"""WWW request handler (also used in the stand-alone server).
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
import base64, binascii, cgi, codecs, httplib, mimetypes, os
import quopri, random, re, rfc822, stat, sys, time, urllib, urlparse
import Cookie, socket, errno
from Cookie import CookieError,BaseCookie,SimpleCookie
from cStringIO import StringIO
from roundup import roundupdb,date,hyperdb,password
from roundup.cgi import templating,cgitb,TranslationService
from roundup.cgi.actions import *
from roundup.exceptions import *
from roundup.cgi.exceptions import *
from roundup.cgi.form_parser import FormParser
from roundup.mailer import Mailer,MessageSendError,encode_quopri
from roundup.cgi import accept_language
from roundup import xmlrpc
def initialiseSecurity(security):
'''Create some Permissions and Roles on the security object
This function is directly invoked by security.Security.__init__()
as a part of the Security object instantiation.
p = security.addPermission(name="Web Access",
description="User may access the web interface")
security.addPermissionToRole('Admin', p)
# doing Role stuff through the web - make sure Admin can
# TODO: deprecate this and use a property-based control
p = security.addPermission(name="Web Roles",
description="User may manipulate user Roles through the web")
security.addPermissionToRole('Admin', p)
# used to clean messages passed through CGI variables - HTML-escape any tag
# that isn't <a href="">, <i>, <b> and <br> (including XHTML variants) so
# that people can't pass through nasties like <script>, <iframe>, ...
CLEAN_MESSAGE_RE = r'(<(/?(.*?)(\s*href="[^"]")?\s*/?)>)'
def clean_message(message, mc=re.compile(CLEAN_MESSAGE_RE, re.I)):
return mc.sub(clean_message_callback, message)
def clean_message_callback(match, ok={'a':1,'i':1,'b':1,'br':1}):
""" Strip all non <a>,<i>,<b> and <br> tags from a string
if ok.has_key(match.group(3).lower()):
return match.group(1)
return '<%s>'%match.group(2)
error_message = ''"""<html><head><title>An error has occurred</title></head>
<body><h1>An error has occurred</h1>
<p>A problem was encountered processing your request.
The tracker maintainers have been notified of the problem.</p>
class LiberalCookie(SimpleCookie):
""" Python's SimpleCookie throws an exception if the cookie uses invalid
syntax. Other applications on the same server may have done precisely
this, preventing roundup from working through no fault of roundup.
Numerous other python apps have run into the same problem:
trac: http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/2256
mailman: http://bugs.python.org/issue472646
This particular implementation comes from trac's solution to the
problem. Unfortunately it requires some hackery in SimpleCookie's
internals to provide a more liberal __set method.
def load(self, rawdata, ignore_parse_errors=True):
if ignore_parse_errors:
self.bad_cookies = []
self._BaseCookie__set = self._loose_set
SimpleCookie.load(self, rawdata)
if ignore_parse_errors:
self._BaseCookie__set = self._strict_set
for key in self.bad_cookies:
del self[key]
_strict_set = BaseCookie._BaseCookie__set
def _loose_set(self, key, real_value, coded_value):
self._strict_set(key, real_value, coded_value)
except CookieError:
dict.__setitem__(self, key, None)
class Session:
Needs DB to be already opened by client
Session attributes at instantiation:
- "client" - reference to client for add_cookie function
- "session_db" - session DB manager
- "cookie_name" - name of the cookie with session id
- "_sid" - session id for current user
- "_data" - session data cache
session = Session(client)
value = session.get(name)
session.destroy() # delete current session
session.clean_up() # clean up session table
session.update(set_cookie=True, expire=3600*24*365)
# refresh session expiration time, setting persistent
# cookie if needed to last for 'expire' seconds
def __init__(self, client):
self._data = {}
self._sid = None
self.client = client
self.session_db = client.db.getSessionManager()
# parse cookies for session id
self.cookie_name = 'roundup_session_%s' % \
re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]', '', client.instance.config.TRACKER_NAME)
cookies = LiberalCookie(client.env.get('HTTP_COOKIE', ''))
if self.cookie_name in cookies:
if not self.session_db.exists(cookies[self.cookie_name].value):
self._sid = None
# remove old cookie
self.client.add_cookie(self.cookie_name, None)
self._sid = cookies[self.cookie_name].value
self._data = self.session_db.getall(self._sid)
def _gen_sid(self):
""" generate a unique session key """
while 1:
s = '%s%s'%(time.time(), random.random())
s = binascii.b2a_base64(s).strip()
if not self.session_db.exists(s):
# clean up the base64
if s[-1] == '=':
if s[-2] == '=':
s = s[:-2]
s = s[:-1]
return s
def clean_up(self):
"""Remove expired sessions"""
def destroy(self):
self.client.add_cookie(self.cookie_name, None)
self._data = {}
def get(self, name, default=None):
return self._data.get(name, default)
def set(self, **kwargs):
if not self._sid:
self._sid = self._gen_sid()
self.session_db.set(self._sid, **self._data)
# add session cookie
# XXX added when patching 1.4.4 for backward compatibility
# XXX remove
self.client.session = self._sid
self.session_db.set(self._sid, **self._data)
def update(self, set_cookie=False, expire=None):
""" update timestamp in db to avoid expiration
if 'set_cookie' is True, set cookie with 'expire' seconds lifetime
if 'expire' is None - session will be closed with the browser
XXX the session can be purged within a week even if a cookie
lifetime is longer
if set_cookie:
self.client.add_cookie(self.cookie_name, self._sid, expire=expire)
class Client:
"""Instantiate to handle one CGI request.
