# Copyright (c) 2001 Bizar Software Pty Ltd (http://www.bizarsoftware.com.au/)
# This module is free software, and you may redistribute it and/or modify
# under the same terms as Python, so long as this copyright message and
# disclaimer are retained in their original form.
""" Relational database (SQL) backend common code.
- map roundup classes to relational tables
- automatically detect schema changes and modify the table schemas
appropriately (we store the "database version" of the schema in the
database itself as the only row of the "schema" table)
- multilinks (which represent a many-to-many relationship) are handled through
intermediate tables
- journals are stored adjunct to the per-class tables
- table names and columns have "_" prepended so the names can't clash with
restricted names (like "order")
- retirement is determined by the __retired__ column being > 0
Database-specific changes may generally be pushed out to the overridable
sql_* methods, since everything else should be fairly generic. There's
probably a bit of work to be done if a database is used that actually
honors column typing, since the initial databases don't (sqlite stores
everything as a string.)
The schema of the hyperdb being mapped to the database is stored in the
database itself as a repr()'ed dictionary of information about each Class
that maps to a table. If that information differs from the hyperdb schema,
then we update it. We also store in the schema dict a version which
allows us to upgrade the database schema when necessary. See upgrade_db().
To force a unqiueness constraint on the key properties we put the item
id into the __retired__ column duing retirement (so it's 0 for "active"
items) and place a unqiueness constraint on key + __retired__. This is
particularly important for the users class where multiple users may
try to have the same username, with potentially many retired users with
the same name.
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
# standard python modules
import sys, os, time, re, errno, weakref, copy, logging
# roundup modules
from roundup import hyperdb,date,password,roundupdb,security,support
from roundup.hyperdb import String,Password,Date,Interval,Link,\
Multilink, DatabaseError, Boolean, Number, Node
from roundup.backends import locking
from roundup.support import reversed
from roundup.i18n import _
# support
from blobfiles import FileStorage
from indexer_xapian import Indexer
except ImportError:
from indexer_rdbms import Indexer
from sessions_rdbms import Sessions,OneTimeKeys
from roundup.date import Range
# dummy value meaning "argument not passed"
_marker = []
def _num_cvt(num):
num = str(num)
return int(num)
return float(num)
def _bool_cvt(value):
if value in ('TRUE', 'FALSE'):
return {'TRUE': 1, 'FALSE': 0}[value]
# assume it's a number returned from the db API
return int(value)
def connection_dict(config, dbnamestr=None):
""" Used by Postgresql and MySQL to detemine the keyword args for
opening the database connection."""
d = { }
if dbnamestr:
d[dbnamestr] = config.RDBMS_NAME
for name in ('host', 'port', 'password', 'user', 'read_default_group',
cvar = 'RDBMS_'+name.upper()
if config[cvar] is not None:
d[name] = config[cvar]
return d
class Database(FileStorage, hyperdb.Database, roundupdb.Database):
""" Wrapper around an SQL database that presents a hyperdb interface.
- some functionality is specific to the actual SQL database, hence
the sql_* methods that are NotImplemented
- we keep a cache of the latest N row fetches (where N is configurable).
def __init__(self, config, journaltag=None):
""" Open the database and load the schema from it.
FileStorage.__init__(self, config.UMASK)
self.config, self.journaltag = config, journaltag
self.dir = config.DATABASE
self.classes = {}
self.indexer = Indexer(self)
self.security = security.Security(self)
# additional transaction support for external files and the like
self.transactions = []
# keep a cache of the N most recently retrieved rows of any kind
# (classname, nodeid) = row
self.cache_size = config.RDBMS_CACHE_SIZE
self.cache = {}
self.cache_lru = []
self.stats = {'cache_hits': 0, 'cache_misses': 0, 'get_items': 0,
'filtering': 0}
# database lock
self.lockfile = None
# open a connection to the database, creating the "conn" attribute
def clearCache(self):
self.cache = {}
self.cache_lru = []
def getSessionManager(self):
return Sessions(self)
def getOTKManager(self):
return OneTimeKeys(self)
def open_connection(self):
""" Open a connection to the database, creating it if necessary.
Must call self.load_dbschema()
raise NotImplemented
def sql(self, sql, args=None):
""" Execute the sql with the optional args.
self.log_debug('SQL %r %r'%(sql, args))
if args:
self.cursor.execute(sql, args)
def sql_fetchone(self):
""" Fetch a single row. If there's nothing to fetch, return None.
return self.cursor.fetchone()
def sql_fetchall(self):
""" Fetch all rows. If there's nothing to fetch, return [].
return self.cursor.fetchall()
def sql_stringquote(self, value):
""" Quote the string so it's safe to put in the 'sql quotes'
return re.sub("'", "''", str(value))
def init_dbschema(self):
self.database_schema = {
'version': self.current_db_version,
'tables': {}
def load_dbschema(self):
""" Load the schema definition that the database currently implements
self.cursor.execute('select schema from schema')
schema = self.cursor.fetchone()
if schema:
self.database_schema = eval(schema[0])
self.database_schema = {}
def save_dbschema(self):
""" Save the schema definition that the database currently implements
s = repr(self.database_schema)
self.sql('delete from schema')
self.sql('insert into schema values (%s)'%self.arg, (s,))
def post_init(self):
""" Called once the schema initialisation has finished.
We should now confirm that the schema defined by our "classes"
attribute actually matches the schema in the database.
save = 0
# handle changes in the schema
tables = self.database_schema['tables']
for classname, spec in self.classes.items():
if tables.has_key(classname):
dbspec = tables[classname]
if self.update_class(spec, dbspec):
tables[classname] = spec.schema()
save = 1
tables[classname] = spec.schema()
save = 1
for classname, spec in tables.items():
if not self.classes.has_key(classname):
self.drop_class(classname, tables[classname])
del tables[classname]
save = 1
# now upgrade the database for column type changes, new internal
# tables, etc.
save = save | self.upgrade_db()
# update the database version of the schema
if save:
# reindex the db if necessary
if self.indexer.should_reindex():
# commit
# update this number when we need to make changes to the SQL structure
# of the backen database
current_db_version = 5
db_version_updated = False
def upgrade_db(self):
""" Update the SQL database to reflect changes in the backend code.
Return boolean whether we need to save the schema.
version = self.database_schema.get('version', 1)
if version > self.current_db_version:
raise DatabaseError('attempting to run rev %d DATABASE with rev '
'%d CODE!'%(version, self.current_db_version))
if version == self.current_db_version:
# nothing to do
return 0
if version < 2:
self.log_info('upgrade to version 2')
# change the schema structure
self.database_schema = {'tables': self.database_schema}
# version 1 didn't have the actor column (note that in
# MySQL this will also transition the tables to typed columns)
# version 1 doesn't have the OTK, session and indexing in the
# database
if version < 3:
self.log_info('upgrade to version 3')
if version < 4:
if version < 5:
self.database_schema['version'] = self.current_db_version
self.db_version_updated = True
return 1
def fix_version_3_tables(self):
# drop the shorter VARCHAR OTK column and add a new TEXT one
for name in ('otk', 'session'):
self.sql('DELETE FROM %ss'%name)
self.sql('ALTER TABLE %ss DROP %s_value'%(name, name))
self.sql('ALTER TABLE %ss ADD %s_value TEXT'%(name, name))
def fix_version_2_tables(self):
# Default (used by sqlite): NOOP
def fix_version_4_tables(self):
# note this is an explicit call now
c = self.cursor
for cn, klass in self.classes.items():
c.execute('select id from _%s where __retired__<>0'%(cn,))
for (id,) in c.fetchall():
c.execute('update _%s set __retired__=%s where id=%s'%(cn,
self.arg, self.arg), (id, id))
if klass.key:
self.add_class_key_required_unique_constraint(cn, klass.key)
def _convert_journal_tables(self):
"""Get current journal table contents, drop the table and re-create"""
c = self.cursor
cols = ','.join('nodeid date tag action params'.split())
for klass in self.classes.values():
# slurp and drop
sql = 'select %s from %s__journal order by date'%(cols,
contents = c.fetchall()
c.execute('drop table %s__journal'%klass.classname)
# re-create and re-populate
a = self.arg
sql = 'insert into %s__journal (%s) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)'%(
klass.classname, cols, a, a, a, a, a)
for row in contents:
# no data conversion needed
self.cursor.execute(sql, row)
def _convert_string_properties(self):
"""Get current Class tables that contain String properties, and
convert the VARCHAR columns to TEXT"""
c = self.cursor
for klass in self.classes.values():
# slurp and drop
cols, mls = self.determine_columns(klass.properties.items())
scols = ','.join([i[0] for i in cols])
sql = 'select id,%s from _%s'%(scols, klass.classname)
contents = c.fetchall()
self.drop_class_table_indexes(klass.classname, klass.getkey())
c.execute('drop table _%s'%klass.classname)
# re-create and re-populate
self.create_class_table(klass, create_sequence=0)
a = ','.join([self.arg for i in range(len(cols)+1)])
sql = 'insert into _%s (id,%s) values (%s)'%(klass.classname,
scols, a)
for row in contents:
l = []
for entry in row:
# mysql will already be a string - psql needs "help"
if entry is not None and not isinstance(entry, type('')):
entry = str(entry)
self.cursor.execute(sql, l)
def refresh_database(self):
def reindex(self, classname=None, show_progress=False):
if classname:
classes = [self.getclass(classname)]
classes = self.classes.values()
for klass in classes:
if show_progress:
for nodeid in support.Progress('Reindex %s'%klass.classname,
for nodeid in klass.list():
hyperdb_to_sql_datatypes = {
hyperdb.String : 'TEXT',
hyperdb.Date : 'TIMESTAMP',
hyperdb.Link : 'INTEGER',
hyperdb.Interval : 'VARCHAR(255)',
hyperdb.Password : 'VARCHAR(255)',
hyperdb.Boolean : 'BOOLEAN',
hyperdb.Number : 'REAL',
def hyperdb_to_sql_datatype(self, propclass):
datatype = self.hyperdb_to_sql_datatypes.get(propclass)
if datatype:
return datatype
for k, v in self.hyperdb_to_sql_datatypes.iteritems():
if issubclass(propclass, k):
return v
raise ValueError, '%r is not a hyperdb property class' % propclass
def determine_columns(self, properties):
""" Figure the column names and multilink properties from the spec
"properties" is a list of (name, prop) where prop may be an
instance of a hyperdb "type" _or_ a string repr of that type.
