import unittest
import sys, os
if __name__ == '__main__':
execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], ''))
from Products.IssueTrackerProduct import Utils
from DateTime import DateTime
class IssueLinkFinderTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def _find(self, text, zfill, trackerid=None, prefix=None):
c = Utils.getFindIssueLinksRegex(zfill, trackerid, prefix)
return c.findall(text)
def testBasic(self):
t='This is #1234 issue'
self.assertEqual(self._find(t, 4), ['#1234'])
def testBasicMultiple(self):
t='This is #1234 issues #5421 test'
self.assertEqual(self._find(t, 4), ['#1234', '#5421'])
def testWithTrackerid(self):
t='Remember Real#1234? or #9876 but not Demo#2468 or then:#1235'
self.assertEqual(self._find(t, 4, 'real'), ['Real#1234', '#9876','#1235'])
def testWithTrackerid2(self):
t='Remember Real#1234? or #9876 but not Demo#2468 or then:#1235'
self.assertEqual(self._find(t, 4, 'DEMO'), ['#9876','Demo#2468','#1235'])
def testPrefixed(self):
t='prefixed with 000- is #000-0103 but not Real#000-0104'
self.assertEqual(self._find(t, 4, prefix='000-'), ['#000-0103'])
def testPrefixedWithTrackerid(self):
t='prefixed with 000- is #000-0103 but not Real#000-0104'
self.assertEqual(self._find(t, 4, 'real', prefix='000-'),
def testWithBracketsNoTrackerid(self):
t='In brackets (#1234) with tracker id demo like (demo#0987)'
self.assertEqual(self._find(t, 4), ['#1234'])
def testWithBracketsWithTrackerid(self):
t='In brackets (#1234) with tracker id demo like (demo#0987)'
self.assertEqual(self._find(t, 4, 'DeMo'), ['#1234','demo#0987'])
def testLinebroken(self):
t = 'First there is #00000\nThen there is #99999'
self.assertEqual(self._find(t, 5, ''), ['#00000', '#99999'])
def testStringstart(self):
t = '#111 or (#113) or (Real#115) but not (#1122) or (Real#8888) or (OReal#116)'
self.assertEqual(self._find(t, 3, 'real'), ['#111','#113','Real#115'])
def testWithTrackeridS(self):
t='Theres Real#1234 and theres Demo#1235'
self.assertEqual(self._find(t, 4, ('DeMo','real')),
['Real#1234', 'Demo#1235'])
class TimeSinceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testYears1A(self):
t1 = DateTime('2005/01/01')
# 2004 was a leap year
t2 = DateTime('2003/01/01')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "2 years and 1 day")
def testYears1B(self):
t1 = DateTime('2004/01/01')
t2 = DateTime('2002/01/01')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "2 years")
def testYears2A(self):
t1 = DateTime('2005/01/01')
# 2004 was a leap year
t2 = DateTime('2003/01/02')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "2 years")
def testYears2B(self):
t1 = DateTime('2004/01/02')
t2 = DateTime('2002/01/01')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "2 years and 1 day")
def testYears3A(self):
t1 = DateTime('2005/02/01')
# 2004 was a leap year
t2 = DateTime('2003/01/01')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "2 years and 1 month and 2 days")
def testYears3B(self):
t1 = DateTime('2004/02/01')
# 2004 was a leap year
t2 = DateTime('2002/01/01')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "2 years and 1 month and 1 day")
def testMonths(self):
t1 = DateTime('2005/04/01')
t2 = DateTime('2005/05/01')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "1 month")
def testDays1(self):
t1 = DateTime('2005/04/01')
t2 = DateTime('2005/04/02')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "1 day")
def testDays2(self):
t1 = DateTime('2005/04/01')
t2 = DateTime('2005/04/03')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "2 days")
def testHours1(self):
t1 = DateTime('2005/04/01 12:00')
t2 = DateTime('2005/04/01 13:00')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "1 hour")
def testHours2(self):
t1 = DateTime('2005/04/01 12:00')
t2 = DateTime('2005/04/01 14:00')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "2 hours")
def testHours3(self):