See inner_main for request processing.
Client attributes at instantiation:
- "path" is the PATH_INFO inside the instance (with no leading '/')
- "base" is the base URL for the instance
- "form" is the cgi form, an instance of FieldStorage from the standard
cgi module
- "additional_headers" is a dictionary of additional HTTP headers that
should be sent to the client
- "response_code" is the HTTP response code to send to the client
- "translator" is TranslationService instance
During the processing of a request, the following attributes are used:
- "db"
- "error_message" holds a list of error messages
- "ok_message" holds a list of OK messages
- "session" is deprecated in favor of session_api (XXX remove)
- "session_api" is the interface to store data in session
- "user" is the current user's name
- "userid" is the current user's id
- "template" is the current :template context
- "classname" is the current class context name
- "nodeid" is the current context item id
User Identification:
Users that are absent in session data are anonymous and are logged
in as that user. This typically gives them all Permissions assigned to the
Anonymous Role.
Every user is assigned a session. "session_api" is the interface to work
with session data.
Special form variables:
Note that in various places throughout this code, special form
variables of the form :<name> are used. The colon (":") part may
actually be one of either ":" or "@".
# charset used for data storage and form templates
# Note: must be in lower case for comparisons!
# XXX take this from instance.config?
# special form variables
FV_TEMPLATE = re.compile(r'[@:]template')
FV_OK_MESSAGE = re.compile(r'[@:]ok_message')
FV_ERROR_MESSAGE = re.compile(r'[@:]error_message')
# Note: index page stuff doesn't appear here:
# columns, sort, sortdir, filter, group, groupdir, search_text,
# pagesize, startwith
# list of network error codes that shouldn't be reported to tracker admin
# (error descriptions from FreeBSD intro(2))
# A write on a pipe, socket or FIFO for which there is
# no process to read the data.
# A connection was forcibly closed by a peer.
# This normally results from a loss of the connection
# on the remote socket due to a timeout or a reboot.
# Software caused connection abort. A connection abort
# was caused internal to your host machine.
# A connect or send request failed because the connected party
# did not properly respond after a period of time.
def __init__(self, instance, request, env, form=None, translator=None):
# re-seed the random number generator
self.start = time.time()
self.instance = instance
self.request = request
self.env = env
self.mailer = Mailer(instance.config)
# save off the path
self.path = env['PATH_INFO']
# this is the base URL for this tracker
self.base = self.instance.config.TRACKER_WEB
# check the tracker_we setting
if not self.base.endswith('/'):
self.base = self.base + '/'
# this is the "cookie path" for this tracker (ie. the path part of
# the "base" url)
self.cookie_path = urlparse.urlparse(self.base)[2]
# cookies to set in http responce
# {(path, name): (value, expire)}
self._cookies = {}
# see if we need to re-parse the environment for the form (eg Zope)
if form is None:
self.form = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=request.rfile, environ=env)
self.form = form
# turn debugging on/off
self.debug = int(env.get("ROUNDUP_DEBUG", 0))
except ValueError:
# someone gave us a non-int debug level, turn it off
self.debug = 0
# flag to indicate that the HTTP headers have been sent
self.headers_done = 0
# additional headers to send with the request - must be registered
# before the first write
self.additional_headers = {}
self.response_code = 200
# default character set
self.charset = self.STORAGE_CHARSET
# parse cookies (used for charset lookups)
# use our own LiberalCookie to handle bad apps on the same
# server that have set cookies that are out of spec
self.cookie = LiberalCookie(self.env.get('HTTP_COOKIE', ''))
self.user = None
self.userid = None
self.nodeid = None
self.classname = None
self.template = None
def setTranslator(self, translator=None):
"""Replace the translation engine
is TranslationService instance.
It must define methods 'translate' (TAL-compatible i18n),
'gettext' and 'ngettext' (gettext-compatible i18n).