cols = [
('_actor', self.hyperdb_to_sql_datatype(hyperdb.Link)),
('_activity', self.hyperdb_to_sql_datatype(hyperdb.Date)),
('_creator', self.hyperdb_to_sql_datatype(hyperdb.Link)),
('_creation', self.hyperdb_to_sql_datatype(hyperdb.Date)),
mls = []
# add the multilinks separately
for col, prop in properties:
if isinstance(prop, Multilink):
if isinstance(prop, type('')):
raise ValueError, "string property spec!"
#and prop.find('Multilink') != -1:
datatype = self.hyperdb_to_sql_datatype(prop.__class__)
cols.append(('_'+col, datatype))
# Intervals stored as two columns
if isinstance(prop, Interval):
cols.append(('__'+col+'_int__', 'BIGINT'))
return cols, mls
def update_class(self, spec, old_spec, force=0):
""" Determine the differences between the current spec and the
database version of the spec, and update where necessary.
If 'force' is true, update the database anyway.
new_has = spec.properties.has_key
new_spec = spec.schema()
if not force and new_spec == old_spec:
# no changes
return 0
logger = logging.getLogger('hyperdb')
logger.info('update_class %s'%spec.classname)
logger.debug('old_spec %r'%(old_spec,))
logger.debug('new_spec %r'%(new_spec,))
# detect key prop change for potential index change
keyprop_changes = {}
if new_spec[0] != old_spec[0]:
if old_spec[0]:
keyprop_changes['remove'] = old_spec[0]
if new_spec[0]:
keyprop_changes['add'] = new_spec[0]
# detect multilinks that have been removed, and drop their table
old_has = {}
for name, prop in old_spec[1]:
old_has[name] = 1
if new_has(name):
if prop.find('Multilink to') != -1:
# first drop indexes.
self.drop_multilink_table_indexes(spec.classname, name)
# now the multilink table itself
sql = 'drop table %s_%s'%(spec.classname, name)
# if this is the key prop, drop the index first
if old_spec[0] == prop:
self.drop_class_table_key_index(spec.classname, name)
del keyprop_changes['remove']
# drop the column
sql = 'alter table _%s drop column _%s'%(spec.classname, name)
old_has = old_has.has_key
# if we didn't remove the key prop just then, but the key prop has
# changed, we still need to remove the old index
if keyprop_changes.has_key('remove'):
# add new columns
for propname, prop in new_spec[1]:
if old_has(propname):
prop = spec.properties[propname]
if isinstance(prop, Multilink):
self.create_multilink_table(spec, propname)
# add the column
coltype = self.hyperdb_to_sql_datatype(prop.__class__)
sql = 'alter table _%s add column _%s %s'%(
spec.classname, propname, coltype)
# extra Interval column
if isinstance(prop, Interval):
sql = 'alter table _%s add column __%s_int__ BIGINT'%(
spec.classname, propname)
# if the new column is a key prop, we need an index!
if new_spec[0] == propname:
self.create_class_table_key_index(spec.classname, propname)
del keyprop_changes['add']
# if we didn't add the key prop just then, but the key prop has
# changed, we still need to add the new index
if keyprop_changes.has_key('add'):
return 1
def determine_all_columns(self, spec):
"""Figure out the columns from the spec and also add internal columns
cols, mls = self.determine_columns(spec.properties.items())
# add on our special columns
cols.append(('id', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'))
cols.append(('__retired__', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'))
return cols, mls
def create_class_table(self, spec):
"""Create the class table for the given Class "spec". Creates the
indexes too."""
cols, mls = self.determine_all_columns(spec)
# create the base table
scols = ','.join(['%s %s'%x for x in cols])
sql = 'create table _%s (%s)'%(spec.classname, scols)
return cols, mls
def create_class_table_indexes(self, spec):
""" create the class table for the given spec
# create __retired__ index
index_sql2 = 'create index _%s_retired_idx on _%s(__retired__)'%(
spec.classname, spec.classname)
# create index for key property
if spec.key:
index_sql3 = 'create index _%s_%s_idx on _%s(_%s)'%(
spec.classname, spec.key,
spec.classname, spec.key)
# and the unique index for key / retired(id)
# TODO: create indexes on (selected?) Link property columns, as
# they're more likely to be used for lookup
def add_class_key_required_unique_constraint(self, cn, key):
sql = '''create unique index _%s_key_retired_idx
on _%s(__retired__, _%s)'''%(cn, cn, key)
def drop_class_table_indexes(self, cn, key):
# drop the old table indexes first
l = ['_%s_id_idx'%cn, '_%s_retired_idx'%cn]
if key:
l.append('_%s_%s_idx'%(cn, key))
table_name = '_%s'%cn
for index_name in l:
if not self.sql_index_exists(table_name, index_name):
index_sql = 'drop index '+index_name
def create_class_table_key_index(self, cn, key):
""" create the class table for the given spec
sql = 'create index _%s_%s_idx on _%s(_%s)'%(cn, key, cn, key)
def drop_class_table_key_index(self, cn, key):
table_name = '_%s'%cn
index_name = '_%s_%s_idx'%(cn, key)
if self.sql_index_exists(table_name, index_name):
sql = 'drop index '+index_name
# and now the retired unique index too
index_name = '_%s_key_retired_idx'%cn
if self.sql_index_exists(table_name, index_name):
sql = 'drop index '+index_name
def create_journal_table(self, spec):
""" create the journal table for a class given the spec and
already-determined cols
# journal table
cols = ','.join(['%s varchar'%x
for x in 'nodeid date tag action params'.split()])
sql = """create table %s__journal (
nodeid integer, date %s, tag varchar(255),
action varchar(255), params text)""" % (spec.classname,
def create_journal_table_indexes(self, spec):
# index on nodeid
sql = 'create index %s_journ_idx on %s__journal(nodeid)'%(
spec.classname, spec.classname)
def drop_journal_table_indexes(self, classname):
index_name = '%s_journ_idx'%classname
if not self.sql_index_exists('%s__journal'%classname, index_name):
index_sql = 'drop index '+index_name
def create_multilink_table(self, spec, ml):
""" Create a multilink table for the "ml" property of the class
given by the spec
# create the table
sql = 'create table %s_%s (linkid INTEGER, nodeid INTEGER)'%(
spec.classname, ml)
self.create_multilink_table_indexes(spec, ml)
def create_multilink_table_indexes(self, spec, ml):
# create index on linkid
index_sql = 'create index %s_%s_l_idx on %s_%s(linkid)'%(
spec.classname, ml, spec.classname, ml)
# create index on nodeid
index_sql = 'create index %s_%s_n_idx on %s_%s(nodeid)'%(
spec.classname, ml, spec.classname, ml)
def drop_multilink_table_indexes(self, classname, ml):
l = [
'%s_%s_l_idx'%(classname, ml),
'%s_%s_n_idx'%(classname, ml)
table_name = '%s_%s'%(classname, ml)
for index_name in l:
if not self.sql_index_exists(table_name, index_name):
index_sql = 'drop index %s'%index_name
def create_class(self, spec):
""" Create a database table according to the given spec.
cols, mls = self.create_class_table(spec)
# now create the multilink tables
for ml in mls:
self.create_multilink_table(spec, ml)
def drop_class(self, cn, spec):
""" Drop the given table from the database.
Drop the journal and multilink tables too.
properties = spec[1]
# figure the multilinks
mls = []
for propname, prop in properties:
if isinstance(prop, Multilink):
# drop class table and indexes
self.drop_class_table_indexes(cn, spec[0])
# drop journal table and indexes
sql = 'drop table %s__journal'%cn
for ml in mls:
# drop multilink table and indexes
self.drop_multilink_table_indexes(cn, ml)
sql = 'drop table %s_%s'%(spec.classname, ml)
def drop_class_table(self, cn):
sql = 'drop table _%s'%cn
# Classes
def __getattr__(self, classname):
""" A convenient way of calling self.getclass(classname).
if self.classes.has_key(classname):
return self.classes[classname]
raise AttributeError, classname
def addclass(self, cl):
""" Add a Class to the hyperdatabase.
cn = cl.classname
if self.classes.has_key(cn):
raise ValueError, cn
self.classes[cn] = cl
# add default Edit and View permissions
self.security.addPermission(name="Create", klass=cn,
description="User is allowed to create "+cn)
self.security.addPermission(name="Edit", klass=cn,
description="User is allowed to edit "+cn)
self.security.addPermission(name="View", klass=cn,
description="User is allowed to access "+cn)
def getclasses(self):
""" Return a list of the names of all existing classes.
l = self.classes.keys()
return l
def getclass(self, classname):
"""Get the Class object representing a particular class.