# the timeSince() function drops the hour
# part if the difference is in days
t1 = DateTime('2005/04/01 12:00')
t2 = DateTime('2005/04/02 14:00')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "1 day")
def testMinutes1(self):
# the timeSince() function drops the hour
# part if the difference is in days
t1 = DateTime('2005/04/01 12:00')
t2 = DateTime('2005/04/01 12:30')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, 0)
def testMinutes2(self):
# the timeSince() function drops the hour
# part if the difference is in days
t1 = DateTime('2005/04/01 12:00')
t2 = DateTime('2005/04/01 12:30')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2, minute_granularity=1)
self.assertEqual(difference, "30 minutes")
def testMinutes2(self):
# the timeSince() function drops the hour
# part if the difference is in days
t1 = DateTime('2005/04/01 12:00')
t2 = DateTime('2005/04/01 12:01')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2, minute_granularity=1)
self.assertEqual(difference, "1 minute")
def testWeek1(self):
# use the week notation
t1 = DateTime('2005/04/01')
t2 = DateTime('2005/04/08')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "1 week")
def testWeek2(self):
# use the week notation
t1 = DateTime('2005/04/01')
t2 = DateTime('2005/04/15')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "2 weeks")
def testWeek2point1(self):
# use the week notation
t1 = DateTime('2005/04/01')
t2 = DateTime('2005/04/16')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "2 weeks and 1 day")
def testWeek3(self):
# use the week notation
t1 = DateTime('2005/04/01')
t2 = DateTime('2005/04/22')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, "3 weeks")
def test2Weeks(self):
# use the week notation
t1 = DateTime('2005/12/08 15:54:18.715 GMT')
t2 = DateTime('2006/01/06 10:26:18.571 GMT')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, '4 weeks')
def test2Weeks(self):
# use the week notation
t1 = DateTime('2005/11/12 00:08:30.937 GMT')
t2 = DateTime('2006/01/09 09:47:07.123 GMT')
difference = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference, '1 month and 4 weeks')
def testLongDistanceDates(self):
# If the result contains a year part, month part, week part
# and day part the number of parts is controlled by
# @max_no_sections (default 3)
t1 = DateTime('2004/11/12 00:08:30.937 GMT')
t2 = DateTime('2006/05/01 09:47:07.123 GMT')
difference_default = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2)
self.assertEqual(difference_default, '1 year and 5 months and 2 weeks')
difference_2_parts = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2, max_no_sections=2)
self.assertEqual(difference_2_parts, '1 year and 5 months')
difference_99_parts = Utils.timeSince(t1, t2, max_no_sections=99)
self.assertEqual(difference_99_parts, '1 year and 5 months and 2 weeks and 6 days')
class SplitTermsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testBasic1(self):
inp = "peter anders bengt"
exp = ['peter','anders','bengt']
self.assertEqual(Utils.splitTerms(inp), exp)
def testUnbalanced(self):
inp = 'peter "bengt anders bengtsson'
exp = ['peter','"bengt','anders','bengtsson']
self.assertEqual(Utils.splitTerms(inp), exp)
def testOneQuote(self):
inp = 'peter "bengt anders" bengtsson'
exp = ['peter','"bengt anders"','bengtsson']
self.assertEqual(Utils.splitTerms(inp), exp)
def testTwoQuotes(self):
inp = 'peter "bengt anders" bengtsson "and again" peter'
exp = ['peter','"bengt anders"','bengtsson',
'"and again"','peter']
self.assertEqual(Utils.splitTerms(inp), exp)
def testEndingQuote(self):
inp = 'peter "bengt anders"'
exp = ['peter','"bengt anders"']
self.assertEqual(Utils.splitTerms(inp), exp)
def testStartingQuote(self):
inp = '"bengt anders" bengtsson'
exp = ['"bengt anders"','bengtsson']
self.assertEqual(Utils.splitTerms(inp), exp)
class AddParam2URLTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testBasic(self):