If omitted, create default TranslationService.
if translator is None:
translator = TranslationService.get_translation(
self.translator = translator
self._ = self.gettext = translator.gettext
self.ngettext = translator.ngettext
def main(self):
""" Wrap the real main in a try/finally so we always close off the db.
if self.env.get('CONTENT_TYPE') == 'text/xml':
if hasattr(self, 'db'):
def handle_xmlrpc(self):
# Pull the raw XML out of the form. The "value" attribute
# will be the raw content of the POST request.
assert self.form.file
input = self.form.value
# So that the rest of Roundup can query the form in the
# usual way, we create an empty list of fields.
self.form.list = []
# Set the charset and language, since other parts of
# Roundup may depend upon that.
# Open the database as the correct user.
# Call the appropriate XML-RPC method.
handler = xmlrpc.RoundupDispatcher(self.db,
output = handler.dispatch(input)
self.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml")
self.setHeader("Content-Length", str(len(output)))
def inner_main(self):
"""Process a request.
The most common requests are handled like so:
1. look for charset and language preferences, set up user locale
see determine_charset, determine_language
2. figure out who we are, defaulting to the "anonymous" user
see determine_user
3. figure out what the request is for - the context
see determine_context
4. handle any requested action (item edit, search, ...)
see handle_action
5. render a template, resulting in HTML output
In some situations, exceptions occur:
- HTTP Redirect (generally raised by an action)
- SendFile (generally raised by determine_context)
serve up a FileClass "content" property
- SendStaticFile (generally raised by determine_context)
serve up a file from the tracker "html" directory
- Unauthorised (generally raised by an action)
the action is cancelled, the request is rendered and an error
message is displayed indicating that permission was not
granted for the action to take place
- templating.Unauthorised (templating action not permitted)
raised by an attempted rendering of a template when the user
doesn't have permission
- NotFound (raised wherever it needs to be)
percolates up to the CGI interface that called the client
self.ok_message = []
self.error_message = []
# make sure we're identified (even anonymously)
# figure out the context and desired content template
# if we've made it this far the context is to a bit of
# Roundup's real web interface (not a file being served up)
# so do the Anonymous Web Acess check now
# possibly handle a form submit action (may change self.classname
# and self.template, and may also append error/ok_messages)
html = self.handle_action()
if html:
# now render the page
# we don't want clients caching our dynamic pages
self.additional_headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'
# Pragma: no-cache makes Mozilla and its ilk
# double-load all pages!!
# self.additional_headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
# pages with messages added expire right now
# simple views may be cached for a small amount of time
# TODO? make page expire time configurable
# <rj> always expire pages, as IE just doesn't seem to do the
# right thing here :(
date = time.time() - 1
#if self.error_message or self.ok_message:
# date = time.time() - 1
# date = time.time() + 5
self.additional_headers['Expires'] = rfc822.formatdate(date)
# render the content
except SendFile, designator:
# The call to serve_file may result in an Unauthorised
# exception or a NotModified exception. Those
# exceptions will be handled by the outermost set of
# exception handlers.
except SendStaticFile, file:
except IOError:
# IOErrors here are due to the client disconnecting before
# recieving the reply.
except SeriousError, message:
except Redirect, url:
# let's redirect - if the url isn't None, then we need to do
# the headers, otherwise the headers have been set before the
# exception was raised
if url:
self.additional_headers['Location'] = str(url)
self.response_code = 302
self.write_html('Redirecting to <a href="%s">%s</a>'%(url, url))
except LoginError, message:
# The user tried to log in, but did not provide a valid
# username and password. If we support HTTP
# authorization, send back a response that will cause the
# browser to prompt the user again.
if self.instance.config.WEB_HTTP_AUTH:
self.response_code = httplib.UNAUTHORIZED
realm = self.instance.config.TRACKER_NAME
"Basic realm=\"%s\"" % realm)
self.response_code = httplib.FORBIDDEN
except Unauthorised, message:
# users may always see the front page
self.response_code = 403
except NotModified:
# send the 304 response
self.response_code = 304
except NotFound, e:
self.response_code = 404
self.template = '404'
cl = self.db.getclass(self.classname)
except KeyError:
# we can't map the URL to a class we know about
# reraise the NotFound and let roundup_server
# handle it
raise NotFound, e
except FormError, e:
self.error_message.append(self._('Form Error: ') + str(e))
# Something has gone badly wrong. Therefore, we should
# make sure that the response code indicates failure.
if self.response_code == httplib.OK:
self.response_code = httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
# Help the administrator work out what went wrong.
html = ("<h1>Traceback</h1>"
+ cgitb.html(i18n=self.translator)
+ ("<h1>Environment Variables</h1><table>%s</table>"
% cgitb.niceDict("", self.env)))
if not self.instance.config.WEB_DEBUG:
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
subject = "Error: %s" % exc_info[1]
self.send_html_to_admin(subject, html)
def clean_sessions(self):
XXX remove
def clean_up(self):
"""Remove expired sessions and One Time Keys.
Do it only once an hour.
hour = 60*60
now = time.time()
# XXX: hack - use OTK table to store last_clean time information
# 'last_clean' string is used instead of otk key
last_clean = self.db.getOTKManager().get('last_clean', 'last_use', 0)
if now - last_clean < hour:
self.db.getOTKManager().set('last_clean', last_use=now)
def determine_charset(self):
"""Look for client charset in the form parameters or browser cookie.
