#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2001 Bizar Software Pty Ltd (http://www.bizarsoftware.com.au/)
# This module is free software, and you may redistribute it and/or modify
# under the same terms as Python, so long as this copyright message and
# disclaimer are retained in their original form.
"""Administration commands for maintaining Roundup trackers.
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
import csv, getopt, getpass, os, re, shutil, sys, UserDict
from roundup import date,hyperdb,roundupdb,init,password,token
from roundup import __version__
import roundup.instance
from roundup.configuration import CoreConfig
from roundup.i18n import _
from roundup.exceptions import UsageError
class CommandDict(UserDict.UserDict):
"""Simple dictionary that lets us do lookups using partial keys.
Original code submitted by Engelbert Gruber.
_marker = []
def get(self, key, default=_marker):
if self.data.has_key(key):
return [(key, self.data[key])]
keylist = self.data.keys()
l = []
for ki in keylist:
if ki.startswith(key):
l.append((ki, self.data[ki]))
if not l and default is self._marker:
raise KeyError, key
return l
class AdminTool:
""" A collection of methods used in maintaining Roundup trackers.
Typically these methods are accessed through the roundup-admin
script. The main() method provided on this class gives the main
loop for the roundup-admin script.
Actions are defined by do_*() methods, with help for the action
given in the method docstring.
Additional help may be supplied by help_*() methods.
def __init__(self):
self.commands = CommandDict()
for k in AdminTool.__dict__.keys():
if k[:3] == 'do_':
self.commands[k[3:]] = getattr(self, k)
self.help = {}
for k in AdminTool.__dict__.keys():
if k[:5] == 'help_':
self.help[k[5:]] = getattr(self, k)
self.tracker_home = ''
self.db = None
self.db_uncommitted = False
def get_class(self, classname):
"""Get the class - raise an exception if it doesn't exist.
return self.db.getclass(classname)
except KeyError:
raise UsageError, _('no such class "%(classname)s"')%locals()
def props_from_args(self, args):
""" Produce a dictionary of prop: value from the args list.
The args list is specified as ``prop=value prop=value ...``.
props = {}
for arg in args:
if arg.find('=') == -1:
raise UsageError, _('argument "%(arg)s" not propname=value'
l = arg.split('=')
if len(l) < 2:
raise UsageError, _('argument "%(arg)s" not propname=value'
key, value = l[0], '='.join(l[1:])
if value:
props[key] = value
props[key] = None
return props
def usage(self, message=''):
""" Display a simple usage message.
if message:
message = _('Problem: %(message)s\n\n')%locals()
print _("""%(message)sUsage: roundup-admin [options] [<command> <arguments>]
-i instance home -- specify the issue tracker "home directory" to administer
-u -- the user[:password] to use for commands
-d -- print full designators not just class id numbers
-c -- when outputting lists of data, comma-separate them.
Same as '-S ","'.
-S <string> -- when outputting lists of data, string-separate them
-s -- when outputting lists of data, space-separate them.
Same as '-S " "'.
-V -- be verbose when importing
-v -- report Roundup and Python versions (and quit)
Only one of -s, -c or -S can be specified.
roundup-admin -h
roundup-admin help -- this help
roundup-admin help <command> -- command-specific help
roundup-admin help all -- all available help
def help_commands(self):
"""List the commands available with their help summary.
print _('Commands:'),
commands = ['']
for command in self.commands.values():
h = _(command.__doc__).split('\n')[0]
commands.append(' '+h[7:])
"""Commands may be abbreviated as long as the abbreviation
matches only one command, e.g. l == li == lis == list."""))
print '\n'.join(commands)
def help_commands_html(self, indent_re=re.compile(r'^(\s+)\S+')):
""" Produce an HTML command list.
commands = self.commands.values()
def sortfun(a, b):
return cmp(a.__name__, b.__name__)
for command in commands:
h = _(command.__doc__).split('\n')
name = command.__name__[3:]
usage = h[0]
print """
<tr><td valign=top><strong>%(name)s</strong></td>
<pre>""" % locals()
indent = indent_re.match(h[3])
if indent: indent = len(indent.group(1))
for line in h[3:]:
if indent:
print line[indent:]
print line
print '</pre></td></tr>\n'
def help_all(self):
print _("""
All commands (except help) require a tracker specifier. This is just
the path to the roundup tracker you're working with. A roundup tracker
is where roundup keeps the database and configuration file that defines
an issue tracker. It may be thought of as the issue tracker's "home
directory". It may be specified in the environment variable TRACKER_HOME
or on the command line as "-i tracker".
A designator is a classname and a nodeid concatenated, eg. bug1, user10, ...
Property values are represented as strings in command arguments and in the
printed results:
. Strings are, well, strings.
. Date values are printed in the full date format in the local time zone,
and accepted in the full format or any of the partial formats explained
. Link values are printed as node designators. When given as an argument,
node designators and key strings are both accepted.
