.files = [abs_path('email-in-7.email'),]
# Monkey patch!
from Products.IssueTrackerProduct import IssueTracker
IssueTracker.POP3 = FakePOP3
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=True)
self.assertTrue(result.find('Created 1 issue') > -1)
issue = tracker.getIssueObjects()[0]
self.assertEqual(issue.getTitle(), u'Re: Hello')
def test_emailIn8(self):
""" Test what the email in receipt says when emailing in """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
u, p = 'test', 'test' # doesn't really matter
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', u, p)
email = 'mail@example.com'
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), email)
ae.send_confirm = True
abs_path = lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), x)
# 'email-in-4.email' sends to peter@example.com but is CCed to
# mail@example.com
FakePOP3.files = [abs_path('email-in-8.email'),]
# Monkey patch!
from Products.IssueTrackerProduct import IssueTracker
IssueTracker.POP3 = FakePOP3
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=True)
receipt = self.snatched_emails[0]
self.assertEqual(receipt['to'], 'Mr Exception <special@peterbe.com>')
# expect the issue id to be mentioned in the email msg
issue = tracker.getIssueObjects()[0]
# do it again and this time configure the receipt to
# reveal the issue URL
ae.reveal_issue_url = True
FakePOP3.files = [abs_path('email-in-8b.email'),]
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=False)
assert len(tracker.getIssueObjects()) == 2
issue2 = tracker.getIssueObjects()[1]
receipt = self.snatched_emails[1]
def test_emailIn9(self):
"""Test email with content encoding 'unicode-1-1-utf-7'"""
tracker = self.folder.tracker
u, p = 'test', 'test' # doesn't really matter
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', u, p)
email = 'mail@example.com'
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), email)
ae.send_confirm = True
abs_path = lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), x)
# 'email-in-4.email' sends to peter@example.com but is CCed to
# mail@example.com
FakePOP3.files = [abs_path('email-in-9.email'),]
# Monkey patch!
from Products.IssueTrackerProduct import IssueTracker
IssueTracker.POP3 = FakePOP3
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=True)
self.assertTrue('Saved email' in result)
def test_emailIn_none(self):
""" Test emails in multipart """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=True)
self.assertTrue(result.find('Created 0 issue') > -1)
issues = len(tracker.getIssueObjects())
self.assertEqual(issues, 0)
def test_emailInMultipart(self):
""" when emailing in an email with multipart text and html,
favor the text part.
tracker = self.folder.tracker
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=True)
self.assertTrue(result.find('Created 1 issue') > -1)
issue = tracker.getIssueObjects()[0]
description = issue.description
self.assertTrue('THIS IS THE PLAIN PART' in description)
display_format = issue.display_format
self.assertEqual(display_format, 'plaintext')
def _send_in_emails(self, email_filenames, accepting_email='mail@example.com'):
tracker = self.folder.tracker
u, p = 'test', 'test' # doesn't really matter
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', u, p)
email = accepting_email
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), email)
abs_path = lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), x)
# 'email-in-5.email' is multipart/alternative and the HTML part of it
# is not quoted.
if not isinstance(email_filenames, (tuple, list)):
email_filenames = [email_filenames]
FakePOP3.files = [abs_path(x) for x in email_filenames]
# Monkey patch!
from Products.IssueTrackerProduct import IssueTracker
IssueTracker.POP3 = FakePOP3
def test_jp_regression_tests(self):
""" these tests come from a bug report by Jesse.
tracker = self.folder.tracker
u, p = 'test', 'test' # doesn't really matter
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', u, p)
email = 'helpdesktest@example3.org'
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), email)
abs_path = lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), x)
# 'email-in-5.email' is multipart/alternative and the HTML part of it
# is not quoted.
FakePOP3.files = [abs_path('jp-0.email'), abs_path('jp-1.email')]
# Monkey patch!
from Products.IssueTrackerProduct import IssueTracker
IssueTracker.POP3 = FakePOP3
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=True)
self.assertTrue(result.find('Created 2 issues') > -1)
def test__appendEmailIssueData(self):
""" test the private method _appendEmailIssueData() """
tracker = self.folder.tracker
u, p = 'test', 'test' # doesn't really matter
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', u, p)
email = 'helpdesktest@example3.org'
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), email)
email = {'subject':'Re: Fwd: Foo, High, Bug Report: Subject line',
email = tracker._appendEmailIssueData([email], account)[0]
# expect certain things from this email.
# Since none of the sections in this tracker was in the subject line
# expect the sections to be the default
self.assertEqual(email['sections'], tracker.getDefaultSections())
# The subject line contained some junk ('Fwd: Re:') followed by some
# sensible parsable stuff where one word is neither section, type
# or urgency. Therefor the issue subject must be 'Foo: Subject line'
self.assertEqual(email['title'], u'Foo: Subject line')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(email['title'], unicode))
# The urgency is 'High' in the parsable subject line
self.assertEqual(email['urgency'], u'high')
# And the type is Bug report
self.assertEqual(email['type'], u'bug report')
def test_email_in_without_General_section(self):
"""A stupidity test that checks that it's possible to email in an issue
into an issuetracker instance that doesn't have of the default sections.
tracker = self.folder.tracker
tracker.sections_options = [u'Other', u'One']
u, p = 'test', 'test' # doesn't really matter
account = tracker.createPOP3Account('mail.example.com', u, p)
email = 'mail@example.com'
ae = tracker.createAcceptingEmail(account.getId(), email)
abs_path = lambda x: os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), x)
# 'email-in-5.email' is multipart/alternative and the HTML part of it
# is not quoted.
FakePOP3.files = [abs_path('no-general.email')]
# Monkey patch!
from Products.IssueTrackerProduct import IssueTracker
IssueTracker.POP3 = FakePOP3
result = tracker.check4MailIssues(verbose=True)
self.assertTrue(result.find('Created 1 issue') > -1)
def test_suite():
from unittest import TestSuite,makeSuite
suite = TestSuite()
return suite
if __name__ == '__main__':