inpu, inpp = "", {'msg':'foo bar'}
exp = ""
self.assertEqual(Utils.AddParam2URL(inpu, inpp), exp)
def testBasicPlus(self):
inpu, inpp = "", {'msg':'foo bar'}
exp = ""
self.assertEqual(Utils.AddParam2URL(inpu, inpp, plus_quote=1), exp)
class StandaloneWordRegex(unittest.TestCase):
def _find(self, word, text):
return Utils.createStandaloneWordRegex(word).findall(text)
def testOneAgainstOne(self):
word = "peter"
text = "Peter"
exp = ['Peter']
self.assertEqual(self._find(word, text), exp)
def testOneAgainstSentence(self):
word = "peter"
text = "Peter Bengtsson"
exp = ['Peter']
self.assertEqual(self._find(word, text), exp)
def testSentenceAgainstOne(self):
word = "Peter Bengtsson"
text = "peter"
exp = []
self.assertEqual(self._find(word, text), exp)
def testSentenceAgainstSentenceI(self):
word = "Peter Bengtsson"
text = "Peter Bengtsson"
exp = [text]
self.assertEqual(self._find(word, text), exp)
def testSentenceAgainstSentenceII(self):
text = "peter bengtsson"
exp = ['peter bengtsson']
self.assertEqual(self._find(word, text), exp)
def testFred(self):
word = 'Fred Damberger'
text = 'Fred Damberger'
exp = [text]
self.assertEqual(self._find(word, text), exp)
class ValidEmailAddressTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testPositives(self):
T = lambda email: self.assertEqual(Utils.ValidEmailAddress(email), True)
def testNegatives(self):
F = lambda email: self.assertEqual(Utils.ValidEmailAddress(email), False)
class UnicodifyAsciifyStrings(unittest.TestCase):
def test_unicodify(self):
""" unicodify turns any string into unicode """
func = Utils.unicodify
# ascii to unicode
s = 'ok'
self.assertEqual(func(s), u'ok')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(func(s), unicode))
# unicode to unicode
s = u'ok'
self.assertEqual(func(s), u'ok')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(func(s), unicode))
# ascii with unicode within
s = '\xa3'
self.assertEqual(func(s), u'\xa3')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(func(s), unicode))
# unicode with unicode within
s = u'\xa3'
self.assertEqual(func(s), u'\xa3')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(func(s), unicode))
def test_asciify(self):
""" asciify turns any string into an ascii string """
func = Utils.asciify
# ascii to ascii
s = 'ok'
self.assertEqual(func(s), 'ok')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(func(s), str))
# unicode to ascii
s = u'ok'
self.assertEqual(func(s), 'ok')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(func(s), str))
# uncode with unicode characters in it
s = u'\xa3'
# since default error hander is 'xmlcharrefreplace'
self.assertEqual(func(s), '£')
self.assertEqual(func(s, 'replace'), '?')
self.assertEqual(func(s, 'ignore'), '')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(func(s), str))
# ascii with unicode in it
s = '\xa3'
# since default error hander is 'xmlcharrefreplace'
self.assertEqual(func(s), '£')
self.assertEqual(func(s, 'replace'), '?')
self.assertEqual(func(s, 'ignore'), '')
self.assertTrue(isinstance(func(s), str))
class MiscTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_merge_changes(self):
""" _mergeChanges(old_change, new_change) is part of the detail changing
code that takes two changes and finds a best merge between them.
old_change = {'urgency': {'old':'low', 'new':'medium'},
'type': {'old':'bug', 'new':'feature'},
'age': {'old':10, 'new': 12},
new_change = {'urgency': {'old':'medium', 'new':'high'},
'sections': {'old':['Foo'], 'new':['Bar']},
'age': {'old':12, 'new':10},
expected_result =\
{'urgency': {'old':'low', 'new':'high'},
'type': {'old':'bug', 'new':'feature'},
'sections': {'old':['Foo'], 'new':['Bar']},
func = Utils.merge_changes
result = func(old_change, new_change)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
def test_suite():
from unittest import TestSuite,makeSuite
suite = TestSuite()
return suite
if __name__ == '__main__':