. Multilink values are printed as lists of node designators joined
by commas. When given as an argument, node designators and key
strings are both accepted; an empty string, a single node, or a list
of nodes joined by commas is accepted.
When property values must contain spaces, just surround the value with
quotes, either ' or ". A single space may also be backslash-quoted. If a
value must contain a quote character, it must be backslash-quoted or inside
quotes. Examples:
hello world (2 tokens: hello, world)
"hello world" (1 token: hello world)
"Roch'e" Compaan (2 tokens: Roch'e Compaan)
Roch\\'e Compaan (2 tokens: Roch'e Compaan)
address="1 2 3" (1 token: address=1 2 3)
\\\\ (1 token: \\)
\\n\\r\\t (1 token: a newline, carriage-return and tab)
When multiple nodes are specified to the roundup get or roundup set
commands, the specified properties are retrieved or set on all the listed
When multiple results are returned by the roundup get or roundup find
commands, they are printed one per line (default) or joined by commas (with
the -c) option.
Where the command changes data, a login name/password is required. The
login may be specified as either "name" or "name:password".
. ROUNDUP_LOGIN environment variable
. the -u command-line option
If either the name or password is not supplied, they are obtained from the
Date format examples:
"2000-04-17.03:45" means <Date 2000-04-17.08:45:00>
"2000-04-17" means <Date 2000-04-17.00:00:00>
"01-25" means <Date yyyy-01-25.00:00:00>
"08-13.22:13" means <Date yyyy-08-14.03:13:00>
"11-07.09:32:43" means <Date yyyy-11-07.14:32:43>
"14:25" means <Date yyyy-mm-dd.19:25:00>
"8:47:11" means <Date yyyy-mm-dd.13:47:11>
"." means "right now"
Command help:
for name, command in self.commands.items():
print _('%s:')%name
print ' ', _(command.__doc__)
def do_help(self, args, nl_re=re.compile('[\r\n]'),
''"""Usage: help topic
Give help about topic.
commands -- list commands
<command> -- help specific to a command
initopts -- init command options
all -- all available help
if len(args)>0:
topic = args[0]
topic = 'help'
# try help_ methods
if self.help.has_key(topic):
return 0
# try command docstrings
l = self.commands.get(topic)
except KeyError:
print _('Sorry, no help for "%(topic)s"')%locals()
return 1
# display the help for each match, removing the docsring indent
for name, help in l:
lines = nl_re.split(_(help.__doc__))
print lines[0]
indent = indent_re.match(lines[1])
if indent: indent = len(indent.group(1))
for line in lines[1:]:
if indent:
print line[indent:]
print line
return 0
def listTemplates(self):
""" List all the available templates.
Look in the following places, where the later rules take precedence:
1. <roundup.admin.__file__>/../../share/roundup/templates/*
this is where they will be if we installed an egg via easy_install
2. <prefix>/share/roundup/templates/*
this should be the standard place to find them when Roundup is
3. <roundup.admin.__file__>/../templates/*
this will be used if Roundup's run in the distro (aka. source)
4. <current working dir>/*
this is for when someone unpacks a 3rd-party template
5. <current working dir>
this is for someone who "cd"s to the 3rd-party template dir
# OK, try <prefix>/share/roundup/templates
# and <egg-directory>/share/roundup/templates
# -- this module (roundup.admin) will be installed in something
# like:
# /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/roundup/admin.py (5 dirs up)
# c:\python25\lib\site-packages\roundup\admin.py (4 dirs up)
# /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/roundup-1.3.3-py2.5-egg/roundup/admin.py
# (2 dirs up)
# we're interested in where the directory containing "share" is
templates = {}
for N in 2, 4, 5:
path = __file__
# move up N elements in the path
for i in range(N):
path = os.path.dirname(path)
tdir = os.path.join(path, 'share', 'roundup', 'templates')
if os.path.isdir(tdir):
templates = init.listTemplates(tdir)
# OK, now try as if we're in the roundup source distribution
# directory, so this module will be in .../roundup-*/roundup/admin.py
# and we're interested in the .../roundup-*/ part.
path = __file__
for i in range(2):
path = os.path.dirname(path)
tdir = os.path.join(path, 'templates')
if os.path.isdir(tdir):
# Try subdirs of the current dir
# Finally, try the current directory as a template
template = init.loadTemplateInfo(os.getcwd())
if template:
templates[template['name']] = template
return templates
def help_initopts(self):
templates = self.listTemplates()
print _('Templates:'), ', '.join(templates.keys())
import roundup.backends
backends = roundup.backends.list_backends()
print _('Back ends:'), ', '.join(backends)
def do_install(self, tracker_home, args):
''"""Usage: install [template [backend [key=val[,key=val]]]]
Install a new Roundup tracker.
The command will prompt for the tracker home directory
(if not supplied through TRACKER_HOME or the -i option).