If 'classname' is not a valid class name, a KeyError is raised.
return self.classes[classname]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError, 'There is no class called "%s"'%classname
def clear(self):
"""Delete all database contents.
Note: I don't commit here, which is different behaviour to the
"nuke from orbit" behaviour in the dbs.
for cn in self.classes.keys():
sql = 'delete from _%s'%cn
# Nodes
hyperdb_to_sql_value = {
hyperdb.String : str,
# fractional seconds by default
hyperdb.Date : lambda x: x.formal(sep=' ', sec='%06.3f'),
hyperdb.Link : int,
hyperdb.Interval : str,
hyperdb.Password : str,
hyperdb.Boolean : lambda x: x and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE',
hyperdb.Number : lambda x: x,
hyperdb.Multilink : lambda x: x, # used in journal marshalling
def to_sql_value(self, propklass):
fn = self.hyperdb_to_sql_value.get(propklass)
if fn:
return fn
for k, v in self.hyperdb_to_sql_value.iteritems():
if issubclass(propklass, k):
return v
raise ValueError, '%r is not a hyperdb property class' % propklass
def addnode(self, classname, nodeid, node):
""" Add the specified node to its class's db.
self.log_debug('addnode %s%s %r'%(classname,
nodeid, node))
# determine the column definitions and multilink tables
cl = self.classes[classname]
cols, mls = self.determine_columns(cl.properties.items())
# we'll be supplied these props if we're doing an import
values = node.copy()
if not values.has_key('creator'):
# add in the "calculated" properties (dupe so we don't affect
# calling code's node assumptions)
values['creation'] = values['activity'] = date.Date()
values['actor'] = values['creator'] = self.getuid()
cl = self.classes[classname]
props = cl.getprops(protected=1)
del props['id']
# default the non-multilink columns
for col, prop in props.items():
if not values.has_key(col):
if isinstance(prop, Multilink):
values[col] = []
values[col] = None
# clear this node out of the cache if it's in there
key = (classname, nodeid)
if self.cache.has_key(key):
del self.cache[key]
# figure the values to insert
vals = []
for col,dt in cols:
# this is somewhat dodgy....
if col.endswith('_int__'):
# XXX eugh, this test suxxors
value = values[col[2:-6]]
# this is an Interval special "int" column
if value is not None:
prop = props[col[1:]]
value = values[col[1:]]
if value is not None:
value = self.to_sql_value(prop.__class__)(value)
vals = tuple(vals)
# make sure the ordering is correct for column name -> column value
s = ','.join([self.arg for x in cols]) + ',%s'%self.arg
cols = ','.join([col for col,dt in cols]) + ',id'
# perform the inserts
sql = 'insert into _%s (%s) values (%s)'%(classname, cols, s)
self.sql(sql, vals)
# insert the multilink rows
for col in mls:
t = '%s_%s'%(classname, col)
for entry in node[col]:
sql = 'insert into %s (linkid, nodeid) values (%s,%s)'%(t,
self.arg, self.arg)
self.sql(sql, (entry, nodeid))
def setnode(self, classname, nodeid, values, multilink_changes={}):
""" Change the specified node.
self.log_debug('setnode %s%s %r'
% (classname, nodeid, values))
# clear this node out of the cache if it's in there
key = (classname, nodeid)
if self.cache.has_key(key):
del self.cache[key]
cl = self.classes[classname]
props = cl.getprops()
cols = []
mls = []
# add the multilinks separately
for col in values.keys():
prop = props[col]
if isinstance(prop, Multilink):
elif isinstance(prop, Interval):
# Intervals store the seconds value too
# extra leading '_' added by code below
cols.append('_' +col + '_int__')
# figure the values to insert
vals = []
for col in cols:
if col.endswith('_int__'):
# XXX eugh, this test suxxors
# Intervals store the seconds value too
col = col[1:-6]
prop = props[col]
value = values[col]
if value is None:
prop = props[col]
value = values[col]
if value is None:
e = None
e = self.to_sql_value(prop.__class__)(value)
vals = tuple(vals)
# if there's any updates to regular columns, do them
if cols:
# make sure the ordering is correct for column name -> column value
s = ','.join(['_%s=%s'%(x, self.arg) for x in cols])
cols = ','.join(cols)
# perform the update
sql = 'update _%s set %s where id=%s'%(classname, s, self.arg)
self.sql(sql, vals)
# we're probably coming from an import, not a change
if not multilink_changes:
for name in mls:
prop = props[name]
value = values[name]
t = '%s_%s'%(classname, name)
# clear out previous values for this node
# XXX numeric ids
self.sql('delete from %s where nodeid=%s'%(t, self.arg),
# insert the values for this node
for entry in values[name]:
sql = 'insert into %s (linkid, nodeid) values (%s,%s)'%(t,
self.arg, self.arg)
# XXX numeric ids
self.sql(sql, (entry, nodeid))
# we have multilink changes to apply
for col, (add, remove) in multilink_changes.items():
tn = '%s_%s'%(classname, col)
if add:
sql = 'insert into %s (nodeid, linkid) values (%s,%s)'%(tn,
self.arg, self.arg)
for addid in add:
# XXX numeric ids
self.sql(sql, (int(nodeid), int(addid)))
if remove:
s = ','.join([self.arg]*len(remove))
sql = 'delete from %s where nodeid=%s and linkid in (%s)'%(tn,
self.arg, s)
# XXX numeric ids
self.sql(sql, [int(nodeid)] + remove)
sql_to_hyperdb_value = {
hyperdb.String : str,
hyperdb.Date : lambda x:date.Date(str(x).replace(' ', '.')),
# hyperdb.Link : int, # XXX numeric ids
hyperdb.Link : str,
hyperdb.Interval : date.Interval,
hyperdb.Password : lambda x: password.Password(encrypted=x),
hyperdb.Boolean : _bool_cvt,
hyperdb.Number : _num_cvt,
hyperdb.Multilink : lambda x: x, # used in journal marshalling
def to_hyperdb_value(self, propklass):
fn = self.sql_to_hyperdb_value.get(propklass)
if fn:
return fn
for k, v in self.sql_to_hyperdb_value.iteritems():
if issubclass(propklass, k):
return v
raise ValueError, '%r is not a hyperdb property class' % propklass
def getnode(self, classname, nodeid):
""" Get a node from the database.
# see if we have this node cached
key = (classname, nodeid)
if self.cache.has_key(key):
# push us back to the top of the LRU
self.cache_lru.insert(0, key)
if __debug__:
self.stats['cache_hits'] += 1
# return the cached information
return self.cache[key]
if __debug__:
self.stats['cache_misses'] += 1
start_t = time.time()
# figure the columns we're fetching
cl = self.classes[classname]
cols, mls = self.determine_columns(cl.properties.items())
scols = ','.join([col for col,dt in cols])
# perform the basic property fetch
sql = 'select %s from _%s where id=%s'%(scols, classname, self.arg)
self.sql(sql, (nodeid,))
values = self.sql_fetchone()
if values is None:
raise IndexError, 'no such %s node %s'%(classname, nodeid)
# make up the node
node = {}
props = cl.getprops(protected=1)
for col in range(len(cols)):
name = cols[col][0][1:]
if name.endswith('_int__'):
# XXX eugh, this test suxxors
# ignore the special Interval-as-seconds column
value = values[col]
if value is not None:
value = self.to_hyperdb_value(props[name].__class__)(value)
node[name] = value
# now the multilinks
for col in mls:
# get the link ids
sql = 'select linkid from %s_%s where nodeid=%s'%(classname, col,
self.sql(sql, (nodeid,))
# extract the first column from the result
# XXX numeric ids
items = [int(x[0]) for x in self.cursor.fetchall()]
items.sort ()
node[col] = [str(x) for x in items]
# save off in the cache
key = (classname, nodeid)
self.cache[key] = node
# update the LRU
self.cache_lru.insert(0, key)
if len(self.cache_lru) > self.cache_size:
del self.cache[self.cache_lru.pop()]
if __debug__:
self.stats['get_items'] += (time.time() - start_t)
return node
def destroynode(self, classname, nodeid):
"""Remove a node from the database. Called exclusively by the
destroy() method on Class.
logging.getLogger('hyperdb').info('destroynode %s%s'%(classname, nodeid))
# make sure the node exists
if not self.hasnode(classname, nodeid):
raise IndexError, '%s has no node %s'%(classname, nodeid)
# see if we have this node cached
if self.cache.has_key((classname, nodeid)):
del self.cache[(classname, nodeid)]
# see if there's any obvious commit actions that we should get rid of
for entry in self.transactions[:]:
if entry[1][:2] == (classname, nodeid):
# now do the SQL
sql = 'delete from _%s where id=%s'%(classname, self.arg)
self.sql(sql, (nodeid,))
# remove from multilnks
cl = self.getclass(classname)
x, mls = self.determine_columns(cl.properties.items())
for col in mls:
# get the link ids
sql = 'delete from %s_%s where nodeid=%s'%(classname, col, self.arg)
self.sql(sql, (nodeid,))
# remove journal entries
sql = 'delete from %s__journal where nodeid=%s'%(classname, self.arg)
self.sql(sql, (nodeid,))
# cleanup any blob filestorage when we commit
self.transactions.append((FileStorage.destroy, (self, classname, nodeid)))
def hasnode(self, classname, nodeid):
""" Determine if the database has a given node.