If no charset requested by client, use storage charset (utf-8).
If the charset is found, and differs from the storage charset,
recode all form fields of type 'text/plain'
# look for client charset
charset_parameter = 0
if self.form.has_key('@charset'):
charset = self.form['@charset'].value
if charset.lower() == "none":
charset = ""
charset_parameter = 1
elif self.cookie.has_key('roundup_charset'):
charset = self.cookie['roundup_charset'].value
charset = None
if charset:
# make sure the charset is recognized
except LookupError:
self.error_message.append(self._('Unrecognized charset: %r')
% charset)
charset_parameter = 0
self.charset = charset.lower()
# If we've got a character set in request parameters,
# set the browser cookie to keep the preference.
# This is done after codecs.lookup to make sure
# that we aren't keeping a wrong value.
if charset_parameter:
self.add_cookie('roundup_charset', charset)
# if client charset is different from the storage charset,
# recode form fields
# XXX this requires FieldStorage from Python library.
# mod_python FieldStorage is not supported!
if self.charset != self.STORAGE_CHARSET:
decoder = codecs.getdecoder(self.charset)
encoder = codecs.getencoder(self.STORAGE_CHARSET)
re_charref = re.compile('&#([0-9]+|x[0-9a-f]+);', re.IGNORECASE)
def _decode_charref(matchobj):
num = matchobj.group(1)
if num[0].lower() == 'x':
uc = int(num[1:], 16)
uc = int(num)
return unichr(uc)
for field_name in self.form.keys():
field = self.form[field_name]
if (field.type == 'text/plain') and not field.filename:
value = decoder(field.value)[0]
except UnicodeError:
value = re_charref.sub(_decode_charref, value)
field.value = encoder(value)[0]
def determine_language(self):
"""Determine the language"""
# look for language parameter
# then for language cookie
# last for the Accept-Language header
if self.form.has_key("@language"):
language = self.form["@language"].value
if language.lower() == "none":
language = ""
self.add_cookie("roundup_language", language)
elif self.cookie.has_key("roundup_language"):
language = self.cookie["roundup_language"].value
elif self.instance.config["WEB_USE_BROWSER_LANGUAGE"]:
hal = self.env.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE')
language = accept_language.parse(hal)
language = ""
self.language = language
if language:
def determine_user(self):
"""Determine who the user is"""
# get session data from db
# XXX: rename
self.session_api = Session(self)
# take the opportunity to cleanup expired sessions and otks
user = None
# first up, try http authorization if enabled
if self.instance.config['WEB_HTTP_AUTH']:
if self.env.has_key('REMOTE_USER'):
# we have external auth (e.g. by Apache)
user = self.env['REMOTE_USER']
elif self.env.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', ''):
# try handling Basic Auth ourselves
auth = self.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']
scheme, challenge = auth.split(' ', 1)
if scheme.lower() == 'basic':
decoded = base64.decodestring(challenge)
except TypeError:
# invalid challenge
username, password = decoded.split(':')
login = self.get_action_class('login')(self)
login.verifyLogin(username, password)
except LoginError, err:
user = username
# if user was not set by http authorization, try session lookup
if not user:
user = self.session_api.get('user')
if user:
# update session lifetime datestamp
# if no user name set by http authorization or session lookup
# the user is anonymous
if not user:
user = 'anonymous'
# sanity check on the user still being valid,
# getting the userid at the same time
self.userid = self.db.user.lookup(user)
except (KeyError, TypeError):
user = 'anonymous'
# make sure the anonymous user is valid if we're using it
if user == 'anonymous':
self.user = user
# reopen the database as the correct user
def check_anonymous_access(self):
"""Check that the Anonymous user is actually allowed to use the web
interface and short-circuit all further processing if they're not.
# allow Anonymous to use the "login" and "register" actions (noting
# that "register" has its own "Register" permission check)
if self.form.has_key(':action'):
action = self.form[':action'].value.lower()
elif self.form.has_key('@action'):
action = self.form['@action'].value.lower()
action = None
if action in ('login', 'register'):
# allow Anonymous to view the "user" "register" template if they're
# allowed to register
if (self.db.security.hasPermission('Register', self.userid, 'user')
and self.classname == 'user' and self.template == 'register'):
# otherwise for everything else
if self.user == 'anonymous':
if not self.db.security.hasPermission('Web Access', self.userid):
raise Unauthorised, self._("Anonymous users are not "
"allowed to use the web interface")
def opendb(self, username):
"""Open the database and set the current user.
Opens a database once. On subsequent calls only the user is set on
the database object the instance.optimize is set. If we are in
"Development Mode" (cf. roundup_server) then the database is always
# don't do anything if the db is open and the user has not changed
if hasattr(self, 'db') and self.db.isCurrentUser(username):
# open the database or only set the user
if not hasattr(self, 'db'):
self.db = self.instance.open(username)
if self.instance.optimize:
self.db = self.instance.open(username)
# The old session API refers to the closed database;
# we can no longer use it.
self.session_api = Session(self)
def determine_context(self, dre=re.compile(r'([^\d]+)0*(\d+)')):
"""Determine the context of this page from the URL:
The URL path after the instance identifier is examined. The path
is generally only one entry long.