The template and backend may be specified on the command-line
as arguments, in that order.
Command line arguments following the backend allows you to
pass initial values for config options. For example, passing
"web_http_auth=no,rdbms_user=dinsdale" will override defaults
for options http_auth in section [web] and user in section [rdbms].
Please be careful to not use spaces in this argument! (Enclose
whole argument in quotes if you need spaces in option value).
The initialise command must be called after this command in order
to initialise the tracker's database. You may edit the tracker's
initial database contents before running that command by editing
the tracker's dbinit.py module init() function.
See also initopts help.
if len(args) < 1:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
# make sure the tracker home can be created
tracker_home = os.path.abspath(tracker_home)
parent = os.path.split(tracker_home)[0]
if not os.path.exists(parent):
raise UsageError, _('Instance home parent directory "%(parent)s"'
' does not exist')%locals()
config_ini_file = os.path.join(tracker_home, CoreConfig.INI_FILE)
# check for both old- and new-style configs
if filter(os.path.exists, [config_ini_file,
os.path.join(tracker_home, 'config.py')]):
ok = raw_input(_(
"""WARNING: There appears to be a tracker in "%(tracker_home)s"!
If you re-install it, you will lose all the data!
Erase it? Y/N: """) % locals())
if ok.strip().lower() != 'y':
return 0
# clear it out so the install isn't confused
# select template
templates = self.listTemplates()
template = len(args) > 1 and args[1] or ''
if not templates.has_key(template):
print _('Templates:'), ', '.join(templates.keys())
while not templates.has_key(template):
template = raw_input(_('Select template [classic]: ')).strip()
if not template:
template = 'classic'
# select hyperdb backend
import roundup.backends
backends = roundup.backends.list_backends()
backend = len(args) > 2 and args[2] or ''
if backend not in backends:
print _('Back ends:'), ', '.join(backends)
while backend not in backends:
backend = raw_input(_('Select backend [anydbm]: ')).strip()
if not backend:
backend = 'anydbm'
# XXX perform a unit test based on the user's selections
# Process configuration file definitions
if len(args) > 3:
defns = dict([item.split("=") for item in args[3].split(",")])
print _('Error in configuration settings: "%s"') % args[3]
defns = {}
# install!
init.install(tracker_home, templates[template]['path'], settings=defns)
init.write_select_db(tracker_home, backend)
print _("""
You should now edit the tracker configuration file:
%(config_file)s""") % {"config_file": config_ini_file}
# find list of options that need manual adjustments
# XXX config._get_unset_options() is marked as private
# (leading underscore). make it public or don't care?
need_set = CoreConfig(tracker_home)._get_unset_options()
if need_set:
print _(" ... at a minimum, you must set following options:")
for section, options in need_set.items():
print " [%s]: %s" % (section, ", ".join(options))
# note about schema modifications
print _("""
If you wish to modify the database schema,
you should also edit the schema file:
You may also change the database initialisation file:
... see the documentation on customizing for more information.
You MUST run the "roundup-admin initialise" command once you've performed
the above steps.
""") % {
'database_config_file': os.path.join(tracker_home, 'schema.py'),
'database_init_file': os.path.join(tracker_home, 'initial_data.py'),
return 0
def do_genconfig(self, args):
''"""Usage: genconfig <filename>
Generate a new tracker config file (ini style) with default values
in <filename>.
if len(args) < 1:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
config = CoreConfig()
def do_initialise(self, tracker_home, args):
''"""Usage: initialise [adminpw]
Initialise a new Roundup tracker.
The administrator details will be set at this step.
Execute the tracker's initialisation function dbinit.init()
# password
if len(args) > 1:
adminpw = args[1]
adminpw = ''
confirm = 'x'
while adminpw != confirm:
adminpw = getpass.getpass(_('Admin Password: '))
confirm = getpass.getpass(_(' Confirm: '))
# make sure the tracker home is installed
if not os.path.exists(tracker_home):
raise UsageError, _('Instance home does not exist')%locals()
tracker = roundup.instance.open(tracker_home)
except roundup.instance.TrackerError:
raise UsageError, _('Instance has not been installed')%locals()
# is there already a database?
if tracker.exists():
ok = raw_input(_(
"""WARNING: The database is already initialised!
If you re-initialise it, you will lose all the data!
Erase it? Y/N: """))
if ok.strip().lower() != 'y':
return 0
backend = tracker.get_backend_name()
# nuke it
# re-write the backend select file
init.write_select_db(tracker_home, backend)
# GO
return 0
def do_get(self, args):
''"""Usage: get property designator[,designator]*
Get the given property of one or more designator(s).
A designator is a classname and a nodeid concatenated,
eg. bug1, user10, ...