# If this node is in the cache, then we do not need to go to
# the database. (We don't consider this an LRU hit, though.)
if self.cache.has_key((classname, nodeid)):
# Return 1, not True, to match the type of the result of
# the SQL operation below.
return 1
sql = 'select count(*) from _%s where id=%s'%(classname, self.arg)
self.sql(sql, (nodeid,))
return int(self.cursor.fetchone()[0])
def countnodes(self, classname):
""" Count the number of nodes that exist for a particular Class.
sql = 'select count(*) from _%s'%classname
return self.cursor.fetchone()[0]
def addjournal(self, classname, nodeid, action, params, creator=None,
""" Journal the Action
'action' may be:
'create' or 'set' -- 'params' is a dictionary of property values
'link' or 'unlink' -- 'params' is (classname, nodeid, propname)
'retire' -- 'params' is None
# handle supply of the special journalling parameters (usually
# supplied on importing an existing database)
if creator:
journaltag = creator
journaltag = self.getuid()
if creation:
journaldate = creation
journaldate = date.Date()
# create the journal entry
cols = 'nodeid,date,tag,action,params'
self.log_debug('addjournal %s%s %r %s %s %r'%(classname,
nodeid, journaldate, journaltag, action, params))
# make the journalled data marshallable
if isinstance(params, type({})):
self._journal_marshal(params, classname)
params = repr(params)
dc = self.to_sql_value(hyperdb.Date)
journaldate = dc(journaldate)
self.save_journal(classname, cols, nodeid, journaldate,
journaltag, action, params)
def setjournal(self, classname, nodeid, journal):
"""Set the journal to the "journal" list."""
# clear out any existing entries
self.sql('delete from %s__journal where nodeid=%s'%(classname,
self.arg), (nodeid,))
# create the journal entry
cols = 'nodeid,date,tag,action,params'
dc = self.to_sql_value(hyperdb.Date)
for nodeid, journaldate, journaltag, action, params in journal:
self.log_debug('addjournal %s%s %r %s %s %r'%(
classname, nodeid, journaldate, journaltag, action,
# make the journalled data marshallable
if isinstance(params, type({})):
self._journal_marshal(params, classname)
params = repr(params)
self.save_journal(classname, cols, nodeid, dc(journaldate),
journaltag, action, params)
def _journal_marshal(self, params, classname):
"""Convert the journal params values into safely repr'able and
eval'able values."""
properties = self.getclass(classname).getprops()
for param, value in params.items():
if not value:
property = properties[param]
cvt = self.to_sql_value(property.__class__)
if isinstance(property, Password):
params[param] = cvt(value)
elif isinstance(property, Date):
params[param] = cvt(value)
elif isinstance(property, Interval):
params[param] = cvt(value)
elif isinstance(property, Boolean):
params[param] = cvt(value)
def getjournal(self, classname, nodeid):
""" get the journal for id
# make sure the node exists
if not self.hasnode(classname, nodeid):
raise IndexError, '%s has no node %s'%(classname, nodeid)
cols = ','.join('nodeid date tag action params'.split())
journal = self.load_journal(classname, cols, nodeid)
# now unmarshal the data
dc = self.to_hyperdb_value(hyperdb.Date)
res = []
properties = self.getclass(classname).getprops()
for nodeid, date_stamp, user, action, params in journal:
params = eval(params)
if isinstance(params, type({})):
for param, value in params.items():
if not value:
property = properties.get(param, None)
if property is None:
# deleted property
cvt = self.to_hyperdb_value(property.__class__)
if isinstance(property, Password):
params[param] = cvt(value)
elif isinstance(property, Date):
params[param] = cvt(value)
elif isinstance(property, Interval):
params[param] = cvt(value)
elif isinstance(property, Boolean):
params[param] = cvt(value)
# XXX numeric ids
res.append((str(nodeid), dc(date_stamp), user, action, params))
return res
def save_journal(self, classname, cols, nodeid, journaldate,
journaltag, action, params):
""" Save the journal entry to the database
entry = (nodeid, journaldate, journaltag, action, params)
# do the insert
a = self.arg
sql = 'insert into %s__journal (%s) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)'%(
classname, cols, a, a, a, a, a)
self.sql(sql, entry)
def load_journal(self, classname, cols, nodeid):
""" Load the journal from the database
# now get the journal entries
sql = 'select %s from %s__journal where nodeid=%s order by date'%(
cols, classname, self.arg)
self.sql(sql, (nodeid,))
return self.cursor.fetchall()
def pack(self, pack_before):
""" Delete all journal entries except "create" before 'pack_before'.
date_stamp = self.to_sql_value(Date)(pack_before)
# do the delete
for classname in self.classes.keys():
sql = "delete from %s__journal where date<%s and "\
"action<>'create'"%(classname, self.arg)
self.sql(sql, (date_stamp,))
def sql_commit(self, fail_ok=False):
""" Actually commit to the database.
# open a new cursor for subsequent work
self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
def commit(self, fail_ok=False):
""" Commit the current transactions.
Save all data changed since the database was opened or since the
last commit() or rollback().
fail_ok indicates that the commit is allowed to fail. This is used
in the web interface when committing cleaning of the session
database. We don't care if there's a concurrency issue there.
The only backend this seems to affect is postgres.
# commit the database
# now, do all the other transaction stuff
for method, args in self.transactions:
# save the indexer
# clear out the transactions
self.transactions = []
def sql_rollback(self):
def rollback(self):
""" Reverse all actions from the current transaction.
Undo all the changes made since the database was opened or the last
commit() or rollback() was performed.
# roll back "other" transaction stuff
for method, args in self.transactions:
# delete temporary files
if method == self.doStoreFile:
self.transactions = []
# clear the cache
def sql_close(self):
def close(self):
""" Close off the connection.
# The base Class class
class Class(hyperdb.Class):
""" The handle to a particular class of nodes in a hyperdatabase.
All methods except __repr__ and getnode must be implemented by a
concrete backend Class.
def schema(self):
""" A dumpable version of the schema that we can store in the
return (self.key, [(x, repr(y)) for x,y in self.properties.items()])
def enableJournalling(self):
"""Turn journalling on for this class
self.do_journal = 1
def disableJournalling(self):
"""Turn journalling off for this class
self.do_journal = 0
# Editing nodes:
def create(self, **propvalues):
""" Create a new node of this class and return its id.
The keyword arguments in 'propvalues' map property names to values.
The values of arguments must be acceptable for the types of their
corresponding properties or a TypeError is raised.
If this class has a key property, it must be present and its value
must not collide with other key strings or a ValueError is raised.
Any other properties on this class that are missing from the
'propvalues' dictionary are set to None.
If an id in a link or multilink property does not refer to a valid
node, an IndexError is raised.
self.fireAuditors('create', None, propvalues)
newid = self.create_inner(**propvalues)
self.fireReactors('create', newid, None)
return newid
def create_inner(self, **propvalues):
""" Called by create, in-between the audit and react calls.