- if there is no path, then we are in the "home" context.
- if the path is "_file", then the additional path entry
specifies the filename of a static file we're to serve up
from the instance "html" directory. Raises a SendStaticFile
- if there is something in the path (eg "issue"), it identifies
the tracker class we're to display.
- if the path is an item designator (eg "issue123"), then we're
to display a specific item.
- if the path starts with an item designator and is longer than
one entry, then we're assumed to be handling an item of a
FileClass, and the extra path information gives the filename
that the client is going to label the download with (ie
"file123/image.png" is nicer to download than "file123"). This
raises a SendFile exception.(*)
Both of the "*" types of contexts stop before we bother to
determine the template we're going to use. That's because they
don't actually use templates.
The template used is specified by the :template CGI variable,
which defaults to:
- only classname suplied: "index"
- full item designator supplied: "item"
We set:
self.classname - the class to display, can be None
self.template - the template to render the current context with
self.nodeid - the nodeid of the class we're displaying
# default the optional variables
self.classname = None
self.nodeid = None
# see if a template or messages are specified
template_override = ok_message = error_message = None
for key in self.form.keys():
if self.FV_TEMPLATE.match(key):
template_override = self.form[key].value
elif self.FV_OK_MESSAGE.match(key):
ok_message = self.form[key].value
ok_message = clean_message(ok_message)
elif self.FV_ERROR_MESSAGE.match(key):
error_message = self.form[key].value
error_message = clean_message(error_message)
# see if we were passed in a message
if ok_message:
if error_message:
# determine the classname and possibly nodeid
path = self.path.split('/')
if not path or path[0] in ('', 'home', 'index'):
if template_override is not None:
self.template = template_override
self.template = ''
elif path[0] in ('_file', '@@file'):
raise SendStaticFile, os.path.join(*path[1:])
self.classname = path[0]
if len(path) > 1:
# send the file identified by the designator in path[0]
raise SendFile, path[0]
# see if we got a designator
m = dre.match(self.classname)
if m:
self.classname = m.group(1)
self.nodeid = m.group(2)
klass = self.db.getclass(self.classname)
except KeyError:
raise NotFound, '%s/%s'%(self.classname, self.nodeid)
if not klass.hasnode(self.nodeid):
raise NotFound, '%s/%s'%(self.classname, self.nodeid)
# with a designator, we default to item view
self.template = 'item'
# with only a class, we default to index view
self.template = 'index'
# make sure the classname is valid
except KeyError:
raise NotFound, self.classname
# see if we have a template override
if template_override is not None:
self.template = template_override
def serve_file(self, designator, dre=re.compile(r'([^\d]+)(\d+)')):
""" Serve the file from the content property of the designated item.
m = dre.match(str(designator))
if not m:
raise NotFound, str(designator)
classname, nodeid = m.group(1), m.group(2)
klass = self.db.getclass(classname)
except KeyError:
# The classname was not valid.
raise NotFound, str(designator)
# perform the Anonymous user access check
# make sure we have the appropriate properties
props = klass.getprops()
if not props.has_key('type'):
raise NotFound, designator
if not props.has_key('content'):
raise NotFound, designator
# make sure we have permission
if not self.db.security.hasPermission('View', self.userid,
classname, 'content', nodeid):
raise Unauthorised, self._("You are not allowed to view "
"this file.")
mime_type = klass.get(nodeid, 'type')
# Can happen for msg class:
if not mime_type:
mime_type = 'text/plain'
# if the mime_type is HTML-ish then make sure we're allowed to serve up
# HTML-ish content
if mime_type in ('text/html', 'text/x-html'):
if not self.instance.config['WEB_ALLOW_HTML_FILE']:
# do NOT serve the content up as HTML
mime_type = 'application/octet-stream'
# If this object is a file (i.e., an instance of FileClass),
# see if we can find it in the filesystem. If so, we may be
# able to use the more-efficient request.sendfile method of
# sending the file. If not, just get the "content" property
# in the usual way, and use that.
content = None
filename = None
if isinstance(klass, hyperdb.FileClass):
filename = self.db.filename(classname, nodeid)
except AttributeError:
# The database doesn't store files in the filesystem
# and therefore doesn't provide the "filename" method.
except IOError:
# The file does not exist.
if not filename:
content = klass.get(nodeid, 'content')
lmt = klass.get(nodeid, 'activity').timestamp()
self._serve_file(lmt, mime_type, content, filename)
def serve_static_file(self, file):
""" Serve up the file named from the templates dir
# figure the filename - try STATIC_FILES, then TEMPLATES dir
for dir_option in ('STATIC_FILES', 'TEMPLATES'):
prefix = self.instance.config[dir_option]
if not prefix:
# ensure the load doesn't try to poke outside
# of the static files directory
prefix = os.path.normpath(prefix)
filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(prefix, file))
if os.path.isfile(filename) and filename.startswith(prefix):
raise NotFound, file
# last-modified time
lmt = os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_MTIME]
# detemine meta-type
file = str(file)
mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0]
if not mime_type:
if file.endswith('.css'):
mime_type = 'text/css'
mime_type = 'text/plain'
self._serve_file(lmt, mime_type, '', filename)
def _serve_file(self, lmt, mime_type, content=None, filename=None):
""" guts of serve_file() and serve_static_file()
# spit out headers
self.additional_headers['Content-Type'] = mime_type
self.additional_headers['Last-Modified'] = rfc822.formatdate(lmt)
ims = None
# see if there's an if-modified-since...
# XXX see which interfaces set this
#if hasattr(self.request, 'headers'):
#ims = self.request.headers.getheader('if-modified-since')
if self.env.has_key('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'):
# cgi will put the header in the env var
ims = self.env['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']
if ims:
ims = rfc822.parsedate(ims)[:6]
lmtt = time.gmtime(lmt)[:6]
if lmtt <= ims:
raise NotModified
if filename:
self.additional_headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(content))
def send_html_to_admin(self, subject, content):
to = [self.mailer.config.ADMIN_EMAIL]
message = self.mailer.get_standard_message(to, subject)
# delete existing content-type headers
del message['Content-type']
message['Content-type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
self.mailer.smtp_send(to, str(message))
def renderFrontPage(self, message):
"""Return the front page of the tracker."""
self.classname = self.nodeid = None
self.template = ''
def renderContext(self):
""" Return a PageTemplate for the named page
name = self.classname
extension = self.template
# catch errors so we can handle PT rendering errors more nicely
args = {
'ok_message': self.ok_message,
'error_message': self.error_message
pt = self.instance.templates.get(name, extension)
# let the template render figure stuff out
result = pt.render(self, None, None, **args)
self.additional_headers['Content-Type'] = pt.content_type
if self.env.get('CGI_SHOW_TIMING', ''):
if self.env['CGI_SHOW_TIMING'].upper() == 'COMMENT':
timings = {'starttag': '<!-- ', 'endtag': ' -->'}
timings = {'starttag': '<p>', 'endtag': '</p>'}
timings['seconds'] = time.time()-self.start
s = self._('%(starttag)sTime elapsed: %(seconds)fs%(endtag)s\n'
) % timings
if hasattr(self.db, 'stats'):
s += self._("%(starttag)sCache hits: %(cache_hits)d,"
" misses %(cache_misses)d."
" Loading items: %(get_items)f secs."
" Filtering: %(filtering)f secs."
"%(endtag)s\n") % timings
s += '</body>'
result = result.replace('</body>', s)
return result
except templating.NoTemplate, message:
return '<strong>%s</strong>'%message
except templating.Unauthorised, message:
raise Unauthorised, str(message)
# everything else
if self.instance.config.WEB_DEBUG:
return cgitb.pt_html(i18n=self.translator)
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
# If possible, send the HTML page template traceback
# to the administrator.
subject = "Templating Error: %s" % exc_info[1]
self.send_html_to_admin(subject, cgitb.pt_html())
# Now report the error to the user.
return self._(error_message)
# Reraise the original exception. The user will
# receive an error message, and the adminstrator will
# receive a traceback, albeit with less information
# than the one we tried to generate above.
raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
# these are the actions that are available
actions = (
('edit', EditItemAction),
('editcsv', EditCSVAction),
('new', NewItemAction),
('register', RegisterAction),
('confrego', ConfRegoAction),
('passrst', PassResetAction),
('login', LoginAction),
('logout', LogoutAction),
('search', SearchAction),
('retire', RetireAction),
('show', ShowAction),
('export_csv', ExportCSVAction),
def handle_action(self):
""" Determine whether there should be an Action called.
The action is defined by the form variable :action which
identifies the method on this object to call. The actions
are defined in the "actions" sequence on this class.
Actions may return a page (by default HTML) to return to the
user, bypassing the usual template rendering.
We explicitly catch Reject and ValueError exceptions and
present their messages to the user.