Retrieves the property value of the nodes specified
by the designators.
if len(args) < 2:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
propname = args[0]
designators = args[1].split(',')
l = []
for designator in designators:
# decode the node designator
classname, nodeid = hyperdb.splitDesignator(designator)
except hyperdb.DesignatorError, message:
raise UsageError, message
# get the class
cl = self.get_class(classname)
if self.separator:
if self.print_designator:
# see if property is a link or multilink for
# which getting a desginator make sense.
# Algorithm: Get the properties of the
# current designator's class. (cl.getprops)
# get the property object for the property the
# user requested (properties[propname])
# verify its type (isinstance...)
# raise error if not link/multilink
# get class name for link/multilink property
# do the get on the designators
# append the new designators
# print
properties = cl.getprops()
property = properties[propname]
if not (isinstance(property, hyperdb.Multilink) or
isinstance(property, hyperdb.Link)):
raise UsageError, _('property %s is not of type Multilink or Link so -d flag does not apply.')%propname
propclassname = self.db.getclass(property.classname).classname
id = cl.get(nodeid, propname)
for i in id:
l.append(propclassname + i)
id = cl.get(nodeid, propname)
for i in id:
if self.print_designator:
properties = cl.getprops()
property = properties[propname]
if not (isinstance(property, hyperdb.Multilink) or
isinstance(property, hyperdb.Link)):
raise UsageError, _('property %s is not of type Multilink or Link so -d flag does not apply.')%propname
propclassname = self.db.getclass(property.classname).classname
id = cl.get(nodeid, propname)
for i in id:
print propclassname + i
print cl.get(nodeid, propname)
except IndexError:
raise UsageError, _('no such %(classname)s node "%(nodeid)s"')%locals()
except KeyError:
raise UsageError, _('no such %(classname)s property '
if self.separator:
print self.separator.join(l)
return 0
def do_set(self, args):
''"""Usage: set items property=value property=value ...
Set the given properties of one or more items(s).
The items are specified as a class or as a comma-separated
list of item designators (ie "designator[,designator,...]").
A designator is a classname and a nodeid concatenated,
eg. bug1, user10, ...
This command sets the properties to the values for all designators
given. If the value is missing (ie. "property=") then the property
is un-set. If the property is a multilink, you specify the linked
ids for the multilink as comma-separated numbers (ie "1,2,3").
if len(args) < 2:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
from roundup import hyperdb
designators = args[0].split(',')
if len(designators) == 1:
designator = designators[0]
designator = hyperdb.splitDesignator(designator)
designators = [designator]
except hyperdb.DesignatorError:
cl = self.get_class(designator)
designators = [(designator, x) for x in cl.list()]
designators = [hyperdb.splitDesignator(x) for x in designators]
except hyperdb.DesignatorError, message:
raise UsageError, message
# get the props from the args
props = self.props_from_args(args[1:])
# now do the set for all the nodes
for classname, itemid in designators:
cl = self.get_class(classname)
properties = cl.getprops()
for key, value in props.items():
props[key] = hyperdb.rawToHyperdb(self.db, cl, itemid,
key, value)
except hyperdb.HyperdbValueError, message:
raise UsageError, message
# try the set
apply(cl.set, (itemid, ), props)
except (TypeError, IndexError, ValueError), message:
import traceback; traceback.print_exc()
raise UsageError, message
self.db_uncommitted = True
return 0
def do_find(self, args):
''"""Usage: find classname propname=value ...
Find the nodes of the given class with a given link property value.
Find the nodes of the given class with a given link property value.
The value may be either the nodeid of the linked node, or its key
if len(args) < 1:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
classname = args[0]
# get the class
cl = self.get_class(classname)
# handle the propname=value argument
props = self.props_from_args(args[1:])
# convert the user-input value to a value used for find()
for propname, value in props.items():
if ',' in value:
values = value.split(',')
values = [value]
d = props[propname] = {}
for value in values:
value = hyperdb.rawToHyperdb(self.db, cl, None, propname, value)
if isinstance(value, list):
for entry in value:
d[entry] = 1
d[value] = 1
# now do the find
id = []
designator = []
if self.separator:
if self.print_designator:
id=apply(cl.find, (), props)
for i in id:
designator.append(classname + i)
print self.separator.join(designator)
print self.separator.join(apply(cl.find, (), props))
if self.print_designator:
id=apply(cl.find, (), props)
for i in id:
designator.append(classname + i)
print designator
print apply(cl.find, (), props)
except KeyError:
raise UsageError, _('%(classname)s has no property '
except (ValueError, TypeError), message:
raise UsageError, message
return 0
def do_specification(self, args):
''"""Usage: specification classname
Show the properties for a classname.
This lists the properties for a given class.
if len(args) < 1:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
classname = args[0]
# get the class
cl = self.get_class(classname)
# get the key property
keyprop = cl.getkey()
for key, value in cl.properties.items():
if keyprop == key:
print _('%(key)s: %(value)s (key property)')%locals()
print _('%(key)s: %(value)s')%locals()
def do_display(self, args):
''"""Usage: display designator[,designator]*
Show the property values for the given node(s).