if propvalues.has_key('id'):
raise KeyError, '"id" is reserved'
if self.db.journaltag is None:
raise DatabaseError, _('Database open read-only')
if propvalues.has_key('creator') or propvalues.has_key('actor') or \
propvalues.has_key('creation') or propvalues.has_key('activity'):
raise KeyError, '"creator", "actor", "creation" and '\
'"activity" are reserved'
# new node's id
newid = self.db.newid(self.classname)
# validate propvalues
num_re = re.compile('^\d+$')
for key, value in propvalues.items():
if key == self.key:
except KeyError:
raise ValueError, 'node with key "%s" exists'%value
# try to handle this property
prop = self.properties[key]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError, '"%s" has no property "%s"'%(self.classname,
if value is not None and isinstance(prop, Link):
if type(value) != type(''):
raise ValueError, 'link value must be String'
link_class = self.properties[key].classname
# if it isn't a number, it's a key
if not num_re.match(value):
value = self.db.classes[link_class].lookup(value)
except (TypeError, KeyError):
raise IndexError, 'new property "%s": %s not a %s'%(
key, value, link_class)
elif not self.db.getclass(link_class).hasnode(value):
raise IndexError, '%s has no node %s'%(link_class, value)
# save off the value
propvalues[key] = value
# register the link with the newly linked node
if self.do_journal and self.properties[key].do_journal:
self.db.addjournal(link_class, value, 'link',
(self.classname, newid, key))
elif isinstance(prop, Multilink):
if value is None:
value = []
if not hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
raise TypeError, 'new property "%s" not an iterable of ids'%key
# clean up and validate the list of links
link_class = self.properties[key].classname
l = []
for entry in value:
if type(entry) != type(''):
raise ValueError, '"%s" multilink value (%r) '\
'must contain Strings'%(key, value)
# if it isn't a number, it's a key
if not num_re.match(entry):
entry = self.db.classes[link_class].lookup(entry)
except (TypeError, KeyError):
raise IndexError, 'new property "%s": %s not a %s'%(
key, entry, self.properties[key].classname)
value = l
propvalues[key] = value
# handle additions
for nodeid in value:
if not self.db.getclass(link_class).hasnode(nodeid):
raise IndexError, '%s has no node %s'%(link_class,
# register the link with the newly linked node
if self.do_journal and self.properties[key].do_journal:
self.db.addjournal(link_class, nodeid, 'link',
(self.classname, newid, key))
elif isinstance(prop, String):
if type(value) != type('') and type(value) != type(u''):
raise TypeError, 'new property "%s" not a string'%key
if prop.indexme:
self.db.indexer.add_text((self.classname, newid, key),
elif isinstance(prop, Password):
if not isinstance(value, password.Password):
raise TypeError, 'new property "%s" not a Password'%key
elif isinstance(prop, Date):
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, date.Date):
raise TypeError, 'new property "%s" not a Date'%key
elif isinstance(prop, Interval):
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, date.Interval):
raise TypeError, 'new property "%s" not an Interval'%key
elif value is not None and isinstance(prop, Number):
except ValueError:
raise TypeError, 'new property "%s" not numeric'%key
elif value is not None and isinstance(prop, Boolean):
except ValueError:
raise TypeError, 'new property "%s" not boolean'%key
# make sure there's data where there needs to be
for key, prop in self.properties.items():
if propvalues.has_key(key):
if key == self.key:
raise ValueError, 'key property "%s" is required'%key
if isinstance(prop, Multilink):
propvalues[key] = []
propvalues[key] = None
# done
self.db.addnode(self.classname, newid, propvalues)
if self.do_journal:
self.db.addjournal(self.classname, newid, ''"create", {})
# XXX numeric ids
return str(newid)
def get(self, nodeid, propname, default=_marker, cache=1):
"""Get the value of a property on an existing node of this class.
'nodeid' must be the id of an existing node of this class or an
IndexError is raised. 'propname' must be the name of a property
of this class or a KeyError is raised.
'cache' exists for backwards compatibility, and is not used.
if propname == 'id':
return nodeid
# get the node's dict
d = self.db.getnode(self.classname, nodeid)
if propname == 'creation':
if d.has_key('creation'):
return d['creation']
return date.Date()
if propname == 'activity':
if d.has_key('activity'):
return d['activity']
return date.Date()
if propname == 'creator':
if d.has_key('creator'):
return d['creator']
return self.db.getuid()
if propname == 'actor':
if d.has_key('actor'):
return d['actor']
return self.db.getuid()
# get the property (raises KeyErorr if invalid)
prop = self.properties[propname]
# XXX may it be that propname is valid property name
# (above error is not raised) and not d.has_key(propname)???
if (not d.has_key(propname)) or (d[propname] is None):
if default is _marker:
if isinstance(prop, Multilink):
return []
return None
return default
# don't pass our list to other code
if isinstance(prop, Multilink):
return d[propname][:]
return d[propname]
def set(self, nodeid, **propvalues):
"""Modify a property on an existing node of this class.
'nodeid' must be the id of an existing node of this class or an
IndexError is raised.
Each key in 'propvalues' must be the name of a property of this
class or a KeyError is raised.
All values in 'propvalues' must be acceptable types for their
corresponding properties or a TypeError is raised.
If the value of the key property is set, it must not collide with
other key strings or a ValueError is raised.
If the value of a Link or Multilink property contains an invalid
node id, a ValueError is raised.
self.fireAuditors('set', nodeid, propvalues)
oldvalues = copy.deepcopy(self.db.getnode(self.classname, nodeid))
propvalues = self.set_inner(nodeid, **propvalues)
self.fireReactors('set', nodeid, oldvalues)
return propvalues
def set_inner(self, nodeid, **propvalues):
""" Called by set, in-between the audit and react calls.
if not propvalues:
return propvalues
if propvalues.has_key('creation') or propvalues.has_key('creator') or \
propvalues.has_key('actor') or propvalues.has_key('activity'):
raise KeyError, '"creation", "creator", "actor" and '\
'"activity" are reserved'
if propvalues.has_key('id'):
raise KeyError, '"id" is reserved'
if self.db.journaltag is None:
raise DatabaseError, _('Database open read-only')
node = self.db.getnode(self.classname, nodeid)
if self.is_retired(nodeid):
raise IndexError, 'Requested item is retired'
num_re = re.compile('^\d+$')
# make a copy of the values dictionary - we'll modify the contents
propvalues = propvalues.copy()
# if the journal value is to be different, store it in here
journalvalues = {}
# remember the add/remove stuff for multilinks, making it easier
# for the Database layer to do its stuff
multilink_changes = {}
for propname, value in propvalues.items():
# check to make sure we're not duplicating an existing key
if propname == self.key and node[propname] != value:
except KeyError:
raise ValueError, 'node with key "%s" exists'%value
# this will raise the KeyError if the property isn't valid
# ... we don't use getprops() here because we only care about
# the writeable properties.
prop = self.properties[propname]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError, '"%s" has no property named "%s"'%(
self.classname, propname)
# if the value's the same as the existing value, no sense in
# doing anything
current = node.get(propname, None)
if value == current:
del propvalues[propname]
journalvalues[propname] = current
# do stuff based on the prop type
if isinstance(prop, Link):
link_class = prop.classname
# if it isn't a number, it's a key
if value is not None and not isinstance(value, type('')):
raise ValueError, 'property "%s" link value be a string'%(
if isinstance(value, type('')) and not num_re.match(value):
value = self.db.classes[link_class].lookup(value)
except (TypeError, KeyError):
raise IndexError, 'new property "%s": %s not a %s'%(
propname, value, prop.classname)
if (value is not None and
not self.db.getclass(link_class).hasnode(value)):
raise IndexError, '%s has no node %s'%(link_class, value)
if self.do_journal and prop.do_journal:
# register the unlink with the old linked node
if node[propname] is not None:
self.db.addjournal(link_class, node[propname],
''"unlink", (self.classname, nodeid, propname))
# register the link with the newly linked node
if value is not None:
self.db.addjournal(link_class, value, ''"link",
(self.classname, nodeid, propname))
elif isinstance(prop, Multilink):
if value is None:
value = []
if not hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
raise TypeError, 'new property "%s" not an iterable of'\
' ids'%propname
link_class = self.properties[propname].classname
l = []
for entry in value:
# if it isn't a number, it's a key
if type(entry) != type(''):
raise ValueError, 'new property "%s" link value ' \
'must be a string'%propname
if not num_re.match(entry):
entry = self.db.classes[link_class].lookup(entry)
except (TypeError, KeyError):
raise IndexError, 'new property "%s": %s not a %s'%(
propname, entry,
value = l
propvalues[propname] = value
# figure the journal entry for this property
add = []
remove = []
# handle removals
if node.has_key(propname):
l = node[propname]
l = []
for id in l[:]:
if id in value:
# register the unlink with the old linked node
if self.do_journal and self.properties[propname].do_journal:
self.db.addjournal(link_class, id, 'unlink',
(self.classname, nodeid, propname))
# handle additions
for id in value:
if id in l:
# We can safely check this condition after
# checking that this is an addition to the
# multilink since the condition was checked for
# existing entries at the point they were added to
# the multilink. Since the hasnode call will
# result in a SQL query, it is more efficient to
# avoid the check if possible.
if not self.db.getclass(link_class).hasnode(id):
raise IndexError, '%s has no node %s'%(link_class, id)
# register the link with the newly linked node
if self.do_journal and self.properties[propname].do_journal:
self.db.addjournal(link_class, id, 'link',
(self.classname, nodeid, propname))
# figure the journal entry
l = []
if add:
l.append(('+', add))
if remove:
l.append(('-', remove))
multilink_changes[propname] = (add, remove)
if l:
journalvalues[propname] = tuple(l)
elif isinstance(prop, String):
if value is not None and type(value) != type('') and type(value) != type(u''):
raise TypeError, 'new property "%s" not a string'%propname
if prop.indexme:
if value is None: value = ''
self.db.indexer.add_text((self.classname, nodeid, propname),
elif isinstance(prop, Password):
if not isinstance(value, password.Password):
raise TypeError, 'new property "%s" not a Password'%propname
propvalues[propname] = value
elif value is not None and isinstance(prop, Date):
if not isinstance(value, date.Date):
raise TypeError, 'new property "%s" not a Date'% propname
propvalues[propname] = value
elif value is not None and isinstance(prop, Interval):
if not isinstance(value, date.Interval):
raise TypeError, 'new property "%s" not an '\
propvalues[propname] = value
elif value is not None and isinstance(prop, Number):
except ValueError:
raise TypeError, 'new property "%s" not numeric'%propname
elif value is not None and isinstance(prop, Boolean):
except ValueError:
raise TypeError, 'new property "%s" not boolean'%propname
# nothing to do?
if not propvalues:
return propvalues
# update the activity time
propvalues['activity'] = date.Date()
propvalues['actor'] = self.db.getuid()
# do the set
self.db.setnode(self.classname, nodeid, propvalues, multilink_changes)
# remove the activity props now they're handled
del propvalues['activity']
del propvalues['actor']
# journal the set
if self.do_journal:
self.db.addjournal(self.classname, nodeid, ''"set", journalvalues)
return propvalues
def retire(self, nodeid):
"""Retire a node.