if self.form.has_key(':action'):
action = self.form[':action'].value.lower()
elif self.form.has_key('@action'):
action = self.form['@action'].value.lower()
return None
action_klass = self.get_action_class(action)
# call the mapped action
if isinstance(action_klass, type('')):
# old way of specifying actions
return getattr(self, action_klass)()
return action_klass(self).execute()
except (ValueError, Reject), err:
def get_action_class(self, action_name):
if (hasattr(self.instance, 'cgi_actions') and
# tracker-defined action
action_klass = self.instance.cgi_actions[action_name]
# go with a default
for name, action_klass in self.actions:
if name == action_name:
raise ValueError, 'No such action "%s"'%action_name
return action_klass
def _socket_op(self, call, *args, **kwargs):
"""Execute socket-related operation, catch common network errors
call: a callable to execute
args, kwargs: call arguments
call(*args, **kwargs)
except socket.error, err:
err_errno = getattr (err, 'errno', None)
if err_errno is None:
err_errno = err[0]
except TypeError:
if err_errno not in self.IGNORE_NET_ERRORS:
except IOError:
# Apache's mod_python will raise IOError -- without an
# accompanying errno -- when a write to the client fails.
# A common case is that the client has closed the
# connection. There's no way to be certain that this is
# the situation that has occurred here, but that is the
# most likely case.
def write(self, content):
if not self.headers_done:
if self.env['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'HEAD':
self._socket_op(self.request.wfile.write, content)
def write_html(self, content):
if not self.headers_done:
# at this point, we are sure about Content-Type
if not self.additional_headers.has_key('Content-Type'):
self.additional_headers['Content-Type'] = \
'text/html; charset=%s' % self.charset
if self.env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD':
# client doesn't care about content
if self.charset != self.STORAGE_CHARSET:
# recode output
content = content.decode(self.STORAGE_CHARSET, 'replace')
content = content.encode(self.charset, 'xmlcharrefreplace')
# and write
self._socket_op(self.request.wfile.write, content)
def http_strip(self, content):
"""Remove HTTP Linear White Space from 'content'.
'content' -- A string.
returns -- 'content', with all leading and trailing LWS
# RFC 2616 2.2: Basic Rules
# LWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT )
return content.strip(" \r\n\t")
def http_split(self, content):
"""Split an HTTP list.
'content' -- A string, giving a list of items.
returns -- A sequence of strings, containing the elements of
the list."""
# RFC 2616 2.1: Augmented BNF
# Grammar productions of the form "#rule" indicate a
# comma-separated list of elements matching "rule". LWS
# is then removed from each element, and empty elements
# removed.
# Split at commas.
elements = content.split(",")
# Remove linear whitespace at either end of the string.
elements = [self.http_strip(e) for e in elements]
# Remove any now-empty elements.
return [e for e in elements if e]
def handle_range_header(self, length, etag):
"""Handle the 'Range' and 'If-Range' headers.
'length' -- the length of the content available for the
'etag' -- the entity tag for this resources.
returns -- If the request headers (including 'Range' and
'If-Range') indicate that only a portion of the entity should
be returned, then the return value is a pair '(offfset,
length)' indicating the first byte and number of bytes of the
content that should be returned to the client. In addition,
this method will set 'self.response_code' to indicate Partial
Content. In all other cases, the return value is 'None'. If
appropriate, 'self.response_code' will be
set to indicate 'REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE'. In that
case, the caller should not send any data to the client."""
# RFC 2616 14.35: Range
# See if the Range header is present.
ranges_specifier = self.env.get("HTTP_RANGE")
if ranges_specifier is None:
return None
# RFC 2616 14.27: If-Range
# Check to see if there is an If-Range header.
# Because the specification says:
# The If-Range header ... MUST be ignored if the request
# does not include a Range header, we check for If-Range
# after checking for Range.
if_range = self.env.get("HTTP_IF_RANGE")
if if_range:
# The grammar for the If-Range header is:
# If-Range = "If-Range" ":" ( entity-tag | HTTP-date )
# entity-tag = [ weak ] opaque-tag
# weak = "W/"
# opaque-tag = quoted-string
# We only support strong entity tags.
if_range = self.http_strip(if_range)
if (not if_range.startswith('"')
or not if_range.endswith('"')):
return None
# If the condition doesn't match the entity tag, then we
# must send the client the entire file.
if if_range != etag:
# The grammar for the Range header value is:
# ranges-specifier = byte-ranges-specifier
# byte-ranges-specifier = bytes-unit "=" byte-range-set
# byte-range-set = 1#( byte-range-spec | suffix-byte-range-spec )
# byte-range-spec = first-byte-pos "-" [last-byte-pos]
# first-byte-pos = 1*DIGIT
# last-byte-pos = 1*DIGIT
# suffix-byte-range-spec = "-" suffix-length
# suffix-length = 1*DIGIT
# Look for the "=" separating the units from the range set.
specs = ranges_specifier.split("=", 1)
if len(specs) != 2:
return None
# Check that the bytes-unit is in fact "bytes". If it is not,
# we do not know how to process this range.
bytes_unit = self.http_strip(specs[0])
if bytes_unit != "bytes":
return None
# Seperate the range-set into range-specs.
byte_range_set = self.http_strip(specs[1])
byte_range_specs = self.http_split(byte_range_set)
# We only handle exactly one range at this time.
if len(byte_range_specs) != 1:
return None
# Parse the spec.
byte_range_spec = byte_range_specs[0]
pos = byte_range_spec.split("-", 1)
if len(pos) != 2:
return None
# Get the first and last bytes.
first = self.http_strip(pos[0])
last = self.http_strip(pos[1])
# We do not handle suffix ranges.
if not first:
return None
# Convert the first and last positions to integers.
first = int(first)
if last:
last = int(last)
last = length - 1
# The positions could not be parsed as integers.
return None
# Check that the range makes sense.
if (first < 0 or last < 0 or last < first):
return None
if last >= length:
# RFC 2616 10.4.17: 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
# If there is an If-Range header, RFC 2616 says that we
# should just ignore the invalid Range header.
if if_range:
return None
# Return code 416 with a Content-Range header giving the
# allowable range.
self.response_code = httplib.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE
self.setHeader("Content-Range", "bytes */%d" % length)
return None
# RFC 2616 10.2.7: 206 Partial Content
# Tell the client that we are honoring the Range request by
# indicating that we are providing partial content.
self.response_code = httplib.PARTIAL_CONTENT
# RFC 2616 14.16: Content-Range
# Tell the client what data we are providing.
# content-range-spec = byte-content-range-spec
# byte-content-range-spec = bytes-unit SP
# byte-range-resp-spec "/"
# ( instance-length | "*" )
# byte-range-resp-spec = (first-byte-pos "-" last-byte-pos)
# | "*"
# instance-length = 1 * DIGIT
"bytes %d-%d/%d" % (first, last, length))
return (first, last - first + 1)
def write_file(self, filename):
"""Send the contents of 'filename' to the user."""
# Determine the length of the file.
stat_info = os.stat(filename)
length = stat_info[stat.ST_SIZE]
# Assume we will return the entire file.
offset = 0
# If the headers have not already been finalized,
if not self.headers_done:
# RFC 2616 14.19: ETag
# Compute the entity tag, in a format similar to that
# used by Apache.
etag = '"%x-%x-%x"' % (stat_info[stat.ST_INO],
self.setHeader("ETag", etag)
# RFC 2616 14.5: Accept-Ranges
# Let the client know that we will accept range requests.
self.setHeader("Accept-Ranges", "bytes")
# RFC 2616 14.35: Range
# If there is a Range header, we may be able to avoid
# sending the entire file.
content_range = self.handle_range_header(length, etag)
if content_range:
offset, length = content_range
# RFC 2616 14.13: Content-Length
# Tell the client how much data we are providing.
self.setHeader("Content-Length", str(length))
# Send the HTTP header.
# If the client doesn't actually want the body, or if we are
# indicating an invalid range.
if (self.env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD'
or self.response_code == httplib.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE):
# Use the optimized "sendfile" operation, if possible.
if hasattr(self.request, "sendfile"):
self._socket_op(self.request.sendfile, filename, offset, length)
# Fallback to the "write" operation.
f = open(filename, 'rb')
if offset:
content = f.read(length)
def setHeader(self, header, value):
"""Override a header to be returned to the user's browser.
self.additional_headers[header] = value
def header(self, headers=None, response=None):
"""Put up the appropriate header.
if headers is None:
headers = {'Content-Type':'text/html; charset=utf-8'}
if response is None:
response = self.response_code
# update with additional info
if headers.get('Content-Type', 'text/html') == 'text/html':
headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
headers = headers.items()
for ((path, name), (value, expire)) in self._cookies.items():
cookie = "%s=%s; Path=%s;"%(name, value, path)
if expire is not None:
cookie += " expires=%s;"%Cookie._getdate(expire)
headers.append(('Set-Cookie', cookie))
self._socket_op(self.request.start_response, headers, response)
self.headers_done = 1
if self.debug:
self.headers_sent = headers
def add_cookie(self, name, value, expire=86400*365, path=None):
"""Set a cookie value to be sent in HTTP headers
cookie name
cookie value
cookie expiration time (seconds).
If value is empty (meaning "delete cookie"),
expiration time is forced in the past
and this argument is ignored.
If None, the cookie will expire at end-of-session.
If omitted, the cookie will be kept for a year.
cookie path (optional)
if path is None:
path = self.cookie_path
if not value:
expire = -1
self._cookies[(path, name)] = (value, expire)
def set_cookie(self, user, expire=None):
"""Deprecated. Use session_api calls directly
XXX remove
# insert the session in the session db
# refresh session cookie
self.session_api.update(set_cookie=True, expire=expire)
def make_user_anonymous(self):
""" Make us anonymous
This method used to handle non-existence of the 'anonymous'
user, but that user is mandatory now.
self.userid = self.db.user.lookup('anonymous')
self.user = 'anonymous'
def standard_message(self, to, subject, body, author=None):
"""Send a standard email message from Roundup.
"to" - recipients list
"subject" - Subject
"body" - Message
"author" - (name, address) tuple or None for admin email
Arguments are passed to the Mailer.standard_message code.
self.mailer.standard_message(to, subject, body, author)
except MessageSendError, e:
return 0
return 1
def parsePropsFromForm(self, create=0):
return FormParser(self).parse(create=create)
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