A designator is a classname and a nodeid concatenated,
eg. bug1, user10, ...
This lists the properties and their associated values for the given
if len(args) < 1:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
# decode the node designator
for designator in args[0].split(','):
classname, nodeid = hyperdb.splitDesignator(designator)
except hyperdb.DesignatorError, message:
raise UsageError, message
# get the class
cl = self.get_class(classname)
# display the values
keys = cl.properties.keys()
for key in keys:
value = cl.get(nodeid, key)
print _('%(key)s: %(value)s')%locals()
def do_create(self, args):
''"""Usage: create classname property=value ...
Create a new entry of a given class.
This creates a new entry of the given class using the property
name=value arguments provided on the command line after the "create"
if len(args) < 1:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
from roundup import hyperdb
classname = args[0]
# get the class
cl = self.get_class(classname)
# now do a create
props = {}
properties = cl.getprops(protected = 0)
if len(args) == 1:
# ask for the properties
for key, value in properties.items():
if key == 'id': continue
name = value.__class__.__name__
if isinstance(value , hyperdb.Password):
again = None
while value != again:
value = getpass.getpass(_('%(propname)s (Password): ')%{
'propname': key.capitalize()})
again = getpass.getpass(_(' %(propname)s (Again): ')%{
'propname': key.capitalize()})
if value != again: print _('Sorry, try again...')
if value:
props[key] = value
value = raw_input(_('%(propname)s (%(proptype)s): ')%{
'propname': key.capitalize(), 'proptype': name})
if value:
props[key] = value
props = self.props_from_args(args[1:])
# convert types
for propname, value in props.items():
props[propname] = hyperdb.rawToHyperdb(self.db, cl, None,
propname, value)
except hyperdb.HyperdbValueError, message:
raise UsageError, message
# check for the key property
propname = cl.getkey()
if propname and not props.has_key(propname):
raise UsageError, _('you must provide the "%(propname)s" '
# do the actual create
print apply(cl.create, (), props)
except (TypeError, IndexError, ValueError), message:
raise UsageError, message
self.db_uncommitted = True
return 0
def do_list(self, args):
''"""Usage: list classname [property]
List the instances of a class.
Lists all instances of the given class. If the property is not
specified, the "label" property is used. The label property is
tried in order: the key, "name", "title" and then the first
property, alphabetically.
With -c, -S or -s print a list of item id's if no property
specified. If property specified, print list of that property
for every class instance.
if len(args) > 2:
raise UsageError, _('Too many arguments supplied')
if len(args) < 1:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
classname = args[0]
# get the class
cl = self.get_class(classname)
# figure the property
if len(args) > 1:
propname = args[1]
propname = cl.labelprop()
if self.separator:
if len(args) == 2:
# create a list of propnames since user specified propname
for nodeid in cl.list():
proplist.append(cl.get(nodeid, propname))
except KeyError:
raise UsageError, _('%(classname)s has no property '
print self.separator.join(proplist)
# create a list of index id's since user didn't specify
# otherwise
print self.separator.join(cl.list())
for nodeid in cl.list():
value = cl.get(nodeid, propname)
except KeyError:
raise UsageError, _('%(classname)s has no property '
print _('%(nodeid)4s: %(value)s')%locals()
return 0
def do_table(self, args):
''"""Usage: table classname [property[,property]*]
List the instances of a class in tabular form.
Lists all instances of the given class. If the properties are not
specified, all properties are displayed. By default, the column
widths are the width of the largest value. The width may be
explicitly defined by defining the property as "name:width".
For example::
roundup> table priority id,name:10
Id Name
1 fatal-bug
2 bug
3 usability
4 feature
Also to make the width of the column the width of the label,
leave a trailing : without a width on the property. For example::
roundup> table priority id,name:
Id Name
1 fata
2 bug
3 usab
4 feat
will result in a the 4 character wide "Name" column.
if len(args) < 1:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
classname = args[0]
# get the class
cl = self.get_class(classname)
# figure the property names to display
if len(args) > 1:
prop_names = args[1].split(',')
all_props = cl.getprops()
for spec in prop_names:
if ':' in spec:
propname, width = spec.split(':')
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise UsageError, _('"%(spec)s" not name:width')%locals()
propname = spec
if not all_props.has_key(propname):
raise UsageError, _('%(classname)s has no property '
prop_names = cl.getprops().keys()
# now figure column widths
props = []
for spec in prop_names:
if ':' in spec:
name, width = spec.split(':')
if width == '':
props.append((name, len(spec)))
props.append((name, int(width)))
# this is going to be slow
maxlen = len(spec)
for nodeid in cl.list():
curlen = len(str(cl.get(nodeid, spec)))
if curlen > maxlen:
maxlen = curlen
props.append((spec, maxlen))
# now display the heading
print ' '.join([name.capitalize().ljust(width) for name,width in props])
# and the table data
for nodeid in cl.list():
l = []
for name, width in props:
if name != 'id':
value = str(cl.get(nodeid, name))
except KeyError:
# we already checked if the property is valid - a
# KeyError here means the node just doesn't have a
# value for it
value = ''
value = str(nodeid)
f = '%%-%ds'%width
print ' '.join(l)
return 0
def do_history(self, args):
''"""Usage: history designator
Show the history entries of a designator.