The properties on the node remain available from the get() method,
and the node's id is never reused.
Retired nodes are not returned by the find(), list(), or lookup()
methods, and other nodes may reuse the values of their key properties.
if self.db.journaltag is None:
raise DatabaseError, _('Database open read-only')
self.fireAuditors('retire', nodeid, None)
# use the arg for __retired__ to cope with any odd database type
# conversion (hello, sqlite)
sql = 'update _%s set __retired__=%s where id=%s'%(self.classname,
self.db.arg, self.db.arg)
self.db.sql(sql, (nodeid, nodeid))
if self.do_journal:
self.db.addjournal(self.classname, nodeid, ''"retired", None)
self.fireReactors('retire', nodeid, None)
def restore(self, nodeid):
"""Restore a retired node.
Make node available for all operations like it was before retirement.
if self.db.journaltag is None:
raise DatabaseError, _('Database open read-only')
node = self.db.getnode(self.classname, nodeid)
# check if key property was overrided
key = self.getkey()
id = self.lookup(node[key])
except KeyError:
raise KeyError, "Key property (%s) of retired node clashes with \
existing one (%s)" % (key, node[key])
self.fireAuditors('restore', nodeid, None)
# use the arg for __retired__ to cope with any odd database type
# conversion (hello, sqlite)
sql = 'update _%s set __retired__=%s where id=%s'%(self.classname,
self.db.arg, self.db.arg)
self.db.sql(sql, (0, nodeid))
if self.do_journal:
self.db.addjournal(self.classname, nodeid, ''"restored", None)
self.fireReactors('restore', nodeid, None)
def is_retired(self, nodeid):
"""Return true if the node is rerired
sql = 'select __retired__ from _%s where id=%s'%(self.classname,
self.db.sql(sql, (nodeid,))
return int(self.db.sql_fetchone()[0]) > 0
def destroy(self, nodeid):
"""Destroy a node.
WARNING: this method should never be used except in extremely rare
situations where there could never be links to the node being
WARNING: use retire() instead
WARNING: the properties of this node will not be available ever again
WARNING: really, use retire() instead
Well, I think that's enough warnings. This method exists mostly to
support the session storage of the cgi interface.
The node is completely removed from the hyperdb, including all journal
entries. It will no longer be available, and will generally break code
if there are any references to the node.
if self.db.journaltag is None:
raise DatabaseError, _('Database open read-only')
self.db.destroynode(self.classname, nodeid)
def history(self, nodeid):
"""Retrieve the journal of edits on a particular node.
'nodeid' must be the id of an existing node of this class or an
IndexError is raised.
The returned list contains tuples of the form
(nodeid, date, tag, action, params)
'date' is a Timestamp object specifying the time of the change and
'tag' is the journaltag specified when the database was opened.
if not self.do_journal:
raise ValueError, 'Journalling is disabled for this class'
return self.db.getjournal(self.classname, nodeid)
# Locating nodes:
def hasnode(self, nodeid):
"""Determine if the given nodeid actually exists
return self.db.hasnode(self.classname, nodeid)
def setkey(self, propname):
"""Select a String property of this class to be the key property.
'propname' must be the name of a String property of this class or
None, or a TypeError is raised. The values of the key property on
all existing nodes must be unique or a ValueError is raised.
prop = self.getprops()[propname]
if not isinstance(prop, String):
raise TypeError, 'key properties must be String'
self.key = propname
def getkey(self):
"""Return the name of the key property for this class or None."""
return self.key
def lookup(self, keyvalue):
"""Locate a particular node by its key property and return its id.
If this class has no key property, a TypeError is raised. If the
'keyvalue' matches one of the values for the key property among
the nodes in this class, the matching node's id is returned;
otherwise a KeyError is raised.
if not self.key:
raise TypeError, 'No key property set for class %s'%self.classname
# use the arg to handle any odd database type conversion (hello,
# sqlite)
sql = "select id from _%s where _%s=%s and __retired__=%s"%(
self.classname, self.key, self.db.arg, self.db.arg)
self.db.sql(sql, (str(keyvalue), 0))
# see if there was a result that's not retired
row = self.db.sql_fetchone()
if not row:
raise KeyError, 'No key (%s) value "%s" for "%s"'%(self.key,
keyvalue, self.classname)
# return the id
# XXX numeric ids
return str(row[0])
def find(self, **propspec):
"""Get the ids of nodes in this class which link to the given nodes.
'propspec' consists of keyword args propname=nodeid or
propname={nodeid:1, }
'propname' must be the name of a property in this class, or a
KeyError is raised. That property must be a Link or
Multilink property, or a TypeError is raised.
Any node in this class whose 'propname' property links to any of
the nodeids will be returned. Examples::
db.issue.find(messages={'1':1,'3':1}, files={'7':1})
# shortcut
if not propspec:
return []
# validate the args
props = self.getprops()
propspec = propspec.items()
for propname, nodeids in propspec:
# check the prop is OK
prop = props[propname]
if not isinstance(prop, Link) and not isinstance(prop, Multilink):
raise TypeError, "'%s' not a Link/Multilink property"%propname
# first, links
a = self.db.arg
allvalues = ()
sql = []
where = []
for prop, values in propspec:
if not isinstance(props[prop], hyperdb.Link):
if type(values) is type({}) and len(values) == 1:
values = values.keys()[0]
if type(values) is type(''):
allvalues += (values,)
where.append('_%s = %s'%(prop, a))
elif values is None:
where.append('_%s is NULL'%prop)
values = values.keys()
s = ''
if None in values:
s = '_%s is NULL or '%prop
allvalues += tuple(values)
s += '_%s in (%s)'%(prop, ','.join([a]*len(values)))
where.append('(' + s +')')
if where:
allvalues = (0, ) + allvalues
sql.append("""select id from _%s where __retired__=%s
and %s"""%(self.classname, a, ' and '.join(where)))
# now multilinks
for prop, values in propspec:
if not isinstance(props[prop], hyperdb.Multilink):
if not values:
allvalues += (0, )
if type(values) is type(''):
allvalues += (values,)
s = a
allvalues += tuple(values.keys())
s = ','.join([a]*len(values))
tn = '%s_%s'%(self.classname, prop)
sql.append("""select id from _%s, %s where __retired__=%s
and id = %s.nodeid and %s.linkid in (%s)"""%(self.classname,
tn, a, tn, tn, s))
if not sql:
return []
sql = ' union '.join(sql)
self.db.sql(sql, allvalues)
# XXX numeric ids
l = [str(x[0]) for x in self.db.sql_fetchall()]
return l
def stringFind(self, **requirements):
"""Locate a particular node by matching a set of its String
properties in a caseless search.
If the property is not a String property, a TypeError is raised.
The return is a list of the id of all nodes that match.
where = []
args = []
for propname in requirements.keys():
prop = self.properties[propname]
if not isinstance(prop, String):
raise TypeError, "'%s' not a String property"%propname
# generate the where clause
s = ' and '.join(['lower(_%s)=%s'%(col, self.db.arg) for col in where])
sql = 'select id from _%s where %s and __retired__=%s'%(
self.classname, s, self.db.arg)
self.db.sql(sql, tuple(args))
# XXX numeric ids
l = [str(x[0]) for x in self.db.sql_fetchall()]
return l
def list(self):
""" Return a list of the ids of the active nodes in this class.
return self.getnodeids(retired=0)
def getnodeids(self, retired=None):
""" Retrieve all the ids of the nodes for a particular Class.
Set retired=None to get all nodes. Otherwise it'll get all the
retired or non-retired nodes, depending on the flag.
# flip the sense of the 'retired' flag if we don't want all of them
if retired is not None:
args = (0, )
if retired:
compare = '>'
compare = '='
sql = 'select id from _%s where __retired__%s%s'%(self.classname,
compare, self.db.arg)
args = ()
sql = 'select id from _%s'%self.classname
self.db.sql(sql, args)
# XXX numeric ids
ids = [str(x[0]) for x in self.db.cursor.fetchall()]
return ids
def _subselect(self, classname, multilink_table):
"""Create a subselect. This is factored out because some
databases (hmm only one, so far) doesn't support subselects
look for "I can't believe it's not a toy RDBMS" in the mysql
return '_%s.id not in (select nodeid from %s)'%(classname,
# Some DBs order NULL values last. Set this variable in the backend
# for prepending an order by clause for each attribute that causes
# correct sort order for NULLs. Examples:
# order_by_null_values = '(%s is not NULL)'
# order_by_null_values = 'notnull(%s)'
# The format parameter is replaced with the attribute.
order_by_null_values = None
def filter(self, search_matches, filterspec, sort=[], group=[]):
"""Return a list of the ids of the active nodes in this class that
match the 'filter' spec, sorted by the group spec and then the
sort spec
"filterspec" is {propname: value(s)}
"sort" and "group" are [(dir, prop), ...] where dir is '+', '-'
or None and prop is a prop name or None. Note that for
backward-compatibility reasons a single (dir, prop) tuple is
also allowed.
"search_matches" is a container type or None
The filter must match all properties specificed. If the property
value to match is a list:
1. String properties must match all elements in the list, and
2. Other properties must match any of the elements in the list.
# we can't match anything if search_matches is empty
if not search_matches and search_matches is not None:
return []
if __debug__:
start_t = time.time()
icn = self.classname
# vars to hold the components of the SQL statement
frum = [] # FROM clauses
loj = [] # LEFT OUTER JOIN clauses
where = [] # WHERE clauses
args = [] # *any* positional arguments
a = self.db.arg
# figure the WHERE clause from the filterspec
mlfilt = 0 # are we joining with Multilink tables?
sortattr = self._sortattr (group = group, sort = sort)
proptree = self._proptree(filterspec, sortattr)
mlseen = 0
for pt in reversed(proptree.sortattr):
p = pt
while p.parent:
if isinstance (p.propclass, Multilink):
mlseen = True
if mlseen:
p.sort_ids_needed = True
p.tree_sort_done = False
p = p.parent
if not mlseen:
pt.attr_sort_done = pt.tree_sort_done = True
ordercols = []
auxcols = {}
mlsort = []
rhsnum = 0
for p in proptree:
oc = None
cn = p.classname
ln = p.uniqname
pln = p.parent.uniqname
pcn = p.parent.classname
k = p.name
v = p.val
propclass = p.propclass
if p.sort_type > 0:
oc = ac = '_%s._%s'%(pln, k)
if isinstance(propclass, Multilink):
if p.sort_type < 2:
mlfilt = 1
tn = '%s_%s'%(pcn, k)
if v in ('-1', ['-1'], []):
# only match rows that have count(linkid)=0 in the
# corresponding multilink table)
where.append(self._subselect(pcn, tn))
if p.children:
frum.append('_%s as _%s' % (cn, ln))
where.append('%s.linkid=_%s.id'%(tn, ln))
if p.has_values:
if isinstance(v, type([])):
s = ','.join([a for x in v])
where.append('%s.linkid in (%s)'%(tn, s))
args = args + v
where.append('%s.linkid=%s'%(tn, a))
if p.sort_type > 0:
assert not p.attr_sort_done and not p.sort_ids_needed
elif k == 'id':
if p.sort_type < 2:
if isinstance(v, type([])):
s = ','.join([a for x in v])
where.append('_%s.%s in (%s)'%(pln, k, s))
args = args + v
where.append('_%s.%s=%s'%(pln, k, a))
if p.sort_type > 0:
oc = ac = '_%s.id'%pln
elif isinstance(propclass, String):
if p.sort_type < 2:
if not isinstance(v, type([])):
v = [v]
# Quote the bits in the string that need it and then embed
# in a "substring" search. Note - need to quote the '%' so
# they make it through the python layer happily
v = ['%%'+self.db.sql_stringquote(s)+'%%' for s in v]
# now add to the where clause
+' and '.join(["_%s._%s LIKE '%s'"%(pln, k, s) for s in v])
# note: args are embedded in the query string now
if p.sort_type > 0:
oc = ac = 'lower(_%s._%s)'%(pln, k)
elif isinstance(propclass, Link):
if p.sort_type < 2:
if p.children:
if p.sort_type == 0:
frum.append('_%s as _%s' % (cn, ln))
where.append('_%s._%s=_%s.id'%(pln, k, ln))
if p.has_values:
if isinstance(v, type([])):
d = {}
for entry in v:
if entry == '-1':
entry = None
d[entry] = entry
l = []
if d.has_key(None) or not d:
if d.has_key(None): del d[None]
l.append('_%s._%s is NULL'%(pln, k))
if d:
v = d.keys()
s = ','.join([a for x in v])
l.append('(_%s._%s in (%s))'%(pln, k, s))
args = args + v
if l:
where.append('(' + ' or '.join(l) +')')
if v in ('-1', None):
v = None
where.append('_%s._%s is NULL'%(pln, k))
where.append('_%s._%s=%s'%(pln, k, a))
if p.sort_type > 0:
lp = p.cls.labelprop()
oc = ac = '_%s._%s'%(pln, k)
if lp != 'id':
if p.tree_sort_done and p.sort_type > 0:
'LEFT OUTER JOIN _%s as _%s on _%s._%s=_%s.id'%(
cn, ln, pln, k, ln))
oc = '_%s._%s'%(ln, lp)
elif isinstance(propclass, Date) and p.sort_type < 2:
dc = self.db.to_sql_value(hyperdb.Date)
if isinstance(v, type([])):
s = ','.join([a for x in v])
where.append('_%s._%s in (%s)'%(pln, k, s))
args = args + [dc(date.Date(x)) for x in v]
# Try to filter on range of dates
date_rng = propclass.range_from_raw(v, self.db)
if date_rng.from_value:
where.append('_%s._%s >= %s'%(pln, k, a))
if date_rng.to_value:
where.append('_%s._%s <= %s'%(pln, k, a))
except ValueError:
# If range creation fails - ignore that search parameter
elif isinstance(propclass, Interval):
# filter/sort using the __<prop>_int__ column
if p.sort_type < 2:
if isinstance(v, type([])):
s = ','.join([a for x in v])
where.append('_%s.__%s_int__ in (%s)'%(pln, k, s))
args = args + [date.Interval(x).as_seconds() for x in v]
# Try to filter on range of intervals
date_rng = Range(v, date.Interval)
if date_rng.from_value:
where.append('_%s.__%s_int__ >= %s'%(pln, k, a))
if date_rng.to_value:
where.append('_%s.__%s_int__ <= %s'%(pln, k, a))
except ValueError:
# If range creation fails - ignore search parameter
if p.sort_type > 0:
oc = ac = '_%s.__%s_int__'%(pln,k)
elif p.sort_type < 2:
if isinstance(v, type([])):
s = ','.join([a for x in v])
where.append('_%s._%s in (%s)'%(pln, k, s))
args = args + v
where.append('_%s._%s=%s'%(pln, k, a))
if oc:
if p.sort_ids_needed:
auxcols[ac] = p
if p.tree_sort_done and p.sort_direction:
# Don't select top-level id twice
if p.name != 'id' or p.parent != proptree:
desc = ['', ' desc'][p.sort_direction == '-']
# Some SQL dbs sort NULL values last -- we want them first.
if (self.order_by_null_values and p.name != 'id'):
nv = self.order_by_null_values % oc
p.orderby.append(nv + desc)
p.orderby.append(oc + desc)
props = self.getprops()
# don't match retired nodes
# add results of full text search
if search_matches is not None:
s = ','.join([a for x in search_matches])
where.append('_%s.id in (%s)'%(icn, s))
args = args + [x for x in search_matches]
# construct the SQL
frum = ','.join(frum)
if where:
where = ' where ' + (' and '.join(where))
where = ''
if mlfilt:
# we're joining tables on the id, so we will get dupes if we
# don't distinct()
cols = ['distinct(_%s.id)'%icn]
cols = ['_%s.id'%icn]
if ordercols:
cols = cols + ordercols
order = []
# keep correct sequence of order attributes.
for sa in proptree.sortattr:
if not sa.attr_sort_done:
if order:
order = ' order by %s'%(','.join(order))
order = ''
for o, p in auxcols.iteritems ():
cols.append (o)
p.auxcol = len (cols) - 1
cols = ','.join(cols)
loj = ' '.join(loj)
sql = 'select %s from %s %s %s%s'%(cols, frum, loj, where, order)
args = tuple(args)
__traceback_info__ = (sql, args)
self.db.sql(sql, args)
l = self.db.sql_fetchall()
# Compute values needed for sorting in proptree.sort
for p in auxcols.itervalues():
p.sort_ids = p.sort_result = [row[p.auxcol] for row in l]
# return the IDs (the first column)
# XXX numeric ids
l = [str(row[0]) for row in l]
l = proptree.sort (l)
if __debug__:
self.db.stats['filtering'] += (time.time() - start_t)
return l
def filter_sql(self, sql):
"""Return a list of the ids of the items in this class that match
the SQL provided. The SQL is a complete "select" statement.
The SQL select must include the item id as the first column.
This function DOES NOT filter out retired items, add on a where
clause "__retired__=0" if you don't want retired nodes.
if __debug__:
start_t = time.time()
l = self.db.sql_fetchall()
if __debug__:
self.db.stats['filtering'] += (time.time() - start_t)
return l
def count(self):
"""Get the number of nodes in this class.
If the returned integer is 'numnodes', the ids of all the nodes
in this class run from 1 to numnodes, and numnodes+1 will be the
id of the next node to be created in this class.
return self.db.countnodes(self.classname)
# Manipulating properties:
def getprops(self, protected=1):
"""Return a dictionary mapping property names to property objects.
If the "protected" flag is true, we include protected properties -
those which may not be modified.
d = self.properties.copy()
if protected:
d['id'] = String()
d['creation'] = hyperdb.Date()
d['activity'] = hyperdb.Date()
d['creator'] = hyperdb.Link('user')
d['actor'] = hyperdb.Link('user')
return d
def addprop(self, **properties):
"""Add properties to this class.