A designator is a classname and a nodeid concatenated,
eg. bug1, user10, ...
Lists the journal entries for the node identified by the designator.
if len(args) < 1:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
classname, nodeid = hyperdb.splitDesignator(args[0])
except hyperdb.DesignatorError, message:
raise UsageError, message
print self.db.getclass(classname).history(nodeid)
except KeyError:
raise UsageError, _('no such class "%(classname)s"')%locals()
except IndexError:
raise UsageError, _('no such %(classname)s node "%(nodeid)s"')%locals()
return 0
def do_commit(self, args):
''"""Usage: commit
Commit changes made to the database during an interactive session.
The changes made during an interactive session are not
automatically written to the database - they must be committed
using this command.
One-off commands on the command-line are automatically committed if
they are successful.
self.db_uncommitted = False
return 0
def do_rollback(self, args):
''"""Usage: rollback
Undo all changes that are pending commit to the database.
The changes made during an interactive session are not
automatically written to the database - they must be committed
manually. This command undoes all those changes, so a commit
immediately after would make no changes to the database.
self.db_uncommitted = False
return 0
def do_retire(self, args):
''"""Usage: retire designator[,designator]*
Retire the node specified by designator.
A designator is a classname and a nodeid concatenated,
eg. bug1, user10, ...
This action indicates that a particular node is not to be retrieved
by the list or find commands, and its key value may be re-used.
if len(args) < 1:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
designators = args[0].split(',')
for designator in designators:
classname, nodeid = hyperdb.splitDesignator(designator)
except hyperdb.DesignatorError, message:
raise UsageError, message
except KeyError:
raise UsageError, _('no such class "%(classname)s"')%locals()
except IndexError:
raise UsageError, _('no such %(classname)s node "%(nodeid)s"')%locals()
self.db_uncommitted = True
return 0
def do_restore(self, args):
''"""Usage: restore designator[,designator]*
Restore the retired node specified by designator.
A designator is a classname and a nodeid concatenated,
eg. bug1, user10, ...
The given nodes will become available for users again.
if len(args) < 1:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
designators = args[0].split(',')
for designator in designators:
classname, nodeid = hyperdb.splitDesignator(designator)
except hyperdb.DesignatorError, message:
raise UsageError, message
except KeyError:
raise UsageError, _('no such class "%(classname)s"')%locals()
except IndexError:
raise UsageError, _('no such %(classname)s node "%(nodeid)s"')%locals()
self.db_uncommitted = True
return 0
def do_export(self, args, export_files=True):
''"""Usage: export [[-]class[,class]] export_dir
Export the database to colon-separated-value files.
To exclude the files (e.g. for the msg or file class),
use the exporttables command.
Optionally limit the export to just the named classes
or exclude the named classes, if the 1st argument starts with '-'.
This action exports the current data from the database into
colon-separated-value files that are placed in the nominated
destination directory.
# grab the directory to export to
if len(args) < 1:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
dir = args[-1]
# get the list of classes to export
if len(args) == 2:
if args[0].startswith('-'):
classes = [ c for c in self.db.classes.keys()
if not c in args[0][1:].split(',') ]
classes = args[0].split(',')
classes = self.db.classes.keys()
class colon_separated(csv.excel):
delimiter = ':'
# make sure target dir exists
if not os.path.exists(dir):
# maximum csv field length exceeding configured size?
max_len = self.db.config.CSV_FIELD_SIZE
# do all the classes specified
for classname in classes:
cl = self.get_class(classname)
if not export_files and hasattr(cl, 'export_files'):
sys.stdout.write('Exporting %s WITHOUT the files\r\n'%
f = open(os.path.join(dir, classname+'.csv'), 'wb')
writer = csv.writer(f, colon_separated)
properties = cl.getprops()
propnames = cl.export_propnames()
fields = propnames[:]
fields.append('is retired')
# all nodes for this class
for nodeid in cl.getnodeids():
if self.verbose:
sys.stdout.write('\rExporting %s - %s'%(classname, nodeid))
node = cl.getnode(nodeid)
exp = cl.export_list(propnames, nodeid)
lensum = sum ([len (repr(node[p])) for p in propnames])
# for a safe upper bound of field length we add
# difference between CSV len and sum of all field lengths
d = sum ([len(x) for x in exp]) - lensum
assert (d > 0)
for p in propnames:
ll = len(repr(node[p])) + d
if ll > max_len:
max_len = ll
if export_files and hasattr(cl, 'export_files'):
cl.export_files(dir, nodeid)
# close this file
# export the journals
jf = open(os.path.join(dir, classname+'-journals.csv'), 'wb')
if self.verbose:
sys.stdout.write("\nExporting Journal for %s\n" % classname)
journals = csv.writer(jf, colon_separated)
map(journals.writerow, cl.export_journals())
if max_len > self.db.config.CSV_FIELD_SIZE:
print >> sys.stderr, \
"Warning: config csv_field_size should be at least %s"%max_len
return 0
def do_exporttables(self, args):
''"""Usage: exporttables [[-]class[,class]] export_dir
Export the database to colon-separated-value files, excluding the
files below $TRACKER_HOME/db/files/ (which can be archived separately).
To include the files, use the export command.
Optionally limit the export to just the named classes
or exclude the named classes, if the 1st argument starts with '-'.
This action exports the current data from the database into
colon-separated-value files that are placed in the nominated
destination directory.
return self.do_export(args, export_files=False)
def do_import(self, args):
''"""Usage: import import_dir
Import a database from the directory containing CSV files,
two per class to import.
The files used in the import are:
This must define the same properties as the class (including
having a "header" line with those property names.)
This defines the journals for the items being imported.
The imported nodes will have the same nodeid as defined in the
import file, thus replacing any existing content.
The new nodes are added to the existing database - if you want to
create a new database using the imported data, then create a new
database (or, tediously, retire all the old data.)
if len(args) < 1:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
from roundup import hyperdb
if hasattr (csv, 'field_size_limit'):
# directory to import from
dir = args[0]
class colon_separated(csv.excel):
delimiter = ':'
# import all the files
for file in os.listdir(dir):
classname, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
# we only care about CSV files
if ext != '.csv' or classname.endswith('-journals'):
cl = self.get_class(classname)
# ensure that the properties and the CSV file headings match
f = open(os.path.join(dir, file), 'r')
reader = csv.reader(f, colon_separated)
file_props = None
maxid = 1
# loop through the file and create a node for each entry
for n, r in enumerate(reader):
if file_props is None:
file_props = r
if self.verbose:
sys.stdout.write('\rImporting %s - %s'%(classname, n))
# do the import and figure the current highest nodeid
nodeid = cl.import_list(file_props, r)
if hasattr(cl, 'import_files'):
cl.import_files(dir, nodeid)
maxid = max(maxid, int(nodeid))
print >> sys.stdout
# import the journals
f = open(os.path.join(args[0], classname + '-journals.csv'), 'r')
reader = csv.reader(f, colon_separated)
# set the id counter
print >> sys.stdout, 'setting', classname, maxid+1
self.db.setid(classname, str(maxid+1))
self.db_uncommitted = True
return 0
def do_pack(self, args):
''"""Usage: pack period | date
Remove journal entries older than a period of time specified or
before a certain date.
A period is specified using the suffixes "y", "m", and "d". The
suffix "w" (for "week") means 7 days.
"3y" means three years
"2y 1m" means two years and one month
"1m 25d" means one month and 25 days
"2w 3d" means two weeks and three days
Date format is "YYYY-MM-DD" eg:
if len(args) <> 1:
raise UsageError, _('Not enough arguments supplied')
# are we dealing with a period or a date
value = args[0]
date_re = re.compile(r"""
(?P<date>\d\d\d\d-\d\d?-\d\d?)? # yyyy-mm-dd
""", re.VERBOSE)
m = date_re.match(value)
if not m:
raise ValueError, _('Invalid format')
m = m.groupdict()
if m['period']:
pack_before = date.Date(". - %s"%value)
elif m['date']:
pack_before = date.Date(value)
self.db_uncommitted = True
return 0
def do_reindex(self, args, desre=re.compile('([A-Za-z]+)([0-9]+)')):
''"""Usage: reindex [classname|designator]*
Re-generate a tracker's search indexes.
This will re-generate the search indexes for a tracker.
This will typically happen automatically.
if args:
for arg in args:
m = desre.match(arg)
if m:
cl = self.get_class(m.group(1))
except IndexError:
raise UsageError, _('no such item "%(designator)s"')%{
'designator': arg}
cl = self.get_class(arg)
return 0
def do_security(self, args):
''"""Usage: security [Role name]
Display the Permissions available to one or all Roles.