The keyword arguments in 'properties' must map names to property
objects, or a TypeError is raised. None of the keys in 'properties'
may collide with the names of existing properties, or a ValueError
is raised before any properties have been added.
for key in properties.keys():
if self.properties.has_key(key):
raise ValueError, key
def index(self, nodeid):
"""Add (or refresh) the node to search indexes
# find all the String properties that have indexme
for prop, propclass in self.getprops().items():
if isinstance(propclass, String) and propclass.indexme:
self.db.indexer.add_text((self.classname, nodeid, prop),
str(self.get(nodeid, prop)))
# import / export support
def export_list(self, propnames, nodeid):
""" Export a node - generate a list of CSV-able data in the order
specified by propnames for the given node.
properties = self.getprops()
l = []
for prop in propnames:
proptype = properties[prop]
value = self.get(nodeid, prop)
# "marshal" data where needed
if value is None:
elif isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.Date):
value = value.get_tuple()
elif isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.Interval):
value = value.get_tuple()
elif isinstance(proptype, hyperdb.Password):
value = str(value)
return l
def import_list(self, propnames, proplist):
""" Import a node - all information including "id" is present and
should not be sanity checked. Triggers are not triggered. The
journal should be initialised using the "creator" and "created"
Return the nodeid of the node imported.
if self.db.journaltag is None:
raise DatabaseError, _('Database open read-only')
properties = self.getprops()
# make the new node's property map
d = {}
retire = 0
if not "id" in propnames:
newid = self.db.newid(self.classname)
newid = eval(proplist[propnames.index("id")])
for i in range(len(propnames)):
# Use eval to reverse the repr() used to output the CSV
value = eval(proplist[i])
# Figure the property for this column
propname = propnames[i]
# "unmarshal" where necessary
if propname == 'id':
elif propname == 'is retired':
# is the item retired?
if int(value):
retire = 1
elif value is None:
d[propname] = None
prop = properties[propname]
if value is None:
# don't set Nones
elif isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Date):
value = date.Date(value)
elif isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Interval):
value = date.Interval(value)
elif isinstance(prop, hyperdb.Password):
pwd = password.Password()
value = pwd
elif isinstance(prop, String):
if isinstance(value, unicode):
value = value.encode('utf8')
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError, \
'new property "%(propname)s" not a string: %(value)r' \
% locals()
if prop.indexme:
self.db.indexer.add_text((self.classname, newid, propname),
d[propname] = value
# get a new id if necessary
if newid is None:
newid = self.db.newid(self.classname)
# insert new node or update existing?
if not self.hasnode(newid):
self.db.addnode(self.classname, newid, d) # insert
self.db.setnode(self.classname, newid, d) # update
# retire?
if retire:
# use the arg for __retired__ to cope with any odd database type
# conversion (hello, sqlite)
sql = 'update _%s set __retired__=%s where id=%s'%(self.classname,
self.db.arg, self.db.arg)
self.db.sql(sql, (newid, newid))
return newid
def export_journals(self):
"""Export a class's journal - generate a list of lists of
CSV-able data:
nodeid, date, user, action, params
No heading here - the columns are fixed.
properties = self.getprops()
r = []
for nodeid in self.getnodeids():
for nodeid, date, user, action, params in self.history(nodeid):
date = date.get_tuple()
if action == 'set':
export_data = {}
for propname, value in params.items():
if not properties.has_key(propname):
# property no longer in the schema
prop = properties[propname]
# make sure the params are eval()'able
if value is None:
elif isinstance(prop, Date):
value = value.get_tuple()
elif isinstance(prop, Interval):
value = value.get_tuple()
elif isinstance(prop, Password):
value = str(value)
export_data[propname] = value
params = export_data
elif action == 'create' and params:
# old tracker with data stored in the create!
params = {}
l = [nodeid, date, user, action, params]
r.append(map(repr, l))
return r
def import_journals(self, entries):
"""Import a class's journal.
Uses setjournal() to set the journal for each item."""
properties = self.getprops()
d = {}
for l in entries:
l = map(eval, l)
nodeid, jdate, user, action, params = l
r = d.setdefault(nodeid, [])
if action == 'set':
for propname, value in params.items():
prop = properties[propname]
if value is None:
elif isinstance(prop, Date):
value = date.Date(value)
elif isinstance(prop, Interval):
value = date.Interval(value)
elif isinstance(prop, Password):
pwd = password.Password()
value = pwd
params[propname] = value
elif action == 'create' and params:
# old tracker with data stored in the create!
params = {}
r.append((nodeid, date.Date(jdate), user, action, params))
for nodeid, l in d.items():
self.db.setjournal(self.classname, nodeid, l)
class FileClass(hyperdb.FileClass, Class):
"""This class defines a large chunk of data. To support this, it has a
mandatory String property "content" which is typically saved off
externally to the hyperdb.
The default MIME type of this data is defined by the
"default_mime_type" class attribute, which may be overridden by each
node if the class defines a "type" String property.
def __init__(self, db, classname, **properties):
"""The newly-created class automatically includes the "content"
and "type" properties.
if not properties.has_key('content'):
properties['content'] = hyperdb.String(indexme='yes')
if not properties.has_key('type'):
properties['type'] = hyperdb.String()
Class.__init__(self, db, classname, **properties)
def create(self, **propvalues):
""" snaffle the file propvalue and store in a file
# we need to fire the auditors now, or the content property won't
# be in propvalues for the auditors to play with
self.fireAuditors('create', None, propvalues)
# now remove the content property so it's not stored in the db
content = propvalues['content']
del propvalues['content']
# do the database create
newid = self.create_inner(**propvalues)
# figure the mime type
mime_type = propvalues.get('type', self.default_mime_type)
# and index!
if self.properties['content'].indexme:
self.db.indexer.add_text((self.classname, newid, 'content'),
content, mime_type)
# store off the content as a file
self.db.storefile(self.classname, newid, None, content)
# fire reactors
self.fireReactors('create', newid, None)
return newid
def get(self, nodeid, propname, default=_marker, cache=1):
""" Trap the content propname and get it from the file
'cache' exists for backwards compatibility, and is not used.
poss_msg = 'Possibly a access right configuration problem.'
if propname == 'content':
return self.db.getfile(self.classname, nodeid, None)
except IOError, (strerror):
# BUG: by catching this we donot see an error in the log.
return 'ERROR reading file: %s%s\n%s\n%s'%(
self.classname, nodeid, poss_msg, strerror)
if default is not _marker:
return Class.get(self, nodeid, propname, default)
return Class.get(self, nodeid, propname)
def set(self, itemid, **propvalues):
""" Snarf the "content" propvalue and update it in a file
self.fireAuditors('set', itemid, propvalues)
oldvalues = copy.deepcopy(self.db.getnode(self.classname, itemid))
# now remove the content property so it's not stored in the db
content = None
if propvalues.has_key('content'):
content = propvalues['content']
del propvalues['content']
# do the database create
propvalues = self.set_inner(itemid, **propvalues)
# do content?
if content:
# store and possibly index
self.db.storefile(self.classname, itemid, None, content)
if self.properties['content'].indexme:
mime_type = self.get(itemid, 'type', self.default_mime_type)
self.db.indexer.add_text((self.classname, itemid, 'content'),
content, mime_type)
propvalues['content'] = content
# fire reactors
self.fireReactors('set', itemid, oldvalues)
return propvalues
def index(self, nodeid):
""" Add (or refresh) the node to search indexes.
Use the content-type property for the content property.
# find all the String properties that have indexme
for prop, propclass in self.getprops().items():
if prop == 'content' and propclass.indexme:
mime_type = self.get(nodeid, 'type', self.default_mime_type)
self.db.indexer.add_text((self.classname, nodeid, 'content'),
str(self.get(nodeid, 'content')), mime_type)
elif isinstance(propclass, hyperdb.String) and propclass.indexme:
# index them under (classname, nodeid, property)
value = str(self.get(nodeid, prop))
except IndexError:
# node has been destroyed
self.db.indexer.add_text((self.classname, nodeid, prop), value)
# XXX deviation from spec - was called ItemClass
class IssueClass(Class, roundupdb.IssueClass):
# Overridden methods:
def __init__(self, db, classname, **properties):
"""The newly-created class automatically includes the "messages",
"files", "nosy", and "superseder" properties. If the 'properties'
dictionary attempts to specify any of these properties or a
"creation", "creator", "activity" or "actor" property, a ValueError
is raised.
if not properties.has_key('title'):
properties['title'] = hyperdb.String(indexme='yes')
if not properties.has_key('messages'):
properties['messages'] = hyperdb.Multilink("msg")
if not properties.has_key('files'):
properties['files'] = hyperdb.Multilink("file")
if not properties.has_key('nosy'):
# note: journalling is turned off as it really just wastes
# space. this behaviour may be overridden in an instance
properties['nosy'] = hyperdb.Multilink("user", do_journal="no")
if not properties.has_key('superseder'):
properties['superseder'] = hyperdb.Multilink(classname)
Class.__init__(self, db, classname, **properties)
# vim: set et sts=4 sw=4 :