if len(args) == 1:
role = args[0]
roles = [(args[0], self.db.security.role[args[0]])]
except KeyError:
print _('No such Role "%(role)s"')%locals()
return 1
roles = self.db.security.role.items()
role = self.db.config.NEW_WEB_USER_ROLES
if ',' in role:
print _('New Web users get the Roles "%(role)s"')%locals()
print _('New Web users get the Role "%(role)s"')%locals()
role = self.db.config.NEW_EMAIL_USER_ROLES
if ',' in role:
print _('New Email users get the Roles "%(role)s"')%locals()
print _('New Email users get the Role "%(role)s"')%locals()
for rolename, role in roles:
print _('Role "%(name)s":')%role.__dict__
for permission in role.permissions:
d = permission.__dict__
if permission.klass:
if permission.properties:
print _(' %(description)s (%(name)s for "%(klass)s"'
': %(properties)s only)')%d
print _(' %(description)s (%(name)s for "%(klass)s" '
print _(' %(description)s (%(name)s)')%d
return 0
def do_migrate(self, args):
''"""Usage: migrate
Update a tracker's database to be compatible with the Roundup
You should run the "migrate" command for your tracker once you've
installed the latest codebase.
Do this before you use the web, command-line or mail interface and
before any users access the tracker.
This command will respond with either "Tracker updated" (if you've
not previously run it on an RDBMS backend) or "No migration action
required" (if you have run it, or have used another interface to the
tracker, or possibly because you are using anydbm).
It's safe to run this even if it's not required, so just get into
the habit.
if getattr(self.db, 'db_version_updated'):
print _('Tracker updated')
self.db_uncommitted = True
print _('No migration action required')
return 0
def run_command(self, args):
"""Run a single command
command = args[0]
# handle help now
if command == 'help':
if len(args)>1:
return 0
return 0
if command == 'morehelp':
return 0
if command == 'config':
return 0
# figure what the command is
functions = self.commands.get(command)
except KeyError:
# not a valid command
print _('Unknown command "%(command)s" ("help commands" for a '
return 1
# check for multiple matches
if len(functions) > 1:
print _('Multiple commands match "%(command)s": %(list)s')%{'command':
command, 'list': ', '.join([i[0] for i in functions])}
return 1
command, function = functions[0]
# make sure we have a tracker_home
while not self.tracker_home:
self.tracker_home = raw_input(_('Enter tracker home: ')).strip()
# before we open the db, we may be doing an install or init
if command == 'initialise':
return self.do_initialise(self.tracker_home, args)
except UsageError, message:
print _('Error: %(message)s')%locals()
return 1
elif command == 'install':
return self.do_install(self.tracker_home, args)
except UsageError, message:
print _('Error: %(message)s')%locals()
return 1
# get the tracker
tracker = roundup.instance.open(self.tracker_home)
except ValueError, message:
self.tracker_home = ''
print _("Error: Couldn't open tracker: %(message)s")%locals()
return 1
# only open the database once!
if not self.db:
self.db = tracker.open('admin')
# do the command
ret = 0
ret = function(args[1:])
except UsageError, message:
print _('Error: %(message)s')%locals()
print function.__doc__
ret = 1
import traceback
ret = 1
return ret
def interactive(self):
"""Run in an interactive mode
print _('Roundup %s ready for input.\nType "help" for help.'
% roundup_version)
import readline
except ImportError:
print _('Note: command history and editing not available')
while 1:
command = raw_input(_('roundup> '))
except EOFError:
print _('exit...')
if not command: continue
args = token.token_split(command)
if not args: continue
if args[0] in ('quit', 'exit'): break
# exit.. check for transactions
if self.db and self.db_uncommitted:
commit = raw_input(_('There are unsaved changes. Commit them (y/N)? '))
if commit and commit[0].lower() == 'y':
return 0
def main(self):
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'i:u:hcdsS:vV')
except getopt.GetoptError, e:
return 1
# handle command-line args
self.tracker_home = os.environ.get('TRACKER_HOME', '')
# TODO: reinstate the user/password stuff (-u arg too)
name = password = ''
if os.environ.has_key('ROUNDUP_LOGIN'):
l = os.environ['ROUNDUP_LOGIN'].split(':')
name = l[0]
if len(l) > 1:
password = l[1]
self.separator = None
self.print_designator = 0
self.verbose = 0
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
return 0
elif opt == '-v':
print '%s (python %s)'%(roundup_version, sys.version.split()[0])
return 0
elif opt == '-V':
self.verbose = 1
elif opt == '-i':
self.tracker_home = arg
elif opt == '-c':
if self.separator != None:
self.usage('Only one of -c, -S and -s may be specified')
return 1
self.separator = ','
elif opt == '-S':
if self.separator != None:
self.usage('Only one of -c, -S and -s may be specified')
return 1
self.separator = arg
elif opt == '-s':
if self.separator != None:
self.usage('Only one of -c, -S and -s may be specified')
return 1
self.separator = ' '
elif opt == '-d':
self.print_designator = 1
# if no command - go interactive
# wrap in a try/finally so we always close off the db
ret = 0
if not args:
ret = self.run_command(args)
if self.db: self.db.commit()
return ret
if self.db:
if __name__ == '__main__':
tool = AdminTool()
# vim: set filetype=python sts=4 sw=4 et si :